#just let me vent


I mean, ofc I rewatch the kiss 30 times a day but my fave part?? It’s actually when Pat realizes his feelings at the music shop.
There you see that once he realizes that Pran is not gonna stop him and Ink from happening he doesn’t really care about Ink not responding to Pa’s tips! He even leaves Ink alone with her in oder to get the drumsticks! 
There he meets Pran and now that he kind of knows Ink is not gonna reciprocate and assumes Pran doens’t like anyone, there his mind is free to let him think about his feelings! 
And of course it’s a sudden thing, he never saw Pran that way and suddenly it hits him that all the signals he was looking from Ink have been things he has done to Pran! And I like to see how is not the other person (Pran) doing something that awakens his romantic feelings but it’s Pat himself realizing that he has been chasing Pran all along (maybe from high school too, but that’s a freshy day realization)! He doesn’t think about the things that Pran did to him but the things he has been doing to and for Pran! And idk I just found it extremely nice! 
The backgroung music, the acting, the quiet panic taking over Pat, even the short flashbacks! Everything about that scene makes the kiss 100x better because it leaves the shock effect but it doens’t look too sudden, out of nowhere! 

-Also if you think about it we get Pran because we saw his pov a lot! But in Pat’s Pov it’s actually him that has been chasing and looking for signals that Pran likes him! It’s probably something that hits him after the realization at the music shop! It’s even hinted by Korn that he liked someone from architecture meaning that probably he has spent days looking in that direction hoping to see Pran…
