#nadia satrivana


Look I never thought of myself as submissive but Nadia lowkey had me feeling butterflies and shit in my tummy in her route. Kicking my legs and everything

Asra: Is 100% a Music Theory but in the Fun Way. He talks about jazz theory even though he’s never been in a jazz program. Definitely if he were to do performance, he would play guitar and be so insanely good at it. I feel like he specializes in early music to the point where he is AI-ing the Music Theory and History of the Mediterranean his third year.

Nadia: She is your Piano Performance major and she is Better Than You. Probably is an AI for the undergrad piano classes, and shows off how good she is at piano as her first year group students walk in. Super chill and offers to be your accompanist if you need it. Charges less because she knows a lot of people want her. Rents out practice room time to her first years.  

Muriel: I wanna say Aural Skills is his jam. He just hates the In-Class Performances and HATES hearings with a burning passion. Has perfect pitch. Probably a flute player (I just feel like it fits ok). He is somehow realy good at atonal pitch patterns and would 100% trade answers for the melodic dictation with Asra. 

Portia: I feel like Portia is a Music Ed major and this is based on the idea that she would teach sea shanties to her students during field experience. Is dating Nadia and they are a literal power couple. She’s gotta be a vocalist or percussionist. Those people are literally the most sleep-deprived.

Julian: Audio-engineering. Does all the recital recordings but doesn’t know what a tonic chord is. Is cheating off of Asra in Music Theory and pretends he can sing in his aural skills classes UNTIL the first ICP and everyone knows he can’t . Loves Taka Dimi for some reason.

Lucio: Lucio is the one guy that tried out for the music school like 3 times and got cut twice but his last audition was just valiant enough that he made it in. Was going to do jazz but now does Music Education because he thinks the requirements are less. Definitely a trumpet major.

In modern Vesuvia’s metropolitan area, life can be so, so busy. So exhausting. The Minister loves to paint a pretty picture of a booming metropolis filled with the cultured and elegant; a city for the bourgeoisie. But Nadia knows better. She’s seen the devastation in the flooded district, the children of the poor barefoot, standing blank-eyed and hungry in the dirty alleys, hidden little secrets Lucio is so keen to avoid during his tours of the city.

When she is tired and the space under her closed eyelids burns red-hot with the beginnings of another migraine, she remembers serving in the food kitchens, slick spit clinging wet to her cheek as the grizzled crone who gave it to her fixed her with one yellowing eye and said through cracked and blackened teeth, “You ain’t knowin’ wot it is t’ be in these straits, fancy lady, I’ll take none o’ yer clap-me-on-th’-back charity on this day!” How she’d gotten mental whiplash evolving from shock, to fury, to pity, to shame, staring at this shrunken, proud old thing, and she knew. She knew she hadn’t done enough. She hadn’t had her finger on the pulse of this city’s neglected, as she’d once thought, as her sycophantic assistants had assured her.

She never wore her Louboutins to an outreach project again. And she set her mind on finding the perfect right hand, someone who understood the people of the city, someone who could make herunderstand.

That’s when she met Portia Devorak, the freckled, copper-haired little spit-fire who helped her turn her projects around and build Vesuvia United into the force that it is today.

Portia has been an indispensable asset, something of a ray of sunshine after rolling storms; her patience, persistence, and tenacity a balm for Nadia’s soul.

  • Among her responsibilities is managing the social media for Vesuvia United and she takes this responsibility very seriously. Portia did not earn her position at Nadia’s side based on cuteness alone; she is highly competent and has a discerning eye for detail. Every picture, every hashtag, every tweet is carefully curated and there is never a need for Nadia to hire a social media manager. Ever.
  • Not only is she a dab hand at managing Vesuvia United’s social media presence, she is very much adept at managing her own. Portia, along with Lucio, is Twitter famous and has amassed a large and loyal following. This started because of her live tweets regarding awkward social situations and experiences with her brother.
  • Nadia’s affection for Portia knows few bounds. She’ll attempt to shower her with expensive gifts to show her endearment; jewelry in rose-gold tones to suit her complexion (pale with rosy undertones, Nadia has pointed out on many occasions), fine clothes, shoes, bags, etc. Portia is, of course, flattered and even aghast at what Nadia calls “these little trinkets,” and has never owned such nice things in her life. Did you know that the bags Gucci comes in are as much of an accessory as the Gucci product itself? Portia thinks so.
  • Portia drew the line at Nadia buying her an apartment. Oh, no, she couldn’t possibly do that! She loved staying with Mazelinka, besides, it wasn’t any trouble at all to make the commute! Nadia simply rested her cheek in her palm and gave her that look, you know, the sultry one where you can practically hear the gears turning in her brain. “Is that so? Then I shall have to pay you more.” Portia found herself in a two-story cottage in the garden district a month later.
  • Out of the main six, Portia is the most likely to use Pinterest. Mood boards for everything. Aesthetic mood boards, recipes, knitting patterns for Pepi’s sweaters, she LOVES Pinterest.
  • She is a few years younger than Julian, but one would assume the opposite. Her brother is a force of chaos and has an immutable craving for disaster, which has forced her into the role of being stable. You’ll often find him crashing on her couch because he can’t make it home from the pub, or passed out under her kitchen table after a particularly grueling shift at the hospital.
  • Yes, Mazelinka absolutely has the best hangover cure you can find in Vesuvia, but Portia’s is a close second. She had the best teacher after all, and has plenty of need for one with a brother like Julian.
  • As such, she has prepared a document titled, “The Proper Feeding and Care of Your Ilya” for… reasons.
  • All the pressures of responsibility aside, you will never meet another person (aside from Lucio and Julian, in their own way) who has such a thirst for adventure and shenanigans. When she does get the opportunity to “let her hair down,” she will absolutely drink you, and anybody else, under the table.
  • She’s adorable, she’s short, she’s so very soft and has delicate features but please do not make the mistake of letting that fool you. She will arm wrestle the toughest, gnarliest, most gargantuan marines in port-side watering holes and win. Nobody knows how she does it.
  • She goes to the gym quite regularly with Nadia. Nadia is content to stay on the cardio machines for an hour and have a long soak in the hot tub, but Portia is hardcore. She’ll do around 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical, and then confidently weave through all the muscleheads in the weight room to start lifting for another 30 to 45 minutes. Somebody looks at her like she doesn’t belong, she will wink at them rakishly while doing bicep curls on the bench. Some meathead grumps at her for being on the leg press for too long, she just laughs and asks if they want to spot her. She is shameless and perfect.

We’ve reached the finale, unless you guys really want me to do one for Valerius. I do love me some wine daddy. ;)

Part 5: Julian Edition can be found here.

Part 4: Muriel Edition can be found here

Part 3: Nadia Edition can be found here.

Part 2: Lucio Edition can be found here

Part 1: Asra Edition can be found here.


  • Y E E T
  • Bruh
  • Bet
  • Shook/shooketh
  • Boi (regardless of gender identity)
  • Knows all the dirtiest, filthiest pirate slang and enjoys the shade of red your face turns when she’s got you under one arm and a pint of ale in the other, telling you all the most outrageously trashy pirate gutter jokes she can remember.
  • Enjoys “dummy thicc.”


  • Have you met her?
  • Highly articulate and eloquent, schooled in all the nuances of proper deportment, a strict grammarian, could deliver a Julius Caesar-style oration in her sleep.
  • In private, mutters “fuck” to herself very gently when she’s frustrated.
  • Sounds like a 3000-year-old vampire when trying to copy Portia’s slang, ex: “Perhaps we should, how would you say? ‘Yeet’ (hard emphasis on the ‘t’) out of the premises?”, “I am, as my dearest Portia would say, absolutely shook. Simply shook, Valerius. Not one soul in all of Vesuvia would be as shook as I am in this moment.”


  • Oi
  • As in, “Oi, the fuck?”
  • Uh
  • Uhm
  • Ehrm
  • Hrrmmm
  • Errrr
  • Everyone knows he is wild mountain boi. What you may not know is, while he’s not exactly Snow White, he can mimic the screeches of foxes, the chirping of birds, the baying of wolves, and the chittering of squirrels. You might get the impression that he’s more fluent in their languages than his own.
  • Won’t interact with snakes, those fuckers can leave him alone.


  • Uses your dad’s slang, sounds like your dad using your slang.
  • “Well, I’ll be…”
  • “Hooplah.”
  • He’s traveled the world, and we are all familiar with his use of “En garde!” but did you know that he will use Nevonese slang when particularly frustrated or otherwise flustered?
  • Will pepper his language with various bits of slang and vernacular he’s picked up from other lands when he gets excited or really into a story he’s telling. It will sound like nonsense.
  • “So, I had that blade between my teeth and climbed the mast -like so- and would you believe that sling-necked scrogg had his uppers so wonked, he damn near cracked the bacon and flew ass-over-garters back off the bow, what a tanty.”
  • Knows all the pirate slang. Gets a little rowdy after a few too many salty bitters (a favorite among pirates, that’s why he has such a taste for it) and come on hot and heavy with the pirate slang.
  • Will end a particularly intense market stall haggle with, “… savvy?”


  • You’ve heard of slang from other lands, but have you heard slang from other realms?
  • From inhuman gargles and croaks to delicate squeaks and chittering, if you ask him to speak of what he’s learned and heard from other realities in the realms of his dreaming, he is an open book; a book whose author is on peyote.
  • I headcanon Asra as Lisa Frank serving Dumbledore realness, so it would not surprise me if he knows how to speak the language of the mermaids, and probably Goddamn dolphins.
  • Asra is swimming in an ocean, a friendly dolphin swims over to say hi, they trade “EeEeEEeEeEEeeeeEEEeee” back and forth until he bursts into uncontrollable laughter at a joke that only they understand.
  • Will use entirely unrelated words in conversation as slang because his particular blend of spiritual awareness probably gives him synesthesia.
  • “Oh, I don’t know about that song, it’s a little squishy.”
  • “That painting is hungry.”
  • “This soup smells so pointy!”
  • “Aaaaaay, lmao.”


  • Bitch.Bitch. BITCH. Oh, Bitch! …ᵇᶦᵗᶜʰ
  • “Read you to FILTH.“
  • “Is that a read?”
  • Busted-ass _____.
  • “Feeling the fantasy.”
  • “Bitch, I am GAGGING.”
  • “Glowing for the Gods.”
  • Drag slang for days, peppered with bits of “proper” language he learned from Nadia and his court, but if you don’t think he had ki kis with Valerius…

What to do when your husband is Prime Minister of Vesuvia and there are no less than three (3) major scandals before breakfast each morning?

Enter Nadia, whom I’ve always headcanoned as Vesuvia’s Michelle Obama (without a Barack because Lucio… is definitely not Barack), so her catchphrase among her staff is, “When Lucio goes low, we go high.”

  • Nadia Satrivana, CEO and founder of Vesuvia United, a non-profit charity benefiting the Vesuvian community in a myriad of ways with several different branches including, but not limited to: animal shelters, shelters for the homeless, women’s shelters, work programs, food programs, etc.
  • She funds these programs from her own personal coffers, and sometimes from Lucio’s. To be fair, if it’s for charity, and the end justifies the means. Lucio is no dab-hand at balancing his own coin anyhow and depends on Nadia’s financial and business acumen for the most part. “I throw money at you, Noddy, and you make things happen.” You bet she made shit happen.
  • In addition to her own personal charity, she is forever planning charity events to raise money for Vesuvia United and is absolutely BOSS at it. She knows how to market herself and market a cause and will absolutely exploit every gimmick to charm Vesuvia’s well-to-do literally out of their pockets. Grand balls, silent auctions, lavish dinners, festivals, and grandiose live events that will be the talk of the city for months.
  • Given Lucio’s proclivity toward show-boating and drumming up interest wherever he goes, he is more than happy to assist with these endeavors.
  • Organized an effort to rebuild homes in the flooded district, suited up in work gear, and got to building on the field with the crew. She loves working with her hands and the ache in her muscles after a day of hard labor. She doesn’t mind washing the sawdust out of her hair.
  • Her desk is littered with placards that say “#GirlBoss,” “Boss Babe,” and “#goaldigger.” All of them are gifts from Portia, her personal assistant. In any other circumstance it would feel tacky to her, but Portia’s brand of gentle-but- enthusiastic encouragement never fails to bring a smile to her face.
  • Never underestimate or talk over her in a board meeting. She will eviscerate you with the kindest smile and shake your hand after, maybe a little firmer than called for.
  • Talking calmly but savagely into your cellphone during a shiatsu massage because somebody missed the deadline for submitting a grant application and those children need new shoes for school is a whole-ass mood and she has it.
  • Dead-ass walks into a meeting with these nails so you know she is not to be trifled with.
  • Absolutely rocks the pantsuits. 
  • Big. Nadia. Energy. 
  • She’s an incredibly busy woman, but when she does have time to herself, she loves to spend it working in her garden, relishing the feeling of fresh-turned earth under her nails, the sweat dripping from her hairline, the warmth of sunlight on her back. She refuses to wear gardening gloves, instead preferring to plunge her hands deep into the dirt and heave a sigh of relief at the cool dampness of it.
  • Her phone is constantly blowing up. One might think it’s all business, but she has a long-standing group chat with all of her sisters. The memes are outrageous.
  • Signs even her most casual text messages with “Regards,” 

Part 2: Lucio Edition can be found here.

Part 1: Asra Edition can be found here.

Muriel stans, I have come bearing some justice for your boi.

What started out as a joke I thought of randomly turned into my most popular shitpost on this blog, and ya’ll had some opinions.

Please let me tell you, Muriel fans, that your love for him is beautiful and what began as a snarky post about the Arcana cast = toilets has turned into a tiny movement that has touched the deepest chasm of my heart.

I should clarify that this was meant as “The Cast AS bathrooms” and not “the bathrooms they deserve,” however:

Reparationsmust be made. For the precious mountain boi.

So I bring you, Muriel stans, a very sweet headcanon.

Muriel’s Bathroom HC

  • It is no mystery that Muriel hasn’t spared the briefest of moments to truly take care of himself. This much was apparent upon your first meeting, and through the months that you have truly known each other, thinking of it has twisted your stomach into countless little knots.
  • The Devil defeated, Lucio awarded his just desserts, the world upright finally, you’ve both taken some time to catch your collective breath and look forward to, for once, a tangible and wonderful future.
  • Your next task is to shower him with love and appreciation, polish him up with kisses and care, uplift him with soft words, and smooth him down with careful hands.
  • When you first started spending time with him, his wildness excited you. He talked to animals as if he understood them, as if they both spoke a secret language evolved from the snap of twigs underfoot and the whispers of breeze through branches. He bathed himself in springs and waterfalls, took his meals under a canopy of stars, woke to the scantest rays of dawn, to the singing of many birds, whose names he knew in the way one knows how to breathe or open their eyes.
  • Muriel wears nature as one would wear a mantle and while part of you is pained to lessen the magic of their union, you grow acutely aware of the little luxuries that make him hum with a guilty kind of pleasure: a fine cup of artisan’s tea, the softness of your garments against his skin when he holds you, the sweetness of the cakes you bring from the bazaar melting on his tongue, and more importantly, a long and sinful soak in a deep, perfumed bath.
  • You begin to ask more frequently if he’ll join you on your journeys into the city, perhaps visit the bathhouse. You are chasing the look of pleasure in his eyes, the feeling of tension uncoiling in his arms when you ask these little things of him. You try to be subtle. After several inquiries, he gives you a curious look and you realize that you’re not very good as subtleties.
  • The Countess asks you to favor her with the completion of an assignment; a task requiring three or more weeks away from Muriel and away from the hut. She will, of course, reward you handsomely and with thoughts of spoiling Muriel with more luxuries at the forefront of your mind, you reluctantly kiss him goodbye as you leave.
  • He must stay in the forest. The chickens need care, he has many things to do, he assures you that he’ll be plenty busy enough and won’t be overly pained at your absence.
  • Your task is arduous, though not the most difficult thing you have done. It’s taken longer than expected and it is with much relief that you journey back to the hut, back to home, back to Muriel, whom you missed like you would your own teeth.
  • Much to your surprise and delight, Muriel is waiting for you at the edge of the forest, torch in hand, bathed in milky twilight.
  • “I, uh, wanted to show you something.” His large hand envelopes yours in a gentle grasp as he leads you through the forest and towards the hut by torchlight. 
  • You gasp audibly when you see it- he certainly has kept himself busy during your long absence; he’s built an addition to the hut that fills you with delight and your body vibrates with excitement.
  • He’s hunched behind you and grumbles hesitantly, “I- I know it’s not much, I didn’t have a lot of time, but you know… you were talking about baths and stuff and… don’t wanna go to the city for a damn bath, so-”
  • You end his consternation with a hungry kiss, your arms thrown about his massive shoulders as far as they can reach, and mutter “It’s perfect,” against his slackened mouth.
  • “Hang that torch over there,” you say, tugging teasingly at his index finger in the direction of the massive soaking tub, “Let’s take a bath.” 

Mea culpa, Muriel mains, may my offering bring you much joy.

God bless you, Tumblr, for existing, so I have a platform on which to share this literal shit post.







#thearcanafanart #thearcanagame #thearcananadia #nadiathearcana #nadiafanart

Hello everyone! Thank you all for being patient with me during this period of my life and I am happy to say that I am coming back! I know I’ve been gone for a long time, but I am excited and ready to start posting and sharing my art with you again!!

To everyone waiting for their commissions, I will do my best to finish them up soon and to show you gratitude for your patience accordingly

I will be opening a round of emergency commissions today and after that I will be doing a giveaway AND requests!!

Excited and I hope you’ll take me back ❤️

Lucio: You got the shit or not?

Asra: Not yet.

Lucio: Wtf am I even paying you for? My house, my rules.

Asra: You don’t play me jackass. My magic, my time.

Nadia: He does have a point tho—

Devil: Guess who’s planning world nomination.





Priestess: WHO?! WHO?!


Priestess: I’m beating your ass.

When you’re a dead ass ghost haunting your wife and you see her flirting with the motherfuker who has your body


Here’s my @fieldsofvesuvia piece for @arcana-madness!!✨ I had so much fun painting this!! Love these lovely ladies~
