#kai chisaki imagine



After a chance encounter at your town’s Summer’s End Carnival, you hook up with a hottie.

Only to find out he’s your English teacher.

Just a reminder that this fic displays a teacher/student relationship, where the reader is 17. This sort of relationship is NEVER okay, especially given the power difference between a teacher and student. This is a clear abuse of power. So if this is a topic/trope that greatly bothers you, I would suggest seeking other fics out.


Read first chapter here

Read previous chapter here

The first week of school flew by, and you somehow managed to act normally around Kai in class. The two of you had planned out your first date, and he was set to pick you up at noon to drive over to the next town. Thankfully, your parents always were out on Saturdays to run errands, leaving you alone to your own devices.

You took your time getting ready, braiding your hair away from your face and applying light makeup. You settled on a floral print blouse with a low cut paired with some jeans and white sneakers. As the clock ticked and approached noon, nervousness immediately flooded your senses. You walked back and forth along your living room as you waited, eyes flicking over to the clock above the television.

Five minutes before noon, your phone began to buzz in your pocket. Jumping, you snatched it out before fumbling and dropping it on the ground. You quietly cursed to yourself as you picked it up and hit “answer.”

“Hi angel, I’m down the street. I hope that’s okay.”

“I’ll be right there!”

Kai had reminded you yesterday that you both needed to be discreet, and you assured him that he could rely on you. Sucking in a breath, you grabbed your bag, locking the door behind you before you rushed off down the street. Parked underneath a wide tree, Kai sat in the driver seat of the familiar Audi. Flashes of your first night together played in your head and you secretly hoped you could recreate the magic of that night. Smiling, you opened the passenger door and slid inside.

“Hi angel.”

You felt your breath catch in your throat at the sight of Kai. He was dressed casually, which was a sharp contrast to his business casual garb at school. He wore a black T shirt tucked into a pair of dark jeans, accentuating the toned muscles of his arms and thighs.

“Hi,” you greeted him shyly.

He leaned across the center console to kiss you, his lips pulling up into a smile as he moved away.

“We best be off.”

Starting the car, he typed the directions of the bookstore into his GPS before pulling slowly into the street. His hand reached for yours, interlacing them atop your thigh. The affectionate gesture had butterflies fluttering in your stomach, and you bashfully looked away out the window.

The car ride was silent except for the music playing quietly in the background. Your nerves were preventing you from starting a conversation, and you hoped the calm atmosphere of the bookstore would help. The GPS stated it would be a twenty minute drive, so you began coming up with conversation starters in your head.

The bookstore was located on a quiet street, a sign haphazardly hanging off that read FRESH COFFEE blinking slowly. He pulled into a parking spot on the street, turning off the car before turning to look at you. Smiling, he gave you another quick peck before slipping out of the car. You swiftly followed, scrambling to his side and giving him a soft smile. He returned it before grabbing your hand and leading you inside.

The coffee shop was on the first floor, with a broad staircase leading to the second and third floors that contained the bookstore. You two surveyed the menu before swiftly ordering and settling at a table in the corner. Smiling, he leaned on his elbows as he studied your face.

“Are you as nervous as I am?”

You laughed, feeling the tension immediately leave your body. It was a relief to know he was just on edge as you were, and you suddenly felt silly at your previous behavior.

“Yeah, I thought it was just me.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve been on a date.”


A sharp pang of jealousy struck you at the thought of Kai being with other girls. It was stupid, you knew, but the thought just didn’t sit well with you.

“I’ve had one serious girlfriend. We dated the first two years of college. But things didn’t work out, and I haven’t been on a date since.”

“Wow, that’s quite a long time,” you remarked.

A worker came and dropped off your drinks before assuring you your food would be coming in a few minutes. They scuttled off, leaving you two alone again.

“I’m sure you’ve been on a few dates, being beautiful and all,” he said.

You laughed.

“I’ve never been on a date. I guess that makes this my first one.”

His brows shot up in surprise.

“Oh? I would assume the boys in your class would be all over you.”

Bakugo’s face flickered in your mind and you grimaced.

“… I wouldn’t quite say that.”

Noticing your expression, Kai figured it would be best to change the topic.

“Are there any books you want to grab while you’re here?”

You sat up, babbling on and on about your current Good Reads list and what books had caught your attention. He listened attentively the entire time, even as the food was brought and you continued to talk during the meal. Another worker came to clear your plates, and the two of you began making your way up the stairs. Your eyes went wide upon seeing the endless rows of books, with various signs pointing to the different genres. Kai slipped his hand into yours, giving it a light squeeze. You squeezed it back before dragging him down the rows.

The afternoon was spent stacking books for you to read and sneaking kisses in dim corners. He held your giant stack, continuing to be focused on you as you talked about each book you had grabbed and why you had decided to read it. He didn’t argue with you on why you shouldn’t buy a giant stack and, instead, offered to pay for the books. The two of you bickered over him paying, but he assured you he wanted to do it.

You ended up leaving with five new books courtesy of Kai. His only condition was that you let him borrow any of the books if he wanted, and you had happily agreed. As you walked back to his car, you realized you didn’t want the day to end and that you wanted to spend all your time with him. He opened the back seat, gently placing your books down before slipping into the driver’s seat.

“Do you want to go back to my place for a little while?”

Your previous thought of wanting to recreate your passionate night fluttered briefly and you eagerly nodded. Chuckling, he started the car before driving back to your town. The closer you got, the more your nervousness from before returned. Even though you had slept with him already, you were still self conscious and nervous that you wouldn’t be able to please him.

Kai drove past your street and headed towards the “Downtown” part of your town, where the majority of the businesses were. All of the apartment buildings were located there, and it was tradition that everyone would move to one after graduating high school and getting a job. He drove past a few of them before slowing down near a four story building with VIDA written on the front. Pulling down his sun visor, he clicked his garage clicker, waiting for the gate to open before driving into an underground garage.

After exiting the car, he led you up the stairs and into the courtyard. It was hip and neat, with comfortable outdoor furniture scattered about underneath bright umbrellas. A few people were sitting on some lawn chairs, dozing off in the late afternoon sun. He walked past a pool before opening the door to a building and holding it open for you. The hallway was silent as you continued to walk before he stopped at a door marked 120.

When you stepped inside, you felt your mouth drop. His apartment was incredibly posh. The living room was immediately when you walked in and was adorned with expensive looking furniture. On the patio, a hammock chair was on one side overlooking the courtyard. The kitchen was to your left, with the fridge and cabinets all a deep, gray color. The dining room was to your right, an exquisite chandelier hanging over a round dining table with four chairs.

Kai cleared his throat, causing you to jump. He removed his shoes and gestured for you to do the same.

“Sorry, I just like keeping my place clean.”

You swiftly untied your sneakers before removing them and stepping onto the plush carpet. Kai walked over to the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a water bottle. He brushed past you and walked past the dining table into what you assumed was the bedroom. Sucking in a breath, you gathered some courage and padded after him.

He was already sitting on the edge of a large four poster bed, legs crossed neatly. A large walk-in closet was off to the side, with a large bathroom nearby. Kai patted the spot beside him and you walked over before sinking down beside him.

“Wow, your place is really nice.”

Embarrassed, he reached up to rub the back of his neck.

“My old man left me quite a bit of money. He paid for this place, and I couldn’t quite refuse him.”

“I would thank him if I were you. This is reallynice.”

An awkward silence settled over the two of you. You were suddenly enthralled with the hem of your top, fiddling with it nervously as Kai quietly appraised you. He gave a quiet hum, which caused you to look up at him curiously.

He pressed his lips against yours, a hand coming up to settle on your cheek gently. You began falling backwards slowly, one hand reaching out behind to help you stay up. His tongue swiped out to lick your bottom lip before biting on it, pulling it back. You let out a moan, hands reaching up to pull on his hair.

“Lay back, angel, relax.”

Complying, you laid back, relishing in the feeling of his soft comforter. Kai was quick to hover over you, his hands settling on either side of your head. He was glancing at you with an affectionate look, pupils dilated in the soft light of the room. His hand reached down, tracing down your body until it settled at the bottom of your floral blouse.

“Is this okay, angel?” he breathed out.

You nodded, head bobbing quickly as he slowly tugged it over your chest and, eventually, over your head. His eyes grazed over your bare torso, stopping on your lace bra before he untucked his T shirt and yanked it over his head.

It was your turn to appreciate his figure, eyes focusing on his toned chest and abs before tracing lower to his hips and V lines. Noticing your gaze, his hands moved down to his jeans and swiftly unbuttoning them before pulling them down his legs. He was quick to work on your jeans next, removing them just as smoothly, leaving you in just your undergarments.

“Beautiful. Simply beautiful, angel,” he smiled.

He leaned down to kiss you tenderly, lips moving slowly against yours. His hands once again settled beside your head, his hips low as he slowly began to grind against your core. Whines bubbled deep in your throat, tumbling out and getting sucked into his mouth. A low chuckle rumbled from within him, and Kai slowly pulled away, one hand moving to your hip.

“Is this still okay?” he asked, finger hovering over your panties.

You nodded, and he slid them off, tossing them towards his clothes.

“Those are mine now,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to your navel.

Shivering, you closed your eyes, relishing in the feeling of his lips on your skin. He slowly kissed lower, his lips dragging down towards your core. Anxiety began to build in your chest as you realized this was going to be the first time someone went down on you. Endless worrying thoughts filled your head (did you smell okay? Did you look okay? Would it taste okay?) as he got lower, pressing kisses and nipping lightly at your inner thighs.

Without any warning, you felt his tongue poke your clit. You immediately saw stars behind your eyelids, hips bucking up off their own accord. Kai gave another low chuckle, hands coming to hold your hips down.

“So reactive, angel. But I’m going to ask you to relax so I can please you properly.”

With that, he dove in, tongue circling your clit slowly while he slowly pushed in a finger. The sudden feeling of being filled while also having your clit stimulated was overwhelming, and your hips tried to buck up again. Kai’s hands were stronger, keeping your hips down as he continued with his ministrations. His tongue picked up the pace, its speed increasing until you felt an orgasm building within you.

“I’m c-close, Kai,” you gasped out, throwing an arm over your eyes.

“Come for me, angel,” he muttered against you. “I want to feel you cum on my finger.”

His words had you spiraling, an orgasm ripping through you as you moaned his name loudly. Your hips bucked up, thighs clenching around him to keep him trapped, licking and pumping into you. He kept on until your orgasm ended, your body collapsing onto the sheets. You were panting, arm still over your eyes as you tried to catch your breath.

“Angel, you okay?”

You gave a weak nod, uttering a quiet mmhm while he chuckled. With your eyes shut, you heard the sound of shuffling before you felt his hand gently touch your hips.

“I’m going to turn you around, angel. Can you do that?”

Nodding, you turned around until you were on your stomach.

“Good girl. Now, can you get on your hands and knees?”

Shit. He still had to fuck you.

Although you were spent you obeyed him, clambering onto your hands and knees. You felt the bed dip behind you as Kai knelt, slowly coming towards you. His hands came up to grab your hips, giving them a light squeeze.

“Are you ready?” he asked, and you nodded eagerly.

The initial stretch this time wasn’t as painful, but the new position had you slightly aching. He would push in, stopping to let you adjust as he breathed through his teeth. Once he was fully in you, he warned you he was about to start moving.

He started off slow, his hips snapping against your ass cheeks. You let out little gasps, hands clenching on to the bedsheets to help keep you upright. It didn’t take long before his thrusts picked up, snapping sharply against you. His hands remained on your hips, keeping you in pace as he fucked into you from behind. Low grunts and moans of your name fell from his mouth, and you responded with high pitched moans and slurred syllables of his name. One hand reached up to twist in your hair, pulling your head back to peer back at him.

“I’m going to cum into your sweet little pussy,” he panted. “You going to let me, Princess?”

“Y-yes, Kai,” you stuttered out, giving him a smile at how good he was fucking you.

He released your hair, hand going down to grip your hip again. His hands were gripping them tightly as he fucked into you faster, your ass hurting from the constant impact of his hips smacking against it. You reached between your legs to rub at your clit, but he slapped it away and did it himself.

It didn’t take long for your second orgasm to build, and you came together, moaning and uttering each other’s name. Your arms, exhausted from holding you up the entire time, collapsed under you, sending you face first onto the bed. Kai fell with you, his front pressed against your sweaty backside. You felt his breath against the back of your neck, panting as he tried to calm himself down.

“Sorry, let me get you cleaned up,” he said, voice tired.

You didn’t even respond, body exhausted from the whole ordeal. You didn’t register when he returned with a wet washcloth to wipe you up, and by the time he returned with a water bottle, you had already fallen asleep.
