#public program

On Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th AmendmeOn Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th AmendmeOn Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th Amendme

On Thursday, September 29 at 7pm, celebrate the 150th anniversary of the passage of the 14th Amendment with a look at how it defines U.S. citizenship, its connection to America’s “Second Founding” (the passage of the Reconstruction amendments), and the interpretation of these topics at National Park Service sites.

This free public program features Rep. James Clyburn (SC) as the keynote speaker. Elizabeth Wydra will moderate a discussion with Michael Allen, National Park Service Southeast Region Community Planning Specialist; Turkiya L. Lowe, National Park Service Southeast Region Chief Historian; and Northwestern University Professor Kate Masur.

Reserve your seat now.

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Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Black Power movement, join us Wednesday, O

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Black Power movement, join us Wednesday, October 19 at 7pm for “Revolutionary Movements Then and Now: Black Power and Black Lives Matter,” a panel discussion moderated by journalist and author A’Lelia Bundles. The program will be livestreamed.

Panelists include Congressman Bobby Rush (D-IL), co-founder of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party; Ericka Brown-Abram, author of Black Panther Princess and the daughter of former chair of the Black Panther Party Elaine Brown; Alicia Garza, co-founder, Black Lives Matter; Jakobi Williams, associate professor of history at Indiana University- Bloomington and author of From the Bullet to the Ballot; and Princess Black, activist and historian. An open reception follows.

Reserve your seat now or sign up to be notified when the livestream begins.

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Join us Tuesday, October 4 at 7pm for a film screening of @equalmeansequalmovie, which looks at how

Join us Tuesday, October 4 at 7pm for a film screening of @equalmeansequalmovie, which looks at how women are treated in the United States today, and presents a compelling and persuasive argument for the urgency of ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment. The film argues that outdated and discriminatory attitudes inform and influence issues such as workplace harassment, domestic violence, foster care, healthcare, the judicial system, and the inadequacy of present laws that claim to protect women.

Following the film screening will be a discussion with Kamala Lopez, Director, Equal Means Equal, Eleanor Smeal, President and a Co-founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation; Bettina Hager, DC Director of the ERA Coalition and Fund for Women’s Equality; and Bridget Brown, Executive Director, National Association of Workforce Development Professionals.

Register now!

Presented by the @usnatarchives in partnership with the Alice Paul Institute.

Presented by the National Archives in conjunction with the exhibition, Amending America.

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