#just take it lmfaooo


Yeah hi I did one of these ajdbabd

Never done one before, but long story short it was a spur of the moment type thing and I wanted to make a cookie run generator that was deeper than just (Name/gender/rarity/eye color) cause like those are super sexy, but I’m lazy and want more info to design a character easier akdnwjfjqjf

So tadaaaaaa

Here’s a cookie run oc generator that’s open ended enough that you can make the design whatever the fuck you want it to be, but get an idea on what the actual character is like instead.

I’m extremely new to this SO PLEASE tell me if you see anything that looks weird, is just a lame prompt, suggestions, criticisms, etc the whole shebang. Yknow the drill hehe

Idk if anyone will ever use this but tada it’s here now
