

Jonah Marais x Paisley O’Connor
Summary: you’ll see.
Warning: language.
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in future stuff. :)  

“I love you.”
“Do you love me?”
“Why do you have to lie?”
“Who’s that?”
“I thought you loved me!”
“Why can’t you say it?”
“Get out of my life and stop hurting me, would you?!”
“I hate you.”
Those sentences that I once said stained my thoughts like black paint on a field of white flowers. Why can’t relationships be easy like they are in movies? I miss him but I can’t break. I have to stay like this until he gets his life together. I matter too…right? All the songs, gifts, kisses, cuddles…
I turn to find his sister standing in front of me, she’s so pretty. I smile a bit, “Hey, Esther.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” I lie, pressing my lips together. She clearly doesn’t know about our deadly arguments. Or my stupid decisions.
“AreN’t you excited? Jonah’s coming home today.”
No, I think. But I laugh, “Yeah.”
Awkward silence pushes her away from me. I kinda feel bad. No, Pais…don’t start the tears. I feel tears welling in my eyes, “I just want him to love me,” I whisper to myself. I can’t act like this in front of the band’s family, it’s embarrassing.
As I peer over the horizon from a patio chair, I notice a black van driving across the highway towards our way. That’s them. My stomach clenches, I can’t face him. A tear drops from the tip of my nose, I sniffle and laugh, “You’re so stupid.” I say to myself.
Jonah. Once was my baby, now is my enemy. Why though? Ugh, enemy is a strong word.
I heard he has another girlfriend. She’s in that black van with the rest of the guys’ and their girlfriends. And I’ll be in the same room with him and her. Dying inside. He’ll be smiling, laughing, and loving her. While I’m having a silent funeral. I hate her and I don’t even know her. It kills me to think that in his warm, comfy arms will be some other girl…and, not me.
Maybe I can get out of here before they get here. Yeah, I can run.
I walk towards the patio door, quickly wiping my face. I don’t see anyone inside so I rush towards the front door, my hair flowing behind me. I charge out of the door while looking back to make sure I’m leaving without an audience, but without looking where I’m going and trip down the cement steps onto the cement ground. “Fuck!” I mumble as my temple starts to throb.
“Paisley?” I hear someone say softly. I recognize that voice.
I was right, I look up to see Daniel and the boys staring at me, surprised. All the boys…including Jonah.
Jonah and his new girlfriend, Myla.


Zach Herron x Reader
Summary: You’ll see.
Warning: Kinda creepy, idk.
Taglist: @samithepixie​ @majesticmarais​ @jackslittleavery​ @jackaverysboo​ @jackaverybabe​ @jackaverx​ @callykim​ @heyowdw​ @blushybesson​ @beautybesson​ @lovableherron​ @clairedoe​ @trustfundbabby​ @im-on-something-different​ @ishouldtakeyoutothemoon​ @ramenavery @noodles-send-n00ds @jonahmaraismakesmyday
Requested? Yes @lovableherron
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged


You were sleeping in since it was Saturday…also known as your chill day. Dreams, silence, peace…until…BRIIINGGGG, your phone goes off. You crinkle your face as you try to ignore the call but it continued to ring. Eventually, driven mad from the ringing, you yank the phone off the nightstand, “Hello?!”
“Oh god, I need you, ASAP,” Zach says dramatically.
You sat up in your bed, rubbing your forehead, “What’s up, Zach…”
“Just come over!” He shouts before hanging up. You sigh, what was supposed to be a “chill day” turned out to be totally different. You threw your sweatpants, fuzzy bunny slippers, and a baggy t-shirt on and headed to Zach’s house that was a few blocks up. His parents’ car wasn’t there so they must’ve been out. The back door was opened, “Zach,” You said walking up the stairs on the deck in the backyard that led to the kitchen. “Y/n,” He said quickly pulling you in for a hug.
You’re confused, “What’s wrong?”
“I’m dying. Mom and Dad went for a business trip and left me with…them,” He pointed to his little brother, Ryan, and little sister, Reese. You laughed, “Zach! You had me worried. It can’t be that bad.”
“They’re never satisfied,” He frowned.
“I’ll help you out,” You smiled at him.
His rosy cheeks flashed, “Thanks.”
“Are you Zach’s girlfriend?” Reese cocked her head to the side.
You snorted while squinting your eyes, “Pft, no, no way…no.”
“Who are you then?”
“…I’m his best friend,” You looked back at him. He looked like he was forcing a smile.
“We’re bored,” Ryan noted.
“Let’s play a game,” You suggested.
“What kind?” Reese shined her adorable teeth at you.
“Hide and seek!” Ryan exclaimed.
“That should be fun,” You shrugged at Zach.
“I guess,” He said.
“Who’s the seeker?” You looked around suspiciously.
“YOU!” They all pointed at you before running to hide.
“Geez,” You sighed, “I wanted to hide.”
As you counted to 30, you heard footsteps in the room above you. Must be one of them, “30, ready or not here I come!”
You laughed as you jogged up the stairs to the room you heard a thud in. The door slowly creaked as you slipped in, “I found you,” You said looking around for someone. You swung the closet door open, no one, you thought. Until you saw the shape of a body underneath a blanket, a smile crept across your face as you yanked the blanket off revealing a ghastly clown statue. Naturally, you screamed, causing Zach, Reese, and Ryan to run to the scene. “What’s wrong?” Zach quickly comforted you.
“That clown statue, jeez Zach, I thought it was you,” You said holding your chest.
“Clown statue? I don’t remember us owning a clown statue,” He lifted an eyebrow.
“Probably something Dad stored up here,” Ryan added.
“Let’s go play a board game,” Zach said looking at the closet.
As you all went downstairs, the thought of the clown lingered. If there wasn’t anyone in the room, what were the footsteps you heard?
At around 7:00 PM, It began to get dark. After hours of playing Uno, Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, and Monopoly, you suggested they all watched a movie.
“A Scary Movie,” Zach said with a sly smile.
“Zach,” You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, scary!” Ryan joined Zach in creepy smiles.
You looked at Reese, “You alright with that?”
“Mhm,” She nodded.
Zach turned off the lights upstairs and went to make a huge bowl of buttery popcorn. As you all waited for the movie to start, you heard the floor creak upstairs. You looked back to see where Zach was, “Zach?”
He popped his head out from the kitchen, “Yeah?”
Fear poked on your bones, “Zach…c'mere,” You said slightly whispering.
“What’s wrong?” Ryan said.
“Stay here,” You smiled to reassure them.
Zach looked confused, “What?”
“There’s something upstairs…”
“I heard creaking…like someone was walking,” You adjusted your sweatpants.
“We can check it out, it’s probably nothing,” He laughed.
You both walked up the stairs slowly, it was dark so you squinted your eyes to try and see. The room where the clown statue was had a light on, “Did you do that?”
Zach shrugged with his eyebrow crinkled, “M'nah.”
Bravery forced you to push the door open with a gasp. There was nothing but the clown statue standing there, with a life-like figure, it looked so real, “Ok, this thing is beyond creepy.”
“I’ll call Dad to see if we can put it somewhere else,” Zach pulled his phone out.
As he dialed his father’s number, you observed the statue. The artists that created it must’ve had god-sent tools, it looked like a human in a clown’s costume. But it was so still and lifeless, you brushed the thought.
“Yeah…I dunno…it’s creeping Y/n out…what…what d'you mean…” Zach said before his eyes got wide and his pupils got small. He looked at you with a shocked look as if he’d been shot.
“What?” You said confused yet worried.
“He said…we don’t have a clown statue,” Zach said. Your eyes bolted to the statue.
“Get out of there and call the cops,” You could hear Zach’s Dad saying through the phone. Your stomach dropped, the door was so close, yet so far. If this wasn’t a statue…then it must be a person.
Out of nowhere, Zach pushed you out and slammed the door. You both shot downstairs and pulled Reese and Ryan from the couch.
“What’s going on?” Ryan said.
You could hear loud boots jogging across the floor upstairs, that made you move quicker. You ran outside to the neighbors’ house and called the cops.

Later that night, Zach, Ryan, and Reese stayed over your house. Zach’s parents’ were on an emergency flight home. It turned out the police searched the house, every nook, and cranny. They couldn’t find anything until they reached the basement. They found a hollow clown costume and a knife surrounded by glass. The “clown” was actually a wanted murderer and rapist. You were so happy that was got out safely. You thought about what would’ve happened if you didn’t investigate the footsteps you heard. Fear still lingered around you and Zach when you realized whoever the “clown” really was…he was still on the loose…

Sorry I took so long guys I tried to take the “creepy” kinda approach with this one, hope you guys love it Feedbacks❓I do accept requests✔️ Oh and follow my other fan blogs, @lost-in-japann @riverdale-teenwolf More creepy fanfics?

Ah, you dork I know I’m hella late but happy belated birthday to this gorgeous ass goofball Yo

Ah, you dork I know I’m hella late but happy belated birthday to this gorgeous ass goofball You’ve grown so fast May 27, 2001, we were blessed once again I remember first seeing you guys and I was looking at your ages and I was depressed because the others were way older than meBut you, you were perfect in age, appearance, personality, everythingAnd you make me laughAnyways, in conclusion, I love you dearly Zachary Dean Herron I wish you the best of birthdays and enjoy your 17th year of life, I will always support you guys in happinness - Lei

Follow my other blog lost-in-japann

Post link

Summary: You know the rumors about Zach, but when he asks you to tutor him you comply. 



You scribbled away in your notebook, barely bothering to look down as you write. Instead your eyes were focused on the professor lecturing in front of the white board. Every so often you would stop and stretch your hands, placing your pen between your lips as you massaged away the aches in your joints. With another glance up at the professor you couldn’t help but notice a boy slide in the doors. His plaid shirt was disheveled, and his hair messy under the black beanie he wore. The bags under his eyes were prevalent even from a distance as he scanned the seats carefully until he spotted one of the only empty seats in the large lecture hall. Between the chain on his jeans and the chain necklace he wore, you could hear a quiet jingling as he took the seat next you. You had finally refocused on writing when he turned to you and began whispering.

With a sigh you simply nodded and handed him a pen and a piece of paper. You were nice, but still annoyed, purposefully you gave him a bright pink pen as if that evened the score after he interrupted your learning.

For the remainder of the class you tried your best to stay focused but Zach’s cologne and constant shifting in his seat proved to be too distracting. Finally, the clock struck 11am; you carefully packed your things away in your backpack in its designated spot.

“Thanks. I’m Zach by the way.” He said handing you the near neon pink pen.

“Y/N.” You said unceremoniously as you tucked the pen into the pencil case in your bag and zipped it up. You stood up, ready to walk out and be done with the conversation but he stood in front of you.

“I thought so. I’ve heard of you. Top of our class and model pre-med student. I was wondering if you could maybe help tutor me.” He shot you a sheepish smile as he fiddled with the straps of his backpack.

“All my tutoring spots are full. I recommend you go to the tutoring building and ask if anyone else is still available.” You said, brushing off invisible particles from your pristine black skirt. You tried to appear cold and callous. You were stressed out enough and the last thing you needed was another student under your wing.

“I tried. Everyone is full and won’t take anyone this late in the semester. I know you don’t really know me, but I need this. I’m on the verge of losing my football scholarship.” You wanted to say no to the party boy in front of you but in that moment he looked sincere.

Up close the bags under his eyes were terrible; it looked like he hadn’t slept in months. You really didn’t want to deal with someone who wouldn’t put in the effort to learn, but it seemed impossible to say no to him. Still, it was likely his partying habits that led to the bad grades and you had little sympathy for that.

“Look, I’m not going to put my effort into a student that ditches classes and parties their way through college instead of studying. If you’re not taking your education seriously that’s on you.” You crossed your arms over your chest, letting the words spill out of your mouth before you could stop yourself.

He stopped for a moment as if not expecting you to turn him down. He looked deep in thought as he let out a sigh.

“I take it you’ve heard of me. Give me one shot. One tutoring session. If you feel like I’m not trying hard enough you drop me, no commitment needed and I’ll never bother you again.” His eyes looked deep into yours. You averted your gaze, really considering his offer.

You already had too many students you were tutoring. Everyone knew you were the best biology tutor in the section so many students had gone out of their way to request you months in advance and here he was begging you to take him with only a month left in the semester. It would be unfair to the other students you were unable to take on. Still, you felt for his situation. He needed his scholarship and you wouldn’t feel right letting him drown on his own. One tutor session wouldn’t be too bad right?

“Library at 4 today work for you?” You asked, watching as relief washed over his body and he broke into a smile. He was practically beaming at you.

“It’s perfect. Thank you, really. You won’t regret it I promise.”

You caved and shot him a smile before reaching into your bag for a sticky note and a pen. Hastily you wrote down your number.

“Here’s my number, please don’t make me regret this. I need to get to my next class but I’ll see you at 4 sharp.” You told him seriously as you handed him the sticky note.

“You won’t. Thank you.”


By the time the clock reached 4 you had already been sitting at a table in the library for twenty minutes. Of course, being you, you were early. Which is why you were annoyed when you waited an extra five minutes and he hadn’t appeared. Right as you considered getting up and leaving he rushed in the door, a drink carrier balancing on top of his book in one hand and a bag of food in the other.

“I know I’m late. Please don’t hate me. I wanted to give you a thank you for helping me. I got you some fruity starbucks tea and a sandwich. I hope you like it, I probably should’ve gotten you something else-“ his words tumbled out of his mouth as he put the items down on the table. Something about him was just so intriguing. You didn’t understand how this rambling mess who bought you tea was the same guy who was a party god. None of the rumors you heard about him made sense.

You cut off his rambling with a smile, “It’s fine. I’m not picky, I appreciate it. Thank you Zach.”

He relaxed and took his seat across from you before handing you the mysterious fruity purple drink and your food.

“You don’t have to buy me anything Zach, I appreciate it but I really do want to help you. All I need is for you to show you’re trying. I have a feeling this will be a regular thing.” You hoped you wouldn’t regret your words, that he really was worth helping.

He beamed at you, allowing you to see why girls flocked to him. He looked cold most of the time, with a slight resting bitch face. But every time he smiled he revealed what a big softie he really was.

“I hope you stick with me Y/N.”

You smiled down at your notebook, “Let’s get to work.”
