#just ignore this


I am privileged, I know, but does this make me despicable?

I grew up in a house with a garden

My parents are married for more than 25 years and still happy

My family sticks together

There has been only one divorce in the two generations before me

I had a good education

I have seen several countries

I am working for a college diploma in a country where education is payable

I live in a nice appartement

I am white

I have a pretty face

I am not fat and not too slim with generous curves

I earn enough money to keep on living a nice modest life

I have people I can go out with to party from time to time

I have a few select friends I can trust and a good connection with my parents

I should be happy, shouldn’t I, are you already feeling the jealousy

Still I have suffered from complexes all my life

Still I have been bullied the majority of my school life

Still I have never really fit in either with my family or my peers

Still I had depression on and off since my early teenage years

Still I am looking for a proper job without finding one

Still I am struggling with studying

Still I never measured up to the expectations of my family and myself

Still my older brother never accepted me

Still I was abused by my partners

Still I am fighting unti to break free from the conservative views and rules I was raised with

Do I need to be sorry for having what many don’t? Do I have to hide my problems because I had at least better chances? Shouldn’t I complain about what troubles me, because it’s ungrateful?

Well sorry, I won’t. I won’t be sorry, I won’t hide away, I am not a martyr who puts everyone elses trouble before mine all of the time.

Yes, I am priviledged, but I don’t own the modesty to apologize for it.
