
SOLD OUT But… I’ll be back #jonasajaustarot

But… I’ll be back

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Some people have asked me about the meaning of the poem that goes with the tarot. Here is an English translation:

They say who do not speak the plants, Neither the sources, neither the birds, neither the wave with your rumors, neither with its brightness the stars, They say, but it doesn´t right, For whenever I pass, They murmur and exclaim: Here goes the fool dreaming of the eternal spring of life and fields, and it´s coming soon, coming soon, will have the grey hair, And they look tremendous, nervous, that covers the frost the meadow.

Writing in Galician in the nineteenth century, that is, at the time when Rosalia lived, was not easy for a number of reasons. Most of them were linked to the thought and structure of the society of the moment, in which the Galician language was very discredited and despised, more and more distant from that time in which it had been the vehicle language of the Galician-Portuguese lyric creation . All the written tradition had been lost, so it was necessary to start from scratch with the feeling of contempt and indifference towards the Galician language, but few were the ones who raised the task, as this would constitute a motive of social discredit. In an environment in which Spanish was the language of culture and the protected language of the dominant minority class, Rosalía de Castro granted Galician prestige by using it as a vehicle for his work Cantares Gallegos and strengthening the cultural revival of the language.


Finally, on the banks of the Sar, there is a tragic tone that fits with the harsh circumstances surrounding the last years of Rosalie’s life. Written in Spanish, the work delves into the subjective folk lyricism of Follas novas, at the same time as the metrical forms that were there were consolidated. Initially qualified as a precursor and obviated by the critics of his time, today there are different scholars who consider him as the main poetic creation of the entire nineteenth century.

source: wikipedia.

Rosalia de Castro. EN LAS ORILLAS DEL SAR
Rosalia de Castro. On the banks of the Sar .

 Hi!For personal reasons the jonasajaus.bigcartel store will be open in September 2017. I am going t


For personal reasons the jonasajaus.bigcartel store will be open in September 2017. I am going through difficult times and I do not have time to offer the store ready for this summer. Sorry for the inconvenience.
thanks to all

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JonasaJaus 6 Edition.JonasaJaus Jumbo // JonasaJaus Medium // JonasaJaus LittleJonasaJaus tarot naci

JonasaJaus 6 Edition.

JonasaJaus Jumbo // JonasaJaus Medium // JonasaJaus Little

JonasaJaus tarot nació en el 2015 como proyecto personal del que no tenía más recorrido del que hacer una o dos ilustraciones. Con el tiempo se transformó en un trabajo que duró todo un año y fue en el 2016 cuando salió a la luz por primera vez al público con una tirada muy pequeña de 50 unidades. Desde entonces, la versión más grande de JonasaJaus, la versión más original no pudo volver a editarse hasta ahora 2021.
Tras estos años este tarot sufrió muchas transformaciones. Ha pasado por muchas imprentas e editoriales que rechazaron publicar mi trabajo. Tal vez porque no era conocida, ( sigo sin serlo ) no tengo muchos seguidores y no soy popular. O tal vez porque las tarjetas alargadas son dificiles de imprimir y no tienen cabida en un mundo donde solo se considera tarot una baraja que se pueda barajar en las manos.
He editado esta baraja muchas veces, acudiendo a los comentarios no directos que a veces escuchaba “ no se puede barajar”, “ la calidad de las tarjetas no es muy buena”, “tiene un corte muy malo”… Y la baraja JonasaJaus se transformaba cada vez.
Ahora necesito cambiar de página de mi libro. Empezar un párrafo nuevo en otra hoja. JonasaJaus tarot se despide tras alcanzar lo que nunca podría imaginar: 6 ediciones a la espalda, y la última de todas con tres variantes de tamaño.

Gracias a tod@s l@s que apoyaron mi trabajo y siguen haciéndolo. Gracias de corazón.

JonasaJaus tarot was born in 2015 as a personal project of which I had no further path than to make one or two illustrations. Over time it became a work that lasted a whole year and it was in 2016 when it was first released to the public with a very small print run of 50 units. Since then, the largest version of JonasaJaus, the most original version could not be released again until now 2021.
After these years this tarot underwent many transformations. It has been through many printers and publishers who refused to publish my work. Maybe because I was not known, (I still am not) I don’t have many followers and I am not popular. Or maybe because elongated cards are difficult to print and have no place in a world where only a deck that can be shuffled in the hands is considered tarot.
I have edited this deck many times, going to the non-direct comments that sometimes I heard “it cannot be shuffled”, “the quality of the cards is not very good”, “it has a very bad cut” … And the JonasaJaus deck it transformed every time.
Now I need to change the page of my book. Start a new paragraph on another sheet. JonasaJaus tarot says goodbye after reaching what he could never imagine: 6 editions on his back, and the last of all with three size variants.

Thanks to all those who supported my work and continue to do so. Thanks from my heart.

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 the Jonasa Jaus family grows. Thanks for your support!

the Jonasa Jaus family grows. Thanks for your support!

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My tiny Jonasa Jaus deck. 1,5x 2,3 cm My tiny Jonasa Jaus deck. 1,5x 2,3 cm

My tiny Jonasa Jaus deck. 1,5x 2,3 cm

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 This edition is made in a different printer than the previous one and I try to offer better quality

This edition is made in a different printer than the previous one and I try to offer better quality of my tarots. All my tarots are self published.

The previous printing company considered using this type of cardboard because it held up better the UVI ink it has. (this means that with the passage of time the brightness and color will not lose tone)

This actual printer used a type of card stock with a thin plastic sheet or varnish that makes the card soft to the touch and glides better in the hands. But it is very likely that, with the passage of time, the color loses its tone but it is also normal and almost all decks do.

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