#kat speaks


Hey everyone, it’s Kat! (formally clownsxclowns)!!!

I’m finally back after a long impromptu hiatus! First of all I’d like to address my absence – I’m sure 2020 was a hard year for everyone, especially with the pandemic, and I’m sure everyone experienced a sharp decline in their mental health. I know I did, too. 

 I want to let you all know that you’re not alone. 

I was lucky enough to get help because I spoke up to my friends and family, and other individuals who understood and cared about me. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder – a highly stigmatised disorder as well as a few others, and I’ve been learning what exactly that means and how I can heal. For what I can say 2020 was one of the worst years of my life, though it also brought a lot of clarity and development. I know what I need in life, the people who are willing to stay around me and support me through thick and thin. While I still have a long way to go, I know I’ll be okay. 

Thank you to everyone who reached out and wondered where I was, thank you for all the sweet messages and the requests. You all mean the world to me and I plan on finishing the requests that I’m comfortable with. I hope you’re all ready to continue this journey with me! 

 Just quickly – if it wasn’t as distinct before, I’m extending into a multi-fandom blog and over the next few days I’ll be doing some admin work on the blog, of which my name will change. If you recommend any shows or movies that I could write for / hyperfixate on that would be amazing!! I want to interact with you guys a lot more – all 1036 of you (an incredible number I never thought I’d reach)! 

 Thank you all! I hope you’re all well, happy and healthy in these trying times.

if i see another fucking “PSA” that claims that “asperger’s is no longer used” with zero caveats i will go feral. “doctors no longer diagnose people with it” and “some people who were previously diagnosed with it still use the label as a self-descriptor in addition to ‘autistic’” is not that hard to add to your infographics

Living in Texas this time of year is the worst ur honor I am MELTED

Oh my god I had something drawn for today but I forgot to make it a scheduled post and now I’m already on the road and won’t be able to post it

I’m fuckin. Dying Sledge.

V tired ans burnt out so I don’t think I’ll draw much today or tomorrow. I need more naps


I’m always a slut for lying in bed for hours on end doing nothing productive.

ABHWYL: Always Be Harvesting for the Witches in Your Life
