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Every time I see a new follower, I cannot stop myself from welcome you … 

“Ooooh, a new follower, welcome ! :D ”
It’s ridiculous but I wanted to tell you

im so bitter we never got the last divergent movie. listen to me, those movies were goooooood, the directing was amazing, the actors were perfect, shailene and theo’s chemistry is just top notch

I will try to fill my blog with original content but will not hesitate to reblog a good post.

The probability of finding a cuck or anyone sharing such fantasy from chandigarh and that too on tumblr is close to zero but still a hope can make you do weird things :P

Hi! Thanks for following me :D

A lot has been happening recently so expect more art with less time in between ;) I turned 24 in July (I feel old already… oo boy) and graduated for the 3rd time. Now it’s time to find a job.

What else is new. I’m looking into the whole convention artists and selling art. But for now I think I’ll have to keep things on the local side. (Aka Belgium, that tiny little spot on the European map). For now I’m going to start with postcards, stickers, buttons, handmade/handpainted tote bags and maybe one or 2 A3 sized prints.

On the art theft matter, my drawing got removed from the account but a lot of stolen art is still on it. On my mainblog @shinybumofleonardodavinci you can find more info and links on what to do or how to help. We hope to find all the original artists so they can file a report against that blog too.

Kara out


Sorry for the long absence but some stuff happened that was quite important to tackle first. XD

I had my very first art booth at Leipzig Bookfair in March and it was a blast! I made a lot of new stuff for it and in the next days I’ll start finally posting the new art stuff over here :)

I’m also working on a webshop atm, so if you like something of the bookfair batch you can purchase them. I still got prints, stickers and charms left :3 

Besides that life was also busy- I got a part time job I’ll start on next Monday, was able to start my testosterone treatment AND just changed my legal name and official sex entry. So. A lot of good stuff happening, but unfortunately this meant cutting back in Social Media stuff. (and when I finally got some time to do it….yup, caught a big fat nasty cold….)

I’m trying my best to catch up, thank you for sticking with me 0/ 

Expect a lot of posts in the next weeks :3

Hey everyone!

I know I haven’t been as active as I wanted to be here (gosh all the stuff I still need to post here from my sketchbook *sweats) but because of Tumblr’s new rules concerning NSFW stuff I will remove my adult work for the time being.

The funny thing is, I actually thought of creating a NSFW side tumblr just for my NSFW art but I guess that’s out of the question now anyway pfffff

Because nobody knows right now how much will be put into action of these new rules I just want to be on the safe side and follow them for now. That means in the future you won’t see any new NSFW stuff over here, or my older NSFW works.

I will keep posting some stuff over here, but my main activity will be over at Twitter (though the naughty stuff will be featured via privatter): MaxImproving

There you can see more frequently WIPs, sketches, and so on. (mainly Detroit Become Human atm but Les Mis will be back very soon too!)

But all this doesn’t mean I’m not available for NSFW commissions, requests, prompts and requests. :3 It’s just a way to save this blog and respect the new rules.

I hope to see you there, and thank you all for still following here too :3

(edit: this was my 300th post here…lol tumblr lol)
