#karl urban



itsnatemitchell: A little more London fun #theboystv (x)

The Boys cast react to iconic moments from the show

The Boys cast break down season 3 fan theories

itsnatemitchell: A little more London fun #theboystv (x)

Interview with Jensen AcklesandKarl Urban

#jensen ackles    #karl urban    #interviews    


The Boys cast react to iconic moments from the show


Interview with Jensen AcklesandKarl Urban


“It’s devastating to lose a family member,” said Karl Urban, the film’s Dr. McCoy, reflecting on Yelchin’s loss. “We’re at a point where we should be celebrating, not only this film, but this beautiful man, this talented man. For all of us, it’s almost incomprehensible to be at a point where we have to talk about him in the past. The pain of his loss is still very raw.”

“He was just a good guy,” offered Chris Pine, who plays Captain Kirk and shared many scenes paired with Yelchin in the latest outing. “He was very sweet. He’s very beautifully, authentically Anton. There was not much of a sensor on the boy.“ 

"I remember one of the first times I met him, like nine years ago or whatever, he was 17,” Pine continued. “I invited him back to my trailer to play guitar because I knew he played guitar, and he played guitar really, really, really well. And he said, ‘I can’t man, I’ve got to go back to my trailer.’ I was like, ‘Okay, why?’ He was translating, like, an esoteric Russian novel into English, just because that’s what he wanted to do. Eight, nine years later I talked to him and he was still translating it.”

“And he was still reading a book on physics that this French philosopher had written,” Pine added. “And he was still trying to get all of us together … We’d be in Vancouver and he’d want to see some German neo-expressionist film that none of us [knew about] … he would talk about as if everyone has or should have seen it.”

“I always looked forward to every day that he was on set and we would huddle up, and he’d have a hundred ideas, even if he was just in the background,” said the film’s director Justin Lin.

“It still doesn’t feel real,” said costar Simon Pegg, who plays Scotty in the film and remembers Yelchin as “an incredible soul.”

“I spent a lot of time with Anton in Vancouver, this last year,” Pegg recalled. “He used to call me up, in the middle of the night sometimes, just to talk. He was an incredibly intelligent man. He would talk about films, so fluently and so maturely that he’d make us all look like dummies. I used to have to engage my university brain, just to sit down and talk to him about movies because he was exhaustively encyclopedic.”


-Kahramanlar her yıl yüzlerce insanı hasar sonucu öldürüyor.+Olamaz.Yoksa haberlere çıkardı.İnsanlar

-Kahramanlar her yıl yüzlerce insanı hasar sonucu öldürüyor.

+Olamaz.Yoksa haberlere çıkardı.İnsanlar ayaklanırdı.

-Arasıra adları geçebiliyor.Robin’deki gibi ama örtbas edilen bir sürü olay var.

+ Neden ?

- Bariz değil mi? Film biletleri, ticari mallar, tema parkları ,video oyunları, kurumsal lobiciler ve politikacıların iki taraflı destekledikleri multi milyarlık küresel bir sektör. Duymamanın asıl sebebi, halkın öğrenmek istememesi. İnsanlar, kahramanların verdikleri rahatlık hissini seviyor. Altından bir y*vşak gökten inip günü kurtaracak ki sen yapmak zorunda kalmayasın. Yaptıklarının yarısını bilseler!! Şeytani şeyler…O noktada devreye ben giriyorum.

+Ne yapmak için?

-Yaramazlık yaptıklarında k*çlarına şaplak atmak için.

+Bir kahramana nasıl şaplak atarsın?

-Gel evlat..



+Sanırım böyle iyi. Ben iyiyim. Süper garip sohbet için teşekkürler ama seninle başka bir yere gitmek istemiyorum. Gidip işime döneyim. Teşekkürler.

-Hugie..Hugie. Bu tek şansın. Gidersen dönmem. Sevgilini alanlara cezalarını verme şansı sunuyorum. Kaybedeceğin başka ne var ki?

The Boys

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a drawing of karl urban as leonard mccoy in the 2009 star trek filmALT

we’re not gonna get him back for aos4 are we guys
