#journen speaks



My print came today and I even got a bonus print as well! I’ll probably end up buying more from this talented artist. @journen thank you so much for gifting the world with your beautiful artwork!

AWWWWW thanks for the tag!! This makes me so happy to see. I’m so glad they made it to you in good shape, and so fast!! ✨ I’m so happy you like them, and I am honoured by your kind words too! Thank YOU so much!!!

Guys for all the years ive been alive, i still have yet to learn that if I express like… exasperation / mild annoyance with something, the more attention people will give it HAHAHAHAHHA and torment me with it

First it was all those cursed ships

Now it’s mustache Anakin

Guys stop reblogging mustache Anakin

Lol im about to go on a long-ish plane ride. Anyone got any random last minute drawing suggestions i can maybe do on the plane?

Edit: leaving now!! Thanks guys for the suggestions!!

Guys wtf is all this jedi mullet slander in all these recent interviews with Ewan and Hayden HAHAHAHHAHA has anyone else noticed?


I’m just so surprised? I thought this long hair suited him a lot. Hmm maybe some people are mixing it up with the awful beard and wig he had to wear for the reshoots?? HAHAHAHHA like this :

These ^^^^ are fake hair and beard-Wan. And the top photos are real hair and beard-Wan. There is a difference.

Anyways maybe im wrong, and both looks are just bad, but i happen to like Obi with the long hair and feel bad he gets so much hate for it BAHAHAHHA

Gonna finish up the remaining asks in this one post. Thank you @agirlunderarock,@chocmarssand@mandobarbie for the submissions!!

15. Did you play any Star Wars video games?

Yes! So I played a lot of the newer Battlefront 2 last year with my brother. I actually liked it a lot lol, we had so much fun!! So much chaos happened. And I also played the Lego SW games from the early 2000s with a friend of mine last year too(have yet to pick up the new lego game, even tho it looks really good, I always find those games more fun to play with someone else haha) And lastly i played Jedi: Fallen Order last summer too! I was v impressed with that game, it had some amazing characters and a great story. Though some of the level designs were confusing. Anyhow, I definitely will be playing the sequel, which i hope we get news on soon?

16. Have you read any Star Wars books?

I have! I’ve read Kenobi, Master & Apprentice, the ROTS Novelization, a few of the Obi Wan short stories, and I’ve started Rogue Planet and Labrynth of Evil. Oh! Im about halfway through Brotherhood now too. Kenobi and M&A are my favourites though, and actually have some of my favourite Obi-Wan moments ever. Kenobi is my favourite tho, it had a huge impact on me lol. I hadnt willingly read a novel in like a decade, im terrible at reading books lol but i sped through that one in a week.

17. How were you introduced to the fandom?

Lol i actually love telling this story but i’ll kinda keep it short. So in fall of 2020, for months my coworker had kept telling me he thought I would like The Mandalorian. He knew I liked westerns, and said it was just a space western lol. I was being nice and entertaining him, but i REALLY didn’t think I’d like it. I’d never gotten into star wars despite a couple small attempts, and would make fun of it sometimes actually, lovingly tho. Anyhow, another friend of mine in December of that year gifted me a free Disney Plus subscription, and he also suggested Mando, so i finally decided to watch it, and from that point on my life was changed. It was funny how little i knew about SW before i watched tho, I literally thought Jawas were original to Mando before i watched ANH. ‍♀️ Anyhow, now I p much have SW to thank for getting into my art school this year HAHAHHAHA it inspired my art so much. Who would have guessed? Not me lol. Anyways theres a bit more to the story that I just find funny but i wont write an essay.

Anyhow, I really should go and thank that coworker hahah i havent spoken to him in a while since i moved away!

Some of the other questions asked I answered in earlier posts. Thanks so much for the asks guys! :)

Hey guys! I will try to get to the rest of the asks that have been submitted to me, tomorrow! Thanks for sending them in!



  1. Jedi or Sith?
  2. Rebels or Empire?
  3. Favourite character from Prequals?
  4. Favourite character from original trilogy?
  5. Favourite character from sequal trilogy?
  6. Do you have any ships?
  7. If you could choose any profession to have in the GFFA, what would you be?
  8. Weapon of choice?
  9. What food from Star Wars would you want to try?
  10. Which character do you feel is most like you?
  11. Which planet would you want to call home?
  12. Which character would you be friends with?
  13. Would you want to be a force user?
  14. If you could change one thing about the Star Wars universe, what would it be?
  15. Did you play any Star Wars video games?
  16. Have you read any Star Wars books?
  17. How were you introduced to the fandom?
  18. How has Star Wars impacted your life?
  19. What type of outfit would you wear?
  20. What type of pet would you have?
  21. Which heroine is your favourite?
  22. Which heroine had the best hairstyle?
  23. How would you wear your hair?
  24. Would you want to be human, or from another species?
  25. What type of ship would you fly?
  26. What type of job would you want?
  27. Top 3 planets to visit?
  28. If you could stop one character from doing one thing, who would it be and why?
  29. Which character doesn’t get enough credit or screentime?
  30. Do you have any headcanons?
  31. Have you made any fan content?
  32. Who would you cosplay as?
  33. Which movie have you watched the most?
  34. Which trilogy is the best?
  35. Opinions on the animated series?
  36. Opinions on the Mandalorian?
  37. Opinions on the Jedi?
  38. Fic recommendations?
  39. If you wrote a ‘fix-it fic’, what would you write about?
  40. If you could make your own Star Wars trilogy/series, what would it be about?

Just wanna say you guys have been killing me with all the nice tags lol. It really means a lot!!

Guys I have a couple comicon like conventions i got an artist alley booth at coming up this summer (it’s my first time doing this)

Do i print out any codywan art to bring with me or not
