#katherine addison




utterly obsessed with the fact that Pel-Thenhior, Drama Queene, has a Hard Nosed Detective with a Gruff Voice who Dresses Only In Black, Fights Ghouls, and has a Mysterious Past walk into his life…but then it turns out Thara’s just a sweetheart who only knows feed stray cats, eat sticky bun, and Hate Yourself.

#thara you are a HARD NOSED NOIR PRIVATE EYE#but you do not know it

#you like trashy novels there MUST be some bad detective ones in there

That or there’s about to be a brand-new genre created…


the goblin emperor is about being kind - it’s about choosing kindness at every opportunity because you weren’t shown enough of it and now you have the power to, you’re going to be better- dobetter

the goblin emperor is about breaking cycles. it’s about recognising you’ve been caught in a near endless ouroboros of pain and neglect and power trips and recognising how easy it is for you to follow down that same path and how desperately you want to do better

the goblin emperor is realising that power is only worth a damn if you are willing to let it flow, let it circulate, if you release some of your breath so that others may breathe too. (why shouldn’t your sister study the stars?)

the goblin emperor is hearing that a river is too fast, too dangerous, too high - that your ideas are too ‘forward-thinking’, too naive, too dangerous - and knowing that may not always be the case

the goblin emperor is about finally enjoying a shared meal after years of torment with family members excited to get to know you, about a flower finally being allowed to flourish after years of drought and dark and a heavy boot’s stomp

the goblin emperor is is about building a bridge


Rereading Witness for the Dead, and it’s striking how much more modern the world feels when you get away from the milieu of the Court.

Up there it’s all ceremony and courtly intrigue and arranged marriages and fancy clothes, down here it’s shitty apartments, canned sardines, streetcars, and verismo opera.


“He did not entirely believe himself, but he knew he had best pretend he did.”

— Katherine Addison, The Goblin Emperor
