#ohm nanon


Pran didn’t want closure, he didn’t want to know what Pat was feeling for him, didn’t want to talk to him, because he knew too well that if Pat really felt the same there would be now way he could be able to walk away.

What he expected, what he found easier to think, was probably for Pat to avoid him and keep flirting with Ink! But what he got was the shocking and thrilling truth that yes, it’s that simple, he wasn’t deluluing himself,  Pat really likes him too and wants to pursue him!

He didn’t want to talk to Pat, the moment he allowed himself to hear him out it was the end for him.

So he did the only thing his heart could do, accept the excuse of the challenge to give himself time to try it out, to taste how a relationship with Pat would work and also his finger apparently.

This comment is gonna be about the bet! But if you’re interested in a general comment about other scenes click HERE

Pat is really smart with that bet: maybe it was a coincidence, maybe he just had to try different ways to approach Pran, but the bet was IT!
The moment he writes ‘’KISS?’’ on the sand and Pran actually starts to talk is when Pat undertands it’s the right moment to open up, I love how free he is with his feelings and I think him telling Pran what happened with Ink was the last right thing he needed to do in order for Pran to give up just as much as he needed to finally break in. Because as soon as Pran’s guard falls down and finally accepts that Pat likes him Pat is quick to say ‘no, you do, let’s bet about it’‘
Was it intentional ? Did Pat know it was the only thing that could make Pran accept what they have? It doesn’t really matter because competition is their thing and right know it looks like the only thing Pat will be able to have from Pran.

Pat would 100% lose if he could: The way I see it is that if Pran lost Pat would date him straight away but if Pat lost Pran would cut what they have for their sake. So more than ‘’let’s se who falls first’’ I see it as ‘’Let’s keep it up the way it’s comfortable for you until you’re ready to take the risk’’

Pran accepting Pat likes him: Was I the only one finding cute the ‘’Just admit it, you like me’’ from Pran? Because to me he looked like he was saying it because he was finally accepting it, his tone sounded like someone testing the water, affirming that YES, after years Pat likes him back and wants to be with him!

Pat is going insane and he’s both ready and not ready for it
: After the last scene I’m scared to log in AO3 tbh… 
To me Pat doesn’t really need to flirt with Pran to make him lose, he would do it regardless, what he doesn’t know is that Pran has years of fake scenarios inside of his head! Poor Prat is gonna lose it at some point but I bet he’s all here for it!

-Pran touching his lips after the kiss: Hands down one of my fave after kiss moments EVER.
There was such a realistic vibe to it, when you think about something you wanted for so long but after you get it you wonder if it was the right decision… I think everyone felt like that at least once and it was such a small gesture but so realistic and almost cute that made my heart melt.

-Pat goint to Pran’s room right after the kiss: How I loved that Pat immediately went to Pran, he want to talk it out, whatever reason Pran run away crying, he wanted to know and I loved that he didn’t wait.

-The guitar: When Pran says he doesn’t want the guitar if he knows he won’t be able to keep it, here it shows perfectly how Pran never really thought he could have Pat, this breaks my heart

-Pat’s dad VS Pran’s mom: I think this is a key point to understand why it’s easier for Pat to go after Pran. Pat wasn’t the one that got punished just for being in a school project with the other boy, he wasn’t the one that has a family that hates the other boy, he had it rough but also easier in a way. Pat grew up knowing the other family is to avoid, as a whole yes, but his parents don’t hate Pran, they just hate his parents and so don’t want Pat to be near him because he’s trouble! Pran’s mom on the other hand treats Pat as if he was part of whatever went down with his parents. In a way this parallels the groups of friends as well. As I already said, eng group hates arc group, in general, not Pran! while arc group hates both eng and especially Pat! I think that makes Pran’s  feel more burdened.

-Pat and the paper game, respecting Pran’s decisions: The paper game, to me, is another important point! What I noticed is that the other pairings keep losing all them time, if they can’t keep the balance. Pat, stepping in the paper only after Pran and with only one feet is allowing the other to go away at any moment, he keeps talking to him but he only touches him to save Pran from the fall! That really shows how serious Pat is about all of this, he doesn’t want Pran to do or say things he doesn’t want to but he also wants to know what’s going on.

-Wai and the friends: I hate and love Wai. He cares about Pran, he sees Pat as a bully probably and that’s why he wants him away, but at the same time I love how they can make the two groups of friends look likeable based on the POV we’re watching. I felt like this episode showed well both of PatPran POVs but at this point is clear that no group is perfect

-Breaking the wall, the market scene: Small detail but when they’re at the market and that man tells them they look cute together? None of them denies, showing how Pran actually still wants Pat to be around (also, he leaves the guitar at Wai’s, which is the most noticeable object, but he still keeps things his mom doesn’t know like the watch or airpods)

-At the beach, somewhat a love confession with queer subtext:
(First of all I’d like to say that Pat is in Teh’s cosplay or something because those look like his clothes)
“without people around, i can sit next to you just fine. but when there are people around, talking to you feels like a matter of life and death.” “what can we do? we’re just born this way?”
It might be a stretch but doesn’t it feel like even if in the series it’s about the families, it could also be about how queer people live real life? We know P’Aof really cares about those themes (he cares about a lot of things in general, like this is the second episode about eco-friendly things) but this convo really touched my heart!
Also I think this is the second thing that starts to break the after kiss wall but Pran saying ‘’ If our families weren’t enemies…’’ and the hand touching to me really fells like a confession, at that point is like they both know they’re on the same page about their feelings, Pran doesn’ say it, it would hurt too much to say it out loud (and let’s also admit they’re both full of pride when it comes to each other)

-Room together: That’s why I think Pran’s wall started to break in the beach scene, while during the paper game he was annoyed to be paired up with Pat here he looked hopeful, God knows what would have happened if they were in the same room with all that tension piled up.

-Pran taking Pat’s side: I think that’s the second moment where Pran realizes he really can’t ignore Pat. While I don’t like that his friends wanted to beat him up it also served as an excuse to show us (and Pran) how deep he’s into it, how much he could never really ignore the other

-Pran doesn’t want Pat to understand him, his walls would break: For the whole episode I wondered ‘doesn’t Pran want to know what Pat is thinking?’‘ and here I realized that no, he really didn’t want to know and didn’t want the other to know either, he knows Pat, he was how persisten he can be, he doesn’t need him to understand his reasons because he, as he proved the whole episode already, would still fight to be next to him. But then there’s the last thing that makes Pran give up, Pat admitting he doesn’t like Ink and that she knows. Because all along what he needed to give up was for Pat to speak first clearly.

Next Post I’ll talk about the bet so click here or look for it on my profile

I mean, ofc I rewatch the kiss 30 times a day but my fave part?? It’s actually when Pat realizes his feelings at the music shop.
There you see that once he realizes that Pran is not gonna stop him and Ink from happening he doesn’t really care about Ink not responding to Pa’s tips! He even leaves Ink alone with her in oder to get the drumsticks! 
There he meets Pran and now that he kind of knows Ink is not gonna reciprocate and assumes Pran doens’t like anyone, there his mind is free to let him think about his feelings! 
And of course it’s a sudden thing, he never saw Pran that way and suddenly it hits him that all the signals he was looking from Ink have been things he has done to Pran! And I like to see how is not the other person (Pran) doing something that awakens his romantic feelings but it’s Pat himself realizing that he has been chasing Pran all along (maybe from high school too, but that’s a freshy day realization)! He doesn’t think about the things that Pran did to him but the things he has been doing to and for Pran! And idk I just found it extremely nice! 
The backgroung music, the acting, the quiet panic taking over Pat, even the short flashbacks! Everything about that scene makes the kiss 100x better because it leaves the shock effect but it doens’t look too sudden, out of nowhere! 

-Also if you think about it we get Pran because we saw his pov a lot! But in Pat’s Pov it’s actually him that has been chasing and looking for signals that Pran likes him! It’s probably something that hits him after the realization at the music shop! It’s even hinted by Korn that he liked someone from architecture meaning that probably he has spent days looking in that direction hoping to see Pran…

So… I was just thinking that now that we know more I could rewatch EP 1 just for fun (and because I can’t sleep or study, but that’s another story)

At first EP1 is funny you know? you don’t know the backstory, it looks like neither of them has any (deep) romantic feelings so it just looks like a rom-com.
But after episode 5, EP 1 actually is heartbreaking.

-The first scene is a fight, almost a funny one. The image that P’Aof sold us is the one of two enemies fighting as usual and if by EP 5 we didn’t know better we would completely believe that there’s nothing deep about it but two high school enemies meeting once again in univeristy.
But now we know it was the first time that they have seen each other in 3 years. 
The first time after Pat blaming himself for Pran’s transfering abroad.
The first time after Pran was taken away from his crush.
Imagine being Pran and the first thing you do to your crush after 3 years is kicking him in the stomach……

-When they tell their parents they met again the first thing Pran’s mom says to Pran after finding out Pat attends his university is “i wouldn’t have transferred you here if I knew you 2 would meet again” and we didn’t really think anything about it because we didn’t know yet the reasons he got transferred and the scene after was a funny one with them fighting in front of the trash bin! But once again, imagine being Pran and being reminded once more that even a single slip that he doesn’t despise Pat might get him transferred again…. No wonder he tried hard to avoid him, it’s easier to avoid feelings if you don’t see the person…

- Now again… when Eng Gang is following Wai but ends up finding Pran and then Pat saves him and puts an hand on his mouth, we were kinda ‘ohhh it’s getting interesting, Pran is upset’… No?? Pran was probably having a mental breakdown over how close Pat (his crush!!!!) was for the maybe first time (for sure first time in 3 years!!!!!)

-Let’s talk about when Pat enters Pran’s room from his window… there Pran says he’d never get against Wai for Pat since he’s a friend he had known ever before he got back there… I personally didn’t mind this sentece back then but now that I think about EP5 …

- ‘’I’m the only one that can hit him’’ I just can feel from Korn’s face that he’s going to be the first figuring out what’s going on and actually being supportive, here maybe it might be a reach but I hope I’m right

-Pran: Things don’t end well when I’m close to you.
Pat: at least now one gets trasferred this time
Now this has a way deeper meaning right? I couldn’t imagine Pran was transferred just for being Pat’s friend, now it makes more sense and now it doesn’t sound as a funny joke anymore but a reminder of what Pran thinks he’ll never be able to have…

-’’Take my chat ID’’ 

-At the end of EP 1 we see Pran drawing on his skecthbook and only at EP 5 we find out he’s been drawing about Pat… if that’s not heartbreaking (but in a soft way) for you then idk what to say

End of things I have to say, I don’t think I’ll go over-analyze the other EPs but I’ll be here for EP 6 hehe

“You’ve got to stop doing this to me. We are not a thing, we are not even friends.”

“That’s right. How can we be friends when our parents despise one another. How can we be friends if we live next door to each other yet can’t even talk? How can we be friends if we have to compete against one another in everything? You know what? When you were away, I was so damn happy. I didn’t have to compete against you. I wasn’t being paranoid. I didn’t need to know what your GPA was. I didn’t need to know which sports you were involved in. But guess what? It was so depressingly lonely for me. What we have now, what should we call it? If we’re not enemies, do you think we can be friends?”

“Why? Do you want us to be friends?”


Friends spending time together

(Aka crossover that’s even more ambitious than avengers endgame)

BADBUDDY & ITSAY : double date with Teh, OhAew, Pran and Pat

#BADBUDDYhas come to an end but it will always hold a special place inside my heart!I have a lot of things to say but words are not enough! Here the comic project soon to be translated in a few languages ):) thank you to everyone that joined! I’ll also say this is a FAN project! It’s made by fans for other people that enjoyed this show! I made the drawings but it was made with other people that put their effort in giving me prompts and translating everything Thank you for joining me and indulging this girl in this small but crazy project! If you want to translate or give me other ideas just tell me, I don’t think I’m ready yet to say goodbye to this amazing show

A lot of people helped me, they will all be credited inside the comic project cardd, I’m just figuring out how it works !

Check the link to see the full project and also support me on Twitter please ? (Twitter link)

badbuddyfancomic.carrd.co⬅️here for the comic⬅️

Nanon literally liked my drawing on Twitter ?!?!?!?!?!?

Also I’ve been reading every single comment in the tags here on Tumblr and I’m getting emotional I would like to say thank you to every single person but like I don’t want to look weird sliding in people’s DM’s but like I’ll make a post with my fave tags also can GMMTV hire me to make a bad buddy webcomic because I’d like that very much

“Ah? What was that?”

“A triangle”

“I thought it was an heart shape”

“Which one do you prefer ?”

Here we go, my favorite scene from #BadBuddySeriesEP7 ! I’ll never be able to capture the sweetness of these scene but I tried ):)

now lets discuss pran’s conversation with his mother. (everyone is talking about the balcony scene and pat’s dad so im not gonna re-invent the wheel with those)

tumblr has a limit for photos so i’ll have to use a lot of text-explanation

when pran first gets home he genuinely does not want to talk to his mom. he just doesnt. but his mom pushes and pushes and says smth like “you’ve become friends with the neighbour again, haven’t you?” and pran just:

the way he says this just shows how exhausted he is. for his entire life he has been exhausted. he’s showing some of that here. tired of his family, tired of trying to live up to other people’s expectations, tired of always blaming himself for things he rly doesnt need to blame himself for, tired of carrying the weight that his mother dropped onto his shoulders since he was a child.

“we’re not friends”

“pran dont walk away from me, we must talk things out”

and here is where the hidden rage starts to leak out of pran. talk things out? you want to talk? sure ill fucking talk.

mommy is not happy and starts to yell, only to be cut off by pran.

mommy starts to pull out every excuse she has within her but pran has heard this all too many times. “i know they are disgusting, theyre cheaters, they did this and that to us, i know all of that…”

pran is finally starting to verbalise what he’s been wanting to tell his mother his whole life. after doing all he could to keep everything inside, this is when his walls start to break.

“have you forgotten to save my reputatio—”

“mom” an interruption like none other

he’s been wanting to say that for a while now. pictures dont do nanon’s facial expressions justice, his acting is so precise and accurate. truly remarkable.

mommy is shocked, “i never raised to you talk to me like this”

and we all know what pran says in response. “it’s because you raised me this way, that im not like other kids. ”

pran was raised on a controlled environment with an inability to express himself and a severe lack of freedom. heavy responsibility and feelings of obligation further crumble his already broken sense of self. i could rant for hours about how pran’s tendencies to conceal and guard himself stem directly from how he was raised. but i wont, since im sure you all know already.

she slaps him.

physical touch can ground a person. pran realised what he said. he realises his mom isnt happy. we can here him sniffling when he walks away and his mom is calling out to him. he has returned to his shell, despite the crack within it.

PATPRAN have everything i have ever wanted to see in a relationship. Healthy relationships, written well and the way the characters blend together so well? Also Ohm and Nanon’s acting and/either chemistry really take the cherry on the cake.

weWILL and we ARE getting a happy ending today. PatPran deserve nothing but only happiness and that is exactly what they WILL get. I refuse to accept anything else
