#just had to



Your voice sounds like sparks in a dark room. Like honeycomb, dripping. Like first meeting on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Deep blue moth wings flirting with my veins. The flicker of night thoughts. Your brave mind slipping past all my defenses. My sailor’s tongue sucked into your mouth.

Your voice engulfs me. Makes me want to burn bridges. Your voice pushes everything off the table and puts yourself on it. Right up against me. Your voice takes my heart in both your hands and kisses it. Your voice makes me weak, then stronger than diamonds. I spill out inside your voice.

When I yearn, your voice gets me. When I’m broken, your voice heals me. When I’m lost, your voice discovers me. Your voice calls down the stars.

your voice travels up my spine, reciting a love song over heated skin. feeling your passion burn through my bones. words which echo throughout my sensuality chambers, tattooing your name upon my ribcage. I surrender.

your voice consumes me. awakening me with fiery need and calming me with peaceful waters. covering me in you. creating honey covered stars upon your tongue as you suckle goosebump flesh. your spoken whisper is my lullaby, bringing forth easy sleep as we pull breath from the same lungs.

when I ache, your voice sustains me. when I’m covered in despair, your voice rescues me. when my heart bleeds, your voice is my healing balm. your voice -is the key which unlocks all of my worlds.

Do you play mined craft ? Are th’ pokemon train conductors yer blorbos ? Well then I made these two skins for you ;o ! enjoy
