#just as an fyi

yootsart:Hunk is Samoan!!


Hunk is Samoan!!

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Episode 5 of Helluva Boss is out!Be sure to watch it here!Firstly here’s some concepts of Striker’s Episode 5 of Helluva Boss is out!Be sure to watch it here!Firstly here’s some concepts of Striker’s Episode 5 of Helluva Boss is out!Be sure to watch it here!Firstly here’s some concepts of Striker’s Episode 5 of Helluva Boss is out!Be sure to watch it here!Firstly here’s some concepts of Striker’s Episode 5 of Helluva Boss is out!Be sure to watch it here!Firstly here’s some concepts of Striker’s

Episode 5 of Helluva Boss is out!
Be sure to watch it here!

Firstly here’s some concepts of Striker’s hell horse, Bombproof! He’s my precious baby boy! Viv did his preliminary design and I finalized him for the show as well as naming him.

This episode went through a lot BG wise and was a beast to finish, but I’m so proud of the team for sticking with me to get it all wrapped! I included some screenshots from the ep of just a few of my specific bgs. Viv requested I do all the scenes with the horse in them and I got the sentiment but it’s one of the funniest reasonings to me still since I’d technically be drawing everything but him. Though I did end up helping out his animator, Caro, with a few poses. She did him such justice!!!

Hope you guys enjoyed visiting the Wrath Ring!

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Hey, so, I should probably do my regular reminder that I write books with queer, neurodivergent protagonists and a lot of them are free.

Freya Snow is a YA/NA urban fantasy series about a bisexual autistic girl who finds out that she has magic and demons are after her.

The Royal Cleaner is a F/F urban fantasy romance series about a pansexual autistic woman who is in charge of keeping magic a secret.

The Aspects is a YA sci-fi series about a bisexual autistic girl in a world protected by people with emotion-based super-powers called Aspects who becomes the next Aspect of Love.

The Lady Ruth Constance Chapelstone Chronicles is a trilogy of steampunk novellas about an ace/aro autistic woman who builds an android husband to retain her freedom.

Ember Academy for Young Witches is a YA urban fantasy academy series about a lesbian girl with ADHD who discovers that she’s a witch and that someone is after her to study her unique magic.

Anyway, even if you’re not a reader, a reblog of this post would really be appreciated. There aren’t a lot of avenues for readers to find books with neurodiverse protagonists aside from people writing recommendation posts, and smaller authors like me often get missed off those, so reblogs on posts like this can go a long way to helping people find my work.

And now the first book of Daughter of Nature, an NA F/F urban fantasy series about an autistic lesbian who discovers that she has magic and has to figure out how to stop a strange and powerful creature from attacking people, is available for pre-order (and will be out properly at the end of April 2022).

Hey, there’s just a couple of days before this new book comes out, and it’s now available for my Patreon supporters

The new book is out now! and if you want some free, queer books this pride*, don’t forget to check out the Free Books Library on my website

* “wait, all of these books are queer?” the Freya Snow prequel isn’t explicitly so, but everything else is

@disabledstemstudent asked: “Can anyone recommend anything with autistic bisexual male protagonists? Would also take ADHD or no neurodivergence and bisexual male protag”

The Freya Snow spin-off novel Soulbound has an autistic bisexual guy as the protag (he’s not revealed as autistic until later in the Freya Snow series, but it is canon), and the series Engineered Rebel has an ensemble cast of queer protagonists of many genders, including men (for worldbuilding reasons, most of them don’t specify a label, but it’s a “bi as default” situation where they only come out if they feel the need to specify that they’re not bi - but that’s not the same as Damon being explicit about being bi in Soulbound)
