


Random AssClass Headcanons

Only some of this is crack content, but I’m sure it still counts… @handy-dandy-headcanons

  • Gakushuu is fluent in Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese) and he listens to Kris Wu

  • Whenever Hazama is on her period and it’s an emergency, none of the squad hesitates to buy her some pads, snacks, etc. Wait, same for Hara, but it’s usually Yoshida in her case

  • Oh wow, another language headcanon for Gakushuu. He grew up bilingual in both Japanese and English, despite living in Japan like all his life. He’s comfortable with both, but does get homesick a lot when he lives in America in the future. The only reason he might not do perfectly on English exams is because it’s not as much of a priority to study for, as compared to math, science, etc. Besides Seo, Rio, and maybe Karma, no one really compares to him anyways.

  • Kurahashi has made a worm on a string for every member of 3-E. Irina and Korosensei demand she makes one for them too, but she refuses. “It’s a student-only thing.” Next thing you know, she makes one for Karasuma only. Irina and Korosensei are like??? So betrayed??

  • Fuwa is actually the biggest procrastinator in the class. It’s how she got in 3-E in the first place, honestly. But she still gets things done, or tries to. She’ll drag on her homework for the longest time, but will get a 600-word essay done in the morning it’s due. She works better under pressure.

  • Takebayashi and the Terasaka squad boys once tried a dating sim game together just for the hell of it. They all swore never to let Hara and Hazama find out and roast them. Only Takebayashi was taking it semi-seriously, but everyone was convinced Terasaka was getting more into it the longer they played. Muramatsu chose every bad choice for fun, and those two would get so pissed at him. Itona made constant blunt statements, criticizing the game and annoying everyone. To be fair, he only spoke the truth. And Yoshida, for some reason, wanted to customize their character by himself. “Let’s give him a leather jacket-” “Hell no.”

  • During the year in 3-E as their English teacher, Irina also taught every student how to safely walk and assassinate in high heels. Like, we’re talking 6-inches high. And yes, even the boys learned too.

  • Sugino has hella defined arms and shoulder muscles from tons of baseball practice and working out. Kayano and Kurahashi do this cute thing where they both hang off one arm each, like bags or something and he playfully lifts them. It’s just adorable, ok?

  • Everytime the class comes across a snake in the mountain, they all yell Nagisa’s name. Especially if it’s a little baby snake, or one that’s very small.

  • Terasaka’s little sister is a wannabe mangaka, and she meets Fuwa once at this manga bookstore. They hit it off instantly, but Terasaka is pretty annoyed. “Terasaka-kun, I’m coming over for dinner tonight!” “THE HELL YOU ARE-”

  • Speaking of Terasaka, it should go without saying that all the 3-E girls have made him carry their shopping bags for them at some point. Nakamura and Kurahashi are the worst offenders.

  • It’s canon that Mimura sometimes gets involved in sporty conversations between the athletes Sugino and Maehara, even though he’s pretty clueless and only cares about the videography. But he never seems to voice it. So HC that Korosensei takes those two to some international game stadium to watch an intense game, and they of course invite Mimura. Poor boy almost gets knocked over a few times by the other two’s excitement, and just settles for focusing on his snacks.

  • Kanzaki, being the sweetheart that she is, associates all of her fellow 3-E girls with a type of flower (will make a post on that in the future). Hazama makes a picture of each flower and delicately writes the name of the corresponding girl beside it, and it stays on the classroom wall. A copy definitely goes into Korosensei’s scrapbook.

  • (This is after he…regains his sanity) Gakuhou is weird and has various quotes, from pop culture and literature, all around his office space. And they’re the most obscure references, like it can range from Albert Camus’s The Stranger to a random thing that was said in Star Trek. If anyone guesses correctly where the quote is from (specific page number, paragraph, etc) they earn his respect. And maybe a bonus point on the next exam.

  • Even though he’s the son of cops, Kimura doesn’t always think things through. A lot. And so he’s a bit gullible when it comes to getting tricked for money or scams by strangers. Okano gets so annoyed whenever this happens and scolds him before kicking the hustler’s ass herself.

  • Nakamura makes YouTube videos. Random vlogs, makeup tutorials, prank videos, etc. Just some stupid shit. And you better believe that in every video, one of her classmates stars in it right beside her. She’s pretty popular, actually. One of the videos she makes is a chaotic mess with KarmaandKayano. She has lots of international followers, and decided to make a video showing what convenience stores are like in Japan, and basically having a mukbang kinda. THOSE TWO HAVE A SUGAR ADDICTION AND SOMEHOW TURNED THE VIDEO INTO JUDGING AND COMPARING EVERY BRAND OF PUDDING. Never again.

  • Alright, time to stop somewhere lmao.



Ndbfksfksni am actually here for all this what

It’s just great how like y’all just know to include squad and you have me totally



Unfortunately, I can’t choose what to do this about, and I’m really bad with actual writing, so please enjoy the random ideas I’ll be writing down instead!

1. Why isn’t anyone singing?

I don’t know if it’s my class that’s weird, or their class, but my class involves a lot of singing. Walk into class in the morning? Someone is singing Young, Dumb and Broke. In the middle of math class? Three people start rapping 100 degrees. The teacher has gone? Someone is singing Yellow Hearts while pretending to play basketball.

Which means I need an AU where everyone sings in E-3

  • Most people like Okuda, Chiba, and Hayami prefer to stay quiet
  • However there are still many shameless people who will sing in the middle of class with no warning
  • Once they were all really tired out during P.E and Maehara started singing 10 000 hours to Isogai and it gave them energy and motivation to continue
  • During a math review Yoshida, Muramatsu, and Terasaka all panicked and sang Yellow Hearts together
  • The first time Kurahashi went to a haunted house at an amusement part with the others, she got really scared and started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  • Karma and Gakushu definitely had a karaoke battle once
  • There was this one time when some of the boys started singing Don’t Start Know in English class, which lead to the girls joining them, and by the time the lesson was over everyone was singing and Irina was playing along on the keyboard
  • Honestly the class feels like living in a musical
  • Math class: *Stressed parody of Roxanne but in math*
  • There is no way to get them to shut up
  • On Valentines day Karma and Nakamura sang Can You Feel The Love Tonight every time a ship interacted 
  • They once had a science test about the elements of the periodic table and Itona had a hard time with it. About 5 minutes after it had eneded, he was seen singing the Periodic Table Song without trouble

2. Parent-Teacher-Student conferences

At my school we call it SLC, and while everyone hates it, the school day before it happens is always pretty funny, because we get to see everyone else go through the SLC Simulation. Sounds dramatic, but in reality it’s just that someone will be chosen to pretend to be doing the conference, while two other students pretend to be their parents. It’s somehow hilarious. I want E class to do it.

  • Koro-sensei, like the shipper he is, puts together couples as the parents and another person as the child
  • Which led to some amusing combinations
  • Nagisa and Kayano. A normal set for pretending to be parents, until Koro-sensei made Karma be the kid
  • Which was hilarious because he towered over both of them and that Nagisa and Kayano, two of the sweetest ever, have to pretend that this tall, chaotic demon is their kid
  • Terasaka and Hazama were paired up with Itona as the child
  • Unsurprisingly, nothing changed, and Koro-sensei congratulated them on being very good pretend parents
  • Chiba and Hayami, the quiet, deadly snipers
  • With cheerful cinnamon roll child Kurahashi
  • Koro-sensei tries to set up Nakamura and Sugaya, and they just kinda stare at each other awkwardly
  • “Can we get a divorce?” “Yeah, let’s get a divorce.” “Cool, Mimura, you’re the mom now,”
  • That’s all I have to say why is this one so short

3. Just some random incorrect quotes I guess.

Kayano, at the back of the class: *reading the board* If you are feeling bread at home-

Karma: It says “bored”


Kayano: That actually makes a lot more sense now

*AU where Nagisa comes from a fantasy world and Karma and Nakamura are showing him around the modern world*

Nagisa: *Pointing at a vending machine* How do they heat up the milk? Is there a pot inside?

Nakamura: When you insert a coin and press a number, a person inside this machine will heat the drink and serve it.


Nakamura: You have to stay in that small space day and night and serve drinks to people.

Nagisa: Gosh, this isn’t…

Nakamura: Now do you finally see how scary capitalism can be?

Karma: So tell me. Do you want warm milk?

Nagisa: No. I won’t drink it.

Nagisa: *tearing up* it must be hard working in that small space to begin with.

Karma and Nakamura: *trying not to laugh*

Nagisa: *knocking lightly on the vending machine* Thank you for your hard work

Mimura: Hey, did you know that the color red is supposed to make us excited?

Okajima: That’s why a lot of fast food restaurants have red in their logos, right?

Sugaya: Is that why vampires think blood is appealing?



Mimura and Okajima: WAIT IS IT-

*Karma and Nagisa sharing a chair*

Karma: *sits up side down on the chair, his feet leaning against the back of the chair and his head on the floor*

Nagisa: *perched on the back of the chair without a problem, talking/staring at Karma*

Karma: Nagisa don’t smell my socks-

Kayano: *tearing up as she eats her spicy KFC*

Karma: *approaches with his nerf gun*

Nakamura: *approaches with her phone, filming what’s happening*

*the day before Itona’s birthday*

Muramatsu: Guys tomorrow it’s Itona’s birthday and all the bakeries are closed

Terasaka: Muramatsu, go make a cake. Yoshida, go pick him up, later we can decorate at my house.

Hazama: This won’t end well. Count me in.

*the next day*

Terasaka, Muramatsu, Yoshida and Hazama: *show Itona a misshapen cake covered in chocolate sprinkles* Happy birthday.

Itona: *tears up silently* I Will Treasure This Forever

Yeah, not much or good funny content from me, I’m not very funny when I’m trying to be. Hope you enjoyed it anyway ❤

Please tell me what you think, I love feedback!


“Cool Mimura you’re mom now”


Also you know how to get To me I see that subtle Terasaka Hazama stuff there ;3

But OMG bro I actually b e g you turn the squad disaster cake quote into a fic omg it’s actually super soft


A Study Session for Idiots

I have such a soft spot for each of these characters. I just like stupid athletes with hearts of gold, okay?


Warning: Lots of swears, terrible handwriting, procrastination, four teenagers sharing one braincell


“So all diatomic elements are automatically non-polar.” Kimura glanced up after no one responded. “Right?”

Right,” Okano affirmed with a nod. The gymnast was standing in the middle of the living room, holding her right leg above her head in what looked like a very disturbing manner. Kimura was still amazed by her flexibility, despite having witnessed her odd studying practices so often. I learn better when I do stretches, she claimed. 

Sprawled out on the couch was Sugino, tossing a baseball back and forth into the air while reciting English phrases under his breath. Maehara was kneeling on the ground by the coffee table, intently scribbling down notes into his history binder. 

It was the day before midterm exams, and the group of athletes were holding an impromptu study session at Kimura’s house. It seemed almost perfect when he first brought it up. They could all assist one another with certain subjects. Okano was the strongest in science, Maehara was a math wiz, Kimura was pretty solid in social studies, and Sugino got good grades in Japanese. The perfect balance…except it wasn’t.

They lasted five minutes trying to each become a teacher, before they gave up and simply individually studied. It’s not like they were trying to be uncooperative, at least in Kimura’s opinion. It just wasn’t working out, especially with Okano and Sugino’s stronger personalities, Maehara’s overly lax attitude, and Kimura’s own anxiety about the upcoming test.

They were athletes, ok? They bonded over sports, movement, energy, and being impulsive dumbasses. Not academics.

“Shit!” Kimura looked up at the sound of the first Japanese word that Sugino said in over ten minutes. The baseball player was rummaging through his bag and folders restlessly. “I don’t have the notes we took in Social Studies on Wednesday.”

Okano finally unfolded herself from whatever body-bending position she was in, and opened her own bag. She flipped through her notebook before giving him a small frown. “Damn, I don’t think I have them either.”

“You don’t want her notes anyways, bro,” Maehara chimed in, still learning over his work on the table. “Last time, I borrowed some from her for an English quiz, and I got even worsemarks-”

He was cut off by a pillow to his head, effectively shutting him up. “That was all you, dumbass!” Okano protested. “Everything I wrote came straight from Bitch-sensei herself!”

“Still doesn’t change the fact that you have such shitty handwriting!” Another pillow was thrown.

Sugino carded a hand through his hair, slightly amused by the exchange. “Kimura?”

“I got you, man.” He was already holding out his notebook, which Sugino took with a grateful smile. Kimura returned back to the chemistry textbook he was reading from. He read about two sentences on electronegativity before Sugino spoke up again.



“What the hell is this?” Sugino asked, making a sound that was half-laughter, half-choking. He was pointing to a page in the notebook with extremely messy writing.

“It’s the notes from Wednesday!”

Sugino shook his head slowly while Okano and Maehara snickered. “I don’t think you can even understand what you wrote.” 

The notebook was shoved into Kimura’s face. “Like, what are these shapes on the side? Did you make your own code?” The other two had burst into laughter by this point. 

Kimura snatched his notebook indignantly, willing his face not to redden. “It’s not a fucking code. I’ll explain it to you, idiot!”

His eyes scanned over each letter, then back to the corresponding shapes right beside them. “The square obviously stands for…”

He trailed off before lifting his gaze back up. “Shit, I have no clue.”

Sugino’s hands flew up to his face as he dramatically fell back onto the couch. “We’re so screwed.”

Okano grabbed the notebook from him, flipping through the pages. “Wow, this doesn’t even look like Japanese,” she commented.

“No, it’s Social Studies.” All three of them sent a fierce glare towards Maehara and his poorly-timed joke. The playboy simply shrugged with a not-so-innocent grin. 

Kimura frowned. “Dude, what are you even working on? You’ve been writing stuff down in that book for the last twenty minutes, barely saying a word to anyone.”

“It’s nothing, really!” Maehara assured him, although it was obvious he was lying. He made a move to close his book but he was too slow, as Sugino grabbed it from under him in one swift motion.

“Ideas on how to impress ‘Maki-chan,’ He read in a deadpan voice. “One, take her to the park after sunset. Nothing’s more romantic than a night in each other’s presence surrounded by childhood nostalgia. Two, bring her with me to Keiko’s party-”

“YOU SLEAZY BASTARD!” In less than a second, Maehara was sent flying two meters away, crashing into one of them sofas. Okano stood righteously, her arms crossed and eyes filled with annoyance.

“Ow!” Maehara whined, sitting up in a sea of pillows and cushions that had been knocked over. “What the hell was that for?!”

Sugino threw another pillow at him, earning another shout from the soccer player. “Dude! We’re working our asses off for this exam, and you’re making date plans!

“Don’t hate me for having a love life!”

Kimura snorted. “Maehara, your love life is literally going on a date, maybe two if you’re lucky, then breaking up, and then the cycle continues. Actually, it’s mostly just you getting dumped.”

“…Screw all of you,” was Maehara’s dejected response.

So, a study session between athletes was a bad idea. Clearly. After another half-hour of panicking and roasting Maehara, they decided to call up Korosensei and tell him of their predicament. He arrived in ten minutes with four different copies of the notes they each needed, gently lectured them on responsibility and organization, then promptly left with a “Nurfurufurufu~! Good luck!

The next day, Kimura anxiously glanced to his left at Okano and Maehara respectively. The playboy’s demeanor was as casual as ever, but the bags under his eyes told a different story. His hands were also slightly shaking, most likely from all the caffeine he’d consumed during his all-nighter.

Okano fidgeted in her seat, the lack of room for mobility bothering her immensely. He could relate a lot to that, being a kinesthetic learner himself. He’d woken up earlier than usual to go on an extended run. 

He turned around slightly to see Sugino in a mini-huddle with Nagisa and Kayano. They were probably doing some last-minute fact-sharing. The baseball player caught his gaze and flashed him a bright smile. 

Well, here’s to hoping for the best…Kimura thought to himself as he received the ominous blank test.

And by some miracle, they found out a couple days later, that all four of them managed to get decent scores. Well, by their standards, anyway.

They were athletes, ok? They bonded over sports, movement, energy, and being impulsive dumbasses. Notacademics.


“You sleazy bastard”

My chaos friend drew maid Gakuho for handydandyfoolsday

They wish to not be named or associated with their chaos but they still wanted to be a part of the event uwu (their words not mine oop)

My tired cursed British Assclass. Enjoy:

Swearing warning ^^

“OI oi fuck buckets how’s it hanging?” Karma walked into wherever the fuck these students were.

“Ey up lad.” Sugino waved him to the bench (?)

The red boi sat down on the end and looked about the table to see Nagisac Rio and okuda all chilling with that good old Dr Pepper.

“Did y’all save a can for me?” Karma fingergunned at Rio with one of those fecking dodgy smirks.

“Yeh mate.” She rolled a Can across the table slowly.

They all stared at the can as it rolled. It went fairly quick then slow then Rio blew on it then it went quicker then karma nabbed it before it fell off the table like he fell off the cliff.

“Aight, lets crack this cold one open with the Bois.” He cheersed the can as he opened it, everyone else doing the same.

“Oi lads lets av a cheeky nandos after this.” Nagisa suddenly piped up.

Okuda nodded, “top, let’s smash it.”

They all stood and trotted to this random nandos because every country now has one which is conveniently placed locally in fanfics.

Happy April fools everyone!!

the event is open! Feel free to tag me just in case but I’ll be checking the tag later on!

I thought how mean it would be to have this event as an April fools joke but no Lmao this is all totes real, my post will be up next ^^

Happy chaos!!

Ladies and gentlemen Tis almost time for April fools event!!

I really want to apologise for my activity I’ve been immensely busy however I do have a draft I’ll be able to post!

Thankyou for everyone who’s stuck with me I’ll be writing and posting more soon I promise

But alas

Tag all your works with “handydandyfoolsday” so I can see and reblog!

Howdy y’all!!

So Not to be controversial but this pandemic is shockingly ridiculous and I’m fed up


Let’s solve that with a mini event!!!!

April fools event!!!

So for this I was thinking this is a chance for creators to make whatever they want without being judged or even just to have a totally wild ride! So for examples:

  • You could do a totally crack ship and scenario- Nagisa x Takebayashi maid cafe au? Sure thing
  • You could just do an April fools inspired fic, pranks and jokes etc
  • Could just write a total crack mess so like let loose from how you’ve written or drawn etc before and just go absolutely crazy with it! (Karma stood at hill. He was sad. He ate cookie. He rolled down hill. He less sad.) etc etc fmfkkfgksl
  • But yeah! Basically please just have fun and destress yourselves with just a chance to be silly
  • Usual rules apply: no underage or toxic, nsfw is allowed but must have correct warnings and tags and if possible to have one of those read more doodads on them <3

Anyway go crazy have fun! Just upload them on april first (or whenever you can after that date!) With the tag: handydandyfoolsday
