#kaminari x reader


also send in requests! i’m back from my little break and since a few episodes of the new season are out, i wanna write a little! send in some smut, fluff, angst, WHATEVER about any of the characters i write about and let’s get back in this


warnings: none, just fluff :)
characters: shoto todoroki, denki kaminari, bakugo katsuki

synopsis: them being cute gamers or whatever

a/n: i chose the characters i could see being streamers/gamers the most but lmk if you guys want a part 2 with more people :)

shoto todoroki

- you two met through twitch and immediately clicked

- you would stay up for countless hours playing anything and everything together

- your guy’s numbers started growing when you complimented shoto on stream once and he malfunctioned

- he got so flustered that he had to turn his camera off and regain composure

- ever since, your viewers have speculated something more than a friendship is going on between you two

- you guys like to feed into it and keep people guessing

shoto is down to a one v four in CSGO. somehow your whole team had slipped up and got wiped by your opposer, leaving shoto to fend for himself. you know he’s a phenomenal player, probably the best player you know in all honesty. but for some reason, your faith in him clutching this match is substantially low. your chat is in agreement, being poor sports and commenting as though shoto had already lost.

you watch as he uses his main, an AK47, to plant a perfect headshot into an unexpecting enemy.

“ok ok, nice shot shoto. 3 more like that.” you cheer him on. he’s quiet, too focused to respond but your morale boost is very appreciated on his end. you have his stream open on the side of your monitor and you watch as his eyebrows furrow so tightly together it almost makes you laugh. but you refrain, not wanting to distract him from his detrimental task. after a few seconds of walking around the map shoto is met by another member from the opposing team. his reflexes are eerily quick as he slides his mouse, aligning his crosshairs perfectly on the opponents head and taking the shot in a matter of seconds. instant headshot kill.

“holy. ok two more.” you state, quite frankly at a loss for words.

you hear a few distant shots and shoto notices them too. those cat-like reflexes take over once more, he turns to see the remaining two opponents approaching him, firing their weapons mercilessly. shoto crouches and fires his gun. he hits one opponents chest and the other’s arm, though it’s not enough to take them out. his health is dangerously low, but he fires again and lands two perfect headshots. the rest of your team goes absolutely insane and shoto has the most smug smirk on his face as he tries to humbly mask the fact that he just annihilated a one v four with mostly headshots.

“that was so sexy, oh my fucking god.” you exclaim, unaware of the volume in which you said it.

“wait, what?” he chokes, though there’s no possible way he didn’t hear what you said.

“that was sexy, you’re too good.” you repeat, adding a bit more emphasis on the ‘sexy’ this time.

you look at his stream on your screen, his face is flushed of all color save for the rich red blush creeping over his cheeks.

“yeah thanks um, you uhh, you did really sexy-really good too y/n.”

“shoto, i died in the first five seconds.” you laugh.

he turns his face cam off and you feel slightly guilty for flustering him into embarrassment, but it was fully unintentional. his reaction was cute though, an image stored away in your brain forever. you glance at your chat which is full of people laughing and saying you broke shoto. you giggle while reading each comment but your laughter is cut short by shoto’s reappearance.

“sorry about that, needed some water.” shoto explains while awkwardly scratching the back of his head. “chat relax, stop spamming ‘sexy shoto’” he continues.

you laugh again before muttering, “i mean, they’re not wrong.” to what you thought was yourself, but apparently you need to work on your whispering because both your chat and shoto hear you.

“maybe i need to start clutching one v fours more often then.” he tries to play it off coolly but that telltale blush is still plastered on his face.

“if you clutch another one then i might just have to kiss you, i don’t even know.” you joke, though you’re not sure if you’re even fully joking at this point.

“bet.” he responds as you guys queue up for another match, where shoto does in fact clutch another one v four.

denki kaminari

- you’re his streamer crush

- you know of him because you’ve played with him in a few lobbies put together by mutual friends

- but everything you know about him is surface level

- one thing you do know about him though, is he’s very competitive

- and so are you

- so what happens when you two are put in the same crab game lobby?

- one word…

- chaos

you tend to be decently calm and collected, but for some reason video games bring out the absolute devil in you. today one of your friends invited you to play crab game in a huge group they had put together. you figured it’d be super fun to play with your friends and meet people in the lobby that you haven’t yet, so you agreed to be apart of it.

upon entering the game, chaos is already ensuing. there are about fifty players already in game, chatting and jumping all over the place, hitting each other and laughing. you can tell tonight is going to be fun.

you’re about to go see if you can find anyone you know when someone with a name you’re somewhat familiar with but don’t know too well begins to approach you.

“i hear you’ve never lost a game of crab game” the guy states.

interesting way to start a conversation you think to yourself.

“you’ve heard correctly then.” you respond smugly. it’s true, granted you’ve only played three times, but still.

“well i’m here to change that.” he responds. you can’t see his face but you can tell he has an all too confident smirk spread across it.

“well, denki? am i saying that right?” you ask and he simply hums in response.

“that’s big talk for someone i didn’t even know existed until five seconds ago.” you continue.

“oh trust, you’ll know who i am by the end of the game.” he says nonchalantly before walking away.

you could scoff at his audacity, but something about the banter intrigued you and you most definitely were not about to let him win.

after everyone has readied up, the game starts with the classic red light green light. you’re stood to the right of the map and you notice denki walking towards you and stopping once he’s standing behind you. you know what he’s about to try and do, he wants to hit you during a red light so you get eliminated. clever but predictable, you don’t plan on letting him win that easily.

the huge doll at the end of the path begins singing, signaling that it’s time for the players to move. you do exactly that, making sure to dodge and weave to make it difficult for denki to hit you.

“why are you moving so much, you scared?” denki asks while everyone is stopped and waiting for the doll to move again.

“not scared of you if that’s what you’re implying.”

“are you sure about that?” denki questions before clicking his mouse, causing his character to hit yours.

in perfect timing, the doll turns around and begins singing again.

“i’ll remember that.” you say, already plotting how you’d get your revenge for his attempted murder.

you both barely complete this round after countless attempts to get the other eliminated. this continues for the entire game with you guys targeting one another other in each challenge, ignoring anyone around you. obstacle after obstacle, you guys barely make it through. no one else is seen as a threat and it almost seems as though all the other players are leaving you to hash out whatever rivalry had brewed in the lobby.

eventually you two are the last ones standing in bomb tag. the premise of the game is to be the last one standing without the bomb. you’re the one who starts with it and denki is already sprinting across the map. he jumps and climbs ladders with ease, gaining distance on you. though you’re able to cut him off and tag him, transferring the bomb to him. you run away as quickly as possible but you evidently weren’t fast enough because he tags you back immediately. you’re now in possession of the bomb again with fifteen seconds on the clock. ten seconds. five seconds. you lose hope in winning until denki trips up and accidentally slips down a ladder, you tag him and the bomb explodes his character.

“hell yeah, eat my ass bitch boy. what was that you said about changing my win rate? i can’t hear you talking shit now. aw, are you embarrassed? cute.” you say with mock sympathy. you’re admittedly a bit too excited for winning something as dumb as crab game, but it’s the satisfaction of beating denki that’s so gratifying. you wait for a response for a couple seconds, hearing a faint

“chat, i think she’s my soulmate.” before respawning back in the lobby.

katsuki bakugo

- you’re his significant other that makes occasional appearances on his stream

- like denki, he’s very competitive

- so his viewers think it’s hilarious how soft he gets when you’re there

- he’ll be in the midst of cussing someone out with every cuss word known to man in two different languages

- then you’ll walk in and ask what he wants for dinner and he’s just like

- “whatever you want baby, i know you had a long day so get what’ll make you happy. let me bow down to you and kiss your feet while you’re at it.”

- that’s not exactly what he says, but his chat swears that’s what he sounds like

“holy shit you absolute fucking moron, are you actually fucking kidding me deku? how are you so fucking shit at this game?” bakugo practically growls at his friend on the other end of the discord call.

“i literally asked for backup ten times but your dumb ass wanted to try and take out a whole team on your own.” izuku explains.

“well maybe if you weren’t complete dog shit you wouldn’t have needed backup in the first place doofus.” bakugo counters.

“says the guy who died to a bot last round.” kirishima laughs, chiming in on the argument.

“fuck off. don’t even get me started on you, you fucking-”

“hey babe, oh sorry. i didn’t know you were still streaming.” you stop yourself, beginning to back out of the room.

“wait no, it’s ok. come say hi.” bakugo says, his tone a complete 180 from the menacing demon he was about to unleash on kirishima. you walk into frame, sitting in the extra chair that katsuki has for whenever you guest star in his streams.

“hi chat. hi eijiro and izuku.” you smile and wave, catching how bakugo looks at you endearingly as you do so. his chat starts booming with ‘hi y/n’s’ and ‘how are you’s.’

“i’m good, how are you guys?” you ask, used to this routine from the first time you appeared on bakugo’s stream. one comment in particular catches your eye.

‘i’m good, bakugo seems to be having a rough day though lol’

you read the comment aloud before laughing to yourself and asking “why’s that?” even though you could more than likely guess why.

‘he’s ass at valorant but keeps blaming his friends for it’ someone else comments.

“i heard” you respond “katsuki, you can’t cuss out your friends for being shit when you’re shit yourself.”

“damn, she got you there.” you hear kirishima mumble.

“kirishima shut the hell up before i shove my fist up your-”

“katsuki.” you cut him short, rolling your eyes at how easily hot headed your boyfriend can get.

“sorry.” he mutters, voice still sharp yet carrying a lot less bite.

you glance over his chat again, looking at everyone talking about how amusing it is that you calm him down so easily.

you and bakugo spot a ‘i can definitely tell who wears the pants in this relationship and it’s not bakugo…’ comment at the same time.

“tsk. i wear the pants. end of story.” bakugo grunts.

“hm, wonder if you’d still enjoy wearing the pants while you’re sleeping on the couch tonight.” you shrug.

“what? no.” his whole demeanor softens as he turns to face you, his eyes are pleading for any sign of a joke in yours.

“ok fine, we share the pants. a pant leg each.” he sighs.

“better.” you reply with a smile and you stand up to leave.

you wave ‘bye’ to bakugo’s viewers, basking in the glory of them all knowing katsuki has an inescapable soft spot for you, and there’s nothing he can do about it.


warnings: suggestive content
characters: hitoshi shinso, shouto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, izuku midoriya, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero, minoru mineta

summary: shinso joins the boys gc with a bang.

a/n: another long one for you guys since i’ve been slacking on the content lately and the end is so funny to me lmao. also, ignore the time stamps. 

read the next one here


warnings: suggestive content
characters: shouto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, izuku midoriya, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero, tenya iida, minoru mineta, fumikage tokoyami

summary: bakugou finds handcuffs and interrogates the 1-a boys gc about it.

a/n: this ones longer than the others bc i had so much fun writing it bahaha. hope you guys enjoy !!

read the next one here!



warnings: suggestive content

characters: shouto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, izuku midoriya, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero, tenya iida, minoru mineta, fumikage tokoyami

summary: nothing is safe in the 1-a boys gc…

+ deku being deku.

a/n: if you haven’t read “have you ever made a girl squirt before?” you should do that first :)

read the next one here!

“have you ever made a girl squirt before?”

warnings: suggestive content

characters:shouto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, izuku midoriya, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero, tenya iida, minoru mineta

summary: the 1-a boys have a group chat and todoroki makes the mistake of mentioning something quite suggestive.

a/n: i’m considering making the 1-a boys gc a series if this does well lol. i think it’d be really fun.

read the next one here!

a/n: slow updates as usual, i cut the tip of my finger at work changing receipt paper so bear with me, that shit hurteded :(  this is just a little self-indulgent piece, so i hope you guys like it!! this is also hella short, i apologize >-<

summary: a hangout with your close friends turns into a little fuss for your affections

key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk

gender neutral reader

warnings: swearing, fluff, multiple characters x reader

word count: 503

»»————- ★ ————-««


*i’m unsure of this image’s ownership!! so credit to whoever owns this!!*

»»————- ★ ————-««

You’re sitting in Sero’s lap, his arms locked over your shoulders as you lean on his chest, his head resting on top of yours. You giggle at a tiktok that Kaminari shows you, and everything just feels right.

Kirishima is painting Bakugou’s nails, despite the blond saying he could do it himself. After a sort of bad day, you’d asked if you could all hang out, and thankfully they all agreed, so here you were, in Sero’s room, just vibing.

When Kirishima was done, he looked over at you, now snuggling under Sero’s knitted sweater. 

“What’re you doin’ under there!” Kirishima lightly nudged where your head would be, forcing you to pop up from the neck-hole, glancing at him.

“Searching for treasure.” You said with a grin.

“Under his shirt? You’re not gonna find much.” Kaminari teased.

“Oh shut up!” Sero called to the yellow-blond.

“It’s warm under here at least, unlike someone’s freezing cold ass.” You mutter, poking fun at Kaminari, who was unusually cold all the time.

“It’s not my fault!” Kaminari protests, crossing his arms over his chest, moping away from the group. 

Bakugou is sadly forced to sit patiently while his nails dry, and it’s going to take a few minutes. He wants to snatch you away from Sero and hold you on his own.

You give Sero a light peck on his cheek before leaving his sweater and moving over to Kirishima.

“You guys are so mean to one another, there’s plenty of me to go around.” You huff, sitting in front of Kirishima.

“Paint my nails next!” You smile, holding your hands up.

“Anything for you, beautiful.” He murmurs, smiling as he reaches for the bottle.

Kaminari moves behind you and begins playing with your hair.

“That feels nice.” You hum. 

“Are you feeling better?” He asks quietly, leaning his head on the back of your shoulder.

“Much, thanks for letting me bug you guys.” You speak to all of them as Kirishima leans in and presses a tender kiss to your forehead. You glance at Bakugou who looks left out.

“Hey, dumbass.” You mock him lovingly.


You cut him off with a peck on his lips, leaving him speechless, his cheeks turning pink as the rest of his friends begin to chuckle at his expression.

“Too easy man.” Sero laughs.

“Shut up!” Bakugou yells, a smile on his lips, growing as he stares at you.

Kaminari nudges for you to turn and glance at him, and when you do he places a peck on your cheek.

“You don’t bug us, dummy.” 

“Yeah! We’re always here for you!” Kirishima adds in.

“You guys are the best.” You smile. Enjoying the comfort that they give you. It seemed silly to be so in love with the four, but here you were, falling more and more in love with each of them.

That night consisted of pizza, video game raging, and cuddles for everyone, and needless to say, the bad day you’d had, had melted away almost instantly.

»»————- ★ ————-««



While fighting you were hit with a quirk that knocked you out immediately, but were you really knocked out? Suddenly you find yourself being thrust into a literal fairytale, only able to wake up once you find your happy ending. After the prologue choose which fairytale you live out and who you live it with!

1.Shouto TodorokiCinderella

2.Izuku Midoriya

3.Katsuki Bakugou

4.Eijirou Kirishima

5.Tamaki Amajiki

6.Mirio Togata

7.Denki Kaminari

8.Hitoshi Shinsou

9.Keigo Takami (Hawks)


My main Masterlist

Taglist Form (or send an ask or pm, you can ask to be tagged for certain characters or for everyone!) If you’ve already filled it out and didn’t see a Shinsou option, my bad I accidentally deleted him but he is there now you should be able to edit your response


While fighting you were hit with a quirk that knocked you out immediately, but were you really knocked out? Suddenly you find yourself being thrust into a literal fairytale, only able to wake up once you find your happy ending. After the prologue choose which fairytale you live out and who you live it with!

Fairytale Phenomenon masterlist

Main masterlist

Warnings: cursing!!

Word count: 350

It was a dark and stormy night…

Nah, just kidding! It was 8am! Which is way too early to be doing what you’re doing right now!

As if simply existing at this hour wasn’t exhausting enough, you were fighting with all your might, landing hits on your enemy left and right.

Despite your battle success thus far, you weren’t invincible, and that fact was made apparent when you were knocked out by an embarrassingly large hit from someone whose quirk let out a shining ray of light, the last thing you laid eyes on before your vision went dark and you lost consciousness.

Immediately after passing out you found yourself in a dark abyss, the only presence other than yourself the person whose quirk you were under.

Okay what the fuck.

“Welcome Y/N.”

Okay what the FUCK.

“Don’t be shocked! This is simply an effect of my quirk! I’m not even real, and neither is this place! It’s all in your head!”

“So where’s my body?!”

“I’m sure your colleagues will eventually bring you to some sort of medical care, they only think you’re in a coma after all!”

“They’re still fighting and I’m just lying there useless?!”


Okay. What. The. F U C K.

“Well then how the hell do I wake up?”

“Oh! This part’s fun!” You were quickly losing patience, you didn’t have time for the quirk wielder’s peppy attitude, you needed to get back out there and help your team.

“My quirk is called fairytale: It puts people to sleep until they beat the story it puts them through. You are about to be transported into an alternate reality in which you live out a fairytale! You won’t wake up until you get your happy ending with your prince!”

“With my what?”

“Oh Y/N, I’m in your head, remember? I know all about your little crush!” You couldn’t believe the situation you were in. This is a dream right? A simple delusion? You don’t actually have to live a fairytale?

“Oh! It’s starting! You got lucky, this time it’s-”

To be continued…

A/N: I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!! AHHHH!!!! I have so many Disney movies to watch for research ASDMLSKS. Basically this is the universal prologue, then there’s a masterlist which will link each character’s oneshot! There will eventually be a route for all 10 characters I write for! This might take me a while tho, so bear with me here. I’m gonna be pretty busy for about the next month, so the first oneshot may not come out very soon but this idea lives in my mind rent free and I decided to go ahead and write the prologue and post it!!


To be tagged in future parts fill out this form or send me an ask or pm! You can ask to be tagged for certain characters or for all of them! (Those who I tagged here won’t be tagged in future unless they ask to be, I don’t want to spam!)
