#kaizoku sentai gokaiger



GokaiRed vs Twokaiser, excuse meeehh?!

I just started watching Kamen Rider Fourze because I was recently watching Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and it reminded me of that photo set of Gentarou jumping off a bridge to get the love letter for the girl.

The thing was, I had no fucking clue what the show was and I was already searching for the photo set a year or so ago. Thank god I actually did reblog it at one point and I found it in my archive.

This show is fucking bonkers and I absolutely love it.

Seeing the Gokaiger/Zenkaiger poster had my brain unfolding a situation where Marvelous decides the Goldtsuikers’ business isn’t his to keep and walks off, and Gai tries to appeal to his better nature by asking what if it was Ahim-san marrying - but before he can finish Marvelous pivots on his heels and looks ready to toss that hypothetical Ahim suitor into space
