#jurassic series








the only thing keeping me on twitter is this account

I live for these

ah, how could I forget the best one

and then there’s just this:

jurassic park tweet: a raptor just killed a guy. shot him to death.ALT
the night crew is hard at work installing a monolithALT
please stop prank calling us and asking if we have a mega sore ass.ALT
one of our dinosaurs has a crush on a girl visitor. whoops, there was a miscommunication. one of our dinosaurs has *crushed* a girl visitor. sorry for the mixup. ALT
in the spirit of body positivity, we are going to start making dinosaurs that are complete uggosALT
do you guys think god is pissed at usALT
we made an anteater with human lips who knows how to whisper the word "steven"ALT
dinosaurios (spanish)ALT

have some more

So the new Jurassic movie is just The Bourne Ultimatum but with dinosaurs?

Kayla Watts is the black female Han Solo that we didn’t know we needed.

And I’m 100% here for it.

That is all.

Spoilers for Jurassic World Dominion

This is the only spoiler I’ll share at this time:

The bad guy … gets eaten by a dinosaur.

That is all.
