#the cemeteries of amalo

calaathmaza: tali-zorahs:absolutely obsessed with the dynamic of these two weirdos ID: a colored dig



absolutely obsessed with the dynamic of these two weirdos

ID: a colored digital drawing of iäna pel-thenhior and thara celehar from the witness for the dead. they are sat at a small booth having tea together. iäna has pointed ears, gray skin, and dark locs that fall past his shoulders. he wears tashin sticks, gold jewelry, and a gold-trimmed dark blue suit. he is talking and gesturing, looking slightly flustered. thara has pointed ears, pale skin, and white hair in a braid over his shoulder. he wears a black coat over a suit with dark jade accents, hair pins, and drop earrings. his face and ears are flushed pink, and he looks very flustered. end ID.

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Rereading Witness for the Dead, and it’s striking how much more modern the world feels when you get away from the milieu of the Court.

Up there it’s all ceremony and courtly intrigue and arranged marriages and fancy clothes, down here it’s shitty apartments, canned sardines, streetcars, and verismo opera.
