#just ask to leave






do not talk to cops includes don’t make casual smalltalk w any person who’s obviously an on duty cop. y'know how you should treat every gun as if it’s loaded? treat every cop as if they are trying to get information out of you or fuck you ever. don’t talk to cops don’t trust cops know your rights


Sign by Darren Cullen can be downloaded for free on https://www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/policeprotestsign

I did my undergrad thesis on the vanishing 4th amendment and predictive policing.

Every conversation you have. Every time they stop to talk to you. Every time they ask you a question and it is answered or not. Every time you offer them a coffee or a doughnut. Every time you say hello and every time you refuse to greet them. All of it is recorded.

They create profiles, entire maps of networks of who knows who and when and where they interact. They do this to ”predict crime.”

Every time you call them. Every ”disturbance.” Every time you’re “uncooperative.” Every time you need help and you call them “for protection.” That all goes into the database too. (These databases actually do more to predict who will be a victim of a crime rather than a perpetrator. However, these models often lead police to treat people on these lists as suspects, despite never having committed a crime. It only succeeds in continuing the cycle of over policing and hurting crime victims, especially DV victims.)

They purchase data from third parties like Facebook and include this in their profiling.

Assume that nothing is safe from the force-arm of the state. Don’t talk to cops. And if you can, avoid interacting with them (which i know is easier said than done in communities that are over policed).

Cops are not your friends.
