#joshua x reader



little things about dating seventeen

warnings : none | reader is !gn


☆ takes off your house shoes for you and covers you with a blanket when you fall accidentally asleep on the couch

if it’s a bit cold outside he already has your coat in hand before you can turn to go back inside

☆ before he agrees to go out to eat after practice he thinks of what you’ll do for dinner without him,, calls to ask if it’s okay to bring you something home or if you’d rather eat together

if you both go to hang out with a group of friends every little while his eyes scan across the room to see if you are enjoying yourself. when someone tells a funny joke he cant help but lock his eyes on you as he laughs to make sure you’re laughing too,, honestly just wants to see your smile as you laugh. views you as much more than a temporary relationship,, but as a lifelong partner, makes his feelings known whenever possible.


always looking at you from across the room, he loves to see your smile when you notice him staring

stands over your shoulder looking at what you’re doing, sometimes he puts his hands on your waist or hugs you from behind

☆ talks about you constantly,, the people around him can’t help but love you by the way he speaks of you

jeonghan feels warm at the sight of you slowly going in and out of rooms collecting your stuff. he watches closely and attempts to find a routine in your actions, one day you’ll go to begin to get ready to see he’s done it all for you already. takes care of you when he notices you’re worn out,, the type to carry you into the house when you fell asleep in the car. makes you dance to cheesy love songs with him in random places.


☆ stays close to you in busy places, casually reaching his arm out to guide you through the crowd

☆ takes note of the way you care for yourself, could recite your night time routine in his sleep

☆ texts you throughout the day,, giving you updates with cute pictures he took

joshua always saves you a seat, he calls to you from across the room saying to sit next to him. will make you a plate of food to bring to you and makes the bed the way you like when you leave the house before he does. likes doing the chores others would often overlook,, gets quite flustered when you insist on thanking him. never makes you question how much he loves you.


☆ tells you to call him when you get to your destination to ensure you got there safely

☆ truly attempts to get involved in your life, does this by getting to know your friends and having you befriend his

☆ leaves his clothing out for you to wear,, completely willing to part with his favorite tshirt if it meant he could see you in it

junhui brings you things without asking him to, such as an extra blanket on the couch or a glass of water when you sat down to eat and forgot a drink. gives a little nod when you thank him for his kindness, if you say it wasn’t necessary he brushes it off and continues the kind deeds. would go to the ends of the earth to make your life slightly easier.


☆ surprises you with your favorite drink as an excuse to see you and spend a little bit of time together

☆ the second he notices your shoe untied he reaches down to do it for you and doesn’t hesitate to push your glasses up when they slide down

☆ is always helping you without question

soonyoung constantly tries to make you laugh with ridiculous jokes, will go as far as to make a fool out of himself in public to see your smile. he is literally addicted to your happiness and is overjoyed when he’s the reason for it. some may think he’s a fool but he’s just a fool for you.


☆ calls you when he can’t sleep because your voice soothes him,, cutely calls you when you’re in the same bed to tell you he needs you to help him sleep.

☆ when the waiter comes he orders for the both of you without you having to ask,, memorizes your favorite meals at restaurants you frequent

☆ hugs you tighter when you try to let go. he wants it to last a little longer.

if he sees you struggling with something he immediately comes to help. whether its opening a jar or carrying something heavy he just simply walks over and does it. he gives a little smile to acknowledge the favor and goes on about his day, he loves feeling useful when it comes to you.


☆ always on the look out for activities you can do together, sets up little dates where you spend the evening painting in the park, surprising eachother with the finished canvases at the end

☆ if a stranger comes up to ask for directions he’s always the one to step up to speak, not that he feels he needs to but because he enjoys doing it for you

☆ helps you pick out outfits,, loves it when you wear the one he chose

jihoon takes a mental note of the things you enjoy, he’ll buy you a movie on dvd that you said you loved as a kid. one day you’ll walk into your work place to see flowers in a vase, not even being able to recall when you had told him they were your favorite. constantly has you on his mind, loves all the things you do for him so he tries to find ways to show you how much he cares.


☆ notices the little things like the way you laugh a little harder at silly puns or the way you can’t help but dance when a certain song comes on

☆ if he sees a movie he thinks you’ll like he texts it to you to remind him so you can watch it together later

☆ always sending you tiktoks he’d think you’d like

constantly thinking of you and prioritizing you. not in a smothering way but in a loving one, he just wants to make you the happiest he can. always plans the perfect rest day for you when you’re stressed, he even lets you beat him at every game letting you think that you won.his smile is so much brighter when you’re around.


☆ thinks of you when he sees couples together. would probably get you a dog just so you could walk it together like the happy couple he saw

☆ always looking for ways to connect himself to you, even if its just you both liking the same song

☆ wants to be with you always,, brings you to every event and outing possible. basically loves to show you off as his

mingyu will bring you a different bag or pair of shoes saying “your outfit would look nice with this” with a small smile as he adoringly watches you get dressed. sees you with stars in his eyes, never having the heart to rush you even when running late. thinks seeing you in such a concentrated state of making yourself look nice is the creation of art itself.. you are far better than any art he could find elsewhere.


☆ when he finds a song or reads a book he likes he shows you them

☆ is always giving you post it notes of doodles he drew,, sometimes they’re little portraits of you

☆ when he sees something you’d like, either an item in a shop or food on a menu he reminds himself to come back with you so you can experience it together

if minghao notices a shift in your mood he’ll make his way over to you to ask if you’re okay, puts his arm around you to let you know he’s there for you. he loves you enough to hate seing you upset but he’d rather help you get the emotions out than bottle them up. tries his best to be just as vulnerable with you knowing you care for him in the same ways. you simply make his heart happy.


☆ knows what you’re feeling just from looking at your face,, if the emotion is good or bad he immediately gauges the perfect way to approach you

☆ excuses you from conversations or social situations where you look uncomfortable

☆ takes your hand in his at every possible moment

he notices everything even when you thought no one was watching. when seungkwan offers you an orange you agree thinking you’ll have to peel it yourself, but when you go to where he’s standing you see that he peeled it the exact way he’s seen you do a thousand times. it’s ridiculous to cry over such small things but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you want to tear up. effortlessly shows you he cares just because he loves you so much, if you blink you might miss it.


☆ his family already know you before you step foot into their house,, wants nothing more than for them to love you as much as he does

☆ he tucks the hair in your face behind your ear when you’re busy,, when he notices your hair changed from how you styled it he clips it back in place

☆ hears a friend talking about a vacation they took and gets excited thinking of all of the places he wants to take you

its not unusual to meet with hansol and he has a small gift in hand. maybe its a stuffed animal or a cd he burned himself, he’s just always thinking of you and any little way to make you happy. he doesn’t mind getting teased about it because he knows he’s undeniably whipped for you.


☆ constantly trying to show the world how amazing you are and how much you mean to him,, he wants everyone to witness your greatness

☆ checking up on you every now and then,, popping into the next room or calling you to ask you about your day so far

☆ knows your favorite things. watch what you say because he literally pays attention to every word. will show up with ten of your favorite candies that you mentioned once

chan watches you fondly as you go about your day, takes note of the way you wash the dishes, fix the tables chairs, even the way you turn the pages of a book. falls in love with the mundane moments of life such as cleaning the house or running errands, as long as they are spent with you he’s happy to do them. he never knew the joy of life with a partner before he felt what it was to live his life with you.

HAPPY MERRY (possibly late) CHRISTMAS this is what you get heathens, you’re welcome

summary:christmas traditions with joshua
pairing: joshua hong x male!reader
word count: 1158
to do

“Remember,” Joshua watches you pull the plate of cookies away from your younger siblings and cousins. “We have to save some for Santa.”

Some of the kids gasp, all of them looking at you with wide eyes. One of them looks at their cookie with horror.

“Which ones do you want to save?” You ask.

Your youngest sister, sitting on your lap, leans forward. She pokes at one. It’s a sugar cookie very sloppily- or prettily as Joshua should say- decorated by her. Red, green, and purple icing cover it in different splotches. It looks to be the remnants of a snow-man.

“That one? How many should we give him?”

Joshua wants to interact with you in this precious moment. He wants to join in making the kids gasp and smile, but he’s locked in his spot. He’s leaning against the counters with an empty mug in his hands.

The five below-eight-year-olds throw out different answers. One of your cousins asks about food for the reindeer, and you very excitedly mention you brought special carrots for them. Joshua smiles at you. He would be lying if he said he was completely excited to be with your family over the holidays instead of only with you or with his own family, but this moment. This moment with a bunch of kids crowding around you and you becoming more excited than he’s seen all week. You smiling and decorating cookies, making gingerbread men, reading Christmas stories, and putting up Christmas lights everywhere. It couldn’t be more perfect. He never wants to leave. He doesn’t want the Earth to move at all.

Sadly, it does.

A 9pm timer for the kids goes off. You gasp and look over at Joshua. He’s knocked breathless by how beautiful you look before reality comes back. He presses the button to stop the alarm and watches the beginnings of chaos. Some of the older kids look around, not quite knowing what to do. You stand up and put your sister down. You, very dramatically, look at your wrist. You’re not wearing a watch, but none of the kids are paying very close attention to that.

Your mom appears from the living room, followed by the teenagers and the kid’s parents. She shakes her head and looks to you. “We should check where Santa is.”

One of your older cousin’s drops his mouth open. “I hope we didn’t stay up too late! He might’ve passed us already.”

Every other parent groans and begins to calm their kids down. Your cousin’s wife smacks his shoulder.

You smile. “Let’s check. I’ll get my computer.”

The kids scramble into the living room. Somebody manages to hand you the computer before it gets trampled. You type in the tracker and wait for it to load. The kids crowd around you, all of them trying to get a good look. The ones that can read analyze the webpage like it’s a bomb-defusing manual. The others look to you with frazzled expressions.

“Co-lor-a-do.” One of the kids sounds the word out.

“He’s in Colorado.” You shake your head and point to the screen. “Look, we’re up here. How far away is he? How many states away is Colorado? One, two.”

The kids count with you, then look at each other.

“Two states away?” Your mom shakes her head. “That’s pretty close. Maybe we should all get to bed.”

The kids nod and scatter into the house, quickly followed by their guardians. You close your laptop with a smile. You finally walk up to Joshua. Your smile is so bright. It penetrates right through his chest. Something future-seeking stirs inside him. He wants to spend every Christmas like this. With you, surrounded by family, with kids freaking out about Santa, and the smell of Peppermint and Gingerbread mixing in the air.

Joshua leans down to kiss you. Your smile doesn’t change at all. If anything, it gets warmer. 

“Do we have to get presents ready for the kids?” He whispers the question in case of any little ears.

You seem confused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Santa brings presents.”

He rolls his eyes at you. “I love you.”

The statement is slightly odd in the situation, but you return it.

“I love you too.” You wink at him. “Merry early-Christmas.”

His hand caresses your face. The kids running around you and the adults beginning to gather supplies fade away. You look at each other for a while before the realization of your family being in the room comes to you again. You step back with a final kiss on his cheek.

“I think we should eat some of the cookies, so Santa doesn’t get full only at our house. And somebody should take a few bites of the carrots for the reindeer.” You giggle at yourself. “What do you think?”

“I think Santa and his reindeer will have already had some of each, so it’s the least we could do, really,” Joshua adds on.


You sit underneath the tree, pushing presents back further to stop them from completely taking over the living room. Joshua hands you different gifts. He watches you painstakingly place each present even when you know at 6:15am tomorrow morning it’ll all be gone.

“What kind of traditions are we going to have for our kids?”

His question surprises you some. He can see it with the quick flash of panicked expression before the thought sets in.

“Ooh,” You’re seriously thinking it over. “I’m not sure. What do you think?”

“I like how all of your family says Santa is real, and if you say he isn’t, you don’t get presents.” He smiles. “The putting up of the Christmas tree closer to Halloween, not so much.”

You nod your head. “Yeah, I agree with that one. Your family does Secret Santa, though, and I would love that when they got older. Oh! And opening one present on Christmas Eve and it’s always matching pajamas that you have to wear when opening presents, that’s got to stay forever, I don’t care if we have moody teenagers and they hate it.”


Quiet passes for a second. Both of you have small smiles on your faces. You look at Joshua. Both of you nod at the same time.

“All out decorations.” You nod your head.

“Our house will be the star of the Good-School-Zone sub-division we will live in.”

“Oh, yeah. Karen down the street who runs the HOA and has lived there since the houses were built is going to pissed that we have better decorations than her.” You nod your head. You’re already scripting arguments with this fake woman. “And all of the kids will love coming to our house for Halloween. Full-Size Candy Bars.”

Joshua laughs as you over pronounce each word.

You’re excited about your future children together, and his heart swells. You’re already filling his future life. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
