#junkers x reader

Coolio! I guess this can count as a prequel to the last mermaid one?¯\_(ツ)_/¯Not sure how I feel

Coolio! I guess this can count as a prequel to the last mermaid one?

Not sure how I feel about this one. Some parts are pretty good, but I feel like the pacing all wonky. Whatever, I’ll figure it out one day!


Beaches weren’t ever really Jamison’s favorite. His peg leg made it near impossible to traverse, and is inability to swim only added to his distaste of the oceanside.

Still, he traversed the terrain with an overdramatic wattle, swinging his arms wildly in attempt to keep balance. Every so often he lets out a loud, tired sigh, to add to the overall annoyed air.

“You did this to yourself.” His companion interrupts his moody movement.

“You’re the one that wanted to go this way!”

“You’re the one who set the other way on fire.”

“……so….?” Roadhog stops, turning to tower over him. Junkrat looks away and sinks into the sand a bit, grumpy face still prominent.

Roadhog narrows his eyes slightly, growling at the childlike behavior.

A second away from another stern scolding, a shine near the water catches Junkrat’s eye. It moves, and he jumps.

He hobbles over, away from an increasingly angry partner. “Hold that thought, mate.” He raises his good hand up as he passes.

He approaches it, watching the slow line of black trailing behind the larger lump. He kneels down, hearing hog follow him, and brings his hand to touch the object on the side, wiping the dark liquid onto his fingers.

“Oil? Guess it’s an unlucky fish.” He stands and cleans his hand on his shorts. Roadhog eyes the few glimpses of shiny scales and nods, grunting in agreement. “It’s pretty big, don’t look like any fish I ever seen. Bet we can cash it in for somethin’ nice!”

He gives him a hopeful look, watching as the larger man hoists the fish over his shoulder.

Man, this sure is a funky fish.

It takes a moment, but it starts to struggle and gasp slightly. It’s no match for Roadhog’s strength, but still it persists wriggling with the little might it has left. It slowly stops, and if it weren’t for the steady heartbeat on his back, he would have assumed that it had died.

How long could this thing last without water? He doubted that it could breath in the water well to begin with- covered in all those layers of oil- but now that it’s out, it’s still truckin’.



The smell of fire wasn’t one that she came in contact with often. Yet it was so strong in her nose and so warm on her skin.

Her eyes open with elongated difficulty, and the stars and trees above her are the first thing she really sees in what feels like days. The water around her is shallow enough for most of her face to be above it. Maybe she washed ashore right outside a forest? It’s possible.

Body stiff and achy, she rises from laying on her back with caution, resting on her elbows. Her tail flicks slightly as she realizes she’s surrounded by some kind of short, flexible wall. The water she sits in is foggy, and the clumps in her hair weigh her head down.

Glancing at her body, she noticed a wrap around her waist, and small scrapes on her arms.

The light of the fire draws her tired gaze to it. Flickering light over two silhouettes, who seem to be cooking over it.


Her body jolts back, shooting pain up through her abdomen. The quick sharp intake of breath was enough to alert the bigger one, and his face shoots up to meet hers. She shuffles back, against the leaning wall behind her, ignoring the strain in her muscles as best she could.

The man nudges his friend, notifying him that the girl was awake and, in turn, still alive.

It felt like an eternity before one of them spoke.

“Hi.” The large man starts.

“……hi…..” Her voice was horse. She coughed slightly to clear her throat then continued. “I- what happened?”

She lowered her tail, acting as casual as she possibly could, in hopes that they hadn’t found out what she was yet.

The skinny one stands moving towards her in an odd way, setting her more on edge. His leg is….. a branch of some sort?

“Found ya washed up an’ thought you were a fish,” he approaches her tub and crouches over to pat the top of it, “saw you bleeding, fixed ya up, an’ here we are!”

She moved her eyes to the bandage incasing her. Did these humans hold no ill will?

“But, I’d be lyin’ if I said we weren’t thinkin’ of selling ya.”

There it is.

“I, um, I would rather you not…” Her stomach churned at the thought of becoming some abused carnival attraction. She’s heard the horror stories.

“Oh? You’d rather us not? Hog are hearin’ this?!” He turns to who is assumed to be Hog, who only grunts in response. The boy in front of her meets her eyes, “I don’t think you’ve gotta choice in the matter.”

“Wait!” She stops him as he’s leaving. “W-what if I happen to be in costume?”

“Well, it’s pretty convincing, mate. Mind taking it off to prove it?”

She freezes, “It, uh, it is stuck on with adhesive that…….that can’t come off without……special devises.” They’re quiet. “Sooooo, that means…..that means that you kidnaped me, yeah! That makes you criminals!”

There’s a pause, then they both shrug, unfazed.

“Not the first time.” He chuckles, “An’ certainly not the last!”

She’s speechless. These humans are criminals, actual criminals, and they want to sell her to god knows where.

Panic overwhelms her, and before she knows it, hot tears well up in her eyes and into the tub surroundings her person. Her wails of pain don’t effect the two men beyond making them slightly uncomfortable. However, the shift in her skin color does catch their attention.

It starts at the top of her fingers, swirling around her nail, flushing them a deep blue. It creeps up her arms in colorful cold shades, sprinkling around her body like rain drops. Her tangled hair shifts, starting to flow behind her, growing longer, and more sporadically as her cries grew more intense.

They watch in stunned silence, her unadulterated emotion sending powerful waves through their bodies, filling them with raw fear and pure sadness. The air was thick, and the thin man falls to the floor. He practically crawls to her, shouting at her to stop, increasing the power of her wails.

His face is wet, and he can’t tell if it’s tears or sweat or both. He turns to his partner, only to find him on his knees, covering his ears with his hands.

They don’t know how long the pain lasts, but it does eventually subside as she slowly regains herself. Wiping her eyes, and steading her breath. Both the men before her, on the ground, breathing deeply, near passing out. She watches them tiredly for a moment before looking away, heart empty.

There is a long silence, no one able to say anything. The men take their time getting up, minds filled with the aftershock of the intense emotions forced upon them.

“You…” The small one starts. “…..We should change those bandages of yours.”

“Alright.” She spoke, barely above a whisper.

The two work in quietly, cleaning her wound to the best of their abilities before wrapping it in new bandages.

“Thank you.” She dares not make eye contact with her comment.

“Y'know, we were thinkin’,” the thin one begins, “there’s a pond or somethin’ near by. Got a waterfall and everythin’.” She stares at her hands. “Probably nicer than this ol’ tub.”


“We could take ya if ya want.”

“How- you two are not tricking me, are you?”

“Nope.” The second’s deep voice rang.

“Whadya say? Get out, stretch your, er, fins?”

“Why?” She moves a hair off of her face. “Do you pity me now?”

They don’t answer.

“I see.” She leans back, letting her head hang. “A pond would be lovely. When do we leave?”

“Dawn.” He extends his hand to her, “Name’s Jamison, an’ this ‘ere is Roadhog.”

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I mean, I’ll try my best, but I’ve only seen, like, five fireflies. Once.That being sa

I mean, I’ll try my best, but I’ve only seen, like, five fireflies. Once.

That being said, I still think they’re super neat!


“Hooooooooggggg,” Jamison whines, “how much looooonger?”


“That ain’t answerin’ me question!” He stomps around like a child showing their extreme distaste. “I hate it ‘ere! Why’d we have ta’ come when there’re mosquitoes all over the place?” He demands, scratching his bitten arm.

His attention is drawn to the third party member, and sticks an accusing finger at them. “An’ why aren’t you bothered by 'em!?”

They glance up from the pile of sticks and dirt they were using to busy themself.

“Because, I’m using bug spray?”

“So am I!” He complains, eyes soon locking on a nearby buzz as he angrily tries to swat it down.

They watch him swinging himself around after it, moving to quickly to see the branch that would ultimately be his downfall.

He hits it hard in the chest, landing on his butt. They chuckle inwardly at his misfortune and he huffs.

“At least you’re entertaining, James!”

“Shouldn’t you be watching the pad, or somethin’?”

“Can’t, Hog’s watching his soaps on it.” They gesture over to the other man who was sitting against an adjacent tree, and he gives a halfhearted thumbs up without letting his eyes leave the screen.

They get up and plop themself down next to him, patting his back.

“At least it’s almost dark. We can move out a little in the morning.” They suggest in attempt to comfort him.

Junkrat lets out a defeated sigh, “How does anyone even live out 'ere?”

“Beats me. At least the sunset’s pretty.”


They sit close, watching the sun slowly disappear over the trees, overwhelming the sky with a gradual darkness.

Mako finishes his show and turns off his holo-pad, joining them to the right of Jamison.


“What the hell is that??!”

“What?” Mako groans at the loss of silence.

“That! Those!” Junkrat points sporadically at the air around them.

“Yeah, what are those?” His partner to his left echoes. Watching the trees around begin to shine with what looked like stars that had fallen from the sky.

“You mean…..the fireflies?” Hog asked.

“THOSE are fireflies?” Junkrat cranes his body around to find his group surrounded by them.

“Oh my god, they’re beautiful.”

“Mmhmm.” Mako raises his hand to touch one, “I haven’t seen one in years.” He admires it fondly.

“Woah!” Junkrat mimics him, but as one approaches, he clasps it within his hands, opening them slightly near his eyes for a closer look. “Look at em’ go!”

He brings his hands over to his left to show his partner.

“Holy hell! It’s butt’s glowing!” They watch it before turning to Mako, “How?!”

“Some kinda chemical, I don’t remember, it’s been too long.” He responds, watching contently as both of their eye grow wide with child like wonder.

Jamison sifts back slightly, a clank sounding behind, suddenly sending the glowing bugs away from the trio. He begins to stand at the sudden wetness on his shorts.

“Awww! James! You broke the spray’s lid off!” They lean away from him, a pout on their lips.

“Oh, now it works!” He pats at his shorts in a sad attempt to dry them.

“While you clean that up, Hog and I’ll go over here,” they state, helping Mako up and leading him a good few feet away from the spray ridden man. “At least the mosquitoes won’t bite you anymore…”

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Yeeeeeessssssss. Mermaaaaaaiiiddddssssss! I wasn’t sure if you meant if they all were mermaids

Yeeeeeessssssss. Mermaaaaaaiiiddddssssss!

I wasn’t sure if you meant if they all were mermaids or not, so I just made S/o one. I hope you enjoy!


“An’ this ‘ere’s a ribbon!” The alluring fabric flows gently against the breeze, held high by a thin arm.

She grabs it gently from him, inspecting it carefully in the sunlight.

“And, what does it do?” She asks.

Both of them watch her run her fingers over it in curiosity, turning and twisting it as she saw fit. “Nothin’ really. Just suppose 'ta look pretty.” Jamison responds.

“Well, it certainly does that well!” She tries to wrap it around her now drying wrist, wanting to make it look like a bracelet of sorts. She struggles shortly before a small wave crashes around her, drenching the ribbon in salty water. Her eyes become wide as she sees it grow dark and heavy. “Oh no! It got wet! Was it not suppose to get wet!? Did I destroy it??! I am so sorry!!!!”

Mako chuckles lightly, picking it out of her frightened grasp, and ties it around her wrist.

“It’s fine.” He quietly reassures her, patting her small back with his large hand.

The panic in her face subsides slowly, replaced with a shine in her eyes. Letting her tail flick in excitement, she holds her arm up to inspect the light reflected back at her. “Thank you!” A gasp escapes her, “and that reminds me!”

She scoots forward slightly, bringing a satchel- another gift from the boys- around from her side to her front. Opening it lightly with a bright smile, she places two orbs, one after another, in the wet sand before her.

“For you!” She exclaims. The Junkers glance between each other before grabbing one and individually inspecting it. She watches their confusion, and giggles. Taking Mako’s, turning it around, and shaking it, she holds it back up as they watch it in awe.

The foggy white glass inside slowly shifts and sways, revealing its kind of snow globe like function. A small coral reef, swarming with fish and sparking light, presents itself temporarily, before disappearing into fog once again.

After the quick show, Jamison ferociously shakes his own, watching a similar scene unravel.

“Woah!” He shakes it again, this time holding it to his ear, questioning if there was sound to accompany it.

“Thank you.” Mako near whispers. He takes back his orb, and as he does she places her hands on his.

“Of course! I have some many from you, it would only be fair to return the favor.” She releases him, sighing, lying her head into her arms. “I only wish there was a way that I could show you those places for real.”

“Maybe some day.” Mako pauses and then snatches her present from the other man, “Stop shaking that so hard.”

“Aye! I ain’t gonna break it.” He protests, huffing. “Give it back!” He reaches over, attempting to grab the object.

This was suppose to be a swimming lesson for Jamison, as they usually are, but they always end like this. Goofing around, laughing, and, for the boys, mild fighting.

She raises her body, and starts to happily crawl back into the water.

“Where you off ta’?”

“Swimming. Care to join me?” She flicks her tail up before going underwater, not waiting for them to respond.

Junkrat hobbles over to the side of the ocean before sitting and twisting off his prothetic leg.

“Do you need the vest?” Roadhog refers to the swimming vest behind them.

“No, who'dya think I am. Some kinda child?” He protests, scooting into the waves to join their girlfriend in the cold water.

“I’m bringing the vest.”

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I’d like to take a moment to apologize to the first anon. I told myself that I’d get thiI’d like to take a moment to apologize to the first anon. I told myself that I’d get thi

I’d like to take a moment to apologize to the first anon. I told myself that I’d get this done in under two weeks, and we have past that a few times over. Heh heh…..

So, anon, if you’re out there, I am small and forgetful and love you! Please forgive.


You were making a difference.

…At least you hoped you were.

Being an office worker was not ideal, but neither was field work really. The only reason you agreed to do this job was because it had, “Overwatch,” branded all over it. In a dedicated organization like that, especially as small as it was, every job was important. Plus, someone had to watch over your boys.

You stretch your back. Geez, this whole week was nothing but reports and papers and meetings and then more reports. Not to mention, the Junkers over-the-top way of doing missions, was not helping. It seemed they didn’t realize, or more likely, didn’t care that destruction leads to paperwork. Paperwork that lands on your shoulders.

At this point, you could practically feel the bags under your eyes, and a coil in your back. It was hard to believe that anyone could spend all day everyday sitting on an uncomfortable chair, staring at a screen.

Whatever, you were almost done typing up this mission statement, then you were home free!

Oh, what’s that? An email with instructions to handle the legal works of the last two missions? Therefore elongating your workday and preventing you from leaving early?

Oh boy.

You were making a difference. Please be making a difference.


“An’ then it falls!” Jamison watched eagerly as another piece is taken off of the tower and placed on top. He frowns at it stability.

“Your turn.” Mako points at you. You shift forward looking it over before settling on a holographic piece and sliding it out.

“Aaaaaannnnnnndddddd…..” He taps his fingers against the table.

“Read em’ and weep, James.” You lean back, glancing past the Jenga tower you had downloaded earlier that week. You cross your arms and let your head lay against the back of the couch. God, your neck was killing you.


“What?” You realize that you had been resting your eyes, leading you to zone out.

“I said, ‘it’s your turn.’” Junkrat sets his head in his hand. “You feelin’ okay?”

“Yeah. Tired, sore, y'know, the same old same old.” You take out a piece.

“Maybe we should go to bed soon then.” Roadhog suggests, checking the time.

“Nah, being able to relax like this is more helpful honestly.” You reach above your head in a stretch, back cracking in the process. “I’m fine with sleeping normal time.”

You roll you shoulder and wince at the sudden jolt of pain. A string of curses catches your attention and you turn to see a pile of blocks and a defeated man.

“Jenga!” You shout to mock the smaller man. He glares back at you and huffs. You put your hands up in defense. “Hey, I was just kidding!”

He pauses, noting the stiffness in your movements. He puts on a nasty grin, wiggling his fingers. “Oh, what’s that? Ya askin’ for massage are ya!” He stands quickly, startling you.

“Hey! No! Stay back!” You push closer to Roadhog and he raps his arms around you, trapping you. “Traitor!” You gasp, wiggling in attempt to break free.

“You’re not escaping this time.” He rumbles from behind you.

“You’re gonna get a massage an’ like it!” Jamison half jokes, half boasts.

“I refuse! I refuse!” You laugh, backing as far away from him as physically possible.

His hands land on you shoulders with the most evil chuckle he could muster. He works your muscles as you fake struggle, just to make things harder on him.

The night ends with you passing out, mid massage, face first in your bed.

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