#seventeen scenario


A/N: this is my first gif reaction so forgive me if it isn’t what you wanted agh ><

S. Coups:

He’d watch you sway your hips as you were showing off those revealing high fashion clothes and dirty thoughts would run through his mind uncontrollably. He’d  imagine how he’d roam his hands all over those sexy, bare thighs tonight and lick his lips as a result. A problem would start to form inside his pants and he has to suppress thoughts about how he’d lay you on the bed and ravish you wildly after the fashion show.


Jeonghan would be much like coups and would have trouble to suppress his naughty thoughts. He watched you walk down the runway, confident and fierce, your swaying  hips, short skirt and high heels driving him crazy. It’d take every ounce of his strength not to jump on the catwalk, kidnap you and pull you into an empty room to just take you right then and there. He bites his bottom lip hard to keep from doing so. When you’d glance in his direction to see his reaction, he’d throw you lustful looks, letting you know you’ll be in for a ton of fun tonight.


Joshua is a cutiepie, he’d be completely mesmerized by your appearance, totally captivated by the way you moved and feeling lucky you wanted to be with him. He’d be so proud of you and how you own that catwalk. When you’d look in his direction, you’d only find loving and adoring looks on his face. He couldn’t stop thinking about how gorgeous you look and how much he wants to press his lips on yours.


Jun would be the cutest omg. He’d see you playing the crowd, blowing kisses as you showed off those expensive designer clothes that fit your body like a glove. You’d look in his direction, smile and throw a cheeky wink at him and he’d be left baffled. Was your wink meant for him? He’d look around him, trying to find someone your wink could’ve been directed at but it seemed you meant him after all. He couldn’t believe you just openly flirted with him omg. 


Soonyoung would be cool about it, or at least act like he was. He’d watch you carefully, taking in every step you’d take and would try to seem cool and composed while he was actually getting turned on as hell. He’d try not letting it show, scared he’d break your concentration if you’d look his way. Dirty thoughts would run through his mind, something got hard in his pants but his face wouldn’t give anything away. Damn that boy.


Wonwoo would be adorable. He’d watch you walk down that runway, glamorous, gorgeous and confident and think he’s in heaven or something. He’d be completely drawn to the way you moved, like you put a spell on him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you for one second, a gasp would leave his lips as you’d turn around and look his way, smiling and winking at him.


Ahw look at this innocent fluffball! He’d be very surprised seeing this totally new side of you: confident, fierce and sexy. He was used to cute, smol you so this was all very new to him, getting him all shy about it. He wouldn’t be able to hold back nervous smiles and giggles when you’d look in his direction. But would he like this new side of you? Hell yes he would! He’d even like to see it more now!


This doesn’t come as a surprise i guess. The little shit would be smiling widely through the entire thing, feeling invincible as he knew you’re his while everyone in the crowd would be thirsting after you and it gave him immense pleasure. ‘Yeah that’s right, that gorgeous godess is mine, tough luck everyone!’


Mingyu. Sigh. This one. Mingyu would certainly likey-likey what he’d see in front of him. And he wouldn’t keep it a secret at all. This boy is thirsty af and seeing you in those tight clothes and high heels only made it worse. You’d look in his direction to see his reaction, only to find him nodding his head like an idiot and licking the little bit of drool from the corner of his mouth. You’re in for a lot of touchies after the show.


Minghao, the cheeky little bastard. Watching you would make him absolutely euphoric and cheerful but as soon as you’d look in his direction he’d attack you with one of those irresistable winks, which he knew would make you weak. He’d make it seem like he was the one teasing you while he already had a problem in his pants from the moment you got on the catwalk.


Seungkwan omg this one is so much fun. Poor baby. He’d be completely overwhelmed by your appearance, he’d never seen you so sexy before. He’d be startled af and would have trouble handling all the feelings and emotions that would suddenly run through his mind and body. He’d start breathing heavily as he’d get turned on like there was no tomorrow, just from seeing you dressed like a sexy godess and walking down the catwalk, swaying your hips. You’d look in his direction and smile and he’d be done.


This. Way too handsome. Little. Shit. omg. He’d be like totally into it you know, yeah watching you parade down that runway, fiercely and confident and most of all hella sexy. Hansol would very much likey. When you’d look in his direction, he’d mouth your name and throw you a hand heart, supporting you and at the same time making you weak with his sexy expressions. He’d know exactly what he was doing. Damn you, vernon.


Ahw, cutie! Just like woozi, he’d be completely surprised by this hella sexy side of you but he’d be just like ‘Wow, jagi!’ instead of getting shy. You’d see his gaping mouth and big eyes as he watched you sway your hips sexily and you’d smile at his cute reaction. But now you triggered something so prepare for requests such as dressing more sexy when you’re with him or like private fashion shows for him alone. You made this cutie have dirty thoughts, shame on you!

- Admin E


characters: hansol x female reader

genre/warnings:idol au, best friends to possibly lovers?, fluff sorta

word count:658

summary:i don’t wanna waste it, don’t wanna waste it the night.

previous song|next song|back to playlist

Despite everything going on between your members’ constant curiosity about your friendship with Hansol, and the little rumors spreading here and there online, you had zero time to think about any of that. You wanted to because honestly, after that morning when Mira said something, you kept having little thoughts of ‘what if’. But you were in the midst of a comeback and you were about to travel to America to do some promotions there for a few weeks, too. To even think about opening that can of worms right now would be the dumbest thing you could possibly do.

But of course, Hansol pops back into your mind when he texts you after your music show performance – because of course Seventeen was performing too, so he knew when it was over – and asks if you want to hang out that night. Knowing you’re leaving in the morning for America for at least the next month, how could you say no?

So that’s how you find yourself in Hansol’s car for once. Usually you’re the driver just because you don’t really mind it, but Hansol insisted on driving this time.

“You should relax since you have to be up early tomorrow,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry, though, I’ll have you back before you have to leave.”

But as you rode shotgun in Hansol’s car, you, as always when you hung out together, found yourself not wanting to go home. You wanted to just pause time and be in a little infinity with your best friend. You wanted to continue to talk about nothing and everything, and laugh and talk about deep, serious things. 

“Is there anywhere you wanted to go, by the way?” Hansol asked after one of your many conversations had naturally ended and the two of you were sitting in comfortable silence for a few minutes, just the sound of 5 Seconds of Summer softly filling the car. But his voice almost made you jump because you were lost in your thoughts about your feelings toward Hansol – you were silently cursing your bandmates for planting this stupid seed in your head.

“No,” you replied, glancing at the dashboard to check the time.


“C’mon, there’s gotta be something,” he pressed with a chuckle. “I can’t bring you home yet. I’m not gonna see you for an entire month,dude.”

Your eyes went out of focus, staring at the soft glow of the dashboard where the song, artist, and time were displayed. But none of it registered. The butterflies that erupted when he said that threw you off. But…maybe that always happened and you just never thought anything of it? Maybe you assumed you felt that way because it was just nice to feel like he liked hanging out with you? Or maybe…it was more but you never considered that an option?

‘Oh god, do I…actually have feelings for Hansol?’ you asked yourself.

You turned your head in small movements to look at him, almost feeling timid as your eyes landed on his profile.

‘I don’t wanna say goodbye to another night, and watch you walk away,’ the bridge played from the speakers, ‘I don’t wanna let it burn in the city lights, and make the same mistakes this time.’

He felt your stare and glanced at you with a warm smile and laugh to match, “What’s that look for?”

“N-nothing,” you replied a little too quickly.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” he frowned slightly, assuming that his comment about not seeing each other was why you were staring at him with an unreadable expression. “I mean, if it’s cool, I’d be willing to stay over.”

You’d had sleepovers with Hansol before, but suddenly it was nerve wracking.

‘No,’ you told yourself, ‘you’re just overthinking because of Mira and the girls. This is literally nothing.’

So, because you, like Hansol, didn’t want to say goodbye yet, either, you smiled and said, “Yeah, of course.”


Anonymous asked: I’ve been rereading Imprinted and I was wondering if you’d ever do a headcanon on when Bomi shot Mingyu like you did with Bomi and Jaehee’s mate? I just want to know more about what happened but I understand if you don’t want to


a/n: okay this ask was sitting in my inbox for a long ass time bc i forgot about it lmao. but fun fact!!!! in the original svt imprinted i planned on actually writing all of that out in his first part and it was gonna be the first thing that happened in the part, but i felt it wasn’t super necessary and made it kinda long. but here’s the backstory!!! (and yes this is a prequel to the first part). but to the anon who requested this: i am so sorry for being so late ily

Warnings: guns and blood!!! but if you’ve read the story you know that nobody dies

Mingyu part 1|Mingyu part 2|Imprinted Masterlist

Keep reading

Anonymous asked: I’ve been rereading Imprinted and I was wondering if you’d ever do a headcanon on when Bomi shot Mingyu like you did with Bomi and Jaehee’s mate? I just want to know more about what happened but I understand if you don’t want to


a/n: okay this ask was sitting in my inbox for a long ass time bc i forgot about it lmao. but fun fact!!!! in the original svt imprinted i planned on actually writing all of that out in his first part and it was gonna be the first thing that happened in the part, but i felt it wasn’t super necessary and made it kinda long. but here’s the backstory!!! (and yes this is a prequel to the first part). but to the anon who requested this: i am so sorry for being so late ily

Warnings: guns and blood!!! but if you’ve read the story you know that nobody dies

Mingyu part 1|Mingyu part 2|Imprinted Masterlist

  • so as we know, Bomi used to be a werewolf hunter
  • she was with Namjoon’s crew and was assigned a mission on her own, but Yoongi promised to be waiting for her when she was done
  • because the two were really close
  • her mission was to kill the pup of Seungcheol’s pack in an attempt to have some sort of start to getting rid of the large pack and to have a bit of an upper hand
  • because the pack would be too distraught over the loss of their brother to retaliate right away, so then they could strike
  • now, before meeting Mingyu, Bomi despisedwerewolves
  • her parents were killed by werewolves but we already knew that
  • so she was fine with having to go in and fuck up Chan’s day
  • meanwhile, Chan had no idea what was about to come
  • the pup had a really late class that day and was just getting out
  • it was already dark outside but Mingyu was waiting in the parking lot to pick him up
  • did Bomi know that? of course not
  • she just knew that Chan would be alone and that was the perfect time to make her move
  • she was waiting by the fence at the edge of the parking lot. it was dark and not near any streetlamps, and it was right by the woods so she could drag him away and do it
  • as he was passing by, she lunged out and put a cloth laced with silver in his mouth, gripping it behind his head and dragging him backwards into the darkness
  • but out of the corner of his eye, Mingyu had seen his brother walking over, and then he saw a shadow and Chan was gone
  • naturally, he went to investigate
  • Bomi managed to spin Chan around despite his struggling, shoving him to the forest floor and aiming her gun at him
  • in Chan’s panic (and with his mouth, y’know, burning) he had no idea what was happening, but now he sensed it. he knew what she was and what was going to happen
  • “Bye, puppy,” she smirked
  • a growl ripped through the silent forest as Mingyu lunged out of nowhere and pushed Bomi up against a tree, her back slamming into it
  • and then it hit them both at the same time
  • Mingyu’s red eyes softened, his expression falling and his teeth no longer bared
  • Bomi’s eyes went wide and the first thing she felt was panic
  • this wasn’t right. it was against everything she believed in. what was she supposed to do?!
  • Mingyu’s face was inches from her, so her first instinct was to shove him away
  • and in her confused panic, she did the only thing she could think to do
  • she shot him
  • the silver bullet hit his shoulder, and with a hiss of pain, Mingyu fell to the ground beside Chan
  • Chan stared at his brother in horror, and then looked up at Bomi with a mix of hurt and confusion
  • his eyes filled with tears knowing silver could kill Mingyu
  • looking between the pup and his brother, she actually felt…bad. why did she feel bad?
  • ‘because you’re no better than them now,’ she realized
  • like monsters had taken the people she loved from her, she was taking someone Chan loved from him
  • she were the monster
  • “I-I…” Bomi stammered, but she didn’t know what to say. she didn’t even know what to do, she was just frozen in place
  • the pup was suddenly on top of her, and her back was hitting the ground
  • since Chan had taken her off guard, her gun fell from her hand when she hit the ground, so she had to fight back with her arms and legs
  • but she wasn’t doing that for long because Chan was suddenly pulled off of her, and then she was staring down the barrel of her own gun
  • above her, Mingyu’s face was set in a grimace and Bomi thought she was definitely in trouble
  • “Call Seungcheol,” Mingyu told Chan through clenched teeth
  • but Bomi was in a different kind of trouble than she thought
  • then he managed a hint of a smirk as he told her, “You’re coming with us.”

20:23 (i love you so.)

pairings: kim mingyu x g/n reader

genre: angst, some fluff, mutual pining, (un)requited love, reader likes lying to themselves, exes but also !soulmate au?


(a/n: kind of my first serious drabble on this blog, ya’ll i dont even know what this is. i just blacked out and started typing shit at 1 am last night. was originally supposed to be around 20k aka a full length fic but hmm. gyuldaengies i am here to inform all of you with regret that i am one of you now /j. music inspo for this was ‘i love you so’ by the walters, feel free to listen to it as you read this steaming mess! special thanks to @beyoncesdragonand@praninllove for being the sweetest hypepeople ever pls)

Loneliness strikes the hardest when one hopes for company.

You nearly trip on the extension box uselessly lying on the floor with oodles of wire splayed out uselessly. You had forgotten to reel it back in after using it for your laptop last night. Who in their right mind lived in a bedroom with a singular plug point? You briefly reminisce about Seungkwan nearly punching the life out of your landlord before moving out of this apartment the both of you had originally agreed on cohabiting. The tiny smile that makes your lips curl up is involuntary but definitely not unwelcome. Where was he anyway? Wasn’t he supposed to be here with Chan already? You whip out your phone and cradle it between your head and your neck before squatting down to reel all the excess, neglected wire from the extension box back in.

The phone rings, and it doesn’t take long for your best friend of five years to pick up and growl unabashedly.

“We’re still on our way, (name). Stop calling!”

Your neck cracks, and the mobile almost slips as you whip your head to look at the clock on your wall. “On your way from where, Jeju? What in the world is taking you so long?”

There is a windy yell followed by a smack on the other end of the line. You also hear lots of panting, and that’s when it clicks.

“You’re..walking to my place.”

“Our ride broke down.” It’s Chan’s voice in your ear now.

“Well damn.” You get up and dust your pants a little before shoving the cursed wire filled box under your bed with your right foot. You really didn’t care how convenient it was at this point, you were never going to use it again for the foreseeable future. “How far along are you?”

“We’re on the bridge!”

Too late for them to go back then. Maybe they could crash at your place for the night before they got their crap together, it wasn’t like they lived ten minutes apart from you after all. You tell them this, and they agree. You end the call after you hear Seungkwan threatening to hurl Chan off the bridge for walking close enough to him to constantly end up stepping on his toes.

It’s hard not to let their chaos affect you. You feel a little ready to have fun, a little young and reckless despite all of that dreary paperwork sitting on your coffee table. Most of it was due on Monday. Was today Friday already? ‘Course it was, that was why Seungkwan and Chan were coming over. Movie nights were a tradition the three of you had followed since your university days no matter how hard life was going down on you. It was a tradition you followed even when you were at your worst, why would you jam the brakes on it when the only thing holding you back was an ugly stack of papers?

You weren’t inherently an organized person, but you were willing to try every once in a while. You scuttle around the apartment, intently scouring all the rooms for anything out of place. Existing seemed a little easier on days like these, days when you didn’t have to worry about everything at once. Days like these were like a hot balloon slowly drooping down to the ground just for you. You could climb on and feel lighter, you could feel yourself float away from everything that haunted you on all the nights you couldn’t will yourself to go to sleep.

The doorbell rings. Pizza guy or your friends?

It was neither of them. Your hot balloon deflates a little, and then it pops, harshly flinging you back into reality.


Why was hehere?

Mingyu’s eyes widen when they fall upon you. He looks confused, a little frustrated even. He’s dressed to impress, with his hair neatly slicked back and a (riskily positioned) Rolex on his wrist. Heat rushes to your neck, because you’re suddenly growing very aware of your messy bun, your bare face and your unbelievably embarrassing Totoro pajamas. The primal urge to pat yourself down was growing exponentially by the minute.

You resort to staring blankly at the unopened bottle of wine with a pink bow around its neck dangling from his hand for almost a full minute before you look up at his denim jacket and clear your throat. “Can I help you?”

The confusion in your voice seems to stir him out of a stupor you didn’t know he was trapped in. He was fumbling for his phone now. “Sorry uh, I think I got the wrong door. I had no idea you lived here.”

His tone is a little distant, just like yours. You wonder when your friends would swoop in to save you from this mess of an interaction.


Mingyu looks the same. It’s not like a person could drastically morph into a stranger in such a short span of time. Interacting with him was inevitable with that soul bond you both had. You two were always somehow bumping into each other at the worst places and times imaginable. That split he had razored into his eyebrow that you had noticed for the very first time when you had catastrophically rammed your trolley into his very full one at the convenience store nearly a week ago was still there. Maybe it had dulled a little, you couldn’t tell. You make the rookie mistake of unconsciously looking for that ever present mole on his cheek, and you almost bite the tip of your tongue when something familiar, something so delicate and longing threatens to seize your breath.

The opposite poles of a magnet were meant to pull each other with a lot of force, but what if they didn’t want that? Ironic. Mingyu did feel like everything you could ever possibly want, but why did he also feel like something too good to be true, something you could never have?

You’re brought back from your reverie when he coughs a little into his fist before the call connects and he raises the slightly cracked screen of his phone to his lips. “Hi babe, I think I got your door number wrong? Was it not 314?”

He was probably on a date then. Was it okay to assume? You’ve never heard him call any of his friends “babe”, so. It didn’t really matter to you anyways. It was another one of those silly little mistakes, him colliding with your day like this. He was going to leave soon, you could go back to waiting for Seungkwan and Chan, and before long, the three of you would be buried neck deep in the plot of a chunky psychological thriller. Everything was going to be fine, you weren’t going to let this ruin your day anymore.

“314? I’m at 314 though?” He’s still here, and he’s still on the phone. His hands were moving a little too wildly for someone carrying a wine bottle. Why was he even holding the neck of the bottle like it was the hilt of a sword? Wasn’t he supposed to be holding the body?

Foreshadowing was one hell of a bitch. You were right, unbearably so. There were glass shards everywhere, and all you saw was red. You weren’t seeing red because you were mad, there was red wine all over the welcome carpet right at the entrance of your apartment.

“Fuck.” He’s bending down haphazardly, panic lacing his actions. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t-”

“That’s alright.” You’re almost swatting him away from the ground, away from all those glass shards. The last thing you wanted to do with your time tonight was spend it with Kim Mingyu at the E.R. “I’ll clean this up, don’t worry.”

Don’t worry? You mentally curse yourself for sounding so stupid as you walk further into your apartment to get a dish filled with water, a wet rag and some disinfectant to get rid of all the sour wine smell. He’s still standing outside when you return, and you’re positive he’s staring at you when you messily fold your sleeves to start tidying up the floor, to start tidying up the pandemonium threatening to spill from the broken wine bottle inside your heart. “You don’t have to run late to your-” you catch yourself in time-”whatever, the bottle technically crashed inside my apartment, I can fix that myself. Just buy a new one or something.”

Maybe this was all you could do for him. A man you once knew, a man you (once, emphasis on the once) loved. You could let him go. You could clean up the mess you were maybe partially responsible for and wish him the best.

Maybe this was the only way you could care now.

Mingyu’s eyes narrow a little at your words. You try not to groan audibly when he (finally) steps inside and crouches down right beside you. Your shoulders are touching, the proximity is too much for you, and you try not to pop a vein when he pulls out a wet rag from a bucket and starts collecting all the small, dangerous glass pieces with quick, deft movements. This was out of your hands then, the fucker was definitely going to stain his denim-fuelled ensemble now.

Ibroke the bottle inside yourplace, it doesn’t make sense for you to be doing this.”

Cool. How were you going to tell him you were doing it because you wanted him to be gone as quickly as possible and not because you didn’t want him running late for his date? It’s a little too domestic for your taste, the both of you hastily arguing over which corners of the room you were going to cover. It was waytoo domestic, the way he had to stretch his arm over your shoulder and pick up an ugly piece of green glass you had previously missed. You try your best to not grow comfortable, you try not to let the warmth from his demeanor seep into your bones.

You fail miserably.



“It’s not a date. she’s just a friend.”

Your heart cracks a little. A bitter laugh bubbles from your lips as you throw down a fresh rag on a particularly wine-soaked spot a little too aggressively for your taste.

“Right. I never asked, though.”



“Things would be so much easier if we would just be honest to each other.”

Love intake - seokmin

synopsis’seokmin knew when you missed 3 of his calls that you’re drop-dead drunk because of your ex. What he didn’t know was his decision to slowly wear his heart on his sleeve.

genre/themes/warning’fluff, comfort, mentions of drinking, food, almost swearing (?), best friends to lovers, (tell me if I missed anything!)

authors note’this one took me forever to write omg. I have like 3 drafts of the same title with completely different stories, but end up settling for this one (hopefully it’s a good choice) I feel like seokmin has been climbing up my bias list ever so slowly these days, how to function??? Anywaysss enjoy reader! ^^

now playing’ pizza pepperoni - Rahmania Astrini

word count’1 576

“You look terrible.”

You snickered, holding up your weight with one arm, “What a way to wake a drunk person up.” Seokmin chuckled and gave his hand out which you gladly took, holding on to properly sit down. “When did you get here?” you slowly feel the haziness dissipates and took note of how dry your voice sounded. Seokmin handed you the glass of water you presume he had set on the coffee table. “A little over 30 mins. I came running because you decide to reside to alcohol over your own best friend.” he pouts.  

Keep reading

☆ hogwarts!au x minghao
minghao wants to draw a thestral, but he can’t see them.
[yes this is an hp au, but we ignore you know who <3]

  • when you see a box of chocolate wands levitating toward you from the other side of the quad you shut your book and get up before they can reach you
  • stubbornly, the sender of the chocolates follows you down into the castle
  • “hoshi - tell minghao im not-”
  • you turn around, ready to be faced with the big smile of the gryffindor troublemaker but instead, you see hufflepuff’s own xu minghao
  • “oh - i thought the floating chocolate would be more of a hoshi thing than you.”
  • turning on your heel, you nearly get away before minghao’s hand touches your shoulder
  • “sorry for sending him after you before, but are you really so against it?”
  • something softens when you hear the genuine question in his voice.
  • you know out of all the students in your year, minghao is considered the most formidable artist of them all
  • aside from magic - there’s a whole list of things he’s good at - and the muggle hobby of drawing is one of them
  • although wizards have figured out ways to cast the likeness of something or someone onto parchment hundreds of years ago, minghao is traditional
  • you can tell because he keeps a sketchbook (non-magical) under his arm at all times - you’re sure it’s more important to him than his own wand
  • but still - his request is just a bit much this time
  • “im sorry, i can’t. maybe someone else can help you.”
  • with that you gently shrug his hold off of you and hurry toward the classrooms
  • you don’t look back - but minghao watches you disappear in the flurry of students
  • “i don’t understand why you keep saying no!”
  • your friend lays themselves dramatically over your bed and puts a hand over their heart
  • “it’s xu minghao - he’s the most eligible boy in hufflepuff!”
  • you pet the top of your owls head as you sit in the window of your dorm and frown
  • “you said that last week, but it was about seokmin.”
  • they pretend they don’t hear you and continue
  • “what is he even asking you to do? pose for him? model for him? be pretty in front of him?”
  • you shake your head and get up, shrugging a light jacket over your shoulders and telling your friend you’re going to head out
  • “meeting up with minghao?!”
  • they call back and you shut the door with a flick of your wand
  • the forest outside of hogwarts is usually quiet, students don’t like going there unless it’s for a class, but you’ve gotten comfortable enough to know your way around
  • you especially know where to go to find thestrals - the small herd that hogwarts uses to pull the carriages all gather in a place off the path and you’ve been visiting it for almost all the years you’ve been attending
  • you never get too close - thestrals can be rather sensitive, and plus, the benefit of being able to actually see them is something you don’t want to lose if they actively start trying to hide
  • you find the familiar tree stump you climb ontop of and-
  • “oh.”
  • your head turns in the direction of someones voice and you see minghao standing a couple of feet away
  • “what are you doing here?”
  • you ask, bewildered - both by the fact that he’s in the woods by himself and that he somehow managed to find this place in particular
  • “i thought this might be where the thestral herd is. i can’t see them, but this place has a certain feeling.”
  • “well…i can’t say you’re wrong..”
  • you look over his shoulder where some of the thestrals have lifted their heads to keep an eye on your conversation
  • minghao follows your gaze and goes, “they’re behind me aren’t they?”
  • “yes. don’t make any sudden movements - they don’t like that.”
  • he nods, making his way down onto the grass.
  • he opens his sketchbook and you can’t help but step closer to him
  • “are you going to draw?”
  • “yep, im going to draw them - or at least what i think they look like.”
  • you shift from one foot to another
  • this is what minghao has been trying to get you to do for weeks, describe a thestral to him
  • apparently, he hasn’t gone through the events one has to go through in order to clearly see them
  • you on the other hand have, and the only reason people know about it is because your trauma was a publically talked about event
  • part of you wants to know if minghao has something similar but unlike you - hasn’t come to accept it yet
  • you look at his side profile, all perfect sharp angles, his bone structure is striking and you understand the hype he gets around school
  • his long fingers hold the pencil delicately, he draws a line and then looks up to meet your stare
  • “they look like horses right?”
  • you have to bring yourself out of his beauty and back into reality - embarrassing enough of a task that you just kind of nod
  • “well, yes but they’re very different.”
  • “how so?”
  • you sink to your knees beside him, you look out at the creatures who have returned to their business after sensing neither you or minghao are a threat
  • “they’re skeletal - people say they’re scary once you are able to see them for the first time but it’s not that, they’re just otherworldly - transparent almost.”
  • you put your hands around your knees
  • “their wings are big, like a dragon - but thinner, they kind of look like the skin between webbing……the bones are long and silver.”
  • before you realize it, you’re going into more detail than you had wanted to
  • “if i had to describe them as a color though, it’s like looking at moonlight as an animal.”
  • you had been denying minghao’s request for you to tell him about them but now it just pours out
  • at first, you had thought talking about them would push to surface memories you didn’t want to look back on
  • but instead - it’s almost cathartic - to sit beside someone and share an experience like this with them
  • when you turn to tell minghao one more thing, you see that he hasn’t picked up his pencil again
  • instead his sketchbook is laying on the grass in front of you two and he’s looking at you
  • “minghao?”
  • “it’s hard to draw when you talk about them so beautifully.”
  • you bite back your lip
  • “well they are beautiful.”
  • “that’s why i asked you by the way-”
  • he clears his throat and his voice drops
  • “i never meant it to be annoying, or to make you think about things you didn’t want to think about again. i just always thought that you would be the best person to describe them the way they really look.”
  • you nod and something makes you reach out for his sketchbook
  • “i wish i could draw them for you - but i really don’t have any talent.”
  • you touch the paper and then feel something soft against your ear
  • you look and minghao is reaching out to pick a stray leaf from your hair
  • his touch is gentle and the woods are still all around you - just the softness of the moment
  • he lets it blow off into the wind and you watch it make a path up and back toward the tree
  • minghao doesn’t take his eyes off of you
  • “i think you have other talents.”
  • he finally starts and then his hand drops back to his side
  • “and i think one of them is making me want to be around you.”
  • you freeze because the words are unexpected and raw, you try to find a logical response to it but you can only muster a small
  • “what do you mean?”
  • he leans back and looks out in front of him - he sees an empty pasture of grass
  • “i don’t really know, i just see you and something pulls me toward you. something i can’t see, just like a thestral. i know it sounds weird but if magic is real than i think love isn’t too farfetched of a concept either.”
  • “l-love?”
  • you suddenly feel hot in your jacket, minghao shifts slightly
  • “i don’t know if that’s what it is but i just - i haven’t felt more at ease than right now. right now - sitting beside you.”
  • you look out in front of you - you see the thestrals in the pasture of grass
  • “i feel at ease too….”
  • his hand slips closer and then his pinkie is ontop of yours
  • the trees and the sky all hold their breaths
  • “then maybe we can just stay here for a while?”
  • his pinkie hooks with yours, and then his entire palm slides into yours
  • you lay back against the grass and minghao lines up perfectly beside you - now you’re both looking up at the open blue sky
  • something stirs inside you, something you haven’t felt before - if you could see it, it might be a glowing pinkness around your chest. minghao would have it too.
  • but you enjoy the silence and then see something hover above you, the chocolate wands from earlier
  • this time you smile, reaching out for them. minghao squeezes your hand.
  • a thestral comes closer to sniff at your hair, minghao asks if one is nearby and you say yes but it’s ok
  • they seem to like him and you

HAPPY MERRY (possibly late) CHRISTMAS this is what you get heathens, you’re welcome

summary:christmas traditions with joshua
pairing: joshua hong x male!reader
word count: 1158
to do

“Remember,” Joshua watches you pull the plate of cookies away from your younger siblings and cousins. “We have to save some for Santa.”

Some of the kids gasp, all of them looking at you with wide eyes. One of them looks at their cookie with horror.

“Which ones do you want to save?” You ask.

Your youngest sister, sitting on your lap, leans forward. She pokes at one. It’s a sugar cookie very sloppily- or prettily as Joshua should say- decorated by her. Red, green, and purple icing cover it in different splotches. It looks to be the remnants of a snow-man.

“That one? How many should we give him?”

Joshua wants to interact with you in this precious moment. He wants to join in making the kids gasp and smile, but he’s locked in his spot. He’s leaning against the counters with an empty mug in his hands.

The five below-eight-year-olds throw out different answers. One of your cousins asks about food for the reindeer, and you very excitedly mention you brought special carrots for them. Joshua smiles at you. He would be lying if he said he was completely excited to be with your family over the holidays instead of only with you or with his own family, but this moment. This moment with a bunch of kids crowding around you and you becoming more excited than he’s seen all week. You smiling and decorating cookies, making gingerbread men, reading Christmas stories, and putting up Christmas lights everywhere. It couldn’t be more perfect. He never wants to leave. He doesn’t want the Earth to move at all.

Sadly, it does.

A 9pm timer for the kids goes off. You gasp and look over at Joshua. He’s knocked breathless by how beautiful you look before reality comes back. He presses the button to stop the alarm and watches the beginnings of chaos. Some of the older kids look around, not quite knowing what to do. You stand up and put your sister down. You, very dramatically, look at your wrist. You’re not wearing a watch, but none of the kids are paying very close attention to that.

Your mom appears from the living room, followed by the teenagers and the kid’s parents. She shakes her head and looks to you. “We should check where Santa is.”

One of your older cousin’s drops his mouth open. “I hope we didn’t stay up too late! He might’ve passed us already.”

Every other parent groans and begins to calm their kids down. Your cousin’s wife smacks his shoulder.

You smile. “Let’s check. I’ll get my computer.”

The kids scramble into the living room. Somebody manages to hand you the computer before it gets trampled. You type in the tracker and wait for it to load. The kids crowd around you, all of them trying to get a good look. The ones that can read analyze the webpage like it’s a bomb-defusing manual. The others look to you with frazzled expressions.

“Co-lor-a-do.” One of the kids sounds the word out.

“He’s in Colorado.” You shake your head and point to the screen. “Look, we’re up here. How far away is he? How many states away is Colorado? One, two.”

The kids count with you, then look at each other.

“Two states away?” Your mom shakes her head. “That’s pretty close. Maybe we should all get to bed.”

The kids nod and scatter into the house, quickly followed by their guardians. You close your laptop with a smile. You finally walk up to Joshua. Your smile is so bright. It penetrates right through his chest. Something future-seeking stirs inside him. He wants to spend every Christmas like this. With you, surrounded by family, with kids freaking out about Santa, and the smell of Peppermint and Gingerbread mixing in the air.

Joshua leans down to kiss you. Your smile doesn’t change at all. If anything, it gets warmer. 

“Do we have to get presents ready for the kids?” He whispers the question in case of any little ears.

You seem confused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Santa brings presents.”

He rolls his eyes at you. “I love you.”

The statement is slightly odd in the situation, but you return it.

“I love you too.” You wink at him. “Merry early-Christmas.”

His hand caresses your face. The kids running around you and the adults beginning to gather supplies fade away. You look at each other for a while before the realization of your family being in the room comes to you again. You step back with a final kiss on his cheek.

“I think we should eat some of the cookies, so Santa doesn’t get full only at our house. And somebody should take a few bites of the carrots for the reindeer.” You giggle at yourself. “What do you think?”

“I think Santa and his reindeer will have already had some of each, so it’s the least we could do, really,” Joshua adds on.


You sit underneath the tree, pushing presents back further to stop them from completely taking over the living room. Joshua hands you different gifts. He watches you painstakingly place each present even when you know at 6:15am tomorrow morning it’ll all be gone.

“What kind of traditions are we going to have for our kids?”

His question surprises you some. He can see it with the quick flash of panicked expression before the thought sets in.

“Ooh,” You’re seriously thinking it over. “I’m not sure. What do you think?”

“I like how all of your family says Santa is real, and if you say he isn’t, you don’t get presents.” He smiles. “The putting up of the Christmas tree closer to Halloween, not so much.”

You nod your head. “Yeah, I agree with that one. Your family does Secret Santa, though, and I would love that when they got older. Oh! And opening one present on Christmas Eve and it’s always matching pajamas that you have to wear when opening presents, that’s got to stay forever, I don’t care if we have moody teenagers and they hate it.”


Quiet passes for a second. Both of you have small smiles on your faces. You look at Joshua. Both of you nod at the same time.

“All out decorations.” You nod your head.

“Our house will be the star of the Good-School-Zone sub-division we will live in.”

“Oh, yeah. Karen down the street who runs the HOA and has lived there since the houses were built is going to pissed that we have better decorations than her.” You nod your head. You’re already scripting arguments with this fake woman. “And all of the kids will love coming to our house for Halloween. Full-Size Candy Bars.”

Joshua laughs as you over pronounce each word.

You’re excited about your future children together, and his heart swells. You’re already filling his future life. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

habits that svt members have during sex

but actually it’s only like half the members bc this was a draft from ages ago and i forgot what i intended to write for the rest IM SORRY LOL 

➵ featuring: soonyooung, jihoon, minghao, mingyu, seokmin, and chan (x reader)
➵ genre: nsfw headcanons that are also oddly wholesome? 
word count: 558
➵ warnings: this honestly isn’t too explicit, there’s just a glimpse of eating out and that’s pretty much it ^^


soonyoung: im so sorry to say this but he will definitely pull a horanghae in bed both as a joke but he somehow also turns it into smth sexual??? i just imagine him with his high stamina and all going round after round, pounding so hard into you that you’re basically quivering under his touch. this dude moans and groans but right when he’s about to cum? he curls his fingers and claws whatever he can grab a hold of—your back being the greatest victim as he starts from the flat of your shoulder blade down the sides of your back as he growls right in your ear

jihoon: i don’t necessarily know why there’s a part of me that believes jihoon is embarrassed to show his face to you during sex. and as much as you brave yourself to grab a hold of his jaw or a fistful of hair so you can meet his gaze. he just. won’t. let you. instead he buries his face in your body. in the crook of your neck, the valley of your breasts, taking his sweet sweet time in between your legs. and every attempt you make to pry his head away, he nuzzles his face deeper into your core

minghao:honestly, i don’t know how to accurately explain? i just- minghao loves to feel you. just every inch of your body. every curve, crevasse, muscle, bone, flaws and all. sometimes its soft, he slowly roams his hands up and down your body, his fingertips barely feeling like feathers. other times his grip gets a little too tight and the innocent grazing turns soon starts to turn into deep scratches all along your back, forearms, and thighs. but there is not one moment in time where his hands leave your body

mingyu:he’s def confident but there are times during sex where he can get so shy and he doesn’t want you to know that. was the foreplay enough? was he going too fast, too slow? is he really making you feel good or are you just faking it for his sake? so to ensure that you’re having just as a good time as he is, he periodically checks up on you by placing his hand on your cheek and directs your gaze towards him. seeing your fucked out expression gives him the slightest bit of relief.

seokmin:this baby worries over every little thing. no matter how often you guys do it :( and it’s not the case that he doesn’t know what he’s doing or shy over his actions, you already know how doubtful he can be sometimes and you always make sure you vocally and physically react to his every touch. he’s more worried over how you’re feeling emotionally. yes, sex is fun and all but it’s still a special moment that’s shared with just the both of you! so he makes sure to always hold your hand whenever he can

chan:this isn’t really during the act, but right after you both reach your highs and clean yourselves up, he always asks to suck your nipples before both of you pass tf out. he doesn’t even do it with the intent to start up again, he just thinks it’s relaxing !!! he claims it’s his form of aftercare like a nice lil boob massage or smth

. | .

➵ pairing: wen junhui x f!reader
➵ genre: fluff, smut, non-idol established relationship!au with a hint of domesticity
➵ summary: spending the fourth christmas season together as a couple called for new experiences to spice up your relationship.
word count:4091
➵ warnings: fingering, cunnilingus (oral fem. receiving), dirty talk with a lotta praise, pet names, daddy kink, orgasm denial sorta?, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex technically (wrap the willy you nilly), cockwarming, use of sex toys, peg jun 2020 !!! 
➵ a/n: i blacked out and wrote the majority of this at 4am

“chan, this is not at all what i meant!” you yell into the phone making sure your so called ‘best friend’ heard you loud and clear. the cold weather combatting the steam due to your anger rising the more you look at the items that you collected from the doorstep. “what the hell is all of this?” 

“i thought you were supposed to be the kinkier one between the two of us? you should know what everything is,” chan exclaims in pure confusion. on the contrary, he didn’t know why you were suddenly fuming. every day since the first of december, all you’ve been rambling about was how you were supposed to surprise your boyfriend for christmas this year.

you guys were going on four years strong and you didn’t want the spark you two had to start to wither. you left it to the hands of your trusted best friend and chan thought he knew just the trick. “is this your way of telling me that you don’t know how to put on a strap? i’m sure it’s pretty easy, you just take-”

you couldn’t believe your ears. “no, you complete moron,” you exaggerate the last word, in hopes to drill the idiocy into his thick skull as you scatter through said items, laying them out on your bed. “i meant, why do i have it?” to be precise: a dark purple lace lingerie, a vibrator, some lube, and of course, a strap-on.

chan pauses before answering genuinely, “hun, this is how you’re gonna save your relationship.”

and to that, your mouth gapes. “you’ve got to be kidding me.” his answer takes the complete wind out of you, his words making you plop on your bed next your now lovely assortment of presents.

“i don’t know how else you wanted me to help, you guys have been doing just fine,” chan yawns, now putting you on speaker to tune out your complaints. “and if there’s nothing wrong in your everyday life, sprinkle in something new in your sex life.”

you entangle your fingers in between the gaps of the strap and bring it closer, expecting the quality of the leather. “like pegging?”

“look, i have a hunch based on the sexcapades you tell me.” you roll your eyes at his comeback, slightly regretting having him as the only one you tell everything to besides your boyfriend. “it’s at least worth a shot. who knows? maybe jun will actually like it.”

out of all the things you’ve thought of, yes - you have considered exploring more in the bedroom. not that your sex life was bland but the thought of doing something more than your regular routine did excite you. it was just a matter of how jun would react. that’s what makes you so nervous.

you ponder a little longer at chan’s words, weighing in your pros and cons. until finally, you come to a decision. with one last question in mind.

“…why dark purple?”

“i don’t know, hyung is just weird like that.”


it was a shame that jun had to work on christmas eve. presents still needed to be wrapped, cookies to bake, and an ugly fireplace to cover up with decorations. The image of you doing that alone shattered his heart to bits. 

by the time he stepped foot on his doorstep, his watch read 12:09am dec. 25 - the beginnings of christmas. he rummaged through his satchel, avoiding the fragile box inside the pocket as he retrieved his keys at the bottom of the bag. upon entering your shared home, he lets out a heavy sigh, admiring how you managed to light up the entire living room at each corner with festive lights and decorations. even putting up his favorite ornaments: christmas themed daddy and mummy pig silver bulbs, a gift originally given by his good friend, minghao. 

what started off as a dull christmas eve soon became a joyous christmas morning, replacing the thoughts of work with moments he can spend with you instead. jun prances to the bathroom where he already prepped his pajamas from this morning and began undressing, toothbrush ready in his mouth. all while getting suited up for bed, he almost completely dismisses the thought if you were even awake at this hour, saddening him just a little bit. if he was being honest, he actually wants to give you your present now rather than a few hours from now - he was far too impatient. blame his work for keeping him awake or else he would have the slightest bit of endurance. a final look and a quick wink to himself in the mirror, jun goes off to the bedroom to finally join you in bed. 

but what he finds is something far more exciting: you standing next to your shared bed wearing lace pieces that barely cover your body. 

jun instinctively closes his eyes, his hands moving up to his face. “ good god, she has no clothes on!” he shrieks, making you jump. 

you froze in your spot, laughing at your boyfriend’s remark, knowing that this was his way of loosening you up. despite this being your first time dressing up for such an occasion. you digress back onto the bed, maneuvering so you can go under your covers until a pair of arms stop you. 

“where do you think you’re going?” jun’s fingertips draw images on your bare thighs, making his way just a little closer to your desired heat that was already starting to pool through your lace bottoms. “you didn’t let me get a proper look,” his voice goes deeper, placing one of his hands on the small of your back as he hovers over you. his tall frame forcing you to lay back on the soft mattress. “that’s much better,” he shudders in anticipation, eyeing you up and down as he lets his hands wander around the curves of your body that’s now sprawled right in front of him. 

you don’t want to admit that chan was right. but the devilish gleam in jun’s eyes ignited a new feeling of shyness andexcitementthat has yet to be explored. you planned tonight yet this was only half of what you prepared and you were already out of focus with his hands all over you. at a loss for words for what your boyfriend will do next. 

your body relaxes the longer his touch lingers on your skin. his hands settle on the side of your hips before he crouches down to whisper in your ear. “did you get all dressed up for me, kitten?” 

a lump in your throat forms at the new nickname, but you manage to respond with a snarky remark. “no, i’ve been waiting for santa claus to come,” your giggle barely audible. 

he chuckles next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. your breath hitches feeling his cold fingers slip inside your lace panties, softly rubbing the spot around your hip bone as his other hand rides up your thin top to cup your breast. bringing himself back up, a smirk forms to match the look in his eyes. “well santa claus isn’t the one looking down at how fucking beautiful you are.” 

your mouth gapes, not expecting that kind of your response from your rather bashful boyfriend. but you sure as hell thought it was the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. the anticipation finally dies away when you finally reach out to connect his lips with yours. 

the kiss is messy, teeth clashing, your tongues passing by each other to explore each other’s mouths. jun has no idea what’s gotten over him, maybe it was the minimal amount of sleep that’s slipped into his system. his body running on the sudden rush of endorphins that erupted through his body and now, he doesn’t want to stop. 

“i mean it,” he says between kisses. “you’re so gorgeous.” situating himself between your legs, his lips travel down your neck, sucking on the soft spot behind your jaw as he eagerly pulls down your panties. you sigh once you feel the sudden cold air hitting your pussy. still untouched, jun licks the new formed purple mark on the skin of your neck before lowering himself to where you needed him the most. 

apparently, four years isn’t enough for you to be comfortable opening up to your boyfriend. you keep ankles crossed, attempting to close your legs trapping jun’s fingers on your thighs, causing him to sigh in disappointment. “kitten, how many times do i need to remind you? you don’t have to be shy around daddy.” with the help of his forearms, he prys your legs apart. the wider your legs go, the closer he is to your alluring pussy. 

“wait!” you urged, catching jun’s attention with worry. a pout forming on your lips, “this isn’t fair.” 

he gives you a puzzled look, instinctively patting the area of his pockets as if he forgot something, only taking him seconds for him to realize what he’s forgotten. you’re right, how silly of jun to not think for himself. for a guy that might be full of himself, he doesn’t want to show off to just anyone. and with a single tug, he swiftly removes his silk pajama shirt, your mouth waters over how toned your boyfriend is - eyeing his happy trail disappearing into his pants. 

“you’re already tempting me enough, baby. now be a good girl and open wide for me,” he murmurs, finally sliding a single finger across your folds. a small gesture enough to send your head back. “already this wet for me? must have been so lonely without me today. huh, princess?” he lowers his head back down while his fingers circle around your entrance. “i’m sorry kitten, i’ll make it up to you, i promise. i’ll make you feel good.” 

finally leveled with your cunt, he parts your folds to reveal all your sweet parts. keeping one hand ready to enter your hole, jun delivers a nice long lick to your slit, stopping just below your clit. you release a breathy whine, cursing under your breath at the lack of contact. you know what he’s doing, trying to “make things up to you” but you were extra needy today. you needed things to go faster. in this train of events, you’re not the one that needs the prepping for the main dish. 

you lend a helping hand, your middle finger circling your clit as your other hand rakes through jun’s hair, pushing him further into your pussy. his growls send vibrations all throughout your lower half, causing you to spread your legs out wider and signal him to start pushing fingers into your entrance. his name leaves your lips as you moan, feeling jun’s tongue go in and out of your throbbing hole, stroking your core. one finger. then two. soon enough, you’re taking three fingers in, jun still lapping at your folds. no matter how used to your body is to his touch, the sound of your juices slapping against jun’s fingers almost humbles you. and it’s so easy for him to find the right spot, he’s able to find it so fast yet you don’t want to give it to him yet. glancing down below, jun is too entranced by your sweet pussy to meet your gaze but the visible tent in his pants catches yours. an evident sign that it was time. 

with the hand still interlocked in his hair, you pull him back into a sloppy kiss, running your hands down to palm his erection while tasting your own essence on jun’s lips. “why’d you make me stop, sweet girl? i felt you were close,” his breaths uneven, his fingers still sitting in your pussy, thumb pressing against your clit. he lets out a shaky groan under your touch, freeing his dick from pants and rubbing the tip with your thumb so you could spread his precum up and down his shaft. 

“i want to cum with you inside me,” you assert yourself as you begin to sit up, your hands on jun’s shoulders for support as you straddle your knees so your entrance is just above his cock. 

it is taking everything in jun’s power not to bust his load right then and there. he’s convinced it’s something in the air intertwined with the magic of the christmas spirit or something of the sort. his sweet little kitten about ready to pounce is a sight he can get used to seeing. 

kicking his bottoms off his ankles, jun keeps a hand on your waist as the other wraps your inner thigh from the outside to keep your position. “who am i to say no to my babygirl?” 

with those words alone, you melt - sliding your wet pussy down on his cock, fitting in so easily, it’s concerning. jun gasps, throwing his head back, feeling your walls so warm around him, your ass grazing the front of his balls. you wince, dropping your head down as you try to force a smile. as good as it felt, how full you felt, you forget how big jun can get. what he lacks in girth, he definitely makes up in length. so much it makes you gag. 

while you adjust, jun distracts you by peppering kisses starting from your forehead, working down to your breasts, carefully removing your last piece of clothing. kisses here, small licks there, leaving small marks across your shoulders and collarbones. his hand moving up from your waist to rub and twist your nipples as he comes back up to lick your outer ear, sending shocks all over your body. 

just as you were about to move, you feel jun push you away.  

“baby, is that lube inside your dresser?” he raises an eyebrow as he cocks his head to the side in genuine confusion.

you blush a dark crimson when you realize how far you left your dresser open next to your bed, with the lube peaking out, as well as bits of leather from your flimsy strap. 

events are happening a little faster than you’d hope - your orgasm still waiting for your release. but knowing the attention span your boyfriend has, his curiosity will last longer than you can hold out a single session. so you might as well ride the waves and take advantage of it while you still have the courage. 

“do you want to see what i got you for christmas?” you smirk, your lips delivering a small peck before you reach out your arms to retrieve the unwrapped presents that were hidden away. his eyes lighting up as you pull them out one by one, biting the corner of your lips as you feel his cock twitch between your walls. 

“oh? does my baby want to try something on daddy?” he grunts as he winds up to meet your pelvis. “you want to see how far i can take a dick up my ass?” jun’s smirk practically reaches the corner of his eyes as he slowly pulls out, shivering as he hears you whine at the loss of contact. 

“y-yes,” you whisper shyly. “i think it’d be fun,” your hands are already stirring to open the container of lube. 

jun hums in response, pleasantly amused by this new situation you’ve found yourself in. he places a gentle kiss on your lips to reassure you. “if that’s what makes my kitten happy.”


you feel slightly embarrassed standing in front of your boyfriend. the strap fits nicely around your hips and apparently so does the dildo that is now protruding from your pelvis, not hiding much else. jun on the other hand, looked overjoyed and jittery. like a kid going to the playground for the first time. sitting at the edge of the bed he grabs you by the hips and pulls you closer, trapping your lips as your chests touch. “even like this, you look so enticing,” he says with his lips hovering over yours. 

his hands trail from your forearm to your hands. “you won’t be needing this,” jun takes the vibrator from your grasp and waves it in front of you. “at least not on me.” the button clicks causing the small object to move at a steady pace and making contact with the small of your collarbone. you shudder, your body beginning to shiver as it travels down your body, across your already hard nipples, and circling around the area just above your clit before he inserts the vibrator in your leaking cunt. 

you fall forward, stopping yourself on jun’s shoulders as you feel the vibrator hit your walls. you watch as jun takes a plentiful amount of lube on his hands to lavishly spread it around your shaft, surprised how at ease jun looks. prepping for this moment, there were a lot of scenarios that you had depicted this would go. none of them picturing jun still very much in control of the situation. you decide not to question it now wasn’t the time to thank him for how grateful you are for him already knowing what to do when your release was slowly catching up to you once again. 

with his clean hand, he grabs your wrist to put it up to his mouth. sticking out his tongue, he coats his saliva all around and wets fingers even more as he sucks in both your index and your middle. “all i need is two fingers, baby, okay? i’ll let you know when.” 

the moment of truth comes when jun lays his back on the mattress, arms and legs wide open. you nervously trace around his eager hole, pulsating at your touch, accidentally putting both fingers in causing jun to arch his back and shrieking in pain and pleasure. 

you panic. “babe, i’m so sorry! i d-“ 

you feel jun’s thighs shaking but spreads out more in response to your actions, wanting more of what you can give despite the pain. “no no no! it’s fine baby just keep going, you’re doing good.”

gathering up your courage to start again, you begin to pump your fingers in and out - a skill you were used to doing yourself so at least you had confidence in that. mentally taking deep breaths, you relax your body and ease up your fingers. you intently watch how his hole swallows your fingers, wanting to give him more, increasing your speed. each time you feel hin wall squeeze your fingers, you spread them apart farther causing jun to wince and whimper.

your other hand finds itself messaging jun’s balls, a weak spot of his you came to know, while he takes the liberty of stroking his own cock, still propped up against his stomach. but you’re aching, needing something to fill you up. in which you give his cock a long lick from the base of the shaft to the slit, giving the tip a nice suck before popping it out. 

he reaches across to grab a handful of your hair, pulling your head back to face him. “god princess, as much as i would love your pretty mouth around my cock, i think we have other matters to attend to,” he groans, continuing to move his other hand up and down. “baby, i’m ready when you are.”

you’re shaking nervously again as you pull your fingers out, stalling by putting extra lube on the material “for extra measure”. gripping jun’s hips, you line yourself just like before - but this time in reverse. your shaft touching the entrance of jun’s puny, swollen hole. your instincts tell you to close your eyes as you enter him. but your mind has you admiring how vulnerable jun looks as he slowly comes undone for you. 

a sudden rush of power comes over you. you obviously can’t feel the same sensations he feels, but god can you see it. the gripping of the bedsheets. his quivering legs wrapped around you. biting his lip, covering his face, hand over his mouth to suppress the lewd sounds he’s making. was this what you looked like? 

“kitten, please,” jun squeaks trying to buck his hips up as he notices you slowing down your pace. “you’re doing perfectly, please go faster baby, i know you can.” he struggles to come up, meeting your lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue licking your bottom lip for entrance in which you willingly give him. as he explores you caven once again, you inch your way deeper into his hole, jun moaning into your mouth as his legs begin to weaken. 

maneuvering around your bottom halves, his fingers nudges your clit making you gasp, realizing the vibrations still going on in your cunt. “you’re doing so well, i know you want to cum kitten,” jun says, lips tickling the side of your neck. “i’ll give it to you baby, just do this for daddy,” he kisses your cheek, his touch lingering on your body before he lays back down.

you want to cum so badly and dare you say that you don’t need jun’s help for this one, not this time. jun may be operating the mission but you’re carrying out the plans, you’re the one that gets to watch jun wither away in nothing but ecstasy. and that pools you little cunny to no end. 

being considerate of jun’s workplace, you place your hands on the side of his torso, careful not to leave marks on the company’s golden star. giving him bold, deep and fast strokes, making his eyes water. each push causing him to flail his arms and arch his back to let out all his beautiful moans. 

on the other hand, you’re tearing up on your own as you feel your pussy swelling up, impatiently waiting for your release to come. 

jun hears your silent weeping and starts pumping his shaft. “don’t worry kitten, i’m so close. just a little more for me, right there.” he throws his head back, blinding himself in the blissful sensation. 

you pump as fast as you can, not minding how uneven your thrusts are, wanting so badly to finish. from jun’s heavy panting and hissing, you can tell he was close. when your body couldn’t take anymore, with one last jerk up, you let your orgasm spool right out of you. your head down as you watch your thick white cum coat the red carpet underneath you. a mess you can clean up later. looking up, you find jun’s own mess all over his stomach with even some on his chin. out of breath, his eyes find yours and curves his lips into a proud smile.

but gosh are you exhausted. weak in the knees from holding in your orgasm for what seems like hours. you release yourself from your attire, including the merciless machine stuck between your legs, and crawl on top of your bed, collapsing on the pillow and soft cushions. 

“are you okay princess?” jun’s voice chimes in your ears, bringing you back to reality. he cups your cheeks while taking your hand to message your inner thighs. “does it hurt anywhere? any cramps? do you want me to run a bath for you?” he gracily pulls your body towards him, forcing you to sit up. “let me clean you up. anything else you need, baby?”

despite how out of breath you are, you manage to speak. “no,” you murmur. “cuddles.” swinging your arms around, jun’s towering frame tropples down back into your embrace with his head on your shoulders. 

a nice silence brims the air as you hum a show tune under your breath in combination with jun’s train of compliments along the lines of “you did so good” and “you’re gorgeous”. your eyes begin to falter as the silence draws out, your body slowly drifting numb. 

“wait, i want to give you my christmas gift!” jun shoots up from the bed, not bothering to put any clothes on as he runs out of the room. you laugh, covering your face with your duvet as you watch him come back wearing his satchel around his neck with the bag covering his dick.  

he wistfully catches the pillow you throw at him and plops on the spot beside you. “close your eyes,” he smiles, jumbling through his work bag. 

“i think i’m actually supposed to open the present myself,” you giggle, fully entering your sheets. 

“oh also,” jun avoids your gaze. a redness flushing his cheeks as he shyly takes out a small box. “can you hold out your hand?”


His eyes went wide as soon as Jeonghan spotted what you were wearing, with Seungcheol’s eyes just beside him landing on the same thing.

“Isn’t that your jumper from the tour?” Seungcheol enquired, noticing Jeonghan’s name written on the bottom of your hoodie.

“Y/N must’ve picked up the wrong one,” Jeonghan panicked, unable to take his eyes away from you, “they were hung up side by side together in the wardrobe.”

A hum came from Seungcheol, “are you sure you didn’t give it to her? Let people know she’s yours?”

Jeonghan’s head shook straight away in reply to Seungcheol, “do you really think that I’m that protective over Y/N that I would make her wear my hoodie?”

“Absolutely,” Seungcheol sniggered, feeling Jeonghan’s hand poke into his side, “we’ve all seen how protective you can be.”

“I honestly didn’t give it to her,” Jeonghan huffed, “although I think by the end of the day everyone will know that Y/N is with me.”

“I’m still not convinced you didn’t give it to her on purpose,” Seungcheol smiled.

“I’m not as protective as you think, honest.”


He couldn’t help but let his smile grow as Joshua caught sight of you, a smile that definitely didn’t go unnoticed by Minghao just beside him.

“Isn’t that yours?” Minghao asked, beginning to figure out what had caught Joshua’s attention, “is that why you’re smiling?”

“I’m not smiling,” Joshua defended, not even realising how wide his grin was until Minghao imitated him, matching his smile perfectly and leaving Joshua stunned.

Once he was done, Minghao pushed against his arm, “and she’s wearing it at the workplace too.”

Joshua’s head shook as he looked away from your direction, “it’s no big deal, I mean Y/N’s worn my shirts before anyway,” he tried his best to defend.”

“But this is to work,” Minghao reminded him, unable to ignore you quite as well as Joshua was, “others will know it’s yours too.”

“I bet no one will even notice,” Joshua responded, but Minghao’s head shook, a suspicious looking smile beginning to form on his face.

“They won’t notice unless someone just so happens to tell them,” he teased.

“There’s no way that you’d stitch me up like that.”


A hand hitting against the table made Jihoon jump as he took a sip from his coffee cup, shooting a glare across at Vernon beside him.

“I’ve figured it out,” Vernon muttered, looking across in your direction across the cafeteria, “that’s your shirt that Y/N’s wearing.”

“What are you on about?” Jihoon laughed in disbelief back across at Vernon, that was until he looked to wear you were, and what you were wearing too.”

Vernon’s head nodded confidently, “I can’t believe that Y/N’s worn your shirt to work.”

Jihoon’s head shook at how excited Vernon was beside him, “it’s just a shirt, you’ve seen Y/N wearing my shirts before,” he reminded Vernon.

“T-that’s one of your favourite shirts too though,” Vernon quickly picked up on, “and you really let her borrow it from you?”

“Y/N needed a shirt, all of hers at the dorm need to be washed,” he explained, “I wouldn’t have given that shirt to her otherwise.”

“I bet you would have, you can’t say no to Y/N at all,” Vernon joked in reply.

“I can say no, you’ve just not seen me do it yet.”


A bellow of his name caused Seokmin to tense up as Soonyoung rushed towards him, grabbing his arm and shaking Seokmin’s frame.

“You are such a liar,” Soonyoung told him with a shake of his head, “I’ve just seen Y/N and talked to her about the shirt.”

“What did she say?” Seokmin smiled, trying his best not to give anything away, “if she told you that it was my shirt that she was wearing, she was definitely lying.”

Soonyoung refused to believe him a second time around, “I called it all along that that was yours.”

Seokmin struggled to control his expression as Soonyoung stared, “Y/N must just have a similar shirt to the one that I own, I’d never share my wardrobe.”

“You definitely would share with Y/N,” Soonyoung sniggered, “I can’t believe I trusted you and believed what you said.”

“How come you believe Y/N, but you don’t believe me?” Seokmin challenged as Soonyoung dropped his arm, “why listen to her?”

“Because I know Y/N, and she would never lie to me,” Soonyoung established.

“You don’t know her like I do.”


The sound of the door suddenly slamming made Seungkwan jump as he looked across to Mingyu who was sprinting across to get to him.

“I like Y/N’s outfit today,” Mingyu suddenly complimented as soon as he was close enough to Seungkwan, “it suits her.”

“Why?” Seungkwan asked him in confusion, “why did you feel like I needed to know that?” He then added, standing up from the floor where he dropped his bag.

Mingyu’s eyes rolled at Seungkwan’s innocence, “she was wearing a shirt of yours you know.”

Seungkwan’s eyes widened as soon as Mingyu spoke. “I knew that she was looking through my wardrobe last night, even though she said she wasn’t.”

“I have to say, the shirt suited her too,” Mingyu added, unable to stop himself from teasing Seungkwan a little more.”

“I’m going to have to buy a lock and key for my wardrobe,” he sighed, “and she had the confidence to wear it to work too.”

“I imagine she’ll be hiding from you so that you don’t see it,” Mingyu suggested.

“I’ll hunt her down one way or another.”



Your heart was still racing as you slid under the duvet, coming face to face with Seungcheol. As your eyes met, you both could only smile as you realised you weren’t alone.

After a few moments, Seungcheol reached under the duvet and took your hand. “I can’t believe that we’re sleeping in the same bed tonight, together.”

A hum of agreement came from you, “this is much comfier than home.”

“That’s because I’m here,” Seungcheol teased as he pulled you closer towards you. “Your head is usually where I put my laptop when I’m talking to you before I go to sleep you know.”

“And is having me here better than that?”

His head nodded immediately in reply to your question, “I still feel like I’m dreaming looking at you right now, it feels like someone’s about to pull you away and send you back home again.”

“Not this time,” you grinned back at him, “Korea really is my home now.”

Seungcheol let go of a chuckle as he kept trying to get things to sink in. “You might have to keep saying that for a little to make me believe it.”

“I can say that Korea is my home as much as you want.”


The moment your eyes landed on Jeonghan, your pace picked up, pushing the trolley a little faster to get to him, noticing him waving so you knew where to run to.

As soon as you were close enough, his arms wrapped tightly around you. “Welcome home,” he whispered into your ear whilst squeezing your frame.

Your grip was tight too, letting go of a deep breath. “I’m so glad I’m here.”

“Have you packed enough?” Jeonghan laughed, pulling away from you and noticing your three cases stacked up on your trolley. “I don’t think I need to worry about you forgetting something.”

“This is home, I needed to have everything.”

His smile was wide as he teased you, offering to push your trolley for you. “It’s heavy too,” he sighed, digging his heels into the ground to get it moving towards where his car was parked.

“Just wait until you have to carry these upstairs,” you joked, “then you’ll moan.”

His eyes rolled as he remembered the journey that he had up to the dorm. “It’s a good job that we have lifts in apartment blocks these days for these things.”

“You’re so dramatic, they’re not even that heavy.”


You couldn’t help but chuckle as you walked into Joshua’s room, noticing several pieces of memorabilia scattered around the place, all with your country’s flag on.

As your eyes shot around to look at him, his laughter got louder. “I thought that having these here would remind you of home,” he smiled back at you.

Your head shook as he spoke, “why do I want a giant flag up in my room?”

“Doesn’t it feel homely? Cosy?” Joshua teased as he walked across to you, “I even managed to find a snow globe for your bedside table, I didn’t even realise they made these with flags on.”

“Please tell me this is a welcome prank.”

He didn’t say a word, but his smile let you know that he was up to mischief, poking against his chest. “Did you really think that I was just going to let you move in without annoying you?”

“You’re the worst,” you sighed, “if anyone should know how I feel then it’s you.”

His head nodded in agreement with you, “that’s exactly why I did this, it cheered you up and stopped you worrying about home for a moment.”

“I hate to say it, but you’ve got a good point there.”


The sound of your name mentioned shouted brought you out of your bedroom, running into the living room where you found Junhui waiting for you with a smile.

He beckoned you over before taking your hand, unfolding it. “You can’t officially move in without this,” he smiled before placing a keychain in your hand.

Your eyes looked down, noticing a single key attached to it, “for this place?”

“Exactly,” he proudly replied to you, watching you study the keyring that was on it too. “I thought I would get something simple so that you can always spot which of the keys are yours.”

“There must be a lot of keys around here.”

Junhui nodded as you placed your keys into your pocket, “most of the other keys have car keys and studio keys on too, but I thought you could still do with something to jazz them up a bit.”

“They’re perfect,” you assured him, “I’m honoured to have my own key to this place.”

He took a step towards you, placing his hands against your waist. “This is your home now too, and I, and the boys are all really happy to have you here.”

“Me too, I’m really excite for my new adventure.”


His eyes looked to you in confusion as the last of your boxes came up the stairs, struggling to believe why there was so little in front of the two of you for you to move with.

As you began to open the boxes, Soonyoung remained stood still. “How are you going to live here with so little?” He asked you, unable to make sense of it.

Your eyes flickered to Soonyoung as he spoke, “I’ve got more coming across.”

“Are your family sending some more of your belongings later?” Soonyoung asked you, hoping that they would. You had packed the bare minimum; a lot less than he was ever expecting to see.

“There should be a few more things next week.”

His head nodded as he began to help you unpack the boxes, “you know you can raid my wardrobe, cupboards, whatever you want until more of your stuff comes, you need to survive.”

“I was planning on doing that anyway,” you teased, “I’ve already spotted a hoodie I like.”

His eyes rolled as you smirked back at him. “Maybe I should be the one thinking of buying new things rather than you if this is how it’s going to be.”

“You did just say I could raid your wardrobe.”


Your eyes looked around in awe as Wonwoo led you closer and closer to the river, stunned by the high-rise buildings and busy roads that the two of you walked down.

Every so often his eyes looked at you, making sure that you were still enjoying yourself. “How does it feel to call this place home as you walk around now?”

Your eyes looked to him as he spoke, “right now it feels very surreal to me.”

“It makes my stomach knot every time I think about the fact that this is home for you now,” Wonwoo confessed, pulling you closer to him. “I don’t have to send you home this time.”

“It’s nice walking around, I can really take it all in.”

His head nodded in agreement with you, “there’s so many places around here that I want to show you. Usually we don’t have time, but now we have all the time in the world to do it.”

“I’m excited,” you promised, “the boys have mentioned some good spots to me too.”

Wonwoo’s eyes widened, shaking his head, “whatever you do don’t listen to them. They’ll just want to take you out and get you drunk; I know what they’re like.”

“It’s not as if I have to worry about missing a flight anymore.”


You followed nervously behind Jihoon as he walked you through into the kitchen, introducing you to where everything was as you tried your best to take it all in.

As his eyes flickered back, he was quick to notice you hanging behind him. “Are you alright? Am I going to fast?” He worried, offering his hand out for you to hold.

Your head shook as you caught up to Jihoon, “this is just busy, and super big.”

“It’s a kitchen for a lot of people,” Jihoon smiled as he carried on moving you around to some of the cupboards. “We pretty much just share everything anyway; you don’t need to worry about that.”

“What if I break something that belongs to the boys.”

Jihoon’s head shook back at you, “honestly, we just replace it, there’s nothing sentimental in here. I know you’re worried and nervous, but I promise you that this is just a normal kitchen.”

“I’m terrified,” you admitted to him, “this doesn’t quite feel like my home as well yet.”

Jihoon’s arm snaked securely around your waist, “it will soon feel like your home as well, we’ll get you used to things soon enough and feeling settled.”

“I’m sure that I’ll settle, I think I just need time.”


The smile on Seokmin’s face had you chuckling once again as you caught him staring across at you, picking one of the cushions up from the sofa and throwing it at him.

He quickly caught it, laughing even louder than he was before. “I keep feeling as if I need to ask someone to pinch me,” he suddenly spoke up towards you.

Your eyebrows furrowed in his direction, “do you feel as if you’re dreaming?”

“Exactly that,” he proudly replied to you. “Do you know how many times I’ve sat on this sofa wondering what it would be like one day if you were able to sit here with me too?”

“I was just joking; I didn’t think you were being serious.”

Seokmin’s head nodded as he scooted closer towards you. “I do the same everywhere, laying in bed, cooking in the kitchen, there’s loads of things that I’ve thought of us doing together.”

“I can’t believe you,” you smiled, “I never had you down to be someone like that.”

The smile that Seokmin had widened too, “there’s a lot that you don’t know about me, plenty of surprises too, especially now that we’re living together.”

“I’m excited to see where else you’ve dreamt about me.”


His eyes kept watching you as you brought your chopsticks up to your mouth yet again, humming in delight at how good the food tasted that Mingyu had bought you both.

As soon as you looked to him as well, he cleared his throat. “I was worried that maybe I’d order something that you don’t like,” he admitted, explaining his stare.

Your head shook with a chuckle, “you know I have eaten Korean before, right?”

“I do,” he smiled in reply to you, “but now you’re here it’s something you’re going to have to eat every day. I want to make sure that I take note of the foods that you really like.”

“You don’t need to worry about me, I eat anything.”

Mingyu’s smile widened as you took another mouthful out of the dish, “I just want you to be comfortable,” he added, “I know that it’s probably all a little overwhelming right now.”

“Mingyu,” you began, reaching for his hand, “I’m happy, you don’t need to fret so much.”

His head nodded, listening to everything that you had to say. “I don’t want you to end up changing your mind, I’d hate for you to go back home now.”

“I’m not going anywhere; this is my home now.”


You carried on following Minghao around the place as he opened up one of the kitchen cupboards, allowing you to take a look in as you recognised much of what was inside.

His smile was wide as your eyes looked to him to be sure. “I thought we could have a home cupboard, keep it filled with snacks that you have back at home.”

Your head shook in disbelief back at Minghao, “have you thought of everything?”

“Food was something that I missed when I first moved here,” Minghao explained to you, “I thought whenever you feel homesick, you can grab a snack to make yourself feel better.”

“That’s such a great idea, I’ll be raiding this constantly.”

His head nodded, relieved that you had loved his idea as much as he hoped you would. “I hope you don’t just raid it because you’re feeling homesick all the time though, that won’t be good.”

“I’ll raid it whenever,” you assured him, “definitely when I’m not feeling homesick as well.”

Minghao’s arm moved around you as he closed up the cupboard again. “All you have to do is tell me when it’s getting empty, and I’ll order you some more bits.”

“That’s the perfect final touch to our home Minghao.”


Your eyes watched in confusion as Seungkwan tore a couple of post its down from his wall, intrigued as to what he had on them as you made yourself comfortable.

As he turned back around and looked at you, he could tell that you were inquisitive. “I used to have these up so that I remembered the good times to be able to call you at.”

Your eyes widened as Seungkwan handed them to you, “you really did that?”

“I had another one up there with your work schedule, and one with your important events on for the week,” he added, “I liked to make sure that I never disturbed you when I called.”

“At least now you don’t have to worry about disturbing me.”

Seungkwan nodded in agreement with you, “I can just see you in person now when I want to talk to you about most things, no more sitting in different time zones and patiently waiting.”

“I had no idea you had these,” you whispered, they really show just how much you care.”

Seungkwan’s hand rested against the top of your leg, “of course, I care. Why else do you think I invited you here to live with me? I just want to be with you.”

“I’m still touched that you decided to invite me here.”


Your eyes widened as Vernon opened up the door to the dorm, looking around as balloons and banners were put up on the walls, with the boys all jumping out.

Your head looked back to Vernon’s innocent smile that stood behind you. “The boys wanted to throw you a little bit of a welcome to Korea party,” he explained to you.

Your eyes looked around at all the boys, “this isn’t my first time visiting Korea.”

“But it’s your first time being here and this being your home,” Vernon grinned as he came up along side you. “We’ve got some games, and plenty of food, all of your favourite things.”

“You guys didn’t need to do this for me, I’m just glad to be here.”

Vernon pushed gently against your arm, as the rest of the boys groaned. “We couldn’t just let you move to Korea and not do anything, especially me. It calls for a celebration.”

“This is adorable,” you told all of them, “you guys make me so happy to call this home.”

Vernon’s smile widened, relieved to see you settling around the place. “You know they’re mainly doing this party because they have some ground rules for us.”

“I should’ve known there’d be an ulterior motive too.”


Your smile grew as Chan appeared behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist again, pulling you tightly into his chest, even after only just letting go of you.

Your eyes looked past your shoulder, noticing the expression on his face. “I can’t believe you’re finally here, permanently too,” Chan whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

Your head shook at his enthusiasm, “how long are you going to keep on doing this?”

“Until it sinks in for me that Korea is now your home,” he proudly told you, “I keep thinking that when I hold onto you, I’ll have to let you go again like I usually do when you’re here.”

“You know you can cuddle me as much as you possibly want now.”

Chan’s head nodded, his smile growing as he did so. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to let go of you for a long time yet, I might just keep grabbing onto you for now.”

“You can hold onto me and not let go,” you reminded Chan, “because this is my home.”

His heart raced as he listened to you speak, “do you think that you could just repeat that last bit again? You know the bit about this being your home now?”

“You mean that your home is now my home too?”

