#joseph jojo

Joseph and Caesar lockscreen + homescreen with soft colors for anon!!Feel free to use!!I’m actually Joseph and Caesar lockscreen + homescreen with soft colors for anon!!Feel free to use!!I’m actually

Joseph and Caesar lockscreen + homescreen with soft colors for anon!!

Feel free to use!!

I’m actually really proud of these!! Soft, pastel stuff seems to be my forte (in my opinion). Even so, please let me know if you want anything changed!! Very sorry for the wait on your requests, everyone. I’m getting them done as soon as I can.

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Wow Kakyoin’s back must really be hurting,, what with him carrying the whole team and all-

My sister has recently gotten our father into watching JJBA and upon rewatching Stardust Crusaders, I’ve realized how much kak just swoops in when the others are freaking out and solves EVERYTHING

Battle Tendency but Make It Powerful Women✨

I am so freaking particular about genderbends so if I want to see a particular genderbent character I am required to do it myself-
