#joseph quinn



Joseph Quinn presenting with the Stranger Things cast at the MTV awards

JOSEPH QUINN at the 2022 MTV Movie & TV Awards (06.05.22)

all the people that are thirsting over eddie munson but in the same breath are calling joseph quinn ugly need to take a long hard look at themselves…y’all are truly the ugly ones

Touch; Joseph Quinn (repost)

I posted this last night originally but it wasn’t showing up in the tags, so I figured I’d try again today (tumblr, you’ve got issues). Anyway, pls indulge in this fic about Joseph not keeping his hands to himself ;)

Original concept here 

Pairing: Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader (no physical descriptions)

Warnings: Touching (like a lot I got carried away), pining, mention of sex, I also had no idea how to end this sorry y’all

WC: 1.2k

It was Geeked Week for Netflix, which meant they pulled out all the stops for Stranger Things and had a plethora of events set up for the show. A fairly unknown actress, you were one of the many new additions to the cast in the show’s latest season, so all this media coverage and the number of events you had to attend was still new territory. One of those events was playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons, hosted by B. Dave Walters. Your character, Stacey, was a member of the fictional Hellfire Club in the show, which was Hawkins High’s resident D&D association. You sat around a table with the other members, Finn, Priah, Gaten, and Joseph, tablets and notepads in front of you. 

Dave seemed like an entertaining and interactive host/master, so he held your focus for the duration of the introduction before it was time to play. Your knowledge of the game in real life was pretty substantial, so, all things considered, you felt prepared. 

Your focus, however, was interrupted, by a calloused hand suddenly touching you. Your silk shirt dress had ridden up, just a bit, so the hand landed on your bare mid thigh. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the perpetrator, Joseph, who sat right next to you. A look of concentration was on his face as he listened to Dave set the current situation for the game. He could’ve had a small smirk on his face, or looked like he was doing a poor attempt at an innocent expression because he knew he was teasing you. But, he was calm; focused, almost like he didn’t even think twice about placing his large, warm hand on your thigh. It was like it was just a reflex. He placed his hand there like he would fold his arms or touch his jaw while he paid attention.

You and Joseph were no strangers to touching one another, even in such familiar ways. You hadn’t slept together-hell, you hadn’t even kissed. But there was always some physical contact behind closed doors. Being two of the newest main cast members was nerve wracking, so you formed a natural closeness with each other. You’d go to his trailer to run lines before shooting a scene and suddenly your legs were thrown over his while the two of you laughed over something completely unrelated to the script. He’d go to your hotel room to watch a movie because you couldn’t sleep, and you’d doze off in his arms with the movie still playing in the background. There were always innocent brushes of the hand when he walked past you or lingering hugs every morning on set or during press, or when you said goodbye at the end of the day. 

After 2 years of working together and having these interactions, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that your love language was physical touch-or rather, Joseph’s touch. You had grown to crave it. (a/n: and who could blame you sis?)

So, having been so used to his touches, your surprise at this one wore off as quickly as it came, and you allowed his action, because it just felt right. However, that didn’t mean that his movements were lost on you. Your legs were crossed at the ankles, leaving a small gap between your thighs. Joseph, his touch remaining intact, began to slide his fingers through the small space, his thumb on the other side, getting a good grip on your thigh. Your heart fluttered a bit at that, and you felt warm inside, even though his hand was relatively cool. He touched you like he was trying to re-familiarize himself with your skin.

Dave asked him to describe his D&D character, ‘Joe Keery’, and you couldn’t help but laugh lightly- because one,  he began describing the actual Joe Keery like he was a novelist, and also, he started to lazily drag his thumb across your skin while he spoke, and you were nothing if not ticklish. His hand remained there, thumb and fingers crawling against your thigh at various intervals, until it was time to roll on his tablet. He gave your thigh a firm squeeze before taking the device in his hands. 

The game went by smoothly, lots of banter and antics being exchanged among everyone at the table. Joseph kept his hands to himself for the most part. Though, his default position of manspreading caused your knees to be pressed against one another, even if your legs were closed. They’d occasionally rub together with the slightest movement of excitement.

It was around the time of the in game meeting with Vecna that you began to grow a bit antsy. When you crossed your legs and leaned back a bit in your seat, your toes hit something soft-and you realized it was Joe’s leg. It wasn’t a kick, more of a small, accidental nudge. If he noticed, his face didn’t show it. However, you knew your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you when, as you went to pull away, he subtly moved his leg into your touch even more, your toes pressing into his calf muscle. 

You couldn’t avoid the small smile that tugged at your lips.

A few moments passed before you unconsciously began to drag your heeled foot up and down against the material that covered his calf.  Somehow, this grounded you and brought your focus back to the task at hand. 

Unbeknownst to you, your actions calmed him as well, and he was able to release some restlessness by focusing on your foot’s light movements against his leg. 

The game went on normally, everyone at the table none the wiser to what happened below the surface-not that there was anything to hide, really. It wasn’t like things were getting explicit. Even when you uncrossed your legs eventually and shifted in your seat, the touches continued, albeit more subtle. If he addressed you, his fingers would tickle your shoulder if he leaned his forearm on his chair’s backrest. Your biceps brushed together constantly, even though it wasn’t on purpose. At one point, he grasped your hand on the table when you were hoping to roll a big number. Also at one point, when a bout of laughter struck you both, your heads leaned into one another, temples touching.

The two of you got so lost in each other and your natural closeness, neither of you even thought to tone it down in front of the cameras.

And with everything being caught on video, it became all the Stranger Things fans needed to be sent into a spiral of shipping.

Well, that wasn’t true. They had been sent into that very spiral a few weeks ago when press videos began to be released. They claimed they sensed a ‘tension’ between you and Joseph that wasn’t there in both your interactions with other cast members. Your ship name, along with gifs and edits of your interactions quickly began to circle the internet.

So when Geeked Week arrived and the D&D video was uploaded, the comments section quickly went frenzied. 

The view from under the table was dimly lit, but if someone’s eyes drifted down below, it was obvious. The top comment became one that pointed the two of you out, and then that was almost all anyone could talk about.

Did y’all peep what was happening under that table bc

Joseph’s grip on Y/N’s thigh sheeeesh

Lucky girl

Y/N just casually dragging her foot against his leg like it’s nothing??? 

Not them being all touchy pls get a room

These two have to have something going on there’s no way that body language means nothing

Gaten’s smirk whenever Joseph and Y/N would interact HE KNOWS SOMETHING Y’ALL

Lmao I bet the entire cast knows they have something going on but them

The way they look at each other oh my God they’re so down bad

When he held her hand

I don’t know who I’m more jealous of tbh

The fact that they’re the two newest main cast members and seem so close I’m-

Pls Joseph looking for every reason to touch Y/N is so relatable

When are these two going to admit their obvious feelings for one another???


Joseph Quinn is illegally cute.


so,,, eddie munson amirite guys???

Anybody who knows me knows my love of eccentric/tortured musician types. This was inevitable. My new blorbo.

Doe Eyed Lover [ Eddie Munson x Reader ]

Summary: While your boyfriend is on the run, you’re more than excited to be reunited with him.

A/N: A little shorter than usual but I wanted to write a little snippet for this!



You were trailing behind Dustin and Steve as they argued which way to go to find Eddie. It was annoying to hear them bicker back and forth, but it was the usual for you to hear from them.

“Guys, can you just figure something out so we can make sure Eddie is okay?” You complained to the two, who only shook their heads and wouldn’t drop their egos. You threw your arms up in despair and flopped them back down again.

Finally Steve took the lead and sooner, rather then later thank goodness, did you finally reach your destination. At first, you were worried when you didn’t see sight of him until a thunk could be heard behind you.

Turning rapidly you found your boyfriend standing closely behind you.

“Eddie!” You rushed to hug him, and he was relieved to finally have you back in his arms.

He swayed you a bit before releasing you and placing hands on your cold cheeks. “Hey, doll.”

You smothered his face in kisses and didn’t care when you could hear Steve complaining and Dustin gagging.

You peered into your doe eyed lover as everyone was figuring out what to do next.

Between another murder, the girls finding out more about Victor Creel, and your boyfriend being made prime suspect number one - you didn’t care what happened next, as long as you knew Eddie was safe and in your arms.

He could say the same about you, since he was worried sick that you could be taken at any time or would be put in danger due to prying further into the mystery of Vecna.

Eddie noticed your worrying and shifting eyes so he made sure to hold you tight. “I’m right here.”

You nodded softly and savored in the moment.

M’Lady [ Eddie Munson x Reader ]

Summary: Your joke to tease the Hellfire Club ends you up into a rather serious situation.

A/N: Just wanted to write something for the new loml <3 also of course the best cliche to ever exist: fake dating!



You were spending your usual Friday night at the D&D club, watching as the boys were excited and getting into the whole story that your best friend, Eddie had conjured up for the campaign.

You never really got into the game, and to be completely honest with yourself - you rather enjoyed watching as the boys jumped around and made a fool of themselves.

Eddie had been your closest friend for a year now, inviting you to the club meetings to sit in and afterwards you two would rent a movie to watch. It started off as something innocent, but as time passed by feelings arose on both ends. However, as fate usually plays out, neither of you were confident enough to spill your guts.

It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward with Eddie ever, despite the words that everyone would say to warn you about the supposed “freak.” The same freak that would cry at emotional romantic movies. Yeah, you tend to tune out others who would talk down your best friend.

And then there were those, specifically the boys in the club, that assumed you and Eddie were secretly dating and hiding it from everyone. Why you would hide such a thing would remain a mystery.

After a couple of hours, they finally called it a day and started packing their backpacks up. Eddie approached you and gave you a high five. He had a sheepish grin on his face, satisfied with how the night went. He was even more excited though to eat junk food and watch a movie with you.

“Enjoy the show, m’lady?” Eddie swooned and batted his eyelashes at you.

You scoffed and playfully shoved his shoulder. “Nope, I think you might need to work on the story a bit. Seems like you’re going too easy on them.”

Mike and Dustin shared glances with each other, both noticing your very obvious - but maybe not so obvious to you - flirting. Eddie was twirling his hair like a preteen girl which made Mike roll his eyes.

“Well, maybe if you joined in, I’d make it more challenging.”

“Ooo, is that a threat?”

“Well, if it’s seems so easy then maybe you should try it.” Eddie shrugged his shoulders and began to turn to his station to clean up.

“Maybe I will.”

“Maybe you guys should get a room.” Dustin groaned and slammed his book on the table. “Just admit you guys are like in love or something.”

You and Eddie both raised your eyebrows at the boy. Everyone was now looking at you guys, awaiting one of you to finally spill the details of a secret romance that didn’t even exist.

Deciding to mess with them, you draped your arms around Eddie’s shoulders and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Well, that was certain to make the boys speechless.

Hell, even Eddie was standing there with his mouth open like a fish. You closed his mouth with a push of your finger under his chin and kept it lingering there for enough seconds to make Eddie get goosebumps.

“I thought it was about time, don’t you think, honey?” You said playfully to Eddie, hoping he’d get your drift. Thankfully, he caught onto your act since you pinched his shoulder a bit.

“Well, if you say so, m’lady. We can’t hide our undying love forever.” Eddie nodded and wrapped his arm around your waist. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t give you goosebumps yourself.

“I knew it! You owe me ten dollar, Lucas!” Dustin shouted triumphantly and reached his hand across the table to Lucas who only slapped his hand away.


When all the boys finally left the room after storming you with questions, it was only Eddie and you left standing there awkwardly.

“Well…” You said, glancing up into his deep brown eyes. “That was fun but we should probably let them know it was all a joke. Don’t want them taking it too far and trying to spread it around the school.”

Eddie shook his head, “I’d have to disagree, I think I very much like being your honey.” He was teasing you now, but a part of him knew he wasn’t lying.

“Yeah, yeah. If you’re gonna tease me the least you can do is repay me.”

“And how might I do that?” Eddie shifted closer to you, anticipating what would happen next.

“Maybe come a little closer, I think I missed your lips earlier.” You were now whispering as the bridge between the two of you was smaller.

“If that’s the case then.” He said confidently and rushed to kiss you.

Your arms snaked around his neck and he grabbed you firmly in his grasp, making sure you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The kiss lasted longer than expected and reaching for air was only a necessity since Eddie was quick to bring you back in, holding you close and kissing you deep.

You pulled at his long locks and felt like you were on top of the world, making out with your best friend. A few hours ago this seemed impossible, but now with Eddie’s hands roaming your back, finding ways to bring you even closer - it all seemed inevitable.

Eddie Munson in Chapter Three: The Monster and the Superhero
“So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it?“
Bad news first, always.

rob-pattinson:JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson:JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson:JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson:JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson:JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson:JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson:JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazine


2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazine

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rob-pattinson: JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson: JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson: JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson: JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson: JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson: JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazinerob-pattinson: JOSEPH QUINN2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazine


2019 | Benjamin Tietge ph. for Glass Magazine

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