#just cause


These painted walls

These painted walls

They hold my secrets in

The ones that I’ve been hiding

For to damn long

These painted walls

They hide my skeletons

They’re screaming in the night

What did I do so wrong?

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) dir. Elia KazanA Streetcar Named Desire (1951) dir. Elia KazanA Streetcar Named Desire (1951) dir. Elia Kazan

A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) dir. Elia Kazan

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When the physics engine works just right


#just cause    #video games    #gaming    #playstation    #playstation 4    #xbox one    #xboxone    #pc games    #pc gaming    #geekery    #geeky stuff    #gaming memes    





lmao square enix just sold a bunch of their ips to get money for nfts

The rights to Deus Ex being sold for a crypto scheme is beyond fucking Parody

My jaw literally dropped holy shit. They literally just did that what.

Square Enix: We sold our most popular IPs that we had no idea how to monetize because we need more money for NTFs, monetization of our other games and other shitty and shady stuff.

Embracer Group: We like those IPs and believe they have a great potential as single player games, something we want to focus on. Also, the deal was a steal so of course we took it.

I’m not saying I trust EG, but at least they promise something. I just wish SE didn’t own Life is Strange, because I’m afraid they have some shady idea for these series and will milk it till it dies.
