#why dont we imagine


Zach Herron x Reader
Summary: You’ll see.
Warning: Kinda creepy, idk.
Taglist: @samithepixie​ @majesticmarais​ @jackslittleavery​ @jackaverysboo​ @jackaverybabe​ @jackaverx​ @callykim​ @heyowdw​ @blushybesson​ @beautybesson​ @lovableherron​ @clairedoe​ @trustfundbabby​ @im-on-something-different​ @ishouldtakeyoutothemoon​ @ramenavery @noodles-send-n00ds @jonahmaraismakesmyday
Requested? Yes @lovableherron
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged


You were sleeping in since it was Saturday…also known as your chill day. Dreams, silence, peace…until…BRIIINGGGG, your phone goes off. You crinkle your face as you try to ignore the call but it continued to ring. Eventually, driven mad from the ringing, you yank the phone off the nightstand, “Hello?!”
“Oh god, I need you, ASAP,” Zach says dramatically.
You sat up in your bed, rubbing your forehead, “What’s up, Zach…”
“Just come over!” He shouts before hanging up. You sigh, what was supposed to be a “chill day” turned out to be totally different. You threw your sweatpants, fuzzy bunny slippers, and a baggy t-shirt on and headed to Zach’s house that was a few blocks up. His parents’ car wasn’t there so they must’ve been out. The back door was opened, “Zach,” You said walking up the stairs on the deck in the backyard that led to the kitchen. “Y/n,” He said quickly pulling you in for a hug.
You’re confused, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m dying. Mom and Dad went for a business trip and left me with…them,” He pointed to his little brother, Ryan, and little sister, Reese. You laughed, “Zach! You had me worried. It can’t be that bad.”
“They’re never satisfied,” He frowned.
“I’ll help you out,” You smiled at him.
His rosy cheeks flashed, “Thanks.”
“Are you Zach’s girlfriend?” Reese cocked her head to the side.
You snorted while squinting your eyes, “Pft, no, no way…no.”
“Who are you then?”
“…I’m his best friend,” You looked back at him. He looked like he was forcing a smile.
“We’re bored,” Ryan noted.
“Let’s play a game,” You suggested.
“What kind?” Reese shined her adorable teeth at you.
“Hide and seek!” Ryan exclaimed.
“That should be fun,” You shrugged at Zach.
“I guess,” He said.
“Who’s the seeker?” You looked around suspiciously.
“YOU!” They all pointed at you before running to hide.
“Geez,” You sighed, “I wanted to hide.”
As you counted to 30, you heard footsteps in the room above you. Must be one of them, “30, ready or not here I come!”
You laughed as you jogged up the stairs to the room you heard a thud in. The door slowly creaked as you slipped in, “I found you,” You said looking around for someone. You swung the closet door open, no one, you thought. Until you saw the shape of a body underneath a blanket, a smile crept across your face as you yanked the blanket off revealing a ghastly clown statue. Naturally, you screamed, causing Zach, Reese, and Ryan to run to the scene. “What’s wrong?” Zach quickly comforted you.
“That clown statue, jeez Zach, I thought it was you,” You said holding your chest.
“Clown statue? I don’t remember us owning a clown statue,” He lifted an eyebrow.
“Probably something Dad stored up here,” Ryan added.
“Let’s go play a board game,” Zach said looking at the closet.
As you all went downstairs, the thought of the clown lingered. If there wasn’t anyone in the room, what were the footsteps you heard?
At around 7:00 PM, It began to get dark. After hours of playing Uno, Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, and Monopoly, you suggested they all watched a movie.
“A Scary Movie,” Zach said with a sly smile.
“Zach,” You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, scary!” Ryan joined Zach in creepy smiles.
You looked at Reese, “You alright with that?”
“Mhm,” She nodded.
Zach turned off the lights upstairs and went to make a huge bowl of buttery popcorn. As you all waited for the movie to start, you heard the floor creak upstairs. You looked back to see where Zach was, “Zach?”
He popped his head out from the kitchen, “Yeah?”
Fear poked on your bones, “Zach…c'mere,” You said slightly whispering.
“What’s wrong?” Ryan said.
“Stay here,” You smiled to reassure them.
Zach looked confused, “What?”
“There’s something upstairs…”
“I heard creaking…like someone was walking,” You adjusted your sweatpants.
“We can check it out, it’s probably nothing,” He laughed.
You both walked up the stairs slowly, it was dark so you squinted your eyes to try and see. The room where the clown statue was had a light on, “Did you do that?”
Zach shrugged with his eyebrow crinkled, “M'nah.”
Bravery forced you to push the door open with a gasp. There was nothing but the clown statue standing there, with a life-like figure, it looked so real, “Ok, this thing is beyond creepy.”
“I’ll call Dad to see if we can put it somewhere else,” Zach pulled his phone out.
As he dialed his father’s number, you observed the statue. The artists that created it must’ve had god-sent tools, it looked like a human in a clown’s costume. But it was so still and lifeless, you brushed the thought.
“Yeah…I dunno…it’s creeping Y/n out…what…what d'you mean…” Zach said before his eyes got wide and his pupils got small. He looked at you with a shocked look as if he’d been shot.
“What?” You said confused yet worried.
“He said…we don’t have a clown statue,” Zach said. Your eyes bolted to the statue.
“Get out of there and call the cops,” You could hear Zach’s Dad saying through the phone. Your stomach dropped, the door was so close, yet so far. If this wasn’t a statue…then it must be a person.
Out of nowhere, Zach pushed you out and slammed the door. You both shot downstairs and pulled Reese and Ryan from the couch.
“What’s going on?” Ryan said.
You could hear loud boots jogging across the floor upstairs, that made you move quicker. You ran outside to the neighbors’ house and called the cops.

Later that night, Zach, Ryan, and Reese stayed over your house. Zach’s parents’ were on an emergency flight home. It turned out the police searched the house, every nook, and cranny. They couldn’t find anything until they reached the basement. They found a hollow clown costume and a knife surrounded by glass. The “clown” was actually a wanted murderer and rapist. You were so happy that was got out safely. You thought about what would’ve happened if you didn’t investigate the footsteps you heard. Fear still lingered around you and Zach when you realized whoever the “clown” really was…he was still on the loose…

Sorry I took so long guys I tried to take the “creepy” kinda approach with this one, hope you guys love it Feedbacks❓I do accept requests✔️ Oh and follow my other fan blogs, @lost-in-japann @riverdale-teenwolf More creepy fanfics?

Requested:Yes, by @lovableherron

“Can I have a Zach imagine where the reader just gets a lot of hate for no reason but Zach is really sweet and helps her through it and makes the haters stop and it just ends up really cute and fluffy? Please? I need this”

Summary:y/n is receiving hate and doesn’t know how to react to it. Zach finds out and addresses the hate. 

Warnings:A bit sadness and a hella lot of fluff

Word count: 1.1k

Tag list: @averyonelovesjack@ishouldtakeyoutothemoon@dailydoseofherron@jackaverybabe@lovableherron@majesticmarais@jjeepersnutss

A/n: I hope you guys enjoy this imagine, and if you do like and reblog ❤️ and if any of you would like to be tagged in my tag list, send either an ask or a message my way

What a slut!

She’s only here for the fame…

Y/n isn’t even cute. Zach can do so much better.

He’s only dating her because he feels sorry for her

She’s a gold digger who deserves no happiness whatsoever

Your eyes began to tear as you read these comments on your latest Instagram post. These weren’t even half as bad as last time, but it still hurt. You scrolled down even farther, only to see they continued and most likely wouldn’t stop.

You turned over in bed and let the rest of your tears fall. It wasn’t the first time, and certainly not the last. You had no intentions of getting out of bed. You couldn’t. It wasn’t possible when all you wanted to do was hurl out last nights take out.

A sob left your throat and you were glad Zach wasn’t here to witness it. He had left with the band for a sound check a couple minutes ago, and wouldn’t be back until late.

You put down your phone and decided to try and take a nap and escape reality. You decided you’d deal with it all once you were awake and functioning.

You made yourself comfortable, or as comfortable as you could, and hugged the teddy Zach had given you for your six month anniversary, letting stray tears fall every so often.

The minute you had fallen into the land of dreams, the doorbell rang, making you jump in the process. You quickly checked the time and realized it was only 10:00. It couldn’t have been Zach as he had left only half an hour ago, leaving you confused as to who it was.

You decided that if it was someone you knew, they would have called, and as you checked your notifications, there was nothing of the sort.

You turned back, hoping to catch at least another hour of sleep, but the doorbell would not stop ringing.

“I’m coming! I’m coming,” You yelled, even though you knew it wouldn’t make a difference as they wouldn’t be able to hear you.

You slowly left from the comfort of your bed, as if it had shielded you from all the hate you were receiving, and headed towards the bathroom to quickly fix your appearance.

“I’m a mess”You thought, as you stared at the girl in the mirror who was unrecognizable. Her hair was everywhere, and her lips had become chapped. Her eyes were red and puffy and it seemed as if all the life from her had drained away. This girl was you, tired of crying for the last 10 minutes, but with no intention of stopping as of yet.

With the doorbell continuously ringing, the only thing you could do was wash your face and pat down the mess that rested upon your head.


“Babe! What took- Y/n? Were you crying?” Zach said as you opened the door. You had expected the mailman to be there, but instead it was an over worried Zach.

He came over to you and wrapped you up in a hug, rubbing your back in the process. The tears you had managed to stop a few minutes ago, came back faster than ever, with no stop button.


Once you had calmed down, Zach pulled you into your shared bedroom, and snuggled with you.

“Are you ready to tell me what’s wrong babe,” Zach said, as he played with the ends of your hair, calming your nerves.

“It’s nothing really,” You started and Zach gave you a look, revealing he didn’t believe you.

“Princess, I’m your boyfriend. I’m supposed to be here to make you feel better and save you from the monsters that lurk in the dark. Let me help you, what’s wrong?” He replied, concern written all over his face.

“It’s just… the hate. It’s all over the place. I can’t be myself without a fan commenting I don’t deserve you, and you know what? They’re probably right. Look at me. I’m a mess. Why are you still here with me? They all ship you with Hailey. (a/n random name guys) You’d be better off with her anyways…” You said, looking away feeling full of embarrassment for letting out all your feelings and thoughts.

Before you could take back any of what you said, Zach took out his phone. You felt a bit hurt that after you poured out your heart, he didn’t even have a response.

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” you said, breaking the silence and out of Zach’s arms to face the other side of the room.

Once again Zach didn’t say anything, but rather began typing over the keyboard of his phone.

Suddenly, he pulled you into his lap without saying anything.

“Hey everyone,” Zach began, speaking into the phone. You peered to see who he was speaking to and realized you were on instagram live.

You turned your head away super quick to hide the mess you called your face. Zach on the other hand, took your hand into his and gave it a kiss.

“I’ve begun to notice some of you are sending hateful words and messages towards my beautiful girlfriend y/n. I just want to remind you that regardless of anything any of you say, she us my girlfriend and I love her with all my heart. I actually told her i had a sound check today, but I actually had to pick something up for her.”

Zach turned away from the camera and faced you now. “We’ve been together for quite some time now. Just over a year. No, I’m not proposing, not yet at least. But i wanted to remind you how much I love you and just how much you mean to me.”

Tears began to spill out of the corner of yours eyes due to this cute gesture. He pulled out a small box from his pocket and opened it up. In it was the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen.

“y/n, will you accept this promise ring? I promise to always love you no matter what. You’re the one for me! One day I hope to exchange this ring for an engagement ring, but for now, seeing we’re still young, let me promise that I love you and I want this forever!”

You couldn’t form an audible sentence, so you kissed him, forgetting the camera was still focusing on the both of you. “I love you so much,” you whispered, going in for another kiss.

Instead of answering you, he kissed you back, making sure to turn off the camera knowing it wouldn’t be PG much longer.
