#justice kimura



A Study Session for Idiots

I have such a soft spot for each of these characters. I just like stupid athletes with hearts of gold, okay?


Warning: Lots of swears, terrible handwriting, procrastination, four teenagers sharing one braincell


“So all diatomic elements are automatically non-polar.” Kimura glanced up after no one responded. “Right?”

Right,” Okano affirmed with a nod. The gymnast was standing in the middle of the living room, holding her right leg above her head in what looked like a very disturbing manner. Kimura was still amazed by her flexibility, despite having witnessed her odd studying practices so often. I learn better when I do stretches, she claimed. 

Sprawled out on the couch was Sugino, tossing a baseball back and forth into the air while reciting English phrases under his breath. Maehara was kneeling on the ground by the coffee table, intently scribbling down notes into his history binder. 

It was the day before midterm exams, and the group of athletes were holding an impromptu study session at Kimura’s house. It seemed almost perfect when he first brought it up. They could all assist one another with certain subjects. Okano was the strongest in science, Maehara was a math wiz, Kimura was pretty solid in social studies, and Sugino got good grades in Japanese. The perfect balance…except it wasn’t.

They lasted five minutes trying to each become a teacher, before they gave up and simply individually studied. It’s not like they were trying to be uncooperative, at least in Kimura’s opinion. It just wasn’t working out, especially with Okano and Sugino’s stronger personalities, Maehara’s overly lax attitude, and Kimura’s own anxiety about the upcoming test.

They were athletes, ok? They bonded over sports, movement, energy, and being impulsive dumbasses. Not academics.

“Shit!” Kimura looked up at the sound of the first Japanese word that Sugino said in over ten minutes. The baseball player was rummaging through his bag and folders restlessly. “I don’t have the notes we took in Social Studies on Wednesday.”

Okano finally unfolded herself from whatever body-bending position she was in, and opened her own bag. She flipped through her notebook before giving him a small frown. “Damn, I don’t think I have them either.”

“You don’t want her notes anyways, bro,” Maehara chimed in, still learning over his work on the table. “Last time, I borrowed some from her for an English quiz, and I got even worsemarks-”

He was cut off by a pillow to his head, effectively shutting him up. “That was all you, dumbass!” Okano protested. “Everything I wrote came straight from Bitch-sensei herself!”

“Still doesn’t change the fact that you have such shitty handwriting!” Another pillow was thrown.

Sugino carded a hand through his hair, slightly amused by the exchange. “Kimura?”

“I got you, man.” He was already holding out his notebook, which Sugino took with a grateful smile. Kimura returned back to the chemistry textbook he was reading from. He read about two sentences on electronegativity before Sugino spoke up again.



“What the hell is this?” Sugino asked, making a sound that was half-laughter, half-choking. He was pointing to a page in the notebook with extremely messy writing.

“It’s the notes from Wednesday!”

Sugino shook his head slowly while Okano and Maehara snickered. “I don’t think you can even understand what you wrote.” 

The notebook was shoved into Kimura’s face. “Like, what are these shapes on the side? Did you make your own code?” The other two had burst into laughter by this point. 

Kimura snatched his notebook indignantly, willing his face not to redden. “It’s not a fucking code. I’ll explain it to you, idiot!”

His eyes scanned over each letter, then back to the corresponding shapes right beside them. “The square obviously stands for…”

He trailed off before lifting his gaze back up. “Shit, I have no clue.”

Sugino’s hands flew up to his face as he dramatically fell back onto the couch. “We’re so screwed.”

Okano grabbed the notebook from him, flipping through the pages. “Wow, this doesn’t even look like Japanese,” she commented.

“No, it’s Social Studies.” All three of them sent a fierce glare towards Maehara and his poorly-timed joke. The playboy simply shrugged with a not-so-innocent grin. 

Kimura frowned. “Dude, what are you even working on? You’ve been writing stuff down in that book for the last twenty minutes, barely saying a word to anyone.”

“It’s nothing, really!” Maehara assured him, although it was obvious he was lying. He made a move to close his book but he was too slow, as Sugino grabbed it from under him in one swift motion.

“Ideas on how to impress ‘Maki-chan,’ He read in a deadpan voice. “One, take her to the park after sunset. Nothing’s more romantic than a night in each other’s presence surrounded by childhood nostalgia. Two, bring her with me to Keiko’s party-”

“YOU SLEAZY BASTARD!” In less than a second, Maehara was sent flying two meters away, crashing into one of them sofas. Okano stood righteously, her arms crossed and eyes filled with annoyance.

“Ow!” Maehara whined, sitting up in a sea of pillows and cushions that had been knocked over. “What the hell was that for?!”

Sugino threw another pillow at him, earning another shout from the soccer player. “Dude! We’re working our asses off for this exam, and you’re making date plans!

“Don’t hate me for having a love life!”

Kimura snorted. “Maehara, your love life is literally going on a date, maybe two if you’re lucky, then breaking up, and then the cycle continues. Actually, it’s mostly just you getting dumped.”

“…Screw all of you,” was Maehara’s dejected response.

So, a study session between athletes was a bad idea. Clearly. After another half-hour of panicking and roasting Maehara, they decided to call up Korosensei and tell him of their predicament. He arrived in ten minutes with four different copies of the notes they each needed, gently lectured them on responsibility and organization, then promptly left with a “Nurfurufurufu~! Good luck!

The next day, Kimura anxiously glanced to his left at Okano and Maehara respectively. The playboy’s demeanor was as casual as ever, but the bags under his eyes told a different story. His hands were also slightly shaking, most likely from all the caffeine he’d consumed during his all-nighter.

Okano fidgeted in her seat, the lack of room for mobility bothering her immensely. He could relate a lot to that, being a kinesthetic learner himself. He’d woken up earlier than usual to go on an extended run. 

He turned around slightly to see Sugino in a mini-huddle with Nagisa and Kayano. They were probably doing some last-minute fact-sharing. The baseball player caught his gaze and flashed him a bright smile. 

Well, here’s to hoping for the best…Kimura thought to himself as he received the ominous blank test.

And by some miracle, they found out a couple days later, that all four of them managed to get decent scores. Well, by their standards, anyway.

They were athletes, ok? They bonded over sports, movement, energy, and being impulsive dumbasses. Notacademics.


“You sleazy bastard”
