#julie and the phantoms



206. The only one I see (Julie and the Phantoms)

Title: The only one I see
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30558885
Platform: ao3
Creator: Ammarantas
Work Type: Fanfic
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Rating: General
Pairing: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson
Word count: 891
Warnings: None.
Number of comments: 5
Completion Status: Complete.
Short summary/description:He’s in love with her. Or at least, he thinks this is love.That’s the only thing that can explain why his heart beats even faster when she’s around.


tired of people trying to explain why netflix is dying with graphs and economic data and statistics and shit. the REAL reason netflix is dying is because they cancelled julie and the phantoms.

A soul mate does not complete you - they inspire you to complete yourself. A soul mate is the personA soul mate does not complete you - they inspire you to complete yourself. A soul mate is the personA soul mate does not complete you - they inspire you to complete yourself. A soul mate is the personA soul mate does not complete you - they inspire you to complete yourself. A soul mate is the person

A soul mate does not complete you - they inspire you to complete yourself. A soul mate is the person who supports your direction, who motivates and encourages you to stretch, to change, to reinvent yourself until you are happy. A soul mate is someone who loves you with so much conviction, and so much heart, that it is nearly impossible to doubt just how capable you are of becoming exactly who you always wanted to be.

Post link



my current mood is owen patrick joyner with a little sacha carlson. as a treat.

did i really just see charlie swallow a guitar pick live

owen joyner singing, instagram post 8.30.20

Alex: Everybody know what they’re doing?

Reggie:In general or in the plan?

Alex: The plan, Reggie.

Reggie: Oh, phew.
