#actually autistic




Hi just letting y’all know that Sia, the artist, is making what is essentially a big “F you” to autistic people. She is collaborating with Autism Speaks which is an organization that believes autism is something to be cured and treats autistic people like burdens. It is another run of the mill inspiration p**n movie for non autistic people and able bodied people to feel like they have compassion and understanding for us. For any of you who are not autistic and are able bodied, please do not support this film as it perpetuates bad stereotypes about autism and disabled individuals.

The fact that she used a neurotypical actress to represent a neurodivergent character definitely isn’t great, but on its own it really isn’t the end of the world.

But her rude responses to people being upset? Her shitty treatment to her autistic fans? Her shitty treatment to Maddie, the actress who was uncomfortable with her role? Her partnering with fucking Autism Speaks? Absolutely disgusting. Straight ableism.

Try harder.

I queued this a little while ago so I feel that I should add that Autism Speaks themselves put out a disclaimer saying they had no part in what Sia did and disagree with her actions.

The god awful ableist hate group is doing better than her. That’s low.


Hi just letting y’all know that Sia, the artist, is making what is essentially a big “F you” to autistic people. She is collaborating with Autism Speaks which is an organization that believes autism is something to be cured and treats autistic people like burdens. It is another run of the mill inspiration p**n movie for non autistic people and able bodied people to feel like they have compassion and understanding for us. For any of you who are not autistic and are able bodied, please do not support this film as it perpetuates bad stereotypes about autism and disabled individuals.

The fact that she used a neurotypical actress to represent a neurodivergent character definitely isn’t great, but on its own it really isn’t the end of the world.

But her rude responses to people being upset? Her shitty treatment to her autistic fans? Her shitty treatment to Maddie, the actress who was uncomfortable with her role? Her partnering with fucking Autism Speaks? Absolutely disgusting. Straight ableism.

Try harder.

Some people apparently think that special interests are only experienced by autistic people. Not the case, anyone can experience them but being autistic can correlate with having special interests more intensely or more often. Special interests or circumscribed interests are not exclusive to autistic people but autistics generally tend to display an affinity towards having these interests essentially.

I think people also forget that even with autistic traits, non autistics can have them. Like sensory issues, socialising differences, etc. Can exist in non autistics to the same extent. They may just not consider themself autistic, may only have one type of autistic trait but not be autistic, may have a different neurodivergence that overlaps with autistic traits, or literally any other good faith reason.

And acting like its only autistic people who experience these things, or acting like all autistics experience every single one of these things, does not help in neurodivergent liberation or inclusivity.


With more children getting diagnosed as autistic there’s more and more parents realizing that they’re also autistic. It’s a beautiful thing.

POCs and women are statistically less likely to be diagnosed as autistic. This not only means that they have a harder time getting a diagnosis, but they’re also less likely to be believed by the general public.

This is so harmful, and needs to stop!

Masking isn’t a manipulation tactic, it’s a shield, and one that I hope I can put down for good some day.

April is Autism Acceptance month! You want to be accepting? You want to be supportive? Be accommodating.

People will say they accept autism, and then berate us for being autistic. Don’t tell us you accept us when you regularly punish us for being ourselves.

When I get insulted by people whose opinions don’t matter to me I can shrug it off pretty easily.

When a loved one gets insulted by ANYONE I’m ready to throw down, Canadian style!

And this is one reason why I still wear a mask when I go out. I never know when a random coughing fit may happen simply because I suck at swallowing my own spit.

I verbally stim when I’m really happy. People used to bully me for it so I learned to be ashamed of it. Now, years later, my partner has helped me unlearn that shame, and embrace my verbal stims.

I hate going to the dentist so much! I had a gap between two of my molars that made it so I couldn’t chew on the right side of my mouth for 2 ½ years before finally getting it fixed. That’s how much I avoid the dentist.

No hate towards dentists though. You do important work, and I respect that.

More people getting diagnosed, especially when they’re still children, is a good thing! This isn’t an epidemic. This isn’t over-diagnosing. This is more and more autistic people being properly diagnosed.

Functioning labels are a common way autistic people are denied support.

High functioning? You’re fine without support. Low functioning? You’re not high functioning enough to determine whether you need support or not.

I’ve been accused of being in a hate group, as well as a cult, all because of my advocacy.

No more powering through. We take breaks and ask for accommodations like men.

right so im autistic and i have some pretty severe allergies (i carry an epipen everywhere i go) and the thing that really scares me about those two things existing in me at once is that i don’t know when it’s appropriate for me to use my epipen. like ive read the descriptions of anaphylaxis i know what to look for in general, but when i actually might have ingested an allergen i have no idea at what point im supposed to go to a hospital?? and that could mean that my allergies aren’t that bad (contrary to what doctors have told me) or that could mean im dosing myself up on benadryl when i actually need to use my epipens. it’s terrifying not being able to tell where the line is and not understanding every explanation i can find.


neurotypicals: why are you so weird? you’re really weird

me: I’m autistic

neurotypicals: but then why are you so normal? you’re really normal

anarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cranarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cranarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cranarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cranarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cranarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cranarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cranarchist-stims:Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.If anyone has any cr


Rough draft of a infographic set I am making for my club at Uni.
If anyone has any critiques please drop them in the replies.

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