#seventeen joshua


Husband AU! Joshua

It was a wise decision to not come out of the room, you thought. As you stood behind the glass door watching your husband, Joshua, playing with the children, you felt an indescribable joy bubbling up in your heart.

You could never imagine finding love once again after your failed first marriage. It was as if God was still giving you a chance to be happy, Joshua came into your life.

“Honey, you can take a rest while I play with them!” Joshua’s sweet voice rang among the childish laughter. You nodded and returned a grateful smile at him before walking to the bed.

You were heavily pregnant when you planned the whole trip for the family. Joshua insisted to wait for your labour before going but you didn’t want the kids to be held back. Countless times, you were asked: “Mommy, are we going to the beach?” “Mommy, are we going to play this weekend?” and any normal mother would melt to those.

Thankfully, they didn’t nag or cry when you said you’re not going to join them playing in the water. “It’s okay, mommy!” your eldest son vigorously took your hand and shook it. Pointing to the grown man preparing for their towels, he continued. “Daddy is here so we’ll play with him. Mommy shouldn’t tire yourself!”

“Nawh, baby~”

“I’m not a baby anymore,” he pouted and hugged your arm. He played with your hair and whispered. “I’m a big brother. Don’t call me baby anymore, mommy. My pride is hurt!”

You peered at him and chuckled. You were holding your daughter in another arm and you heard a giggle. “Big brother is a baby~” your daughter mumbled with her mouth covered with her chubby, little hands.

Time passed without you realizing it. Your two children are no more of a baby that needs your meticulous attention. They can run and argue with you. The most touching thing they’ve said was, “Mommy, we’re big now. Don’t worry about us and mommy should be happy. New daddy will make you happier!”

You wished for them to never grow up.

“Hun,” Joshua called you and his attempt to get you awake was fruitful. You turned to the other side and immediately being caught within his harmless embrace. “You were crying,”

“Was I?” you asked, wiping the dried tears down your face. “I didn’t know,”

Joshua stroked your back and pulled you closer. “Want to share with me about it?” he softly asked but he didn’t intend to prod further. He knew that you’d tell him if you took the thing seriously. Maybe it was just emotional turbulence that made you cry.

“No big deal,” you let out a relief chuckled. “Pregnancy thingy, you know. How’re the kids?”

“Good as usual. I’ve bathed them and now they’re taking a nap next door,” Joshua gave you a light-feather kiss on your lips before getting up.

He seemed beat but wanted to look cool at the same time that he didn’t express it in front of you. You kind of pitied him.

“Aren’t you tired?”

Joshua took his leisure time to answer. He picked up a glass from the kitchen and poured water in it for you. “If I’m already tired just by playing with two kids how I’m gonna survive with three?” he grinned as he touched your swollen belly.

“Did he kick today?” you shook and as just you wanted to reach for Joshua’s hand on your tummy, the tiny human kicked. You winced.

You laughed before whining to your husband. “Look at your son!” Joshua followed suit. He beamed and sought for the next interaction. “He knew his father’s voice,”

“Come, baby. Kick again,”

You rolled your eyes and swatted his hand off. “I’m hurt here and you’re merrily laughing,” you held the base of your tummy for support and about to get down from the bed.

“It’s okay, I can manage,” you rejected Joshua’s offer as soon as he ran to your side for assistance. “If others see this, they might think I’m too vulnerable when all women suffer the same,”

“They should think like that! Men exist to love their women. This is the bare minimum,” He said firmly, his hands were already under your armpits and were about to help you up.

You stopped him and closed your eyes. “What’s wrong, honey?” his voice was now filled with genuine concern. He crouched down and cupped your face.

“Is it hurting? Okay, I won’t ask him to kick anymore,” he inched closer and gently patted there. “Behave in there. Don’t make your mommy-”

“Joshua,” you called his name quietly. You couldn’t bear to see his worried expression and let him grasp your hands for whatever reason.

He didn’t say anything to give you some space but the things you said next had him determined to treat you better.

“I wish I can give birth to our baby safely and make you the proudest father ever,”

“I’m glad I found you, honey,”

“Me too,”


If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!

//sorry i didn’t proofread so there may be many mistakes//


there was an attempt <3

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[2:21 am]

“It’s you,” he smiled.

“It’s me,” you giggled.

You softly pushed your two bowls of ramen and soda onto the counter for Joshua to scan, shamelessly pulling out money from your 2nd grade Hello Kitty wallet that he had complimented a week ago.

After paying, Joshua slapped a pack of Pepero onto one of the bowls and locked his eyes with your shocked ones.

“For you, my favorite customer,” Joshua winked at you, watching you erupt in laughter.

You slapped the top of one of the ramen bowls and pushed it towards him before grinning back at his surprised face.

“For you, my favorite cashier boy,” you mocked him, sending an exaggerated wink and watching his ears turn the slightest tint of red as he let out a loud laugh.

The two of you sat laughing while eating ramen together outside of the 711 at 2 in the morning, an open pack of Pepero opened between the two of you.

Anon asked: Can I request a Seventeen reaction? I just got approved for my brain surgery and I’m legit freaking out so I oughtta ask how my boys would react to that?? Please and Thank you!!  -MedicalAnon

Okay, first things first, congrats on getting approved for surgery, I’m sure its a pretty important one. I will have you in my thoughts until you get the opportunity to give us a little update. I’m sure everything is going to be okay and I get why you’re nervous and all, but just try to think as many positive thoughts as you can, love

Also, I feel like they would all have very similar reactions and I don’t want this to get overly repetitive and boring, so I’m just gonna do like a shorter version of a reaction if that’s okay.

I really hope you like this

*Sidenote, I am so sorry that this hasn’t been posted. I know that I said it was queued, but my phone would not let me post or do anything  for some reason, so I had to wait until I had wifi again. I’m so so so sorry.*

-Admin Lionheart

Would panic and freak out with you (being no help at all):







Would try and reassure you that everything will be okay:







Would be too shocked to anything at all:





Would not understand the importance/scariness of the situation at all:





Would do all of the above:





