#lucio montag


Don’t you call Lucio out like that, dawg.


  • Y E E T
  • Bruh
  • Bet
  • Shook/shooketh
  • Boi (regardless of gender identity)
  • Knows all the dirtiest, filthiest pirate slang and enjoys the shade of red your face turns when she’s got you under one arm and a pint of ale in the other, telling you all the most outrageously trashy pirate gutter jokes she can remember.
  • Enjoys “dummy thicc.”


  • Have you met her?
  • Highly articulate and eloquent, schooled in all the nuances of proper deportment, a strict grammarian, could deliver a Julius Caesar-style oration in her sleep.
  • In private, mutters “fuck” to herself very gently when she’s frustrated.
  • Sounds like a 3000-year-old vampire when trying to copy Portia’s slang, ex: “Perhaps we should, how would you say? ‘Yeet’ (hard emphasis on the ‘t’) out of the premises?”, “I am, as my dearest Portia would say, absolutely shook. Simply shook, Valerius. Not one soul in all of Vesuvia would be as shook as I am in this moment.”


  • Oi
  • As in, “Oi, the fuck?”
  • Uh
  • Uhm
  • Ehrm
  • Hrrmmm
  • Errrr
  • Everyone knows he is wild mountain boi. What you may not know is, while he’s not exactly Snow White, he can mimic the screeches of foxes, the chirping of birds, the baying of wolves, and the chittering of squirrels. You might get the impression that he’s more fluent in their languages than his own.
  • Won’t interact with snakes, those fuckers can leave him alone.


  • Uses your dad’s slang, sounds like your dad using your slang.
  • “Well, I’ll be…”
  • “Hooplah.”
  • He’s traveled the world, and we are all familiar with his use of “En garde!” but did you know that he will use Nevonese slang when particularly frustrated or otherwise flustered?
  • Will pepper his language with various bits of slang and vernacular he’s picked up from other lands when he gets excited or really into a story he’s telling. It will sound like nonsense.
  • “So, I had that blade between my teeth and climbed the mast -like so- and would you believe that sling-necked scrogg had his uppers so wonked, he damn near cracked the bacon and flew ass-over-garters back off the bow, what a tanty.”
  • Knows all the pirate slang. Gets a little rowdy after a few too many salty bitters (a favorite among pirates, that’s why he has such a taste for it) and come on hot and heavy with the pirate slang.
  • Will end a particularly intense market stall haggle with, “… savvy?”


  • You’ve heard of slang from other lands, but have you heard slang from other realms?
  • From inhuman gargles and croaks to delicate squeaks and chittering, if you ask him to speak of what he’s learned and heard from other realities in the realms of his dreaming, he is an open book; a book whose author is on peyote.
  • I headcanon Asra as Lisa Frank serving Dumbledore realness, so it would not surprise me if he knows how to speak the language of the mermaids, and probably Goddamn dolphins.
  • Asra is swimming in an ocean, a friendly dolphin swims over to say hi, they trade “EeEeEEeEeEEeeeeEEEeee” back and forth until he bursts into uncontrollable laughter at a joke that only they understand.
  • Will use entirely unrelated words in conversation as slang because his particular blend of spiritual awareness probably gives him synesthesia.
  • “Oh, I don’t know about that song, it’s a little squishy.”
  • “That painting is hungry.”
  • “This soup smells so pointy!”
  • “Aaaaaay, lmao.”


  • Bitch.Bitch. BITCH. Oh, Bitch! …ᵇᶦᵗᶜʰ
  • “Read you to FILTH.“
  • “Is that a read?”
  • Busted-ass _____.
  • “Feeling the fantasy.”
  • “Bitch, I am GAGGING.”
  • “Glowing for the Gods.”
  • Drag slang for days, peppered with bits of “proper” language he learned from Nadia and his court, but if you don’t think he had ki kis with Valerius…

What to do when your husband is Prime Minister of Vesuvia and there are no less than three (3) major scandals before breakfast each morning?

Enter Nadia, whom I’ve always headcanoned as Vesuvia’s Michelle Obama (without a Barack because Lucio… is definitely not Barack), so her catchphrase among her staff is, “When Lucio goes low, we go high.”

  • Nadia Satrivana, CEO and founder of Vesuvia United, a non-profit charity benefiting the Vesuvian community in a myriad of ways with several different branches including, but not limited to: animal shelters, shelters for the homeless, women’s shelters, work programs, food programs, etc.
  • She funds these programs from her own personal coffers, and sometimes from Lucio’s. To be fair, if it’s for charity, and the end justifies the means. Lucio is no dab-hand at balancing his own coin anyhow and depends on Nadia’s financial and business acumen for the most part. “I throw money at you, Noddy, and you make things happen.” You bet she made shit happen.
  • In addition to her own personal charity, she is forever planning charity events to raise money for Vesuvia United and is absolutely BOSS at it. She knows how to market herself and market a cause and will absolutely exploit every gimmick to charm Vesuvia’s well-to-do literally out of their pockets. Grand balls, silent auctions, lavish dinners, festivals, and grandiose live events that will be the talk of the city for months.
  • Given Lucio’s proclivity toward show-boating and drumming up interest wherever he goes, he is more than happy to assist with these endeavors.
  • Organized an effort to rebuild homes in the flooded district, suited up in work gear, and got to building on the field with the crew. She loves working with her hands and the ache in her muscles after a day of hard labor. She doesn’t mind washing the sawdust out of her hair.
  • Her desk is littered with placards that say “#GirlBoss,” “Boss Babe,” and “#goaldigger.” All of them are gifts from Portia, her personal assistant. In any other circumstance it would feel tacky to her, but Portia’s brand of gentle-but- enthusiastic encouragement never fails to bring a smile to her face.
  • Never underestimate or talk over her in a board meeting. She will eviscerate you with the kindest smile and shake your hand after, maybe a little firmer than called for.
  • Talking calmly but savagely into your cellphone during a shiatsu massage because somebody missed the deadline for submitting a grant application and those children need new shoes for school is a whole-ass mood and she has it.
  • Dead-ass walks into a meeting with these nails so you know she is not to be trifled with.
  • Absolutely rocks the pantsuits. 
  • Big. Nadia. Energy. 
  • She’s an incredibly busy woman, but when she does have time to herself, she loves to spend it working in her garden, relishing the feeling of fresh-turned earth under her nails, the sweat dripping from her hairline, the warmth of sunlight on her back. She refuses to wear gardening gloves, instead preferring to plunge her hands deep into the dirt and heave a sigh of relief at the cool dampness of it.
  • Her phone is constantly blowing up. One might think it’s all business, but she has a long-standing group chat with all of her sisters. The memes are outrageous.
  • Signs even her most casual text messages with “Regards,” 

Part 2: Lucio Edition can be found here.

Part 1: Asra Edition can be found here.

God bless you, Tumblr, for existing, so I have a platform on which to share this literal shit post.







The spirit of the goat possessed me this morning I could draw his profile for the rest of my life an

The spirit of the goat possessed me this morning I could draw his profile for the rest of my life and never get bored. 

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Lucio: People need to trust me more. Have I ever got you guys into uncomfortable or dangerous situations?

Nadia, Julian, Asra, Muriel: Yes…

MC: Literally all the time…

Lucio: Well you should be used to it by now.

Lucio is scapegoat…

In the Bible, a scapegoat is one of two kid goats. As a pair, one goat was sacrificed (not a scapegoat) and the living “scapegoat” was released into the wilderness, taking with it all sins and impurities. The concept first appears in Leviticus, in which a goat is designated to be cast into the desert to carry away the sins of the community.

freckled-lili: You don’t have to respect your elders when you’re taller than them! That’s the rule! freckled-lili: You don’t have to respect your elders when you’re taller than them! That’s the rule! freckled-lili: You don’t have to respect your elders when you’re taller than them! That’s the rule! freckled-lili: You don’t have to respect your elders when you’re taller than them! That’s the rule! freckled-lili: You don’t have to respect your elders when you’re taller than them! That’s the rule!


You don’t have to respect your elders when you’re taller than them! That’s the rule! :D

From this post here.

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PRE-ORDERS OPENFINALLY! After a lot of work, this is the stuff that will be available at my shop thiPRE-ORDERS OPENFINALLY! After a lot of work, this is the stuff that will be available at my shop thiPRE-ORDERS OPENFINALLY! After a lot of work, this is the stuff that will be available at my shop thiPRE-ORDERS OPENFINALLY! After a lot of work, this is the stuff that will be available at my shop thi



After a lot of work, this is the stuff that will be available at my shop this winter season. This collection’s name is Wintery Fairy Tales, with Lucio as the Nutcracker (you can see Mercedes and Melchior on their alter-forms XD) and Nadia as the Winter Queen, with her beloved Chandra

There will be acrylic charms with a protective epoxy layer, and square prints you can use as invitation or greeting cards. And I’m over the moon because this prints will have a layer of gold laminate on them! (the geometric drawing behind Lucio and Nadia), something I wanted to do since a lot of time 

As always, you can find a pre-order discount until December 4, and the first shipments will be on its way on December 13.

Due to the complexity of the products, there won’t be many units available. Its a limited edition, so get them before they run out!

Link to my shop

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I honestly have very mixed feelings about Lucio as a person, but I like the aesthetic and drama that

I honestly have very mixed feelings about Lucio as a person, but I like the aesthetic and drama that come with him.

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greyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesomegreyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesomegreyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesomegreyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesome


Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~

(some people on Instagram had an awesome idea and suggested for the last drawing  “Big OOPSIE / Little OOPSIE” shirts XD XD XD )

Post link

Lucio: ugh magic is so dull bleh

Also Lucio: wHAt,lOoK aT tHeSe pREtY wEirD aSS oBjECts. mE mUSt tOuCH—


Apprentice: shut the fuck up and calm the fuck down and let me work

Morga: I like this one. We should keep them.

My dumbass read “goat” instead of “boat” I almost screamed bloody murder.

Lucio: You got the shit or not?

Asra: Not yet.

Lucio: Wtf am I even paying you for? My house, my rules.

Asra: You don’t play me jackass. My magic, my time.

Nadia: He does have a point tho—

Asra:Mommy… Am I ugly?

Aisha: What? You’re the most beautiful child in the world, darling.

Lucio: Mother am I ugly?

Morga: Very much.

No one:

The Devil:

Asra cringing in a corner:

Lucio’s stans fantasy:

Devil: Guess who’s planning world nomination.





Priestess: WHO?! WHO?!


Priestess: I’m beating your ass.

When you’re a dead ass ghost haunting your wife and you see her flirting with the motherfuker who has your body

Lucio’s ghost looking at everyone who he thought respected him talk shit about him:

Lucio: Call me Daddy


Lucio: Do it.


Asra: [comes in]

Apprentice: Hello, Daddy

Lucio: WTF is this

greyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesomegreyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesomegreyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesomegreyhands: Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~(some people on Instagram had an awesome


Finally, Dad Lucio post ! Hope you will like it ~

(some people on Instagram had an awesome idea and suggested for the last drawing  “Big OOPSIE / Little OOPSIE” shirts XD XD XD )

Midnight: *internal screaming*

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