#julian devorak

 The Arcana Game © Nix Hydra Games and their respective partnersFanart illustration © reincarnationz

The Arcana Game © Nix Hydra Games and their respective partners
Fanart illustration © reincarnationz
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I just read lost in Prakra and realized I haven’t drawn my apprentice and Nadia in forever!

Also bonus doodle of @linaisbluepancake apprentice Halla

Hi there @stelladea ! I’m your Cupid for @arcanasecretcupid ! I’m incredibly sorry for keeping you w

Hi there @stelladea ! I’m your Cupid for @arcanasecretcupid ! I’m incredibly sorry for keeping you waiting with this! Here’s Stella and Julian at the Masquerade! I hope you enjoy :) 

@rakanoir also helped in getting this piece done which I greatly appreciate <3 

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Modern AU

Main Six when MC gets an IUD


  • Agrees wholeheartedly with you when you decide you want one. Having kids right away wasn’t really something he wanted either. That way he has more time with you to himself ♡
  • You bet your sweet tushy he’s going with you for the appointment
  • Trying to keep you calm before, during, and after the procedure
  • With the complications of a shared heart, he may feel the pain when the cervix needs to be dilated or when they put the placement tube in.
  • He’s bent over from this bizarre, unfamiliar pain, doctor and nurse look confused
  • He brought all the things to try and relax you. Raspberry vine tea, pain meds, (possibly anti-anxiety meds), pads.
  • He was distracting you during the procedure as best he could
  • When he brought you home he dumps you in bed, all the blankets and heating pads and pillows dumped in an avalanche
  • While you nestle in he orders takeout. Probably something like pho so you’ll get some broth
  • More raspberry vine tea
  • Puts on comfort movies while snuggling you


  • He may have been hoping for kids sooner rather than later but it doesn’t crush him. He’d still like to go on adventures with you before settling down.
  • Made sure you ate a light meal and had a good amount of fluids before
  • The nurse and doctor kicked him out because he was being a general pain in the ass asking them if they did this that and the other thing and damn near took over himself
  • He’s got access to the 800 mg ibuprofen
  • Once he’s allowed back in after the procedure is over, he waits with you till you think you can walk to the car.
  • Becomes your overly protective healthcare advocate, going after the doctor asking questions you couldn’t
  • Damn near carries you to the car.
  • Once he’s settled you into bed or on a couch, he starts to make a nutritious dinner with ingredients with the proper nutrients for recovery
  • But he has chocolate cake at the ready
  • Takes off work till you’re fully recovered
  • Reads poetry or a book a loud to you until you fall asleep
  • Secretly keeps an eye on you while you rest


  • *assuming here that the IUD is for hormonal balance rather than contraceptive use*
  • Filters through all the doctors available to select the best one. Perhaps she had one herself and recommends that doctor to you
  • If she had gone through with getting an IUD before (makes sense with how much she hated Lucio) she has all the things done for you so you don’t have to so much as lift a finger
  • She finds the time or schedules around your appointment and holds your hand and massages your arm during the entire procedure
  • Everything was ready when she brought you home from the procedure
  • Treats you to a luxurious spa treatment
  • You’re so relaxed from the procedure and the spa treatment you fall asleep right into her arms

Edits Down Here


  • He almost takes it the wrong way when you bring up the IUD. That you didn’t want kids *with him* specifically. He has a tough exterior and has built walls (literally and figuratively) to protect his emotional self.
  • It was a long discussion and working through his emotions at the same time. He may never have considered kids, the thought may have never crossed his mind until this discussion. But what he wants is whatever is best for you.
  • Doesn’t entirely know what to do to help before the procedure
  • Doesn’t know what to do other than to hold your hand during the procedure
  • His very presence in the room intimidates the hell out of the doctor and nurse
  • He waits very patiently while you recover in the room. He’s probably rubbing/massaging your arms, maybe laying a large warm hand over the space where it hurts.
  • When you’re ready, he carries you home
  • Does not let you do anything for yourself. Makes you food, helps you move around.
  • As fragile as possible


  • *assuming here that the IUD is for hormonal balance useage and the like rather than contraceptive*
  • The conversation wasn’t much, she wasn’t entirely concerned about the why, much more about the when and how.
  • Cottagecore Portia prepping the bed or couch with all the blankets and pillows and heating pads *before* so that ee won’t be fussing with it after
  • Makes a homemade casserole, soup, or something in a crockpot. Crockpot would probably be best if it’s cooking while she’s with you at the appointment, possibly gets Mazelinka involved
  • Reminds you to wear warm fuzzy socks so your feet don’t get cold during
  • May or may not have swiped 800mg ibuprofen from Julian’s supplies
  • Consoles you before, during, and after.
  • Trying to keep your eyes focused on her face when the pain is at it’s worst
  • After it’s over and she brings you back home, she keeps a timer for when to take the next pain meds
  • Mother hen
  • Maybe a crochet or knitting or embroidery project to keep you occupied?
  • Feeling like she’d want to watch “who-done-it’s” with you as well
  • Won’t even let Pepi touch you


  • A what
  • Mixed feelings about no pregnancy/no kids. He’s probably not the most responsible person to take care of kids anyway.
  • Once he’s beyond that conversation he’s your advocate and *only* the best of the best doctors and nurses for you
  • He’s not entirely certain as to what to do
  • When you wince or gasp from pain he’ll get furious at the doctor and nurse
  • Very possibly it’s you trying to calm himdown
  • Possibly gets kicked out of the room by staff
  • After he’s allowed back in for your recovery you have to explain to him the pain is perfectly normal
  • “Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve gotten you/demanded stronger drugs”
  • Or perhaps you told him prior to the operation and he somehow swings stronger painkillers
  • At home he hires staff specifically to take care of you around the clock
  • If you had separate living arrangements, he’s having you in his bed post procedure for maximum snuggling
  • Might even ban the dogs from the bedroom so they don’t accidentally step on you
  • Online shopping time for comfort time passing and buys whatever on a whim

Something Lost, Something Gained (Part 3, NSFW, 18+ in the red)

“What happened?”

I turned to Past Me. She moved her arm in a wheel again, disrupting my vision. We were in Vasuvia, if it was called that then. The memories flashed quickly but there was a pattern. Always living in the shop, finding lovers, pretending to age, living life, taking long trips, returning to my shop claiming to be the descendant and claiming the property. Over and over. Keeping up appearances, visions of travels. Passionate love, painful heartbreak, death, moving on, but always returning to my shop in Vesuvia. There were children, too. I didn’t see visions or memories of pregnancy. Perhaps adopted? It went on and on, and the city itself changed, too. Chaotic downfalls and dramatic rises. I was drawn to the magic of this place. Apparently, this was my home away from home. Memories showed occasional visits to the land I originated from. Memories in the cave that Asra had taken me to. I thought it was my first time there, but that isn’t the case. Passionate romance ensued, rituals carried out, a lot of meditation sessions. The cave resembled the one in my own land. Also a secret room in the shop appeared several times, underground. A staircase hidden behind a rock wall of the shop. Decades flashed before our eyes in mere seconds, centuries in minutes. I couldn’t help but contemplate the number of lives I’d touched, loved, and missed.

We briefly stopped on one memory in a little town. I was there to visit the salt flats. A terrible storm rolled in and delayed my departure. My memories had shown several terrible storms, this one contended in the top ten. People around my memory self thought it was the end. The gale force winds were certain to destroy buildings. Once the storm had blown over, as quickly as it had come, everybody came out to inspect buildings and check on each other. Thankfully nobody was killed. They were joyful till they saw pieces of a wrecked ship. One older woman in particular was worried, apparently her girlfriend was due to come in. A few hours past when a ship came into view. Lilinka, was that her name? Was relieved at the sight of the ship. As soon as the ship was docked and the gang plank down the two women ran to each other, hugging and kissing, obviously shaken by the storm that could have killed the other. Two red headed children came down the gang plank. One taller and gangly, the other so much younger. They looked pretty wretched. My past Memory self couldn’t help be pushed in by the swarm of adults and children alike, surrounding the two kids and the two women. “I found them on some wreckage. They lost their family in that damned storm,” announced the woman who had come from the ship.

“Oh we’ll keep them till their family comes to claim them,” Lilinka said without doubt, the entire town murmuring in agreement.

“What if we don’t have any family left?” Asked the young boy in concern, holding on to, presumably, his little sister for dear life.

“Well then welcome to the family. This is Nevinon, we look out for each other here,” announced Lilinka. “Now let’s get you two out of those sopping wet clothes and something warm to eat, yes?”

She and the other woman hearded the two children into a building. Glad that something good came of the tragedy, my memory past self made my way home.

Once again the years flew past and slowed down to about over a decade before the present.

My memory past self had claimed ownership of my shop after my “aunt” died. I had been living this new life for a bit when a familiar fluffy white haired stranger with the most beautiful purple eyes began to appear in my life. My memories played out and stilled to this memory.

My memory past self was at the very familiar bakery. I was on my own, asking for a loaf of pumpkin bread.

The fluffy white haired, purple eyed stanger sat next to me and also requested a loaf.

“Are you going to introduce yourself? I’ve noticed you following me around for nearly half a year now.” She said to them.

“That’s why I’m here. My name is Asra.”

Salsi brought the loaves over, still warm. I paid him with a coin and I asked for some tea.

“Sure thing!” He winked, and Asra paid by healing the cuts, scratches and bruises on Salsi’s hands.

My past self glanced at Asra, surprised.

“You practice magic as well?” My past memory self asked.

“Well…” Asra blushed. “Not nearly as well as you.”


“Do you remember the night of the last masquerade?” Asra asked my memory self.

How could I forget? A stranger swept me off my feet and disappeared.

“I do, it was quite eventful. Why do you ask?”

“Do you remember meeting a stranger, dancing and laughing, feeding each other?”

“You wouldn’t happen to know who it was?” My past memory self asked suspiciously, with a coy look in her eyes.

Asra began to blush. “Well, that was me.”

A socially awkward silance as Selsi poured us each a cup of tea. My past self seemed to be enjoying this.

“Now why did you sweep me off my feet at the masquerade and disappear like that?” My memory past self asked before taking a sip of the tea.

Asra looked down to avoid my eyes. A very familiar snake popped out of his bag.

“Oh well hello!” My past self leaned in to take a closer look at the snake.

“Her name is Faust,” said Asra, brightening up a bit. “You can pet her, she’s friendly. She particularly likes chin scratches.” He took her full body out of his bag and onto the counter.

“Very nice to meet you Faust!” My memory self said, gently scratching her chin. She looked very friendly.

“That reminds me, I need to head home and feed Bast. We can continue our conversation there, oh mysterious handsome stranger,” my past self said rising from her chair.

“Gladly lovely lady. You didn’t tell me your name?” Asra collected Faust and put her back into his bag.

I could sense my past self stiffen. Which name shall I use?

“You’ll learn that in due time,” she said coolly, taking Asra by the hands, apparently reaally in a hurry to get home. They waved Selsi goodbye.

The walk home to the shop was awkwardly quiet. Asra must have been thinking wildly.

“Is Bast your pet?” Asra finally broke the silence.

“Do NOT let her hear you refer to her as a pet,” my past self laughed. “No, she is my familiar. As I imagine Faust is to you?”

Upon hearing her voice, she popped her head out from amongst his garnments.

Asra was visibly relieved but still a bit tense.

“Yes, I’ve had her since she was an egg. A very special present.”

“I found Bast in a dump,” my memory self snorted with a chuckle, putting Asra further at ease.

“Really?” This was the first time Asra had smiled, at least since the masquerade.

“Yeah,” my memory self scratched at the back of my neck.

We were finally at the shop. I made tea and invited Asra to the back room, making sure to keep the sign on the store door “closed.” And the light out.

“Now, you never answered why you disappeared on me after the masquerade, I was quite heartbroken,” my past memory self flirted with him.

Asra looked down again, fingers fidgeting. Perhaps thinking of an answer. Perhaps that’s when my past self noticed the dirt and worn out clothes.

“I don’t have that great of a living situation at the moment,” Asra finally confessed. “I live with a friend who doesn’t do well with people. At all.”

My memory self nodded, wondering who this friend was.

“Also,” Asra interrupted my, her thoughts, “your magic is far superior to mine. Though I do have a few tricks up my sleeve.”

“Well, how about this,” my memory past self, so confident and sure of herself. “You can live here in exchange for helping at the shop, and we can exchange ‘tricks’ what do you say?”

Asra looked stunned, possibly speechless.

“That way you can’t get away from me,” my past self winked with a coy note in her, my voice.

“Yes, sure, i-if that’s okay with you?” Asra answered hesitantly.

My memory self laughed. Bast finally came down the stairs and made her appearance. She wasn’t in her largest shape-shifting size, but not her smallest, either. She sniffed through Asra’s stuff, apparently stealthily enough not to draw attention.

“By the way, that is Bast,” I, my memory self, pointed. Asra nearly jumped out of their skin. Bast raised her head with Faust all coiled up on her head. Asra had to take a few calming breathes before answering, eyes glued to the very large house cat whose head was large enough for a snake to comfortably sit on.

“H-hello,” Asra finally got out, visibly calming down but still very on edge.

Bast looked at my memory self.

“Food?” Bast pawed at my leg.

“Yes yes here you go,” my memory self tore a piece of the pumpkin bread and fed it to the giant cat.

“You… you feed her bread?” Asra asked.

“Not usually, as a treat. She seems to like pumpkin. I can’t keep any pumpkins inside the shop. Autumn is a real challenge when everyone has their pumpkins out.” She, I, answered causually.

Asra started to laugh.

Thus was the beginning.

Memories began to speed up again, like leaves falling from a tree in autumn. I felt as though I could reach out and grab one. My arm unconsciously reached out, but my double at my side grabbed my arm, brought it down, and once again put her finger to her lips.

“These are critical memories, so that you know what really happened,” said myself in the black cloak. Our gaze returned to the scenes playing before us.

It must be 5 to 10 years. Asra and my memory past self were living comfortably. I had met the mystery friend who lived on his own now in the forest. I didn’t blame him. I had seen the tournaments myself.

It was an average day, Bast had gone out hunting for herself to eat like she had done a thousand times before. My past memory self was heading back from foraging in the forst to stock the store. I, she, was minding the cobblestone streets when she, I, bent over in pain. Even though it was a memory, I could feel the pain. Visions of my people in a firey battle, cousins, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles fighting and dying in an apocalyptic battle. I, my memory self, my past self at my side, and I my present self felt the flaring pain of all my people being wiped out. Flashes of a familiar humanoid goat grinning amongst the visions of my people falling. Images of my brothers in particular rang in my memory. I, my present self, was finally able to breathe after my memory self collapsed in the street. People gathered around as I blacked out. I clung to my double at my side.

“What the hell!?” I whispered in a pained breath.

“Our people, family and kin, were all killed in a tragic battle. All of them. We are the only one left.” My past self huffed with her hands on her knees, trying to stand whilst supporting my weight.

“And we felt that?” I question. She nodded. As we recovered, the next memory played out.

My memory past self woke up in a bed not ours. Not even familiar. All senses on alert, she quietly got out of the bed and realized she wasn’t even in her own clothing! Just some odd blank white sheet gown. What the fuck was this!? Her eyes looked around, collecting information like she had done so many times on a battlefield. As if in a theatrical performance and on cue, the door opened and a very tall man with gorgeous, unruly red hair walked in, attention entirely devoted to whatever he was reading in his hand. He closed the door with his hip, and strode across the room. It was a bizarre moment, he must not have noticed that she was up and standing out of bed. He was entirely fixated on his reading as he managed to put food into a bowl and place it on the ground for a dog to chow down. She watched in bizarre amazement as this very tall, lanky and *very* attractive man finished his chore without having to move his eyes from whatever it was he was reading. He didn’t even notice she was out of bed until he was right in front of her and reaching for an arm to check for a pulse. When he didn’t find an arm immediately, he looked at the bed with worry and shock written into the lines on his face and bolted up when he finally realized he wasn’t standing even a foot from her. In which he tripped over his own two feet and fell backwards.

He definitely hit his head and was swearing in a language not unfamiliar to me. Her. My memory past self.

She spoke the equivalent of “excuse me?” In the tongue he was swearing in. Another comical facial expression of shock as he looked up, mouth open but nothing came out.

Finally remembering himself, he scrambled up.

“You’re awake!” He exclaimed. The amount of shock in that statement worried her.

“Where am I? Who are you? Why am I in this… this garment?” My memory past self readied herself for a fight.

“This is my clinic, you were brought here by some people after you passed out in the streets. Please, please calm down my name is Julian. Julian Devorak. Please sit back down and let me check you over,” he said with his hands up in a surrender or “i mean no harm” kind of way.

It was a very tense few moments while she contemplated what her next move would be.

She eyed him carefully. He was in a doctor’s uniform, though aren’t those uniforms usually white?

She relaxed herself and sat down, eyes almost glaring.

“Dr. Devorak?” She said questioning his credentials.

“Yes, as for your other question. You had to be changed, your clothes had been soiled by the ground and you were out for three days. I couldn’t figure out why you wouldn’t wake up-”

“Three days?” She relaxed a bit more, realizing the last thing she remembered was being on the ground in agonizing pain. It made sense.

“I apologize that there was no one here with you when you woke up,” he spoke as he checked for pulse, heart beat, etc. “You’re in the back room with Brundle since the front is often busy,” he visually looked over for bruises or cuts, checking her head for any sensitive spots. “I-I was reading up on comas and people not waking up, even though your pulse seemed regular and normal and you were breathing. You had no fever,” he pulled off one of his gloves and held the back of his hand to her forehead. “and… well here you are. Awake and aware. Everything seems fine, but it bothers me that I can’t figure out why you collapsed in the first place, or why only now you’re waking up.” He sat down on the bed next to her, his eyes gazing at nothing. She could see the gears in his head running overtime.

“I’m so sorry where are my manners. You must be starved after not eating for three days and, and I’ll go fetch your clothes and things. I had your clothing laundered, I’ll fetch them,” he raced out of the room. When the door was closed she flopped on the bed. She heard the dog slowly come over to her. She rolled over and gave the dog some good pets, her own mind racing. She couldn’t think for long, she was feeling weak, in more ways than one. Food sounded good so she didn’t resist.

When he returned with her clothes and bag a thought occured to her.

“There wasn’t any funny business while I was out, right?”

“I had to check to make sure you didn’t pass out from menstruating-” he started explaining.

“You WHAT?”

“Just a check, and I’m a legitimate doctor! It was nothing to worry about and my assistant can verify I didn’t do anything… inappropriate. If she hadn’t quit on me,” he suddenly looked exhausted. “I’ll look her up if you want to verify-”

I didn’t need to. Er, she, I, didn’t need to. I sensed he was telling the truth.

“Well, you promised me a meal. Let me get dressed.” She shooed him out. She rested for a second with her back to the door, listening for the sound of him walking away.

When she was satisfied that he had walked a good enough distance, she busied herself with getting dressed, making a mental note to ask who his launder was. Everything was so clean. Was that lavender?

Even though we were watching a memory, I could smell the fresh linen mixed with lavender fragrance.

As I, she, stepped out, she noticed he was at his desk in the corner writing something down. She could see his handwriting from the door and shuddered at how he could possibly read it, let alone some poor assistant. She gave the door a soft kick to get his attention. He bolted up.

“Ah, yes. I was thinking of this quaint little spot, it’s got this lovely tea that has a smokey flavor that I’ve been craving for a bit. Not to mention I don’t want to expose you to too much, seeing as you’ve just woken up.”

In rather graceful moves he got his coat on and opened the front door of his clinic, bowing, “After you.”

It was late morning, judging by the sun’s position in the sky. They made their way to the promised tea room. It was a bit underground. Even from a distant memory I, my present self, could taste the first bite of some sweet bread and chowed down through slices of warm bread, sandwiches and soup.

“If you like soup that much I ought to get you some recipes from Maz,” Julian spoke before taking a sip of the tea he had been craving. “Oh hell just come over to my place I’ll make it myself. She’s on ah… a trip.”

“Careful, I may take you up on that offer,” she remarked.

“Please do,” he said sincerely, but with a hint of playfulness to his voice. He chuckled into his tea.

He moved onto straight black coffee and I tried some of that tea. It was nice and probably rare, but it wasn’t to my liking.

“I was thinking-”

“There’s trouble,” he smirked. That smile. Omg that smile.

“Seriously,” I, she tried to make herself sound serious. “You took good care of me while I was out. If you’re short an assitant I’d be happy to help you out at the clinic. And try some of those soups you mentioned.”

“I’ll do you one better,” he leaned in, putting his mug down. “I’ll take you on as an apprentice if I can get a discount for some of the ingredients in your shop.”

She deadpan stopped.

“You are the shop owner on the corner, right? That’s what the people said when the brought you in,” Julian started.

“OH MY GOD MY SHOP!” She quickly gathered her things.

“Yes, I am, I have to hurry and check on it, we’ll discuss just how much this "discount” you want in exchange. Swing by after you’re done for the day. Thank you for the meal I really enjoyed it.“ She paused, and turned to look at him again.

"And the company,” she said with her own smirk.

Julian smiled.

“I’ll see you later then,” he raised his mug and finished off his coffee, but she was gone before he could get up.

She sprinted down streets and alleyways, and finally crashed into the door of the shop. She was rustling in her bag for her keys when the door swung open.

“THERE YOU ARE!” Asra yanked me in and locked the door shut.

“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I was so worried,” Asra pulled me in for a bear hug, nearly crying.

“In a nutshell, I collapsed a few days ago and have been in a doctor’s clinic. I’m fine.”

I could feel the pressure of that hug in the present. Instinctively my arms raised to hug back, but I looked over at my past double in the black robe. I brought my arms back to my sides. In sync, we both looked back to watch the memory.

“Where’s Bast? Why didn’t she find me?”

“I thought she was with you? She hasn’t returned either.”

Faust popped her little head out, showing concern.

“Maybe she’s with Muriel,” Asra suggested. In my heart if hearts, I knew she wouldn’t have stayed with Muriel and his wolf familiar. Especially if I had been in trouble. My mouth felt dry, in the memory and now.

“Asra, Asra listen. When I collapsed, I had visions. Unpleasant ones, I still feel weak. I think my connection to my magic might be severed,” she looked in Asra’s eyes.

“You do feel weaker. But I don’t think it’s completely severed. Here, try something simple like summoning light,” Asra suggested, even more concerned than myself.

I did the spell and it worked, I tried others and it was evident that my power had become weaker.

“Let’s see what the cards say,” Asra headed to the back room, still holding onto my hand for dear life.

Asraa shuffled the cards, and I picked out one and flipped it over.

“The Devil?” I asked allowed.

Even though past memory me was confused, things were starting to make sense. My other self in the black robe nodded.

“You are starting to realize,” she waved her arm in the motion of a wheel in front of me, obstructing my vision. Memories hastened. Asra and I checked with Muriel, he hadn’t seen her but would look for her. Inanna didn’t look optimistic, and began sniffing the grounds immediately. The doctor swung by the store, luckily while Asra was away, and we set a 30% discount on the herbs and oils in my inventory in exchange for apprenticeship. The work at the clinic helped keep my mind off my troubles. Temporarily. Otherwise if I wasn’t at the clinic, I was at the shop. If I weren’t at either one, I’d be in the woods searching for my familiar. My heart ached for her and my ability to practice magic was crippled. Asra was patient and helped me practice and relearn. Asra knew I needed to keep busy, and didn’t question my apprenticeship with the doctor. Of course both romances ensued. I was lost, my people had been wiped out and my familiar was gone. Muriel reported that the didn’t find anything in the forest. Even if she had died they would have found something.

Again memories fluttered past. One, which I think is a particular favorite, I made slow in front of us. It was during one of Asra’s trips to find answers where I was left on my own. It was a long day at the clinic, people were starting to get ill. Julian and I had gone out for drinks and as he was escorting me back to my shop, a thunderstorm rolled in and began to rain. Julian clinic was closer so we rain in the rain laughing and full of life. We took refuge in a favored city garden with flowers that glowed. Starstrand. Deadly starstrand. Julian pulled me in close to himself. We were both soaked, and breathing heavy from our run. His mouth was so close and his lips looked soft. He kissed me, I kissed him back. We both had the same desire in our eyes and decided to head for his place. More than once we stopped along the way and made out in the pouring rain, grabbing at each other. We finally reached his clinic, which similarly to my shop his living space was above his work space. He pushed me up against the door, his mouth seeking mine and vice versa. The smell of him and fresh rain made for a heady sensation. When I was finally shivering from the cold and wet clothes Julian carried me inside and up into his place. We hurriedly stripped each other of our soaked clothing, heated open mouth kisses. Oh that first time with him, he was damn ready to please repeatedly that night. It had been so long. We were still at each other like rabbits when rays of the early dawn filtered through the windows.

“Oh, Julian, our businesses. We should- OOoh,” I moaned into his shoulder as he slipped into me again.

“We’re closed today,” he practically growled.

Finally, exhausted, we fell asleep intertwined.

We were rudely and suddenly woken up by someone banging on Julian’s clinic door.

“Doctor, I really need to see you!”

Julian, disgruntled and possibly regretting choosing his career, threw open the window.

“I’ll be down in a half hour,” he shouted to the person pounding on the door. He shut the window but looked troubled.

“What is it?” I asked him. My past memory self didn’t know, but dread creeped into my chest.

“I-it’s nothing. I guess I should have opened regular hours today. Let me get washed up and you can wash up while I take care of my patient,” he kissed me on the forehead and then the nose.

I looked down at the floor at our still wet clothes we had viciously ripped off each other the night before.

“Uh, what about our clothes?”

“I’ve got spares I can change into. I think there might be a nurse’s clothes packed away. I’ll find it once I’m done washing up,” he gave me one more squeeze and headed to the back of the living space.

Julian got cleaned up and had set up clean warm water for me. He left the nurse garments for me.

I came down after I had properly cleaned and changed. Julian spotted me and rushed towards me.

“I want you to go home, quickly. And stay there. This doesn’t look good,” he looked over his shoulder at his patient. He had drawn the curtains around him. “Please, go home and stay home. I’ll send a message when I can,” he pushed me towards the door. I turned on my heal, face landing into his chest.

“I’m your apprentice, remember? It can’t be that bad…” I began to protest but Julian cut me off.

“Yes, it can. Please, go. Get some rest and eat well, and we’ll see about you continuing later,” he pushed me outside and right into some more people who looked terribly ill.

He pushed me right through the gathering crowd. “Go!” He sounded absolutely urgent and allowed the ill people in.

I felt hurt. I made my way back to my shop. I was exhausted and I still felt weak from when I collapsed weeks ago. I couldn’t help but notice the streets we not as loud as they usually were.

I closed the door to my shop and slumped to the floor. I guessed something might be going around and I should probably take stock, people will be asking for herbs and tinctures and other home rememdies.

I made my way up the stairs into the living quarters to find Asra sitting on the edge of our bed. By the look on their face, the answers he found weren’t good. He noticed the clothes I was wearing.

“We should leave Vesuvia,” Asra said bluntly.


“There are warning signs, something very, very bad is going to happen,” Asra had risen from their spot on the bed and held my hands. “We need to leave.”

My double at my side waved the memories on to speed up.

The next memories were difficult and painful. The Red Plague had broken out. Julian and I were issued plague masks to wear while treating people in our clinic. Asra still pestered me to leave Vesuvia while we had the chance.

The Palace summoned doctors from all over when the Count came down with the plague himself, including Julian. He tried to keep his clinic open whilst working in the palace. We saw countless gut wrenching deaths in his clinic. It didn’t help Julian when Brundle passed. We had to make a decision: should we close down the clinic, advise people to go and die in their homes, and work full time at the palace? Or stretch ourselves thin to the point of breaking. Julian and I couldn’t bring ourselves to abandon the people of Vesuvia, so we chose the latter.

But the casualties escalated. Businesses closed down, everyone quarantined. Healthy people fled. That’s what Asra wanted to do.

“We’ve got to go!” Asra had never raised their voice with me but I could tell he was getting desperate.

“I’ve got to stay and help. These people need our help! We can’t abandon them!”

“We can’t save them! It’s time to save ourselves. They’re going to close the boarders tonight!”

“That’s ridiculous! Julian - Dr. Devorak says the source are the beetles…”

“It doesn’t matter!” Asra slammed their fist into the table. “There’s a place far from here that I have, we can go there and ride this out…”

“I won’t abandon the city-”


“What about Muriel? What if he gets sick?”

“He’s far from the city. He and Inanna will be fine!”

“Is there no one in this city you care about?” My eyes looked into Asra’s, searching.

“You,” Asra started to tear up.

Emotions boiled up. Even in the present I could feel the lump in my throat.

“I’ve got to stay,” I managed to get out in a whisper, tears rolling down my face.

Asra stood up and kissed me, he kissed at my eyes.

“I’ve got to go,” Asra’s voice matched my own hoarseness and emotion. He grabbed his bag, tossed his scarf around his neck and his hat with that odd feather.

“I’ll come back once you’ve changed your mind,” Asra kissed me good bye. And then they were gone. I slumped down on the floor, crying. I’d felt heart break in my long lifespan but it never hurts any less. I managed to lock the doors, climb up the stairs and into bed.

The very next day I woke up feeling pretty terrible. I assumed it was just from crying most of the night. I washed up and dressed to work down at the clinic. The door was locked, thankfully Julian had given me a spare key for when he overslept. People were already gathered outside.

“Give me five minutes,” I bolted the door behind me. It was oddly quiet. I went up to Julian’s living space. I found a note on the bed.

“'My Love,

I’ve been summoned to work full time at the palace. We’ll keep in touch. Don’t open the clinic anymore, just make house calls. There is no cure yet, that is what we are working on here. Just make them as comfortable as possible, and write down whatever information you think relevant.

I do think it goes without saying I love you. Be strong, we’ll see each other through this. I know we will.


Julian ♡”

I slumped to the ground beside the bed. When would I see him again? Rubbing my eyes, I wasn’t ready to face today. I had no choice.

I made my way downstairs, wrote a sign that the clinic was closed and to wait for house calls.

I put my plague mask on and came outside to face the people whose eyes had started to turn red.

“Please stand here, I’ll be collecting names and addresses. The clinic is closed and I will be making house visits.”

I nailed the sign to the door and locked and bolted it. I took names and addresses and the crowd dispersed.

The memories started to flutter again, I already knew what became of me. My past self and I decided those memories did not need to be addressed. They fluttered past, even though we passed through them quickly I could feel the loneliness, the pain from the disease. And then the flames of the furnace.

We were once again surrounded by the white fluff. I felt so many emotions at once.

“We were weakened intentionally so we would be susceptible to the plague,” my past self finally spoke. “We were severed from our people, and our familiar. It was intentional.”

I looked at her. I knew it was true. And I knew who the culprit was.

“So he has Bast?” I said aloud, more of a statement than a question. She nodded solemnly.

“I had to walk this path of memories with you before we merged. Our old age has lots of memories and it could have killed you, us if I hadn’t taken this time to show you.”

I nodded, understanding.

“What will happen when we merge?”

“We will be whole again,” she said simply.

“We can tap into the energy that surrounds us. We are still a great and power magician. We can take it further and tap into our memories, the years spent practicing all sorts of magic. We have one more advantage,” she said, with hope in her voice.

“And what is that?”

“We can tap into the spirits of our deceased people. They have always been with us, I think you must have forgotten that when we lost our familiar. Our ancestors will give us enough strength,” she held my hands.

“Enough strength to do what?” I asked.

“To become what we once were. Powerful Witch and Warrior. We will get our familiar back and win this battle,” she said with certainty.

“As we speak our body is changing, the muscle memory will return. The strength we once had will return. And our people’s spirits will be with us.”

“Will I remember?”

“Yes. It is time to merge. You know what we knew and what we must do,”

She looked me in the eyes. My face, my hair, my eyes.

“The past and choices have led us here. To this moment. It is time to take the present into our own hands and make the best of it. Our destiny awaits,” she released my hands and opened her arms to embrace.

I hugged her back. Myself. She is me and I am her.

The white cleared, I gasped for breath. It must not have been more than thirty seconds outside of my walk through memory lane. Asra was by my side, their parents making their way towards me. The woman with the spear was on the table hunting Lucio down. The courtiers were throwing a tantrum and the Devil was yelling at them because something had obviously gone wrong. Everything was in slow motion at first but the next thing I knew Asra’s parents were hovering over the both of us, Muriel and Julian on my other side.

“Are you okay?”

“How do you feel?”

“Are you hurt?”

I felt my body changing, just as my past self in the black robe had said. Energy, so much energy.

It was almost too much to take in. Everyone peering at me.

All I could say was…

“I remember”

Something Lost, Something Gained (Part 2)

Chaos ensued. I heard Asra calling my name, a woman and a man’s voice calling Asra and Asra’s shock. I heard Lucio scream “MOTHER?!” in sheer terror as a woman with a spear stood up. That was all I could make out as a white light washed over my vision. I felt like I was floating on gentle waters in pure white surroundings.

“It is time. Finally.”

I heard in *my* voice but it wasn’t me. The voice, my voice, sounded relieved and confident. Wait a minute! I heard this same voice when I was trapped with Julian in Death’s realm, before the fight with Valdemar. The voice that showed me how to grab the chains, and destroy them. The Devil’s chains.

I looked for the source, and saw myself standing. Only, it wasn’t entirely me. It was my face, but my eyes looked older, wiser, as if I’d seen more. The entire facial expression looked calmer, stronger than what I saw in the mirror in the morning. She was me and I was her. Different but we were the same, each other.

I had no idea what to say. She reached out her hand, wearing a flowing black robe with a hood.

“Come, it is time for you to remember who you are.”

I reached out my hand, realizing I was wearing the same robe, but white. I grasped her hand. She was much stronger than we appeared. Once I was standing, we looked at each other. Suddenly, I was beginning to grasp what was happening. When Asra resurrected me three years ago, he didn’t have a body and there were complications. He had mentioned that when he tried to help me remember I would get headaches and go catatonic. I felt no headaches, no aches at all. Not the sensation of the robe around me or the ground beneath me, but I was definitely walking. This person before me must be my past self.

“It was more than memories he took away to make us function again. With removing the past, he removed part of you, me. I have always been with you, but we couldn’t be one, ourself. Not until now. And do not blame him, I, we, taught him how to resurrect but he had to improvise, which has all come down to this.” She spread her arms out, gesturing to our surroundings.

I looked around. “Where are we, exactly?”

“It is nowhere. We are merging, finally becoming ourself again. Come, I must show you memories.” She turned and walked, and I followed. What kind of answer is that? Though it certainly looks like nowhere.

And with that thought, we were standing on a beach. Our toes were graced with the waves lapping at the shore. It felt like silk flittering over my feet. We looked out at the sparkling water surrounded by a vast snowy white expanse with conifer trees.

“Home.” She said, and I thought simultaneously. We turned, in sync. Before us was a building whose roof looked like an upside down ship. The doors opened for us and we walked inside. I felt the warmth of the hearth fire event though it was at the far end of the table, at which sat large figures with all kinds of skin and color types and styles. It was a joyful meal, merry with laughter and tales and drink. I turned to look at myself, and she had a smile on her face that was bittersweet.

“This was our family and kin.” She spoke and I understood. My memory was finally grasping each person, including my brothers. On that note, the scene changed. Not like in the world of the Arcana, violent and dizzying. It was gradual and felt natural.

The new scene before us must have been a spring or summer day as the snow was gone. Me and I watched the memory play out. My brothers and I were sparring with rough looking swords and other battle equipment. The ground was flat, obviously a practice area. It looked as we were in our teenage years, the eldest looking to be nearing twenties. I was amazed how I was strong enough to fight my brothers, bearing their weight on my sword and shield.

But there was laughter, it was just practice. Even playful. We switched for different weapons. We battled. Eventually wrestled even. Drenched in sweat we sat and leaned on the benches, one brother simply laid on the ground breathing heavily. A bell, or a gong? Chimed and we ran. For dinner. In the great hall. Our elders asked for details and we spun tails of our “great battles” that had just transpired. Similar scenes played over and over more quickly. I looked back at Me, and she looked on longingly, she looked she was about to cry.

Sensing this, she moved her arm in a great wheel, obstructing my vision. We were now in a large cave with other women. Candle light danced across the walls of the cave, runes and symbols almost seemed to move and glitter. We were gathered around a pool. An elder with tattoos beckoned a “come forward” motion. It was a bizarre feeling myself move out of me. For a second I felt jiggly like some if the fancy desserts I saw at the masquerade. My mind was distracted for a minute. My double turned to me and grabbed the back of my head, as I was aparently falling backwards, or being pulled. She put her finger to her lips and moved her eyes back to the scene. Our past self, definitely younger, was completely submerged in the pool. The pool began to glow and the others chanting. At the very climax of the chant, my past self emerged gasping for air, facing the elder. The pool glowed brilliantly, and the elder smiled. She spoke a language that I was just grasping at straws to understand. However, I knew she had essentially said some equivalent “sister, you are now a priestess. Next in line for elder. You have surpassed our tests and vanquished quests. Welcome.” She spoke in her old, warm voice and drew a cresent moon on my forehead. Runes began to glow on my past self’s skin. As she, I, stepped out of the water, the pool’s glow dimmed, and so did the runes. The other women around came forward and hugged, congratulated and cheered.

“This was the beginning.” My double at my side said. I understood. This is where my learning for magic originated. I was born with the talent and showed promise early on, but our elders taught me.

My heart swelled to see my people. Family and kin, our people. Finally, I had always wondered whenever I wanted to try to remember where I came from but knew better than to try.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my double biting her lip. I sensed foreboding.

Once again the scenes changed in quick succession. First I learned healing magic, and utilized them on battle fronts. I healed my own brothers, our uncles and fathers and mothers and aunts and cousins. All were capable of battle. Few were capable of magic. Next I learned defensive magic, a scene of sparring with my siblings again but my shield was of glowing runes and symbols specific to defense. I was still wielding a non enchanted sword. The next scene we all looked up and saw arrows flying down towards us from above. My past self, certain of her abilities, held up a shield much larger and stronger, covering our entire group. I was defending my entire clan against raining arrows from an unseen enemy. All looked up un awe. I, my present self, watched in awe. The warriors were able to see through the shield and figure out which direction the arrows were coming from. As soon as the arrows stopped, the charged. The next scene I was wielding a sword of magic on a blood soaked battlefield. Another scene my past self was using a physical bow and a magically manifested arrow to shoot. More scenes, everything from touching moments to bloody battlefields. A fresh prospective, we watched myself at the bow of a strong, proudly built ship. I touched the wood and the runes and symbols carved into the wood glowed. The ship became faster, and I knew, I felt the touch under my hands, that the wood became stronger, too. New landscapes and buildings and peoples came into view in the coming memories. Memories of learning different magic from different peoples. Hours and hours of practice. We were passing quickly, as if flipping pages through a book.

We slowed to a scene. It looked like Vesuvia, but it wasn’t quite. It wasn’t as expansive. Yet. My past self was walking through alleys and streets for a stroll. In a particularly filthy alleyway I heard a clatter. Some bottles had fallen from crates where a black cat’s tail could be seen, searching for food most likely. Without hesitation my past self walked swiftly towards the creature. The animal, in turn, poked it’s head out of it’s crate. It watched my pass self come closer, but it did not move to escape or show signs of fear or aggression. This encouraged my past self’s curiosity. She even picked it up, and upon further inspection this was no ordinary house cat. It wasn’t a cat but a cub of a panther? Jaguar?

“What are you doing here of all places?” I heard my past self ask the creature, as if expecting it to answer. The animal made no protest at being picked up and actually began to purr. It looked like it was smiling. My past self looked back in the direction the palace would be in utter disgust. “One of those rulers brought you here, and didn’t bother to keep an eye on you?” The cub’s pupils dilated as if it were an answer. It suddenly dawned on my present self that this was no ordinary animal.

Even though it was in my memory self’s hands, I could feel the texture of the fur in my hands and the magical power pulsating from the animal. It chose then to wiggle further into my past self’s arms and close it’s eyes. Definitely a sign of trust from the cat kingdom.

It was a heartwarming sight. My past self opened her cloak and covered the animal with it and made haste back…


It was my shop!!! Once again my mind was about to surface into the present but my double brought me back down and brought my attention to the memories we were watching. Instead of magical items and trinkets it seemed a fur and fabrics shop. I climbed the stairs up to the living space and put her in front of the stove to warm up. My past memory self asked the oven salamander (what? How old is that thing?) To light it. I made tea while the Cat slept peacefully in front of the warming stove. My past self sat down at the small table and watched this new strange beast. It opened one eye looking back at my memory self. She laughed, knelt before the creature.

“Are you my familiar?”

“‘I don’t know, am I?’” I could hear the creature ask in a sassy tone.

Accepting this answer, my memory self placed her hand on it’s forehead. She, the cub, purred and closed it’s eyes and runes and magical symbols glowed through it’s fur.

So I had a familiar? Where is she? What’s her na..

“Bast? You were taken from *that* region? You were named after Bastet?” My past memory self continued the conversation, getting to know this creature. That scene was followed once again by quick, passing memories of ships, foreign lands, battles, bar fights, learning new magic and more hours of practice. I was beginning to wonder how much time had passed in the memories and in the real world.

“We are much older than you think. Than others can imagine” my not double at my side responded answered. “Your body may appear young. But we are so much older. In spirit, mind and soul.” As if that answered everything.

We finally emerged to a scene at a cliff, the ocean waves lapping at the bottom. My past memory self emerged into the rising sun’s light, removing the heavy hood, and a large black cat at her side, and a staff in the opposite hand, fully fledged magician, a strong warrior, more powerful than my present self.

I couldn’t help but wonder…

“What happened?”

Something Lost, Something Gained (Part 1)

Alternative ending to at least Asra, Julian and Nadia’s endings. Apprentice (MC) regains memory.

We were trapped. A strange magic kept us all in our seats at the large banquet table for the ritual the Devil had been planning. This far underground (or in another world or dimension altogether?) We couldn’t hear the sounds of the masquerade. It should be under control, since everyone else was possessed as we were dragged down here against our will.

The table had been laid out with great care, each person assigned to a corresponding Major Arcana. Each plate and drink were different and to the individual guest’s taste. Glancing at Julian’s set, I wondered how lobster and straight black coffee would work out. I had to suppress the chuckle. Looking at Asra’s set, his meal looked a bit more coordinated. I allowed my sight to gaze up to his face, looking for reassurance. Of course his eyes were on me, depths of indescribable emotions present in his eyes.

We had hatched a plan earlier in case we were unable to stop the ritual in time. We discovered three years prior Asra had tampered with a key part of the ritual: substituting pomegranate juice for Lucio’s blood in the wine to be offered to each guest. This time, Asra took some of my blood into a vial while we were in one of the tunnels that made up the labyrinth that was the palace. We had no idea what would happen since Asra wasn’t trusted to conduct any part of the ritual. The little vial of my blood was entrusted to Faust, and Asra used glammer magic to make faust invisible so she could drop the contents of the vile into the giant wine goblet. All we can do now is wait and hope it works.

Asra seemed confident in the plan but I had my doubts. What was so special about my blood that it would counteract the elaborate, powerful ritual? What if it didn’t work, does he have a backup plan? What about everybody else at the table? Hell, what about the people at the masquerade!?

I couldnt help but glare at the courtiers consuming their… meals. Pretty sure I saw worms wriggling on someone’s plate at the beginning of this, but all I could smell was the contents on my own plate.

I couldn’t help but notice Nadia. If looks could kill, the Devil would have been a corpse by now.

And the faces of the people I don’t know. There’s a couple here that oddly resemble Asra. Nadia’s parents are here as well, but I don’t see Portia. That must be a relief for Julian.

I couldn’t stomach the thought of what was being put into my mouth, since Asra and I found the contents of this room earlier. I had to keep thinking, my body wouldn’t obey my own will.

In synchronized motion, everyone put their silverware and drinks down. Oh no. This must be it. The wine goblet was slowly emptied of it’s contents as everyone took their turn, willingly or unwillingly. Finally, Asra passed it to me. I don’t know how he could keep that encouraging smile on his face, as if to say “we’ll be fine”

There was just a little bit left, and i realized I was about to consume my own blood. I tried to throw the goblet but i’m as helpless as everyone else. Finally exhausted from trying to fight my own limbs, the dark liquid passed my lips and into my gullet. To which I placed the goblet to my right.

Suddenly, everyone seemed to regain their ability to move again. I couldn’t muster the strength to get up. What was happening to me? Sounds started to sound bizarre, like under water. I could hear the Devil screaming “what happened? Why isn’t it working!?”

Big Spoiler Alert

We got another love confession!

Highlights from the New Story

Spoilers ahead

Alright, first the first Grandma

There was some serious Sophia Petrillo potential here but

Julian! Laughing! Looking healthy! And Happy! My heart! So Happy!

And then…

Too pretty to pass up!

Modern AU

Apprentice/MC falls asleep with a Plague Doctor plushie whenever Julian isn’t home.

As if this isnt completely in character and I totally wouldnt immediately cuddle

Main 6 when Apprentice recovers their memory, and turns out they are hundreds, perhaps thousands year old witch. + powers that existed before dying and coming back to life return and with a vengeance:


  • Knew it from the start, or suspected something like this
  • Even if they didnt know how old you truly were, they knew you were powerful and power in magic comes with practice and time
  • They keep refering to teaching apprentice magic as “giving back what was yours”
  • Still amazed. Even more amazed.


  • For the first time in his life he’s speechless
  • His rational science/medicine brain is trying to understand how it’s possible, you can see the mental gymnastics going on in his mind by the look on his face
  • Adds to his amazement that out of all the people in the world, you chose him
  • Takes a bit to adjust, but hey he died and came back and so did you, what’s just centuries old knowledge to add to the pot?


  • Didn’t see that coming (despite her connection to the Arcana)
  • Perplexed at first, but all the more respect
  • Wants to know your secrets
  • Your age old knowledge and wisdom makes you far more valuable to her than her courtiers


  • You know that classic shock sprite? That’s the initial reaction
  • He’s seen some stuff. In the Coliseum, in the woods, as an orphan on the streets, etc. But this doesn’t compare
  • But after learning about his people, where he came from, he can sense the age, power and wisdom emanating from you
  • Probably the quickest to get over the shock and simply accept it, right after Asra


  • The E X C I T E M E N T
  • Bouncing like a child in a candy store, she’s living a real life of one of the books she likes so much
  • Wants to learn E V E R Y T H I N G


  • “No way”
  • Definitely get more respect from his mother
  • Probably will bring it up time and time again and have the longest time to accept it


Coming soon


Looking to celebrate Halloween like you’re in Vesuvia? Here are our cast’s top picks for Halloween candy this year!


Arcana candles!

I opened my Etsy and now I’m finally actually posting about it here properly whoops

Currently available are 11 unique scents for the Main 6 love interests as well as the 5 Courtiers. I blended the Main 6 fragrances based off of this ask-arcana post, and the 5 Courtiers were completely original blends. Here’s a little info for you on each of them:

  • Asra - Spicy vanilla and mysterious “incense”
  • Nadia - Tropical jasmine and the tears of your bank account
  • Julian - Leather, coffee, and smoky basement jazz clubs
  • Lucio - Musky citrus, cinnamon, and frat parties
  • Portia - Warm peach cobbler and mischief on summer nights
  • Muriel - Spicy amber and the blissful silence of rural living
  • Valerius - Berry wine aged in oak barrels, and resting bitch face
  • Vlastomil - Light spearmint from a well-kept herb garden, recently tilled for the finest of worms
  • Valdemar - Fresh greenery sprouting in the place of decaying remains buried moons ago
  • Volta - Spring apple blossoms and the anticipation of the delicious pies they’ll make come autumn
  • Vulgora - Tart, spicy berries and aggression

Full-sized candles are 11oz with 3 wicks; you can find Main 6 candles here and Courtiers candles here! You can also grab tea light sets here, if you’d like to sample the scents or just want a smaller, cheaper option!

I’m working on adding more scents to the shop, both Arcana-related and other IPs, and also working on adding soaps, bath bombs, and body mists of all available fragrances as well! Keep an eye out here because those shop updates will be happening quite soon.

I also do custom fragrances for anyone interested. You can message me here, on Etsy, Instagram or Twitter (@solarabelmont on both), or email me at solara@solarabelmont.com to send me details on what you’re looking for!

Liking and sharing is very appreciated as this is my sole source of income at the moment due to health/COVID reasons. Helping spread the word really is as helpful and supportive to a creator as making a purchase, I promise you! And a big, big, big thank you to everyone who has supported my shop so far, it’s been more uplifting and encouraging than I can even put into words.


No matter your orientation, the Arcana cast & crew wishes you a very happy #NationalComingOutDay! We all love you!


I just want to take a moment to appreciate Julian’s nose.

I just- I just love his nose and its aquiline perfection and I needed to put this sentiment out there somewhere.

syadworld:Valentine’s Day PrintsWho doesn’t wish a romantic/hot/PERFECT Valentine’s Day besides this


Valentine’s Day Prints

Who doesn’t wish a romantic/hot/PERFECT Valentine’s Day besides this gorgeous gentleman?  I’ve been swooning all this week while I was drawing him, I swear… 

This new print is already available on my Etsy shop, as always, with a special discount for pre-orders until January 31th! And shipments will start on this date as well.

You can read all the details here.

Only 30 units are on the way!

Post link