#joshua hong imagine


제 말 들으세요. 내가 갚을게. Mark my words. I will get payback.

Description: A few moments involving the Seventeen members and your wedding with Joshua.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff, Seventeen!Joshua x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k



“Woah, woah, woah.” Hoshi grabbed the guest list from under my hands and held it out in front of him, inspecting it with squinted eyes.

“Hoshi…” Joshua said his name with caution as we both didn’t know what was going through the younger’s mind.

“Why is (y/n)’s side so small compared to yours?” Hoshi questioned, reading over each side’s guests repeatedly.

Dino stepped next to Hoshi and looked at the list over the older’s shoulder. “Yeah, hyung, you have SO many more people than she does. That’s not fair.”

Joshua and I chuckled.

“What do you mean it’s not fair?” Joshua asked with a shake of his head.

“I just don’t have as many friends.” I explained to them with a nonchalant shrug. “Most of my guests are family and the few friends I have.”

“You have more friends, right?” Wonwoo wondered, leaning forward in his seat.

I gave him a small shoulder raise and a head shake. “I really don’t. That’s pretty much it.”

Seungkwan opened his mouth to protest but I was quick to cut him off.

“I’ve always been like that.” I said to everyone in the group, “I just never had that many friends to begin with and I never needed more than the few that I had. Everyone who I wanted to invite was invited and those that are coming are on the guest list.”

“Nope, we’re changing this.” Seungkwan shook his head and grabbed a pen from the table. He grabbed the list from Hoshi’s still outstretched hands and laid it on the table for everyone to see.

I watched and felt the giggles rise in my throat as Seungkwan crossed out his name from Joshua’s side and rewrote it under my side of the list.

“Who else wants to be on (y/n)’s side?” Seungkwan raised his head and looked at his other members.

Everyone except for Jeonghan, Dino, Mingyu, and Wonwoo raised their hands to be switched to my side of the guest list. Seungkwan quickly crossed off their names and rewrote them under my guest list.

“You guys do know that it doesn’t really change anything, right?” Joshua questioned the members who raised their hands.

“It changed what side we sit on, and we want to sit on (y/n)’s side.” Dokyeom stated with determination.

I smiled widely, “Thanks, guys, but aren’t you technically Joshua’s friends?”

Jun shook his head aggresively, “We know nothing about this Joshua guy you’re marrying. Tell us everything we need to know so as some of your bestest friends, we can beat him up if he hurts you.”

“We’re both of your friends. And on your wedding day, we’ll sit on your side to show everyone that we are for both of you.” Seungcheol commented. “You’re also our friend, (y/n).”

Vernon pointed two fingers at his eyes and then turned them towards Joshua. “You better watch out, hyung.” He said with humorously serious tone, “I’m watching you.”

Joshua raised both of his hands in surrender, “I will do whatever to avoid the wrath of the great Vernon.” He joked which pulled laughter from all the members.


“One more, just like that.” The photographer said as Joshua and I stood as still as statues in a pose that was starting to feel awkward. His lips were resting on my forehead and my cheeks were starting to tire from holding the ‘soft’ smile in place for so long.

“Alright,” The photographer said after snapping a couple more photos, “All done.” He announced and as soon as he stepped away, the twelve guys who were crowding around the doors pushed into the room with laughs and smiles and an excitement that had my own nerves buzzing like an electric fence.

“Joshua!” Jeonghan loudly said, “You look amazing!”

I watched as Hoshi took in Jeonghan’s comment before he sucked in a big breath and nearly screamed, “(Y/N)! YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!”

I chuckled as Jeonghan threw Hoshi a playful glare and felt Joshua chuckle beside me. The members gathered around us and kept cooing and giving us compliments on our attire.

“I can’t believe Joshua is getting married!” Minghao said shaking Vernon’s shoulder with the biggest smile on his face.

“You really picked out an amazing dress, (y/n).” Seungkwan commented and fluffed my skirt a little.

“Thank you.” I giggled, suddenly very shy in front of the members even though I’d spent nearly everyday with them for the past few years. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and tried to cover it with the flower bouquet but Woozi caught me.

“She’s blushing!” He pointed at my face which only made me blush harder. “She’s embarrassed!” He laughed and Joshua wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer as the others chuckled along.

“After all these years, this is the one moment she’s embarrassed.” Mingyu mused.

I pouted, “You guys never showered me with compliments like this before. It’s weird.” I told them but they all shook their heads.

“You’re the weird one.” Wonwoo concluded.

“But you’re my weirdo.” Joshua whispered into my ear before kissing my temple.

Before any of the guys could comment on the gesture, the photographer started giving instructions to capture some pictures with the members. Which then turned into a competition to who could pose the weirdest and pull the biggest laugh out of both Joshua and I.

Let’s just say that Jun had something to brag about for the next couple weeks.


My hand was sweating around the bouquet of flowers I was gripping. The spotlights shone on my back and casted a shadow in front of me. And the only thing that was keeping me grounded in the midst of all my nervousness was Joshua’s iron clad grip on my other hand.

Instead of going through the painstaking process of picking one of the members to officiate our ceremony, Joshua and I decided to choose one of my other guy friends so we could avoid all the hurt feelings among the Seventeen members. My friend stood in front of us, mic in hand, and was giving his short speech about how he met me and how he came to know Joshua.

“And now,” He turned slightly towards Joshua, “If the groom would answer in a loud clear voice for the whole room to hear. Do you, Joshua Hong, promise to love, care, support, and be (y/n)’s best friend for the rest of your lives?”

Joshua inhaled before, in a loud, clear voice, saying, “I do!”

Immediately after he answers, the members sat on my side of the wedding hall suddenly erupted:

“What did he say?”
“I couldn’t hear you!”
“That wasn’t loud enough!”
“Can you say it again?”
“Joshua, you can do better!”
“Pfffft! Weeeak!”

The other guests chuckled and I glanced over at Joshua who squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment. Of course his members wouldn’t let his day go on without a bit of teasing.

My friend looked at Joshua with laughter in his eyes, “The audience said they couldn’t hear you. Once more, if you will, please.” He suggested and Joshua sighed.

Taking a bigger breath, before quite literally screaming, “I DO!”

And instead of more comments, the members simply applauded his answer.

Then my friend turned to me and asked me the same question, in the same manner.

“Now if the bride will also answer in a loud clear voice. Do you, (y/n) (y/l/n), promise to love, care, support, and be Joshua’s best friend for the rest of your life?” He asked with slightly raised eyebrows.

I breath in a breath, and in a similar volume to Joshua’s first attempt, answered, “I do!”

The members from both sides, cheered, but unlike after Joshua’s answer, they were cheers of joys and not a hint of teasing was sensed.


Joshua scoffed under his breath as my shoulders relaxed. I gave his hand a small squeeze and he squeezed mine twice in reply.

The Seventeen members always knew how to make any event fun and memorable.


“Next we have a gift from the Seventeen members.” My friend said, motioning towards the side of the stage.

My eyes widened in surprise because no one had mentioned they were preparing anything. Joshua and I shuffled and turned to face the side where the other members were gathering and giggling with each other as a few mics were handed to them to share.

“Joshua and (y/n). Congratulations and, guys, hands up.” Seungcheol looked at the members to his left and right and they all raised their right hands, “We promise to always keep you two laughing and keep your children, whenever they come, smiling and protected.”

“Yes, we do!” The other members yelled in unison just as the music to “Happy Ending” began to play through the speakers.

I leaned towards Joshua, “Did you know they were doing this?” I asked him.

“If I did, you know I would have stopped them.” Joshua answered and it was clear that the members had left the both of us in the dark on purpose.

The members sang and bounced around together in their positions. I watched each member sing their part and they added some ridiculously exaggerated dance moves that had me giggling and laughing. Whenever Joshua’s lines would come up, they’d all just scream the words at the top of their lungs which sent the whole hall into fits of laughter.

By the end of the song, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I sang along with the members not really caring that I was supposed to look cute for the pictures. It was way too much fun.

The last line of the song, the Seventeen members disregarded their idol image and screamed the last “ayo” while jumping and posing into the weirdest formation ever.

Hoshi was lying on the floor. Dokyeom and Minghao were acting like they were high school sweethearts. Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Woozi were saluting Joshua as if he was being sent into war. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Dino were huddled together, whispering and pointing at us like giggling high school girls. Jun, Vernon, and Seungkwan were aggressively doing jazz hands with smiles that almost looked painful.

I applauded and laughed at their poses while Joshua chuckled at his best friends ridiculousness.


“To the lady who suggested a train-less dress for the reception, you are a goddess.” I said to the ceiling as I stepped out of the changing room.

Joshua was waiting outside the room and he smirked when he heard me.

“Was the wedding dress that much of a hassle?” He questioned.

I shook my head, “It just would’ve been awful to drag the train around all day.” I answered him as he extended out his hand.

Grabbing his hand, he led me towards the reception hall where all our friends and family were enjoying a meal together. Also where we would make our rounds and thank everyone for coming to our ceremony.

“I would’ve carried the train for you.” Joshua told me as we walked.

“Yeah, I know you would’ve.” I replied, “Which is exactly why I’m thankful I got a dress without one.”

“What? You don’t think I would be strong carry that train for you?” He prodded the thought with a pout.

“I know you’re strong enough.” I rolled my eyes, squeezing his hand and leaning into him slightly, “But if you were carrying my train, you would be behind me, not next to me, like you are right now.”

“Ah, I see.” Joshua smirked, “So I’m just so good looking, you want to always look at me.”

I barked out a laugh at his reasoning and played along. “That’s definitely it, Josh.”

We made our way around the large reception hall and thanked our guests for coming. Everyone complimented us and told us it was a beautiful wedding and we accepted it all with large smiles and my heart was so full of love it felt like it would have bursted. 

When we reached the area where we sat our family and the Seventeen members, Seungkwan, Hoshi, Jun, and Dokyeom made a beeline for me.

They wrapped me up in a bear hug, effectively pulling me away from Joshua.

“Congratulations!” Dokyeom said, smiling like an idiot which only made me smile more.

“You looked and are looking amazing!” Hoshi commented.

“You did wonderful and oh my gosh! You’re married now!” Seungkwan exclaimed.

“You’re Mrs. Joshua Hong!” Jun added.

“I know!” I squealed, unable to contain my own excitement any longer.

I looked over at Joshua, who was surrounded by Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dino, and Jeonghan, all smiles and bright eyes.

“Oi,” Joshua looked over at my little huddle of people, “What was all that about me not being loud enough. I was loud enough.” He pouted slightly which made me giggle.

“You were not loud enough, hyung.” Hoshi bantered.

“Yeah, we could barely hear you. And we were in the front row.” Vernon joined in on the teasing.

“You guys just love playing me, don’t you?” Joshua wondered with a defeated sigh.

“Always, hyung.” Dino answered him. “And we’re not ever going to stop.”

“Great.” Joshua said with an airy chuckle.


Joshua and I sat on the couch a couple weeks later, watching our recently acquired wedding video with a bowl of popcorn between the two of us. Our vows started in the video and Joshua groaned next to me.

“I hope they didn’t include the-”

“What did he say?”
“I couldn’t hear you!”
“That wasn’t loud enough!”
“Can you say it again?”
“Joshua, you can do better!”
“Pfffft! Weeeak!“

The members’ voices rang through the TV speakers and the camera zoomed in on the group of members with laughter and teasing written on their faces.

I laughed while Joshua rested his head in his hands as he was asked to repeat his answer in the video.

"Forever. That is forever recorded, and documented in this video.” Joshua chuckled in dismay.

“You have to admit, they made the ceremony at least a little fun.” I tried to reason with him through the remnants of my laughter.

My turn came up on the TV and it was then that we both realized that my answer was, in fact, not even close to the volume of either of Joshua’s answers.

“That is-, you were not even as loud as me!” Joshua gestured at the TV. “Yet, they praised you and gave me shit.”

I cuddled into his side and rested my chin his shoulder, “Just think, you can be apart of the next teasing party at the next wedding ceremony.”

“How do you know there’s gonna be another one?” Joshua glanced down at me with a questioning eyebrow.

I tilted my head slightly, “A certain leader may have come to me for engagement ring advice for his special someone.”

“Seungcheol’s proposing?!” Joshua exclaimed with wide eyes.

“Shhh.” I pressed my finger against his lips, “Don’t tell anyone. It’s a surprise for literally everyone. He doesn’t want anyone to know yet.”

“My lips are sealed.” Joshua 'zipped’ his lips closed. “But, I’m getting payback at his wedding.” He stated with determination. “Mark my words, Mrs. Hong. I will get payback. ”

I smiled at his playfulness and pat his leg, “You do that, Mr. Hong, you do that.”
