#jurassic park spoilers




(Trailer Spoiler warning)

Obviously we’re left with questions about the raptors, like “where did the others come from?” Or “how did Blue breed when she’s the last one?” So I’m going to go ahead and assume that either

A) more dinosaurs were created outside of Isla Nublar, maybe for the auction or some other, off-Nublar project (like that arena that what’s-his-name-Hammond’s-nephew was wanting to build?)

Or (and this is what I’m hoping)

B) they came from Isla Sorna. Maybe the auction people had a separate group go to Sorna to collect dinos from there and that’s how they’re on the mainland. Why Masrani would leave the Sorna dinos to roam free, I don’t have an answer, but I hope there’s at least some kind of Sorna reference in Dominion. It was the main location for 2/3 Jurassic Park films, so why hasn’t there been any mention of it in the Jurassic World films so far?

Dozens of dinosaurs were auctioned off before things went south, dr wu was taken away and igen isnt the only one to have figured out dino cloning manyicopr has been cloning dinos for a few years

Of course! Forgot about them. My Isla Sorna hopes have been dashed. Ah well

(Trailer Spoiler warning)

Obviously we’re left with questions about the raptors, like “where did the others come from?” Or “how did Blue breed when she’s the last one?” So I’m going to go ahead and assume that either

A) more dinosaurs were created outside of Isla Nublar, maybe for the auction or some other, off-Nublar project (like that arena that what’s-his-name-Hammond’s-nephew was wanting to build?)

Or (and this is what I’m hoping)

B) they came from Isla Sorna. Maybe the auction people had a separate group go to Sorna to collect dinos from there and that’s how they’re on the mainland. Why Masrani would leave the Sorna dinos to roam free, I don’t have an answer, but I hope there’s at least some kind of Sorna reference in Dominion. It was the main location for 2/3 Jurassic Park films, so why hasn’t there been any mention of it in the Jurassic World films so far?

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The Dilophosaurus is BACK!!!!! It’s been so many years since we last saw that frilly little princess. The hologram reference was good but not nearly enough! They better do her some justice

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That motorcycle/Dino scene through that plaza looks like it’s going to be amazing. Fighting dinosaurs, on motorcycles, in some town square? Sounds like a weird video game level and I love it

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Please say I’m not the only one who got a bit emotional hearing that snippet of Hammond’s Petticoat Lane bit while the dinosaurs were roaming amongst the humans
