#kara talks


Hi! Thanks for following me :D

A lot has been happening recently so expect more art with less time in between ;) I turned 24 in July (I feel old already… oo boy) and graduated for the 3rd time. Now it’s time to find a job.

What else is new. I’m looking into the whole convention artists and selling art. But for now I think I’ll have to keep things on the local side. (Aka Belgium, that tiny little spot on the European map). For now I’m going to start with postcards, stickers, buttons, handmade/handpainted tote bags and maybe one or 2 A3 sized prints.

On the art theft matter, my drawing got removed from the account but a lot of stolen art is still on it. On my mainblog @shinybumofleonardodavinci you can find more info and links on what to do or how to help. We hope to find all the original artists so they can file a report against that blog too.

Kara out

it’s official! I have a teaching job for a month so far. But I really forgot how much work class and lesson preparations where.

I have 5 classes of grade school kids, so that means 10 lesson preparations. wish me luck.
