
King Ghidorah being cool with 3 pairs of sunglasses.

King Ghidorah being cool with 3 pairs of sunglasses.

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Somadis is my own creation. He’s from the moon.

Somadis is my own creation. He’s from the moon.

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Godzilla battling some robot on my living room wall. (unfinished)

Godzilla battling some robot on my living room wall. (unfinished)

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Pigmon/Garamon driving a little car.I seriously want that toy….Pigmon/Garamon driving a little car.I seriously want that toy….

Pigmon/Garamon driving a little car.

I seriously want that toy….

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Pigmon’s face

Pigmon’s face

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Garamon being sad about being unloved.

Garamon being sad about being unloved.

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Jamila complaining about being shot at.

Jamila complaining about being shot at.

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