#jonah marais roth frantzich


Jonah Marais x Paisley O’Connor 
Summary: you’ll see.
Warning: language.
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Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in future stuff. :)  


Oh, fucking great. I guess I should be glad I didn’t burst my skull open. But I’m not, I wish I did. He’s staring at me in pure confusion. “Myla, stay here,” He says, walking over to me. He grabs my arm and helps me up, I nudge him away from me, “Get the fuck off of me,” I snap.
He frowns, “Why are you still acting like this?”
I stare past him, at Myla. He scoffs, “Leave her out of this, Pais. You’re acting like a two-year-old.”
Who does he think he is? I roll my eyes, “Look, I could care less who you date. Just leave me alone, okay? Go back over to your little model.” I walk into the house without looking back.
I do care who he dates. But it’s almost like I can’t do anything about it. Which boils my blood. Surely, I look like a total fool, but who cares.
“Paisley, honey, are you alright?” Daniel’s mother, Keri, asks me. She’s so sweet, like Daniel. If I didn’t fall for Jonah, I’d probably have fallen for Daniel. His blue eyes, pretty smile, adorable laugh. An angel. There’s a big difference between him and Jonah. Jonah’s the bad-guy type, eyes that change color constantly, scruffy hair, tall, my type. I bet he’s Myla’s type, too.
I just got the best idea ever.
“Yes, I’m fine,” I smile at her.
”Party will start in 30 minutes after all the guests arrive,” Keri announces.
The guys walk inside along with their girls and Tyler, Daniel’s brother and the manager.
I look at Myla holding Jonah’s hand, smiling. Gosh, she’s gorgeous. Her hair is long and light brown, her eyes are blue with feathery eyelashes, suspiciously smooth skin. It makes me feel insecure about my dark brown hair and green eyes.
“Would you boys like something to drink?” George, the butler, does his job.
“Yes, I’ll take a coffee,” Jonah grins.
“What type?”
“He’ll have-” Myla begins.
“Pumpkin spice-vanilla brew, not too much cream, with just a pinch of cinnamon to add to the spice of the pumpkin,” I say nonchalantly. I can feel Myla staring at me, I turn to see if I was right, I was right. I smirk at her reaction, she looks almost in awe.
“That’s right,” Jonah presses his lips together, somewhat of the embarrassment. Oh, yeah, I’m just getting started my bullshit.
I flip my hair as Jonah glares at me.
I was jealous at first, now I know for a fact no one can take him from me, we’re too close.
“So Zach, how’s your chemistry coming out,” I say.
“Pretty good, since you helped me out,” Zach winks at me.
Just my luck, Daniel sits directly next to me. “Hey, Pais,” He shines through his smile.
“Hey,” I say, smiling.
“You look great,” He looks me up and down.
“Oh, thanks,” I actually blush.
We actually met eyes, his are so beautiful I can’t stop looking.  "Ahem,“ Jonah clears his throat, breaking us from our bond, "Paisley do you wanna make sure George is making my coffee right?”
I raise an eyebrow, “No?”
“I’ll go with you,” Daniel laughs. “I’m famished.”
“No, I’ll go Daniel. I’ll get you something,” He gently rubs Daniel’s hand.
Sheesh, I think.
“Babe,” Myla pipes up, “Don’t be too long.”
“I won’t,” Jonah winks.
I try not to throw up in my mouth.
He detours us to the living room, “What the hell was that?”
“What was what?” I lean back.
“You staring into Dani’s eyes like you’ve never seen him before,” Jonah snaps.
I adjust my dress a bit at the bottom, “That was called none of yourbusiness.”
He clenches his jaw, “It’s all of my business, you are my business.”
I try not to laugh, this is actually pure sexiness. “Jonah, Myla is your fucking business. Remember?”
“Paisley,” He says as I walk away from him.
I liked that. You know what this means? He still has feelings for me…
Watch out Myla, I’m coming to take my man back. 

TO BE CONTINUED. Feedbacks? I’ll update ASAP.

Jonah Marais x Paisley O’Connor
Summary: you’ll see.
Warning: language.
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in future stuff. :)  

“I love you.”
“Do you love me?”
“Why do you have to lie?”
“Who’s that?”
“I thought you loved me!”
“Why can’t you say it?”
“Get out of my life and stop hurting me, would you?!”
“I hate you.”
Those sentences that I once said stained my thoughts like black paint on a field of white flowers. Why can’t relationships be easy like they are in movies? I miss him but I can’t break. I have to stay like this until he gets his life together. I matter too…right? All the songs, gifts, kisses, cuddles…
I turn to find his sister standing in front of me, she’s so pretty. I smile a bit, “Hey, Esther.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” I lie, pressing my lips together. She clearly doesn’t know about our deadly arguments. Or my stupid decisions.
“AreN’t you excited? Jonah’s coming home today.”
No, I think. But I laugh, “Yeah.”
Awkward silence pushes her away from me. I kinda feel bad. No, Pais…don’t start the tears. I feel tears welling in my eyes, “I just want him to love me,” I whisper to myself. I can’t act like this in front of the band’s family, it’s embarrassing.
As I peer over the horizon from a patio chair, I notice a black van driving across the highway towards our way. That’s them. My stomach clenches, I can’t face him. A tear drops from the tip of my nose, I sniffle and laugh, “You’re so stupid.” I say to myself.
Jonah. Once was my baby, now is my enemy. Why though? Ugh, enemy is a strong word.
I heard he has another girlfriend. She’s in that black van with the rest of the guys’ and their girlfriends. And I’ll be in the same room with him and her. Dying inside. He’ll be smiling, laughing, and loving her. While I’m having a silent funeral. I hate her and I don’t even know her. It kills me to think that in his warm, comfy arms will be some other girl…and, not me.
Maybe I can get out of here before they get here. Yeah, I can run.
I walk towards the patio door, quickly wiping my face. I don’t see anyone inside so I rush towards the front door, my hair flowing behind me. I charge out of the door while looking back to make sure I’m leaving without an audience, but without looking where I’m going and trip down the cement steps onto the cement ground. “Fuck!” I mumble as my temple starts to throb.
“Paisley?” I hear someone say softly. I recognize that voice.
I was right, I look up to see Daniel and the boys staring at me, surprised. All the boys…including Jonah.
Jonah and his new girlfriend, Myla.

