#kal skirata positive



In case anyone is on the fence about reading the Republic Commando book series:

It’s fantastic. Seriously. I’m about halfway through the second book and I’ve been grinning like an idiot for most of the half I’ve read. And if you - like me - feel like the clones need more in-universe love, just know that Kal Skirata (pictured below) is going to be your hero.

A man in yellow Mandalorian armor faces the viewer. His helmet is off. His face is weathered and he is probably nearing 50 years old. His gray hair is cut short and he is smiling slightly.

Here’s a direct pull from the book:

Then he [Skirata] leaned across the table, seized Ordo two-handed by his shoulder pauldron, and gave him a noisy and exaggerated paternal kiss on the top of his head.

(Triple Zero, Page 102, para. 3)

And if you want a little backdrop to make it even better, they’re in a public place, Kal just bought his adopted murder son a greasy breakfast, and they are both highly trained and willing to kill people. But Ordo had a good idea, Kal was proud, and a true Mandalorian isn’t ashamed to show feelings.

Not only is Kal Skirata Dad Goals, he’s one of the few characters in the prequel trilogy era we see care* about the clones - and without the fear of attachment we see in most of the Jedi characters.

(*Granted, I could be horribly wrong about this since I have so much of the series still to read, but I’m just so happy that I had to share this!)

I’ve seen a lot of posts about why these books are problematic, and there are definitely some not-great parts, but I would still say they’re worth a read!
