#jooheon au




Part 1 // Part 2

A/N: IMPORTANT!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I say this with full sincerity because I sorta accidentally left this on a cliffhanger. I may very well write a part 3 (I currently have a vague idea where this would go), but I don’t want to promise it and have anxiety. So. Yeah. At your own risk, friend.

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Part 1 // Part 2

A/N: IMPORTANT!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. I say this with full sincerity because I sorta accidentally left this on a cliffhanger. I may very well write a part 3 (I currently have a vague idea where this would go), but I don’t want to promise it and have anxiety. So. Yeah. At your own risk, friend.

Dark red, high gloss liquid lingers on the tip of the brush, and you swipe it across your toenail in an even coat. Two more swipes and you’ve finished with your big toe. You got just a bit on your skin, a byproduct of being too hasty, and you grab for the paper towel and bottle of clear liquid on your night stand.

You pause in your actions when you hear a small knock on your window. You remember a time when such a sound would have freaked you out, or at the very least surprised you. But now it was so very common.

You glance up to see a deadly attractive boy perched outside your window. He flashes you a charismatic smile, displaying canines that were slightly longer, slightly sharper than the average humans.

You go back to painting your nails, barely acknowledging the vampire as he lifts the window and lets himself in.

Concentrating on getting the spot off your skin, Wonho plops down on your bed, grabbing the bottle before it can tip over and spill out.

“Oh nooo she’s painting her nails with the instruments of death!” He exclaims in mock fear, chuckling at his own joke.

You start to paint your smaller toes. “Laugh it up but if that polish remover got in your eye you’d feel like you were dying.”

“Yeesh,” he grimaces, sitting the bottle back down on the nightstand with a weary eye. You can’t help but laugh this time.

“You know,” you muse, “I could make a pretty good vampire slayer; I obviously have all the right tools.”

He seems mildly annoyed by the subject. “Calm down there, Buffy. You wouldn’t want to be a vampire hunter. You’re way too smart to be employed by that cult of idiots.”

“I said slayer, not hunter. I don’t need to hunt vampires; they crash into my room willingly for pedicures and late night snacks.”

“Touche,” he grins, the annoyance leaving his voice.

Then it hits you, and you pause mid pinky toe to look up at him. “Wait, employed? Cult? There are actual vampire hunters?”

His eyes shoot up to yours. There’s tension in his body that wasn’t there before, but you barely register it.

Your eyes get big with wonder, quickly recapping the nail polish bottle and setting it aside. “And there’s employment opportunities?! How much do you think–”

You’re smacked in the face with a pillow.

When your vision is unobstructed again, the serious face Wonho is sporting–coupled with the fact that this dangerous vampire took his annoyance out on you by throwing a pillow–has you guffawing.

Faster than your human brain can process the movements, he’s diving at you, tackling you backward onto the bed.

If it’s meant to scare you, it doesn’t work, as you just laugh harder.

“Excuse me! Hello! I am a terrifying vampire!” He demands above you, eyebrows pinching together in an attempt to look menacing.

Perhaps if you hadn’t known him, it would have frightened you. As it were, this is the same boy who has been coming over for weeks, insisting on climbing through the window instead of using the door because “it makes me look more boss”. The same boy who, more often than not, came in with arms full of snacks and food because “I get to eat, it’s only fair that you do too.” The same boy who always tucked you into bed after you let him feed on you, propping the pillows up just so, and making sure the blanket was secure around you because “why is it weird that I don’t want you getting cold–stop looking at me like that.”

Oh yes, he was terrifying. But not because he was a vampire, but because you knew you were falling for him.

You clamp your mouth shut trying to stifle your laugh, but tears gleam in your eyes from the effort and you don’t trust your voice. So you just nod emphatically.

He raises a cocky brow, “so you’re terrified?”

Again you nod, biting back your smile.

“That’s more like it. You’re lucky because I was going to eat you.”

Oh no,” you stretch your neck, hastily moving your hair out of the way, exposing the tender skin to him, “that would just be awful.”

He groans at the sight, his pupils dilating.

Wonho bends his head down, his nose running the length of your neck, inhaling as he goes.

You shiver, your body eagerly awaiting the bliss of being bitten.

“You smell incredible…”

“Glad to know your dinner smells appetizing,” you barely manage to get out, closing your eyes at the sensation of his breath on your skin.

“No I mean,” he lifts his head, looking at you now, his eyes scanning your features, “you smell really lovely. Did you get a new body wash?”

Your eyes pop open and you turn to meet his gaze. “…um, yeah, I did actually.”

For a moment he looks almost embarrassed. “Oh,” he says, as if he’s just as surprised by his observation as you are that he pointed it out. “Oh well it’s lovely.”

“So I’ve heard…from you.”

He laughs nervously, “yeah, duh, I already said that.” He rubs the back of his neck, clearing his throat.

He pulls away from you, sitting back on his heels. You take the opportunity to sit back up.

“You alright?” You finally ask when he doesn’t say anything.

“Go out with me,” he blurts out in a whoosh of words.

Your jaw unhinges. “I, wait, what?”

He shakes his head, laughing at himself, then looks down at his lap. “Let me take you out.”

“Out?” You ask lamely.

He laughs again, looking back up at you. “Yes out. Like outside. Like going somewhere. Like–”

“Like a date?”

He bites his bottom lip and it’s so incredibly attractive you almost lose focus on the conversation.

“Like a date,” he confirms.

You can’t help the smile that blooms on your face, especially when his eyes light up gleefully at the sight.

“Ok,” you nod, “let’s go on a date.”


You put in your earring, then lean back in your vanity chair to appraise your appearance. You smile at your reflection as you remember who you’re getting all dolled up for and why. The butterflies that begin to assault your belly have obviously just remembered as well.

You’re not left with your thoughts for long, because right on time, there’s a knock on your front door.

You nearly laugh out loud at this fact. He always comes through the window. But you guess he thinks a date is worthy of a good, old fashioned, front door entrance.

Taking a deep breath, you open the door to reveal an impeccably dressed Wonho. Slim fitted, white button down, rolled up at the sleeves, left little to the imagination of this boy’s physique. You watched as that well toned chest heaved a breath, causing you to remember yourself. Your eyes shoot up to his.

But he was busy taking you in, as well. He expels the air he had just sucked in.

“You look amazing,” he says with utter sincerity.

You chuckle nervously, his comment affecting you more than you would wish. “Yes, well, it’s amazing the difference a little effort and some actual clothes can make. Have you ever seen me in anything other than my pajamas?”

“I don’t suppose I have, but I think you look beautiful either way.”

There’s silence for a beat where you stare at him for a moment too long. You clear your throat and try to gain control of your rapidly beating heart.

Trying to ease the sudden tension, your mind searches for anything to say to change the subject. You opt for poking fun at him, which is really your default.

“So, what, no flowers?” You raise an eyebrow at him in reproval.

It takes him half a second to register what you said; then his eyes fall to his empty hands as if they were the culprits who betrayed him. Glancing back up at you he looks mildly panicked and you immediately feel bad for teasing him.

Just as you’re about to tell him you’re joking, his eyes light up, a smile spreading on his face. He points to himself.

Your brows furrow in confusion. So he circles the finger around his face. “Me. I’m the flower.”

A laugh bursts from your lips.

The look on his face morphs into one of excited surprise. “And look you got me a flower too!”

With those words, he cups your cheek, effectively cutting off your laugh. You feel a blush rising up, so you swat his hand off before he can feel the tell-tale heat on your face caused by his cheesy words.

“What a dork. I thought vampires were supposed to be smooth,” you retort.

“Haha! Please! You couldn’t handle me if I put on my–” he pauses, lifting an arm up to lean on the threshold of your door “–full charm.” He leans in, giving you a wink coupled with a cocky grin.

He’s so close, you get a whiff of his cologne and you swear it makes your head spin.

You lean in too, until you’re inches from his delicious looking lips. You glance down at them; slowly his grin leaves, his expression changing at your proximity.

“You’re right,” you whisper, “I can’t handle you.”

And with that you give a quick jab to his gut, causing him to bend at the waist with a grunt as you quickly take a step back to give you both some breathing room.

“You’re mean,” he says simply before righting himself, leveling you with a look.

“I get that way when I’m hungry. Let’s roll, date!” You smile widely at him, pointing a finger out.

He just shakes his head, laughing. He grabs your outstretched hand bringing it down, then pulls you along.

He doesn’t let go of your hand and your mind doesn’t let go of that fact.


The strong breeze whips your hair behind you as the two of you stroll beside the river. There is an electrical charge in the air that could only be felt before an impending storm, but you can’t bring yourself to be worried because there is a current running through your veins that has nothing to do with the weather.

And a lot to do with the boy walking next to you.

Wonho looks over at you with a smile as you’re laughter fills the air, brought on by one of his stories of adjusting to the vampire life. Which, as it turned out, is very comical.

“What else would you like to know?”

“Hmmm…” you tap your chin in thought. There is something you are very curious about.

“You mentioned before about being part of a clan?” You ask. He cuts his eyes your way and nods hesitantly. “Could you tell me about them? Am I going to get to meet them?”

He stretches his neck, rubbing the back of it to get rid of the tension that has just settled there, trying to look nonchalant as he answers.

“I’m surprised you remember that,” he laughs, “you were pretty blissed out if I remember that night correctly. That was the night I met you, the night of my change.”

“Oh! Are you going to tell me about the change?” You ask excitedly, momentarily forgetting about your previous question.

He smiles at your excitement, then straightens up looking very serious. He waves a hand in front of both of you, as if he’s about to paint a visual with his words.

In a foreboding tone, he begins, “Picture it. It was a dark and stormy night when–”

He’s cut off from his story when you punch him in his arm.

“Ow!” He shouts, but he’s laughing, “what was that for?”

“For starters, that is so cliche,” you say. “Secondly, what do you mean it was a ‘dark and stormy night’?”

“…that it was storming and also dark?” He questions.

“No it wasn’t. I was there, remember? There was zero storming. And also, isn’t ‘dark night’ a bit redundant? How can a night be anything but dark? I mean, this is opposed to what? A sunny night? Dumb.”

“You harshly critique my story,” he puts a hand on his chest. “My heart…it’s wounded…”

Your eyes light up at the thought of another question. “Oh! Another thing! Do you even have a heart?”

“That is rather offensive,” he deadpans.

“Oh come on, you know what I mean!” You quickly backtrack.

He eyes you up and down with amusement, “you sure are nosey about the vampire gig, aren’t you?”

“You were the one who asked if there was anything else I wanted to know…” you trail off feeling a bit embarrassed by your own curiosity.

“Yeah, but I thought I’d get questions like ‘what pizza toppings do you like’ or ‘what’s your favorite color’.”

“Ok then,” you concede, “what’s your favorite color?”

“Black…like my soul,” he says dramatically, ending with a “MUAHAHAHAHA”.

“AHA! So you do have a heart!” You leap up with a triumphant whoop. “It’s about time you finally answered one of my questions!”

He laughs, but it sounds forced, “What? Why would I be dodging questions—oh look we’re here!”

Your curiosity is momentarily derailed when you see the layout before you. Next to the river’s edge, a plaid blanket covered the ground, and atop it sat a picnic basket. The smells hit your nose before you even hit the blanket, and you swear you have to keep yourself from drooling.

“This is for us?” You ask. He nods, hesitantly trying to gauge your reaction to the unconventional dinner.

“Wonho…this is…this is amazing,” you say, getting teary eyed as you sit.

Noticing this, he quickly sits next to you, pulling you into his arms. “Hey hey, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just…this is so sweet…” you trail off, taking in the scene. “It reminds me of my parents. We used to have picnics by the river when I was growing up. With work and everything, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them. I guess I didn’t realize how much I miss them.”

“Perhaps you should visit them soon,” he says, continuing to hug you close. “Family is important.” The conviction in his voice at his last statement gives you momentary pause. You know there’s more behind those three words to him than he’s saying. But you know better than to push it.

“You’re absolutely right,” you say, matching his conviction.  


After the delicious dinner, he vows to take you out for ice cream “like a real gentleman should”.

Fortunately, there was a ice cream shop nearby. Unfortunately it was in the mall that was always packed on the weekends.

The two of you walk in, bumping shoulders with a few people to get properly into the little parlour situated in the food court.

He looks over the crowd with a weary eye. “I should have maybe planned this better. Want to bail and go get coffee or something?”

You think about it, but, “nah, the wait shouldn’t be that long, I think most people are just hanging out. And besides, what about coffee says ‘real gentleman’? No no, proper etiquette calls for ice cream.”

He laughs, “you’re so right, what was I thinking? Why don’t you start picking out a flavor while I head to the restroom.”

You nod, thankful for the time to decide. You scan the selection behind the glass counter, tapping a finger to your lip in thought.

You’re so absorbed with reading the labels that you don’t notice the guy breaking away from the crowd to approach you, eyeing you with interest.  

“There’s too many to choose from…” you mumble to yourself.

“That’s why you go big and get the three scoop. It seems excessive, but really there’s no such thing as too much ice cream,” he says when he reaches you, leaning a shoulder casually against the glass display.

You startle, realizing that the new arrival is addressing you. You look up at the boy who is smiling down at you. He’s trying to be subtle about it, but you can see his eyes roving, checking you out.

You blink at him. “There is if you’re lactose intolerant.”

His smile drops. “Um, yeah, I guess…I guess that’s true.”

“Sad but true.”

“Really a shame.”

“Truly tragic.”

“Are you always this chatty?”

“Only when I put forth effort.”

He sighs, dropping his shoulders, “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’m barking up the wrong tree.”

“I’m confused. In this scenario are you on the tree’s limb or barking up it’s trunk?”

His mouth pops open, then it morphs into a pout. “You’re mean.”

“Surprisingly, you’re not the first person to tell me that today.”

“…I’m not sure what part of that is supposed to surprise me.”

Ignoring that comment, you continue, “admittedly, this time it was unintentional. You’re cute, but I’m here with someone.” You eye him accusingly, “which I betyou already knew.”

He puts his hands up defensively, “I honestly didn’t; I didn’t see you walk in. I swear I’m not that kind of douchebag.”

You look at the sincerity on his face. Your defenses lower, and you now begin to feel bad for being so cold to him. So, naturally, you make up for it by teasing him. “Then what kind are you?”

“‘Scuse me?”

“You said you weren’t that kind of douchebag, so what kind are you?”

He looks like he’s taking offense, until he catches the smile creep up on your face. You stifle a laugh. He can’t contain his. And when he laughs, you notice the most adorable dimples on his face. He really is cute. Had you not been so enamored with Wonho, you would have definitely given this guy a chance.

His laughter trails off, something behind you has caught his attention.

You turn to see Wonho making his way through the crowd and back toward the counter.

The boy in front of you visibly stiffens, his eyes snapping back to yours.

“Is that the guy you came in with?” he asks with an edge of aggression that wasn’t there before.

“Um…yes…?” you tilt the end of the sentence in a question. His severe reaction to Wonho has knocked you off kilter.

“I don’t want to scare you, but you’re in danger. Come with me, I’ll get you out of here,” he grabs for your arm and begins to pull you away.

You’re so shocked, he’s dragged you several feet into the crowd before you come to your senses, jerking your arm causing him to halt.

“I don’t think so, dimples,” You scoff, incredulous of his audacity.

“Look, I’m going to need you to trust me. I’ll explain everything once we get you away from him.”

“You have 3 seconds to let go of me before I start screaming ‘stranger danger’,” you say in a flat voice, conveying how serious you were.

He’s breathing heavy through his nostrils, clearly trying to contain his annoyance. “Why do women have to be so stubborn?”

You choke out a laugh, “why do men have to be so unrelenting in their futile pursuits?”

He grinds his teeth in irritation.

“I’m not…this isn't…” he takes a breath, “this is not me trying to pick you up. I’m not that desperate, thank you. You’re boyfriend is a dangerous man.”

“A danger to your ego maybe,” you shoot back.

He cautions a quick glance at Wonho, who appears to be searching for you. “I don’t have time for this.”

With a frustrated grunt, he drops your arm. “You know what? Your problem, your funeral.”

And with that he turns around and disappears into the crowd.

You stand there momentarily stunned, trying to make sense of such a weird encounter.

A hand lands on the small of your back and you let out a surprised squeak.

Wonho laughs at your side. You didn’t even realize he’d walked up. “Jumpy? And here I thought you weren’t afraid of anything.”

You give yourself a mental shake, and try a smile. You’re not certain you succeed. “Psh, me? I’m afraid of a lot of things. Like how much jail time I would serve if I had to hurt some stranger for touching me. Luckily it was just you.”

Just me? I’m wounded!” He says in mock offense.

“Don’t you have, like, magical healing or something?”

“Perhaps, but ice cream will expedite the process,” he grins broadly at you.

You smile back, “you aren’t wrong.”

And just as quickly as Mr. Dimples had shaken you up, Wonho has put you at ease.


You can’t help the smile on your face as you walk up to your door with Wonho.

He looks down, scuffing his feet, swinging his shoulders in mock shyness. “I had a really great time tonight,” he says, punctuating the statement with a falsetto giggle.

You laugh at his antics, pushing his arm gently, “you are such a dork.”

He laughs too, looking up at you so that you’re able to enjoy the full effect of his beautiful smile. “I’m serious though, I really did have a great night.”

You paste on your best sultry look, which apparently isn’t very convincing, if his barely contained grin is any indicator. You run your hand up his chest to his shoulder, stopping at the nape of his neck. The humor in his eyes changes to surprise.

“There’s no reason it has to end now,” you say in an attempted smokey voice. “Hows about a little night cap, yeah?” You tap at your neck.

He cocks an eyebrow, leaning into you. “Why, _______, how indecent of you.”

You open your mouth to rebut but he silences you with a finger to your lip. “That is definitely a great idea. I’ll go get some snacks, you go get comfy and pull up Dramafever.”

And with excitement in his eyes, he kisses your forehead, lingering momentarily before pulling away and dashing down the hall.

“Don’t forget the Pocky sticks!” You yell after him. He waves an arm in acknowledgement without slowing down.

You make your way inside, heading straight to your room to exchange your date outfit for your pajamas. You reach to turn on your bedside lamp when the sound of the window opening has you turning.

“There is no way you got my pocky sticks that fast,” you say to Wonho as he straightens up.

That’s when you realize it’s not Wonho at all. It’s the boy from the mall. He seems just as shocked to see you as you are to see him. But you don’t take the time to analyze that.

You quickly grab the bedside lamp and throw it towards him. He puts his arms up to brace for the impact but there was no need. You didn’t think about the fact that the lamp was plugged in; and the cord had the lamp landing lamely several feet from your intruder.

You growl in frustration, “I have got to start keeping better weapons in this room!”

You turn to run, but he’s quickly there grabbing you, stopping your retreat. And before you can let loose a scream, he clamps a hand over your mouth.

You whimper, fear pumping through your veins.

“Calm down, calm down. I’m not going to hurt you. I just didn’t want you running off. If I let you go, will you let me explain? Please?” He asks.

You nod emphatically.

He sighs. “You’re going to bolt as soon as I let you go, aren’t you?”

You shake your head no, as convincingly as you can with a hand over your mouth and an arm holding you immobile.

He throws you on the bed, then darts to block your door. He’s effectively trapped you in before you even have a chance to right yourself.

“You ok?” He asks from where he’s now stationed.

“Are you—are you seriously asking me that right now?” You ask as you stand from the bed.

“….good point. Ok. Look, I didn’t mean to scare you. Honestly I didn’t think I’d even find you in here alive. I was worried I’d be too late.”

“Dude you are seriously off your rocker. You’re crazy.”

“No, I’m a hunter. Which admittedly is a bit close some days.”

“A hunter?” You ask. Then realization dawns on you.

“Yes, and I can protect you. But I need for you to…”

“Um no thanks. I’m solid,” you interrupt.

He lets out a sad sigh, as if he’s about to break some devastating news to you.

“I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re little boyfriend, he’s—

“A vampire,” you say.

“—a vampire, and—oh. You already know.”


“Well this is different.”

“Sorry to steal your thunder.”

“Yeah, that’s usually the big reveal. I’ll live, though. Now I’m just hoping you do.”

“What’s that supposed—“

“You human?”

“Yes, most definitely. I was actually going to see if you guys were hiring. I can get Wonho here for you to…do whatever it is you do with vampires. Just let me go grab my phone.” You knew you needed to text Wonho a warning, but you couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t have him rushing here anyways.

Sadly, that struggle was moot because Dimples wasn’t falling for it. As you move towards the door, he angles his body to block you in more effectively.

“No need, he’s already here.”

In horror, you turn to face the window that is now filled up by a familiar form. He’s so focused on getting the bags of snacks over the sill, he hasn’t even looked up to see your uninvited guest.

You go to run to him, but the boy grabs your arm, pulling you back to him. That doesn’t stop you from screaming though.

“Wonho run!”

Wonho drops the bags, whipping his head up, finally taking in the scene. His eyes go wide.


“Hello, brother.”


Told you it was a cliffy. You totally should have listened to me. To be honest, I’m glad you didn’t listen to me, I wanted you to read it. It’s sorta why I wrote it.

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, I’d kill for some feedback, it fuels me. Thanks for reading!!


Monsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, tMonsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, tMonsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, tMonsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, tMonsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, tMonsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, tMonsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, tMonsta x Hogwarts series: - Jooheon“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, t

Monsta x Hogwarts series:

- Jooheon

“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.”

— J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

  • house: hufflepuff
  • blood status: half-blood
  • patronus: prob a bee
  • words: prosperity; effort; chance 

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