



Day 20: Abacadabra

It started when he was five years old and seemed quite natural. So natural that he never told anyone about it. He had been sitting in the garden behind his home when he watched as a hawk swooped down and captured a mouse. The bird rose back into the air. Jumin felt sorry for the mouse, he threw up his hand and screamed “Stop!”. The bird did, hovering in midair. He had been a little surprised, though he had felt certain that of course he would be able to help the mouse. He closed his fist and shouted, “Drop!” and the bird did, dropping the mouse who safely scampered away.

“Go on now.” He shooed the bird away and it readily obeyed him, though it tossed back an irritated squawk. He’d never seen anyone else do these things, but those around him always fawned all over him and told him how special he was, this must be why they thought so.

As he grew older, he understood that the reason he was treated the way he was was because of his father, and not his ability to do things differently from other people. The only other person who knew what he was capable was, was his best friend V. V suggested he keep it to himself as well.

“There are people who will try and use you because of it.” He had said. Although he encouraged Jumin to keep his ability from others, he had no compunctions with asking Jumin to do some “abracadabra” to play all kinds of pranks on other students. Jumin felt this was juvenile, but it made his friend happy, so he complied.

Once Jumin took the office of Director of C&R and V was often away on his numerous trips, Jumin’s magic dwindled. There were the occasional instances when he would use it out of habit, or if an accident occurred, otherwise, he hardly ever used it. If anyone saw these instances, they simply assumed they were seeing things and pushed it aside. Obviously, the director of C&R Jumin Han wasn’t casting spells.

But she wasn’t anyone ordinary. Lillie studied Jumin, his mannerisms, his idiosyncrasies, and paid attention to what he paid close attention to. She saw, on more than one occasion what he was capable of. He never seemed to be aware of it either. How the spoon in his tea swirled around the cup on its own. How a lamp moved out of his way before he bumped into it. How his favorite pen appeared from nowhere when he wanted it or needed it. She wondered how a man such as Jumin, didn’t use his gift to his advantage. But of course he wouldn’t, he was far too honest for that. She was sure it had never even crossed his mind to do so.

It had been a joy to get to know all of the RFA members as the newest party coordinator, but it had been a special privilege to get to know Jumin Han. He was nothing like she had read about in the magazines. He was certainly not humble, but his belief in his own ability was justified. He did not rely on his money, or power, though he readily used it for good. She wasn’t surprised when she realized she had fallen in love with the enigmatic busnissman. She watched as he danced with a donor, a small smile on his face, though she could tell he would rather be doing his taxes instead.

She giggled and his eyes met hers, an arched brow making an appearance. She arched her own brown and did a small curtsey in his direction. When the music was over, he bowed before the flustered elderly woman and kissed the back of her hand. She walked away happy.

“And what, pray tell, is so funny?” he asked as he took his place next to her.

“Nothing, I was just wondering.”

“Oh? Wondering what exactly?”

“Why you don’t just disappear when you want to.”

“That would be inappropriate, and disrespectful to all who have come to help out our charities.”

“That’s not what I mean.” She gazed at him intensely.

“Then what do you mean?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed, he had a suspicion he knew already.

“Where’s your pen?” she asked instead.

“My pen?” he was more confused than ever.

“Yes, your favorite pen, the diamond encrusted one that your father gave you.”

“Oh, I left that on my desk of course.” He stood straighter, perhaps he had been wrong, she knew nothing.

“Is that so? Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. I used it to sign the checks that needed to go out this month and set it on the blotter.”

“Hmm, so, if you checked your inside coat pocket it wouldn’t be in there?”

“Why would it be in there?” he looked at her like she was crazy. She simply giggled again.

“Just check.”

Shaking his head he decided to humor her and slipped his hand into his inside pocket, his fingers came across a cylindrical object with rough edges. He pulled it out. His pen.

“How…how did you do that?” he asked.

“I didn’t, you did.”


“You did, just like you always do when you think about your pen…there it is…” she left it hanging as she turned and walked away with a smile. She knew. Had he always been so careless? How long had she known? Did it matter? Had she told anyone else? Would they believe her anyway?

His phone vibrated and he absently pulled it out.

Lillie: Abacadabra
