

Well hell. I’m finally done with the first chapter. It was getting long, and I honestly feel like Kaisei deserves a multi-chapter story ♡ because he’s Kaisei, and deserves the world.

So, here is the first chapter:

Pairing:You & Kaisei(Rampage from Exile Tribe)

Genre:Mostly Fluff


Chapter 1: A series of events.

You pulled outfits against your body in the mirror. One of your school friends invited you out with her friends. Usually you were snuggled up in bed, trying to catch that new episode of your favorite show. Tonight, you were trying something new. You even looked at your gaming console to ensure that it wasn’t him, it was you. You would be back and y'all would be reunited afterwards to stream for your followers. Gaming was a huge hobby of yours. After all, you had been doing it since you were younger. Breaking the stigma that only guys kicked ass at games, you made it a goal nightly to silence any male chauvinist you met with.

With one shoe on and another off, you completed the task of dolling yourself up.

Geeze, if I didn’t know any better, I was a makeup artist in another life.

Final preparations happened as you heard knocking, expecting her. To your knowledge, it was supposed to be just you two, but you noticed unfamiliar faces. Stepping aside you let the others in.

“Sorry, they invited me, and I asked if you could come.”

“No that’s fine-“

“What’s this strange setup?”

You were interrupted by the taller one. She turned her nose up at your gaming layout.

“Oh, I’m a streamer. I play games and record for others to watch.” You proudly showed off your new console.

“That’s dumb, are you a child?” She scoffed at your statement.

You bit your tongue. If this was any indication of how your night was going to go, you weren’t impressed. One thing you had to constantly tell yourself was that you were going for your friend, not her.

“Actually, I’m very successful. Gaming is a stress relief for me, and I enjoy it so I don’t have to defend myself to you.”

You grabbed your clutch ready to go. This girl was extra mouthy and reminded you why you never went anywhere. At the club they chose to go with, there was a line already that wrapped around the block. From the street, you could tell it was going to be near impossible to enter, but whatever. The bouncer was in full flirt mode with the bitchy one. When he raised the rope, you felt a small sense of relief, before he pulled it down in front of you.

“I’m with them, what are you doing?”

You were clearly past annoyed at this point. You tried to catch the group but they ignored your yelling.

“I didn’t see them conversing with you.”

“Ah, I get it. I do, do you normally discriminate like this?”

“I let the pretty ones in no problem. You’ll get your turn squirt.”

This guy was the type you dealt with everyday. Your turn looked grim, until you saw the opportunity to sneak in with another group of patrons.

Prick. I’d 1v1 you right now if I was around a console to knock that arrogant attitude of yours down a notch.

You finally entered trying to catch up with the others. When you looked around, you noticed them by the bar. Clasping the clutch tighter, you marched over to the group you were supposed to be with. Again, they did nothing but ignore you to gawk at a couple of guys. You rolled your eyes so hard, you had to lower the intensity lest your eyes were in danger of falling out.

“Thanks for waiting for me ladies.”

“Oh you got in,” the mouthy one started up.

“Surprising right?” You matched her attitude.

One of the two guys she had her eyes on kept sending you smiles. It was off putting since she was the one trying to flirt. You went to the other end of the bar needing something to calm you down.

“You look bored,” two guys were standing next to you trying to spark up conversation.

“Me? Oh no, but I’m not saying I’d rather not get my head eaten off by a fire-breathing dragon.” You noticed your Discord going off. Your followers were beginning to wonder why the delay of your stream was taking place.

By that time you didn’t notice the two were also checking their phones.

Sorry everyone. I’m trying to people right now. I promise I’ll make up for it by a kick ass stream later.

You pressed reply, taking a selfie to let them see you a live and well, with the followers responding with friendly affirmations; mostly telling you to have a good night.

“Sorry about that, I stream normally around this time, and-” you stopped yourself from talking about your hobby, with the words from the other girl ringing in your ear.

“I’m Kaisei, this is Takahide.”

“Nice to meet you both.”

The three girls that found you a nuisance earlier suddenly wanted to talk to you after seeing you with Kaisei and Takahide. You were a little appalled at your friend’s behavior, by the way she treated you alongside them.

“Don’t mind her, she talks annoyingly about streaming her stupid games.”

The two guys shared glances as they were not kosher with how she was putting you down.

“You want to get out of here?” Kaisei and Takahide changed the subject.

“Oh yes actually,” the girl shoved you out of the way.

“We were talking to her,” they held their hand out to you to guide you away.

You smirked as you shoved past them. You won. You didn’t know what you were winning, but you won against them. You held your head high as you were glad to finally get out of the club. The three of y’all walked outside as fresh air hit your senses.

“Thank you guys for that.”

“It’s no problem, we game as well.”


“Yeah,” Kaisei pulled out his phone showing you the Discord chat that he was in. It was yours. “We’re actually big fans of yours.”

“So tell us your secrets master.”

“Oh,” you thought a moment trying to decide advice for them. “I make guys cry for getting beat by a woman.“

You giggled at yourself, but felt great when they started chuckling. These two were great company already.

“Oh it’s getting late, let us walk you home.” You nodded in agreement. Kaisei saw you light up when you three walked by a dancing water fountain. He grabbed your hand leading you into the fountain. You let out a screech before laughter escaped your lips. He was charming and fun to be around. You both were soaked, but you didn’t care. It wasn’t like you didn’t have clothes at home. When you tried to make your grand escape out of the fountain, Takahide picked you up carrying you to Kaisei, with you laughing.

This night was not what you were expecting, but you weren’t upset in the least bit. It was turning out greater than what you had imagined. The three of you finally made your way back to dry land.

“My brother always leaves clothes at my house, if you want you both can come raid his closet while we dry your clothes.”

“Are you sure?” Kaisei pushed back his hair.

You nodded. Surely the clothes would fit them. They were about his same size. The three of you walked to your home as you unlocked the door. Your house was little, but you were proud of it. It was the family home that you grew up in. There were a lot of memories behind the four walls. Turning on the light, you motioned for them to enter.

“The second bedroom has his clothes,” you pointed to the closed door down the hall.

They disappeared behind the door as you went to the other side of the house to your room. You pulled out your favorite pair of sweats and baggy tee, getting out of the wet clothes that became your wardrobe. In the meantime of you changing, they made their way to the living room where you had your gaming system.

“I’m starting to believe you have an unfair advantage over your enemies,” Kaisei raised his eyebrow pointing to the television.

“The only advantage I have over others is being better,” your sass came out without you realizing it.

Kaisei laughed admiring the set up, as you took their clothes to dry them.

“What do you do when you aren’t gaming?”

“I’m a laboratory tech.”

They both looked at you. In their eyes, you not only had a great personality, but you were smart.

“You have time to game? Doesn’t that take up a lot of time?” Takahide stood intrigued.

“It does, but gaming is a way to unwind. Plus I work four on and three off, so it gives me some time to myself. I’m in my own space, not having to deal with people. Unless they need me to take the labs.”

“How about it, want to go at a few games?”

“I’m not sure you’re ready for this,” you walked over to your console as you grabbed the two docked controllers, handing one over to Kaisei.

“Baby girl, you aren’t ready for me. Let’s make a wager.”

“Oo a bet. I’m game. What are we betting on?”

“I win, you have to let me take you on a date. You win, you take me on a date.”

“So either way, we’ll be going on a date?”

He nodded his head. “The choice is yours to stream or not.”

You sat in your chair looking towards Kaisei and Takahide. You hardly ever lost, but you were nervous about the possibility of Kaisei beating you in your own domain. Split screen was complicated, plus y’all could easily screen cheat.

“Fine. This will be interesting, so why not.”

The game started up as you began streaming. In the corner of your eye, Takahide first bumped Kaisei for encouragement. They got comfortable letting you explain the situation, allowing Takahide to monitor the chat. Pretty soon your followers joined, interested in the outcome.

In the beginning, Kaisei was beating your ass. You held your own with him though. Kaisei grinned as he had wanted to go up against you ever since he found your channel. Finally, you found the upper hand on him.

‘Either way the bastard is lucky. Whether he wins or lose, he still gets to date you.

The comments started pouring in.

‘MissDragonQueen, show him girls can play too!’

‘He has found his match.’

“You doing alright there? We can always call it quits.” He started to banter with you to antagonize you just a little.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

The both of you went back and forth talking shit to each other. The game had been tied all round, not knowing how it would end. Kaisei popped around the corner as you took your winning shot. You won, as he just looked at you adoringly. The round was in your favor. It was late so you ended the stream.

“When you’re not watching me stream or play, what do you do?” you just wanted to break the ice more.

“The million dollar question is where you’d like me to take you?”

You spun your chair around quite pleased with yourself. “I’ll think on it.”

“I would like you to come tomorrow to this address,” he handed over a piece of paper with little information on it.

“What is this?”

“Just come. You will find me there.”

They went to the dryer pulling out their clothes, then proceeded to get dressed. Kaisei left you in wonder on where he wanted to meet you. You had no idea who he was other than a kind soul that saved you from a disastrous situation; and a worthy opponent. They left as you just laid on the couch, drifting off into a slumber.

The next morning you looked at your phone wishing you had a message or missed call from him. Suddenly you realized that you never exchanged information with him. It was only plausible to go to the address later, so you could see him again. He had forgotten his jacket, as it was draped over the couch. You grabbed it smiling. This was proof that you weren’t just dreaming. What happened last night was real. It seemed surreal, but it was in fact real. You picked up a little around the house, nervous about later. In your room you had little wardrobe for social outings. Scrubs and your work jacket took up most of the room in your closet. You walked over to your dresser, only to be met with sweats and oversized tee-shirts.

Damnit, I literally am not equipped to go out in public. You thought to yourself with your hand in your hair feeling stressed about the situation.

You grabbed a pair of jeans slipping them on deciding to go shopping. This was going to be a solo adventure, since one of your few friends shit on you last night. Normally, she would be the one you called, but you refused to speak to her at this moment. You grabbed your keys heading out hoping you’d find something presentable to wear for him. Store after store ended up in a failed attempt. Things were looking grim until you heard Takahide shout your name.

“Takahide, how are you?”

“I’m fine but what are you doing here?”

“I don’t have clothes for social outings. What does one wear in the situation for tonight?”

He smiled at you shaking his head, “Come on, I’ll help you decide. Good job last night by the way.”

“Thank you, are you sure you have time?”

He led you to a store as you both browsed for tops. “This one looks nice. If you pair it with your jeans, it’ll look good.” He handed you the blouse.

You looked it over as he had a point, it would look nice. The only thing you didn’t need were shoes. You paid for the top as you both left the store.

“Don’t be nervous tonight. I know he’ll be happy you showed up.”

“What is this place I’m going too?”

Takahide smiled at you before he joined back up with the friends he was with.

You were literally all the help and no help at all.

Back at your house you stared at Kaisei’s jacket. Would it be okay for you to wear it? Would it seem weird? These were all viable questions you were curious about. You could at least carry it tonight to give back. As time went on your nervousness heightened. You started getting ready. Your hair was already half curled, from it getting wet the night prior. Pulling out your straightener, and curling iron, you decided on wavy. Your makeup got touched up, with no less than 10 times you poked your eye.

This was easy last night, what is wrong with me. I guess I’m gonna go with one eye able to see. Why would I need vision out of both eyes?

You finally finished, managing to not become permanently blind. It was time for you to head there. The Uber pulled up as you gave him the address. When you arrived you saw a venue for a concert.

Strange choice for a date but okay.

The guy at the door took your name as he let you in. He didn’t even pull the rope down in front of you. You walked in expecting to see Kaisei, but there was no sight of him in the crowd. You were escorted up front, right in front of the stage. Music started playing as your curiosity was piqued, the guys took the stage as you saw Kaisei amongst them. They started singing as Kaisei was gliding across the stage. He was so entrancing, it was hard to not notice him. You clutched his jacket tighter bringing it closer to you. Ever so often he’d look over at you, but you weren’t so sure if he could see you from the lighting on stage.

The song ended as he got off stage. More guys joined the three as Kaisei returned with a different outfit on. You were happy to see him. It was apparent he was having a good time.

So you’re a performer. Who would have thought.

The last song played as Kaisei winked at you. You instantly felt some type of way. Awestruck was the only word that came to mind. Everyone started to leave the venue as you started making your way out the door. Kaisei’s voice called out to you stopping you from leaving.

“So how did you enjoy the show?”

“It was amazing Kaisei,” you still had his jacket, hugging it.

He looked down and pointed at his jacket, “I wondered where I left it.”

“Oh yes, here,” you handed it over, “you left it on the back of my couch.”

Kaisei took it smiling. “If you’ll wait for like five minutes I’ll be out. We can walk, or go grab dinner, or something.”

You smiled back at him excited to spend more time with him. He took off back up the stage as he disappeared.

Oh that boy is fine. I could never get tired of looking at him dance.

It had been a little over five minutes, as Kaisei finally made his way to you. Even with him dancing so much, he seemed so full of energy. All you knew was if you tried that, you’d be screaming for electrolytes and cake in an IV.

“How long have you danced?”

“Since I was two.”

You stopped walking, amazed at what you just heard. He chuckled dropping his head.

“Wow. Just, you glided on stage. That aggressive dance you did where you looked like you were beating on your chest. That was just hard to look away from.”

“Krumping? That’s not aggressive.”

You tried to mimic it as you could feel yourself laughing from how awkward you probably looked to him.

“It was impressive, is what it was.”

“I can teach you if you’d like?”

“Oh no, I have two left feet. I’d be more of a comedic relief that anything. Plus I’m clumsy.”

He laughed at your hesitation, and statement. Kaisei was really charming to be around. You got quiet as the river was next to you. It was really pretty the way the reflection of the moon bounced off the top of the water’s sparkly surface. He just stood with you as you admired the beauty, unbeknownst to you that he thought the same about you.

“Have you thought about where you wanted to go?”

“Not yet, to be honest I was too nervous to think of anything past tonight.”

“Oo the sassy gamer nervous? That never happens.”

You side shoulder checked him, even though he was like a wall: immovable. He chuckled at your attempt.

“Nice try, but you can’t touch this.” He jumped in front of you doing a ridiculous dance.

All you could do was giggle. His cockiness was even attractive.

“Sir, you have an unfair advantage on me.”

“The only unfair advantage I have, is being better on my feet.”

He used your line from the night before, sprucing it up to fit him.

“That phrase is trademarked. It’ll cost you for using that.”

He stopped in your path, causing you to stumble. You were eye-level at this point. “What’s the price?”

His eyes were perfect from this view. They were filled with adoration when he looked at you; magnetic even. You could feel your heart pounding right out of your chest. The corner of his mouth went up as he gave you a grin. He grabbed your hand pulling you to the ice cream shop on the corner of the street.


“Yeah,” he stopped looking defeated, “are you throwing shade at ice-cream? If so, we can’t be friends since ice-cream is a gift from heaven.”

His comment made you giggle, as you followed. You just weren’t expecting him to be so excited about ice-cream. You both ordered waiting for the wonderfulness that was known to others as ice-cream sundaes. You got a phone call, as you answered. It was work; someone called in like usual, making you have to go in a night earlier. You groaned as you hung up the phone. You could tell Kaisei heard the whole conversation as his smile turned downwards.

“I’m sorry we have to cut this short. I have to go to the hospital immediately.”

“I understand, duty calls. At least let me walk you to the hospital.”

You nodded as you both took off towards your job.

“Hey thanks for tonight though, I had fun,” you said shyly.

“I don’t know if I’m being forward, but I’d like to see you again,” Kaisei looked into your soul.

It threw you off, but deep down you loved that he wanted to see you again. Kaisei was sweet and had a fun personality. He was one you could see dating long-term. Butterflies filled your stomach as you answered briskly.

“I’d like that as well, so yes you can see me again.”

The walk to the hospital wasn’t long enough. As you approached the stairs to the entrance, you felt solemn. It would feel like an eternity before you’d see him again, since you worked no less than twelve hours a day. Now, you looked forward to being off of work. You hugged him before you realized your actions. When he reciprocated the hug you just melted into his arms.

“Let me see your phone,” he reached out his hand as you grabbed it out of your purse placing it in his palm, “here’s my number feel free to text, or call me any time. I’m always available for you.”

His words were just as sweet as he was. You sent him a text letting him see your number as well. You waved at him as you ascended the stairs. It was truly amazing how a horrible night turned into a series of amazing events.

THE RAMPAGE RIKUの「音楽大陸」 夏の特別編「RIKUと海青のなつやすみ」後編Credit by: https://natalie.mu/music/column/441599 

THE RAMPAGE RIKUの「音楽大陸」 夏の特別編「RIKUと海青のなつやすみ」後編

Credit by: https://natalie.mu/music/column/441599 

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Since I can’t contain my feels for The Rampage’s “Get Ready to Rampage MV” I'm gonna make this kinda short but long post lmfao. Too bad it’s only the performers but I guess the 3 Vocalists will have their own or idk. I can forsee that this post will just be nonsense but I’ll do it anyway, and I won’t post gifs(probably) only screenies because I feel too lazy right now and my laptop is “retire-able” so it can’t do very fast jobs now kek.

Okay so as soon as the boys appear I know you can already feel the badassery of this 6 minute video (well actually the moment Anarchy appeared but anyway)


Go on, keep reading :^)




Ken-chan omggggggggg


Look at the shogos, Iwasho looks so friggin cool here I’m……


Takuma’s tongue, look at itsuki’s smirk HAHA






I don’t know if Rui’s small or Kaisei’s just tall


I actually just noticed that Iwasho doesn’t have a pair and just had to go to Kenta




Kenta is such a cutie ISTG




Shogo didn’t just do that






I really like Kenta’s dance style (this really is a still image so kenta be raising his hand forever)






FCKU KAISEI SO BADASS, actually he’s really cute when he smiles


Rui’s freestlye is one of my favorites


I kinda got reminded of Gun-chan lmao, actually Makoto kind of looks like someone I don’t remember who tho.






Itsuki I see you… LOOK AT TAKAHIDE HE’S SO GOOD (he’s kinda skinny tho lol)




Iwasho’s dance style is also one of my favorites, look at him shaking his head at lightning speeeeed


AND OF COURSE THE BAE. Kenta and Itsuki at the back tho)


Idk but Yamasho’s and Naoto’s dance style is a bit similar. Only a bit.




Likiya’s fast hands  (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I’M LITERALLY RAMPAGING RIGHT NOW. This is like a reaction video in written form. SO yeah, I’m DONE. Kbye.
