#jonerys headcanon


Why Tyrion was actually worried

Tyrion: Your grace, we should ride first to Karlhold

Daenerys: My lord, you know the North, what do you suggest?

Jon: It would be better to ride first to Karlhold

Daenerys: Your assessments are always correct, we’ll ride first to Karlhold

Tyrion: …

Tyrion: Your Grace, I suggest you are introduced personally to all the Northern Lords, to win their sympathy

Daenerys: ah uhm sure… Where’s Jon?

Jon: Come with me, I’ll introduce you to the Northern Lords

Daenerys: It’ll be my pleasure

Tyrion: …

Tyrion: Your Grace, you should really try this pudding, it’s delicious

Daenerys: Uhm sorry I’m busy. What were you saying darl… I mean, my lord?

Jon: Try this pudding, it’s delicious

Daenerys: Of course!

Tyrion: (╯ಠ_ಠ)╯︵ ┳━┳

But the real question is

Wedding before the Old Gods at Winterfell or in the South before the Seven?

Cause he follows the Old Gods if the First Men, but Targs probably don’t.

Or maybe the Lord of Light, who was so nice to resurrect him?
