



Justlex Headcanons

  • they start off as friends
  • they switch off on whose house they go to but they end up mostly hanging out at justin’s
  • they basically just play video games, tease clay about tony until he gets annoyed and leaves, study (only after getting ‘the mom look’ from lainie), and binge tv shows
  • they fall asleep and wake up cuddling multiple times and clay teases them endlessly everytime  
  • they kind of just start doing things you normally see couples do without realizing it
  • the group definitely notice and they have a bet going for when justin and alex finally notice
  • they cuddle while watching tv, hold hands, softly tracing random designs on each others arms when they get bored, and alex lets justin eat his food and that’s wild because?? alex doesn’t let anyone near his food ever
  • they’re basically always touching
  • they start calling each other cute pet names next
  • alex calls justin babe and justin doesn’t stop blushing the whole day
  • they’re just drawn to each other
  • their first kiss is an accident
  • they were at lunch and alex was leaving early so after he got all his stuff together he looked at justin and was like “i’ve got to go babe” and leaned down and kissed him before leaving
  • and justin just sat there with his mouth open before he shook his head and turned towards the rest of the group who had mixed reactions
  • “did he-” “ yup” “huh”
  • alex showed up at justin’s later and was working up the nerve to knock because all he could think was that he ruined everything but as soon as alex raised his hand to knock justin opened the door and kissed him
  • they end up talking most of the night and decide to be together officially
  • they tell the group by sending a picture to the groupchat of them kissing
  • tony and zach won the bet
  • they’re comfortable being vulnerable with each other
  • and honestly they’re each others support system
  • they fall asleep together over skype on the rare occasions that they aren’t spending the night together   
  • justin starts leaving notes in alex’s locker
  • they’re always sharing clothes
  • sometimes they just lay face to face and look into each other’s eyes
  • they can just be together in complete silence and not need anything else
  • alex likes to trace justin’s tattoos while they cuddle
  • if they’re spooning justin is 100% the little spoon
  • alex finds out justin is ticklish one day when they’re cuddling and alex definitely takes advantage of it because the way justin reacts to being tickled is so cute
  • justin kisses alex on the forehead before every class they don’t have together
  • if they share a class they sit next to each other and hold hands the whole class
  • lainie and matt love alex, they’re always reassuring justin that alex can come over whenever he wants as long as they get their school work done
  • lainie awkwardly asking justin if they’re being safe and justin is mortified, he’s stuttering and blushing and trying to leave that conversation as soon as possible
  • alex parents are different
  • carolyn loved justin almost immediately but bill takes a little while to warm up to justin
  • bill starts noticing how different alex has been, how happy justin makes him and how justin can calm him down and he eventually comes around
  • clay and peter really don’t care, as long as their brothers are safe and happy then they’re okay with it



Sorry there was a delay, reality has totally taken over a bit.  But here’s part four and I PROMISE part five will be coming soon.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support.

The pool wasn’t cold. In fact, it was actually really fucking awesome to get into the water when it was sunny and warm outside. Despite feeling a little bit weird about being shirtless and scrawny in front of Jessica and Alex.   She had seen me in way less but I had looked way better.  A lot less holyhellyouneedasandwhich and a lot more holyhelltakeallyourclothesoff if I do say so myself.   But here I am.  Standing somewhere between the the edge of the pool where Jessica was perched with her feet in the water and Clay was reapplying his third layer of sunscreen - because better safe than sunburn, a direct Mrs. Jensen quote if I ever heard one - and where Alex was struggling to maintain upright and sturdy on that bike that was inside the water.  

For a few moments everything felt kind of normal.  Jessica and Clay were talking about some english class project and sitting on chair outside the water was Tony and Caleb who were being the anti-social couple goals we all wished we could be.  Who wouldn’t kill for quiet inside jokes and hand holding with someone who just fucking gets it?  And even better, they get it and they’re in it for the long haul - drama or not, dysfunction or not.  But then Zach was calling out these instructions to Alex - pedal for a minute straight, keep your arms tight - and normal seemed to be fucking awful.  Because this was normal for Alex.  Struggling to do something like sit on a bicycle in water.  And like…  water makes you a bit fucking lighter, doesn’t it?  So this should be easier than his everyday struggle of walking and making it up the steps in school, shouldn’t it? It wasn’t.

Keep reading

I was tagged by @fmljustlexand@thebikeandbluejacket to post the last few lines of the latest thing I’ve written. Thank you for tagging me lovelies!

He opens his eyes to the familiar view and with a shaky hand reaches for the doorknob. Gripping tightly, he gives one final push until it swings open revealing the beautiful mess of a boy sat upright on his bed.

“Hey Foley” he smiles widely.

Justin instantly smiles back and finds himself relaxing completely. He saunters through the room and gives Alex a bone-crushing hug (much to the boy’s dismay) because no matter the twisted thoughts that enter his mind Alex wasokay, he was alive and he was here smiling brightly at none other than Justin Foley. For the first time in a while his body felt lighter, they were gonna be okay.

its only gonna get more heartbreaking from this point on:(

i tag whoever wants to do this!

Can you imagine Justlex being artists and living out their dreams together.

It’s a Sunday morning. Justin and Alex awaken to the bustling life on the street below them. They moved into their apartment together 7 years ago and haven’t looked back since. The apartment’s aesthetic is very retro and vibrant. Their art decorates the walls, adding life and emotion to the place. Alex had the idea in his head that ‘it’s unlucky if we take them down Jus! Since we’ve had those painting’s up life has been amazing!’ Justin knows that Alex just loves these pieces too much to ever sell them.

They’re currently laid in bed together, fighting off the hours of sleep and heavy eyes. Alex draws patterns on Justin’s bare skin as he hums along to the record playing lowly throughout the apartment. A jazz tune that Alex hated forever ago, but has come to love since it was Justin’s favourite. He traces his fingers over every bit of skin that’s exposed to him, the rest of Justin’s body hidden by the duvet.

Alex sighs happily, and thanks a powerful force that his life turned out to be this way. Life for Alex hadn’t always been this peaceful, not until Justin waltz into his life and stole his heart. To Alex, Justin was his soulmate, his passion, his motivation. The nights he spent curled up crying because he hated the way his art turned out, Justin would be there right beside him, whispering comforting words, telling him all the things he loved about his work and how beautiful it was. He was forever grateful that he had met his one true love that he was sure he was going to spend the rest of his life with.

He was so deep in his own mind that he hadn’t realised that his lover was speaking to him.

‘Alex, baby?’ He spoke softly, as he stroked a delicate hand across Alex’s cheek.

‘Sorry love. I was a bit zoned out, what did you say? He giggled as Justin simply rolled his eyes at him.

'I said I wanted to paint you’ he said as he rakes his eyes over his boyfriend’s face.

'Paint a portrait of me or paint my body?’

'Paint your body baby’ Justin gave him the sweetest smile and Alex knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist.

It’s not that Alex hated his body being painted. It’s just that Justin was a bit of a perfectionist so he would have to lay still for hours until his boyfriend was satisfied with the results.

'Anything for you baby’ Alex chuckled and made his way to get up, but not before giving him a peck on the lips.

After grabbing a few pillows he made his way over to the section of the house that had protection on the floor. Alex gently placed the pillows under his body and waited as Justin gathered his supplies.

Once he had what he needed, Justin placed himself between Alex’s legs and got to work.

With every stroke of the paintbrush, he would leave little kisses on Alex’s back, as though he was creating a path with his lips for where the paint was going to go. The tenderness of each kiss had him shivering and smiling with joy. His boyfriend made him feel beautiful.

Admittedly Justin was done way before Alex expected him to be. He only spent a total of 20 minutes sprawled out on the floor. It was the quickest Justin had ever spent creating art on his body.

'I’m done’ he said in an airy, light voice.

'Already?’ Justin just hums and moves to help his lover up from the floor.

'Can I see it?’ Alex asks confused. All he gets in return is a blinding smile before Justin is searching for his phone to take a picture.

He takes a picture of Alex’s back and shows it to his boyfriend. What he sees leaves him shocked.

'Oh my god… Jus’ Alex’s voice trails off, the emotions welling up inside his throat.

'So? What do you say?’ He says apprehensively

'O-of course! Yes!!’ Alex all but screams at him, overcome with emotions.

On Alex’s back were red love hearts and flowers delicately sprawled all over his skin, decorating the words 'will you marry me?’ To Alex, it was the most beautiful piece that he’d ever created.

Justin pulls Alex in for a hug as he begins to bawl his eyes out. He runs his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair as he waits for him to calm down.

Once Alex has calmed down, he looks up at him with the most beautiful smile Justin has ever seen. Before he can get a word out Alex begins peppering his face with kisses, causing him to giggle.

'Jus, I can’t believe you. That was so romantic’ He gushes, smile wide and eyes sparkling.

'I love you so much that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Alex Standall. I love you, I love you, I love you!’ Alex is now beaming from ear to ear.

Suddenly Justin drops to his knee and presents a beautiful ring to him, the red Jewel shining brightly at Jimin. Red, the colour of love and passion.

This time Alex is full on sobbing, unable to get any words out as tears stream down his face. So wordlessly, Justin takes his small hand and places the ring on his finger.

'Perfect’ Justin whispers in awe. This is it. He’s going to marry the man he loves.

Alex leans forward and kisses Justin like it was their first. There was so much passion placed into the kiss that by the time they broke apart, they were both panting.

'I love you so much, Justin. Thank you for being my soulmate, my light, my life.’ Alex’s voice cracked at the end, a sign that he was going to choke up again.

'Thank you for being my muse. For loving me as I am. Thank you for just being you.’

With that Justin picks him up by the thighs and heads for the bed again. Neither of them cared about the paint that will obviously stain their bed sheets. All they care about in this moment is being with one another. Being able to share this beautiful moment together and basking in each other’s presence. They were in love. They were happy.

- This is one of the first imagines I wrote and it was based around another ship but I wanted to apply it to Justlex. I hope it doesn’t suck too much seeing as it’s literally the first thing I think I wrote ever

New Zalex fic coming soon(ish) and there is a small mention of justlex in there


so new account making 13rw imagines!! kinda nervous doing this but excited ?! so feel free to request anything. all the love
