

Kakashi Week 2022 will run September 11th-18th!

(A bit more information here; detailed guidelines will be posted when we announce our prompts, but will be similar to past years.)

We will, as always, accept works with any content you choose to create, so long as it is inspired by one (or more) of our prompts, and focuses on Kakashi!

We are now asking for your suggestions - what prompts would you like to see for Kakashi Week this year? Let us know via this form! ( https://forms.gle/629Zieoy97grcgDw7 ) Which will be open through all of March.

Please remember that all prompts must be open to either gen or ship interpretations.

We’ll announce our prompts for this year, chosen from your suggestions, on April 3rd!

A note that with the exception of Kakashi’s Birthday, our Free Day, and Any AU (staples of our event), we’ll exclude any prompts that were featured in last year’s event, to allow a broader creative base. Prompts from before that are welcome to be suggested again.

Thank you, and please spread the word if you’re interested in our event or know people who might be!

~Kakashi Week Mod


As promised, Kakashi Week is back for 2022!

When is it:
September 11th-18th, across Kakashi’s birthday, as usual!

(Late submissions will be reblogged through the end of September.)

What is it:
A fan creation event celebrating our favourite masked ninja! Gen or ship works are welcomed, of any rating or content, so long as they are Kakashi-centric and inspired by one or more of our prompts.

What are the prompts:
Still to be decided! We are currently taking your suggestions (form can be found here) and will announce our prompts on April 3rd. There will be two prompts for each day, for a total of sixteen.

Who can play:
Anyone who wishes to! No sign-up or anything necessary, only create works inspired by our prompts if you wish!

Where is it:
Here on Tumblr @kakashiweek​, on AO3 (our collection is Kakashi Week 2022), and while we are not running actively there we are also on Twitter @KakashiWeek!

What works are allowed:
Any Kakashi-centric gen or ship content, in any medium you would like to create! Fanart, fanfiction, edits, not!fic, GIFsets, meta, etc. are all welcome!

We’ll put out a post with our full guidelines (and an FAQ) when we announce our prompts, but they will be similar to prior years. Feel free to send us an ask or message with any questions!

~Kakashi Week Mod
