
 Another morph of the ever beautiful kariwernersKari leaned down as she noticed something sparkling

Another morph of the ever beautiful kariwerners

Kari leaned down as she noticed something sparkling in the bottom of the box. She sat down her stack of files she had been organizing and reached into the old box and pulled out a ring. Heavy, golden, far too large for a finger, maybe it was just a really thick earring? It did have a little clip on segment… She looked it over, it actually reminded her more of a bulls nose ring than a earring. For some reason she couldn’t explain she unclasped it and fitted it between her nostrils. It hung there, heavily and she laughed at how silly she must look. Then she felt it.

A sharp pain stabbed at her nose and she yelped in surprise as much as pain. Somehow the nose ring had stung her quite painfully, maybe the clasp poked her. She tried to work it loose but was only rewarded with more pain. Kari brushed her dark locks of hair out of her face and walked toward the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Maybe with it’s help she could see why the ring was so… stuck. She was eager to get it out, her nose was starting to feel swollen. She breathed deeply in annoyance at the unfortunate jewelry only to notice that her shirt felt rather tight against her chest. She hurried her pace as she became aware that her chest felt just as swollen as her nose, and her ears and temples had started to sting lightly.

By the time she reached the bathroom the sides of her head were splitting, her ears felt numb, her nose felt… wrong, and her breasts. She didn’t need a mirror to see that they had grown more than a few cup sizes in such a short time. What she did see in the mirror was enough to leave her speechless. Her nose was thick… wide… pink, it looked… Kari noticed that her ears had taken on a strange shape and stuck far to the sides of her head, as she reached to feel them she poked her hand over something sharp. A hard protrusion coming out of the spot that stung so bad. She brushed her hair away and saw that a… horn was jutting out of her skin.

“W-whats happening!? What did that Noooooose ring dooooo to mooo!?”

It took her a moment to realize that half of her sentence had sounded like the bellowing Moo of a cow. She tried to speak again and once more found that every other word seemed to be a loud Moo. She felt her heart racing beneath her expanding breasts, everything was happening so quick and… why did she feel so… good? She tried to shake the feeling but only ended up jingling the large ring in her nose. Sure it looked silly, but… it actually was kind of cute with the ears and how pink her nose was. She blushed a little as she let out an intentional Moo. It was a small and timid sound and she tried a second time with more gusto.

“MoooOooooO!” The sound almost burst out of her, it was far louder than she had intended and she clamped her hands over her mouth hoping that nobody had heard her.

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