#just be happy


I’m not alone in this regard either, I’m certain.

It’s not because I’m single right now, that’s not it. Valentines Day can be stressful to both single people and people in relationships, and that’s why I don’t like it. It’s a day that is regarded as a testament to love between two people. A day when you’re supposed to be spending time with a special someone who adores you.

If you’re single, then Valentine’s Day sucks simply because you have no one close to share your love with. You begin to remember that you’re by yourself in terms of having a deep bond with someone, and you look at couples with envy and wish you had what they have. You’ll end up going out with your other single friends, or you’ll grab a bottle of alcohol and sit around gaming and watching TV all day. But in the end, the day still reminds you that you’re currently alone.

If you’re in a relationship, then the day becomes a stress on you and your partner, because now you both feel obligated and required to go out somewhere fancy and get each other gifts and crap. You feel like if you don’t then your partner will be annoyed and frustrated with you. That is…unless you have that laid back partner who doesn’t give a shit, in which case you’ve got something real special there. But lots of couples sadly aren’t like that, because they want to make the best of the day with the one they love.
I recall last year, when it was Valentine’s Day, my poor ex called me up crying because she couldn’t spend time with me on that “special day”, and it hurt to see her like that. She was upset simply because we couldn’t spend time together on this extra special day when you’re supposed to be with your partner enjoying yourselves.

In reality, Valentine’s Day is another ordinary day on the calender. The problem lies within the fact that we attached a stupid label to it, one that makes people stress about keeping their partners pleased on that particular day.

It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom though. With the shitty reminders V-Day brings about being single, it does also make me remember I have my family and friends. It’s not the same love that a girlfriend or wife might give you, but it’s a nice reminder that you’re not truly alone.

I hope all of you have a good Valentine’s Day. Don’t stress yourselves, and enjoy your life for what it’s worth.
