#kate masur

On Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th AmendmeOn Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th AmendmeOn Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th Amendme

On Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th Amendment with a look at how it defines U.S. citizenship, its connection to America’s “Second Founding” (the passage of the Reconstruction amendments), and the interpretation of these topics at National Park Service sites.

This free public program features Rep. James Clyburn (SC) as the keynote speaker. Elizabeth Wydra will moderate a discussion with Michael Allen, National Park Service Southeast Region Community Planning Specialist; Turkiya L. Lowe, National Park Service Southeast Region Chief Historian; and Northwestern University Professor Kate Masur.

Reserve your seat now.

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